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[rp] Legends 2 [10/10] Closed.... For Now

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Sep 30, 2016.

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  1. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    OOC: Oh yeah! That guy XD
    Thanks :D
  2. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    I'm going to wait until they're close enough the hit them with a quick leap forward, jump forward, stab one of their horses to negate the rider's leverage, and jump back a bit, and be slightly further back than before.
  3. The_Wynner

    The_Wynner ✯ Neko & Banter Master ✯ (◕‿◕✿)

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    Welcome back! GMing a roleplay isn't as easy as it seems XD Anyways, back to fighting.
    I quickly despawn my 2 wyverns and summon 3 other dragons:

    xNDy.png Black dragons are warriors. They are strong and capable in battles of force, but also ample magic users, capable of devastating opponents with their spells. Their bright eyes give them excellent night vision, which is why they generally hunt during the night
    viwV.png Dark green dragons, once they mature, appear to become an entirely different species. However, this isn’t true. Rather, they burrow underground and get nutrients from their vines. These vines are sometimes referred to as Dragon Grass. These dragons are very violent, and will use their vines to capture, kill, and eat anything that moves, as well as nearby plants. Luckily, their range is limited and they cannot use magic. Dark green dragons tend to be easy to spot since they usually kill all plants around them and thus are usually surrounded by a large clearing.

    KZLB.png Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Chronos are often considered to be the most elusive of all Xenowyrm subspecies: they live in the darkest and densest forests, far from civilization. They are masters of time magic, allowing them to manipulate the flow of time at will. It is said that Chrono lairs are protected by a field of magic that makes the minutes tick by at a slow pace for any unwanted visitors.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  4. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    OOC: How many monsters do I have? Where are the weak points in the barrier? Do I have archers? If I do, can their arrows pierce Drandels Dragons skin? (this is how I'll decide how to attack)
  5. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Guys, this is a BATTLE. Please reply me your actions.

    Ronan, Bailwolf and Luke
    @sonickid3003 @Bailwolf
    The snake woman hisses, then leap towards the three. Ronan release his Arrow Bomb, which hits the snake woman in the head. She screams and fall back. From the smoke, sharp thorns fly towards the trio. Bailwolf growls and swipe them from the air. Luke shouts a word of command, and a glowing blue shield appear in front of them.
    "Go!" Luke shouts, and the three of them scramble up the ladder while the monster claw at the shield in frustration.
    As they get out of the chamber, a giant shadow cross the broken town. A deafening roar fills the air, so loud that it vibrates the ground. Looking up, they see a giant firedrake roaring. From its powerful jaws, molten fire shoot and engulf the town in fire.
    "Run!" Bailwolf shouts.

    Drandel, Thagila, Katherine and Pyrs
    @The_Wynner @Queen Toasty @Poiu429
    The world turns dark as the dark wizard, Pyrs, raise his arms. He shouts something, and the monsters engage on the elves. Katherine shouts, "I'll get the wizard! Help the elves!"
    Pyrs smile as Katherine approaches. Drandel and Thagila urge their dragons to engage on the oncoming monsters. Looking closely, Scopio seems to have accompanied Pyrs. Drandel goes to fight the Scorpion man, while Thagila flies toward a huge giant made out of rocks. The three dragons attack at the monsters, but they are heavily outnumbered.
    Katherine jumps, unfurl her wings, and swing at Pyrs with blades.
    You have about 25 strong monsters, all equal to about 10 elf warriors (20 human warriors). No, you do not have archers, but some monsters are capable of shooting projectiles. I'm not sure the projectiles pierce the dragons' skins, but they sure will hurt them.

    Vocthar, Mortem and Ajnin
    @IMGAMG @Vansil @Florfy5
    Ajnin attacks (
    ). The horse screams, stand up with their back legs and then, fall to the ground. The rider jumps off and roll. He then stands up, his glowing red eyes visible from the darkness that covers his face by his hood. The rider hisses, and the others follow. Vocthar shouts and release an arrow at Dullahan.
    Dullahan laughs and catch the arrow from the air. Mortem raise his arms and Socius, and several other skeletons rise. Mortem also uses bones to attack the riders.
    All the bones pass through the ghostly riders. Dullahan jumps off his horse and draw his sword, which is extremely long and glows in the moonlight.
    He swings the sword, and cuts through the undead warriors, including Socius. The bones turn dark, then fade away, into the shadows.
    "No!" Mortem shouts. Dullahan reach down toward Mortem and grab him by the neck. Smoke rise from the touch; Mortem screams.

