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What Is The Story Behind Your Skin?

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by Glitch496, Sep 30, 2016.

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  1. Glitch496

    Glitch496 Game Master HERO GM

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    Skins. Some of us made it ourselves, and some of us didn't. If you did, there must have been something behind the design... right?

    So, my skin. Take your seats and sip your teas because this is going to be a long one.
    Back in 2012, when I bought Minecraft, I really had no story. I was just trying to go for a generic teen skin (and oh god I hate those now) without any detail whatsoever (it had no shading, so it looked like trash). The skin consisted of an emo (similar to what I have now), a dark blue shirt, bright blue pants, and a bright green letter 'T' on the back. I also had a red amulet on, which I will get into more detail at the end and explain why it's there, and a red eye (wearing the amulet causes me to gain it's powers, thus I have red eyes. If I were to say, take it off, my eyes would revert back to the normal color, brown). I kept that skin until 2013 or so, then I changed it up.
    [​IMG] As you can see, it looked pretty shit.

    Now, at the time, I was a big AntVenom fan. So, I decided to go all out fanboy and base my skin off of him (and no, my amulet is NOT based off of him, or anyone with a similar kind of amulet, for those asking). This was just a very unoriginal move per se, and therefore I changed it after 1 month.
    [​IMG] Yes, it's in the form of a skin file, sorry for that. You can probably change your skin and use it for yourself to see what it looks like.

    I changed my original monstrosity of a skin (not the AntVenom one) into less of a monstrosity, by shortening the emo and giving it very little shade. I also added a bandanna and a mouth to represent my personality (or rather, just the mouth, not the bandanna. The bandanna has a different story), and a belt. There were some minor changes here and there, one of them making my emo slightly longer to cover my right eye, which I never even had due to it being cut off (DISCLAIMER, NOT IN REAL LIFE). There is a rather interesting story of how I lost it, but I won't get into it on this thread.
    [​IMG] It's looking similar to today's, but not quite... Also, kudos to those people who remember this profile picture when I used it here on Wynncraft.

    But I still wasn't satisfied. I went for one final major change to my skin, adding an orange-red robe (representing the Nether), removing the belt, making the shirt darker, and removing the letter 'T' from my back. I also added a knot on the back of the bandanna to make it look like it wasn't just a rubber band on my head. Not to mention the brilliant shading! This will probably be the last change to my skin, as I'm already too satisfied with what it looks like now.
    [​IMG] The skin color itself could use a little shading, but I'd rather not do that.

    And yeah, I do have seasonal skins. One for Christmas, and one for Hallowynn. The Christmas one just makes me look like Santa and the Hallowynn one turns me into a zombie (you can check it out if you go to my stat page, or some skin viewer).

    You may be wondering about that amulet and bandanna, though... no worries, I'll get into it next! So, the amulet... how can I say this... well, as a kid, I made my own Minecraft story (fanfic much?) with my character being the star and all that. The amulet was a gift from my father in the story, and represented the fire element. He said, however, that there are 5 other amulets out there in the world... the water, earth, air, void, and ender amulets. Combining them all in an ancient forge is said to reveal true power... power that is said to be wo-- oh, look at the time! Almost time to close! Alright, now for the bandanna. The bandanna was a gift from my fellow friend KingMiner, who I met in the mystical dimension of Hexxit.

    So yeah, that was the long backstory of my skin. What's yours? I would really (yes, really) like to hear it. Sometimes it's just such an interesting read.
    Zitrine and Creecreeprs like this.
  2. Luigi McDingle

    Luigi McDingle Giver of Cookies VIP

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    I was a Steve. I wanted a new skin. I looked online. I found a creeper in a suit. Eventually, I realized that skin is really overused. So I added a cyborg part to it. The end.
  3. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    Oh shit.
    So first I had the shitty old steve skin that no one gives a shit about. Then I switched to an Endersteve, which at the time (I was 9, okay?) I thought was cool. A short while after I joined the forums I made my first skin- Modifying the Mage Zombie to be an endersteve with one eye. Hence, The One-eyed Guy.
    I've kept this skin for quite a while. The one in the image was the old one, I've made it much better now but this is the only one I could quickly find. At this time I was so bad at texturing human skin that I looked like I had burn scars.

    Along rolled the winter, and I made a new skin.
    And I liked it.
    This is now my usual Winter skin.