    Shade and the brown-winged angel fights, during which time Shade slowly overcomes his opponent. He uses his telepathy to destroy the angel's mind; he falls towards the ground.
    Sighing, Shade looks up.
    Where do you go now?
    Darkness. Pain. Confusion.

    With a sudden jolt of my head, I wake up. I squint from the sudden brightness.
    I am still chained to the huge rock. Every part of my body hurts; I have numerous bleeding wounds.
    A large, bulky figure is walking towards me, followed by several of my jailers. As I look at the figure, I realise he is a demon; and he resembles Ragnok in every way, except for his taller height and a giant blue scar on his left eye.
    The demon stops in front of me. He growls, then speak in a raspy voice: "So, you are the one who has killed Ragnok."
    When I stay silent, the demon chuckles. "Yes, Ragnok was ruthless and careless, invading the human world on his own. Nevertheless, he was my brother."
    "You're Ragnok's brother?" I ask, not being able to help myself.
    "Yes, I am Gramoul, One of the Six Lords, Servant of the Eye. I would've destroyed you myself, but that task is not mine. It belongs to my master."
    With that, Gramoul nods, and my jailers untie my shackles. I have no strength to fight back, and they tie me to a seperate board of metal. Gramoul walks, with my jailers following.
    The monsters walk for several minutes, where they come in view of a giant swirling portal, which consists of red, black and purple liquid.
    Even as I looked at the portal, many monsters and demons pour out. Heat sting my face.
    A bridge is connected towards the portal, where many monsters and demons hurry to make way for Gramoul. They bow to the demon lord.
    "Where does the portal lead to, demon?" I ask. I then gag as my jailer punch me hard in my stomach. I taste blood in my mouth.
    "Where do you think, human?" The demon asks, and he is smiling.
    I know where. "Dern." I say.
  6. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    I use the distraction to flank Dullahan and strike his side, then rush some distance behind them.
  7. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    I tell any warriors with a projectile weapon to shoot at the dragons. If stories have told me anything, there should be a weak spot on its belly (but just shoot anywhere, I tell them).
    I'm just going to say I'm coming from the west (from Llevigar). What's the deal with the huge stone guy? Are all of my strong monsters like that?
    I direct two monsters with projectile weapons to shoot at Katherine's wings at first chance. I put up magical wards (do they protect me from physical objects?) and fire off a fireball at Katherine. If it doesn't hit her, then it might spin off into the trees and set them on fire.
  8. The_Wynner

    The_Wynner ✯ Neko & Banter Master ✯ (◕‿◕✿)

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    Well one of my dragons is underground so.... Anyways, for the 2 above ground, I tell my Chronos Xenowyrm to try and counter the projectiles (both firing at the dragons and the fireball aimed towards Katherine) by using time magic to alter the speed and time of the enemies around. Then I send my Black Dragon to try and take out the ranged enemies firing at the dragons.

    Also, I let my Drak Green dragon do whatever to the enemy, being it will attack anything that moves within range (based on what I tell it to attack). I tell my Dark Green dragon to focus its attacks at any nearby enemies.
  9. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @The_Wynner @Queen Toasty @Vansil @Florfy5 @IMGAMG @sonickid3003 @Bailwolf @Poiu429 @WhettoWen

    Sorry guys,
    I have been busy these couple of days, and I didn't have the time to actually write up anything. I will start doing so right away.
    Also, I realised that continuing what I am doing right now (me writing up paragraphs and you replying short messages, that is), it is hardly exciting for you all, is it?
    If you have any suggestions as to what I should do to make this RP as fun as possible, please reply to me! After all, we have Legends III coming up, and we're barely halfway through Legends II.
  10. sonickid3003

    sonickid3003 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I honestly don't know how you could improve it.. also I didnt get an alert for being tagged? Just for you posting.. Weird..
  11. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Yeah... that happens. Just watch the thread
  12. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @IMGAMG @Vansil
    Dullahan hiss in annoyance and pain as Ajnin leap and stab Dullahan on his side. Mortem uses that distraction to get free of Dullahan's grip.
    There is too much of them, though. The riders advance on the trio, and in no time, they tie them up and to their saddles. The three of them struggle as hard as they can; but with no avail.
    The riders ride toward the huge castle on the North. As they enter, the trio start to hear hundreds of screams, screams that make them want to claw their ears out. Dullahan laughs out loud, and the scream intensifies. Something knock on the trio's heads, hard, and they all black out.
    When they open their eyes, they realise that they are in a huge cell, with thick, black bars covering the only windows and doorways. Bloodstains cover the area.
    What do you do?

    @Queen Toasty

    The Chronos Xenowyrm utters a loud roar, and the time of projectiles fired in the air slows, including the fireball. The Black Dragon swoops down and start attacking the long-ranged monsters. (Pyrs, the stone golem is as strong as Scopio, and your army of 25 monsters have about 10 of monsters of those strengths. The other 15 are rather minor to the strong ten, but they are still powerful to fight several elf warriors at a time.) Two of the long ranged are eliminated.

    Pys's army: Strong 10: 10/10 (3 of them are in air)
    Minor (Non-long-ranged): 6/8
    Minor (Long-Ranged): 5/7

    Elves: 87/105

    As soon as the time slows, Pyrs raise his arms and the magic sustained by the Xenowyrm dragon cracks and fade away. The projectile hurt the Xenowyrm a great deal. (65/100) It miss the Black Dragon, but some of the projectiles hit Katherine.
    The angel screams and fall to the ground. Two spikes are embedded in her wings. Pyrs smile and advance.
    The Dark Green dragon fights, but is nearly overwhelmed by the surrounding monsters.
    Drandel and Thagila is still engaged in battle with their opponents.

    @sonickid3003 @Bailwolf
    Please reply to my previous post; I cannot go any farther than that.

    Same goes to you.
  13. sonickid3003

    sonickid3003 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I have watched it..
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    My fifth day in Dern.

    The province, or rather the realm, is huge. Numerous grand cities exist on the land. The land is dark, covered by eternal night. Gramoul and company takes me through different cities; Zemboth, a city occupied by what they call endermen. Draganom, a city similar to Zemboth, but occupied by monsters and with better defence. Hemithward, the central demon city. Numerous other cities are passed, but the demons take me to the biggest: Gelfirm-Darzgar. As Gramoul told me, the other 'Demon Lords' are there, and also, the Eye.
    If these cities were light and were in Wynn, Gavel or Fruma, they would've been the biggest and strongest.

    I feel the corruption threatening to overcome me. I fight it every day, every hour, every second. I won't give in; The Dern folk won't have what they want from me.
  15. sonickid3003

    sonickid3003 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I look back for a second, then RUN LIKE HELL OUTTA THERE (toward the swamp)
  16. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Is there anything that could be of use? Also isn't one of their horses dead?
  17. The_Wynner

    The_Wynner ✯ Neko & Banter Master ✯ (◕‿◕✿)

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    I decide to even out the battle field. After the incident that happened in Wynn, I've been training my summoning skills. For the first time in a while, I draw my Suminis Draxendus to hone my magic. I summon 2 more dragons:
    rtuh.png Hellfire Wyverns are so named for their foul tempers and fiery visages. Their social structure places all females above all males, due to superior physical characteristics and violent dispositions. Forced subservience of the males causes them to become vicious, petty, antisocial, and passive-aggressive compared to the aggressive and social females. However, orphaned hatchlings raised by foster parents of another species can develop surprisingly even tempers and mellow dispositions, proving that their defining unpleasant nature is, in fact, a learned behavior.
    4pw5.png Brimstone Dragons live in dry arid areas such as deserts where they feed mainly on sheep, goats and the occasional camel. Their favorite habitat is ideally situated close to the wastelands around active volcanoes. This is due to an important part of their diet—sulfur, which they obtain from deposits near volcanic gas vents. Instead of fire, these dragons use the sulfur they ingest to create a noxious gas which they store in their large throat pouches. When in danger, this gas is released in a large cloud. They also eat other mineral rich substances—including charcoal—and will drink the mineral rich (but slightly acidic) water commonly found in deserts and volcanic regions.

    My brimstone dragon and hellfire wyvern do a duel attack of poisonous gas and embers of hell, making a combination of poison fire. Then the chronos xenowyrm then raises the speed of the poison/fire with time magic.

    My black dragon is sent to help Katherine and my dark green dragon is to attack anything that gets too close to the town.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  18. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Where do you get all these dragons from? XD
  19. sonickid3003

    sonickid3003 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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  20. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    She hacks them in.
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