    I currently use a version of my Default skin outfitted to be a sort of 'commando' kind of thing. Currently alternating between two versions.
    They're pretty cool in my opinion and I'd love to show them but the files are really fucked up right now and I don't want to risk crashing my computer; My virus scanner warns me not to open or interact with the files in any way.
    Including pressing the copy button.
    TempleOfLegends likes this.
  4. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    So I was being payed to be in an ingame RP (I will do anything for chocolate) and well... I had to be a drunk teacher, and it really just stuck.
  5. Eric Yang

    Eric Yang RIP Mincreafterkid12|THE LEGEND NEVER DIES

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    Ass 'friend' named grant changed my skin once. Never changed again.
  6. Creecreeprs

    Creecreeprs Call me cree HERO

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    When I started Minecraft, I was using a captain america skin.
    Then I type minecraft skin creeper on google and I found the skin on my profile pic. I guess @yotamdin did the same thin :p
    I'm using rn the same skin but a bit upgraded by @Xykeal :
  7. yotamdin

    yotamdin Is actually a cute anime girl in real life VIP

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    Actually, when I made my account I searched for skins, and found that creeper skin. And never changed it :P
    Creecreeprs likes this.
  8. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    In a nutshell...

    I got a new game, like the attire for one of the characters, brightened the color scheme a little, then edited the head of my former skin on.

    The golden hair and dark blue eyes are due to me having blonde hair and blue eyes irl, but I found using bright hair/eyes to hurt MY eyes, so I darkened it since I prefer Royal Blue and Gold over Sea Blue and Yellow.
  9. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    the story is that my old skin was boring so I went on NovaSkin and got a new one

  10. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year Please bring the shoutbox back VIP+

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    i was bored then i found a site called namemc then i changed my skin
  11. Baze-Blob

    Baze-Blob Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I wanted a new one found cat was nice now it is now
  12. DirtyDoge

    DirtyDoge Master Procastinator HERO

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    Strap in for a long story...
    First, I was a steve for like a week, and then I changed it to a knight (Jesus, the nostalgia is hitting.)
    Not long after, I made my own crappy skin. I don't think I actually have the file anymore (if I find it, I will post it for sure,) but a basic description is color vomit, but mostly symmetrical, this one had seasonal variants. Then, I upgraded that to a crappier, more colorful version.
    After a while, I settled with a human teenager skin, which I custom made, occassionally receiving upgrades and changes (including a derp version,) this was the skin I had the longest by far, and I love it.
    Very recently, about a month ago, I changed my skin to Rockruff, a 7th gen Pokémon, because I love dogs, and 7th gen is hype. This is my second non-selfmade skin.
    Finally, just today, I switched it to Rockruff's Pokémon Moon exclusive evolution, Lycanrock midnight form cuz Halloween.

    If you want to have a visual of my skin history and are prepared to handle cringe, just click on videos throughout my youtube channel history (link in sig.)
  13. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    First, I used the Steve skin. Then, I used a bunch of downloaded skins. Then, I made a really ugly ripoff of Steve with lots of colors. Finally, I realized I was bad at drawing, and became what I am today. Then, I changed my username to match.
  14. Toasted Asian

    Toasted Asian Toasty VIP+

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    Heres what happened:
    I became obsessed with the invisible mans appearance, the mask he always wore, his hat, scarf, and coat. I went ahead to look all over the internet for a good invisible man skin, there was none. So I went to a few tutorials on the internet (including YouTube) on how to make a skin. So my invisible man skin has been my first custom skin I ever liked
  15. H07oh

    H07oh Okay But Consider The Following: VIP+

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    Back when I first got the game, I found a skin on Planet Minecraft, of a custom Steve skin. (I think its still there: EPIC!! Hoodie Steve. Cringy af) Then a year later I added a Santa hat for the holiday season, but I never took it off.
  16. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    oh boi. Before I started using my own drawn skins I just used to change skin every week finding new cool ones 'n' stuff.

    My first skin ever drawn for me was drawn by a person named VillagerNose or something alike, I don't remember his name. It was drawn back in early 2014, and it looked like this:

    upload_2016-10-4_18-17-17.png /SPOILER]

    Yeah not that good at all, but I liked it back then. This skin got many revamps such as:

    upload_2016-10-4_18-18-13.png upload_2016-10-4_18-18-29.png /SPOILER]

    I made them on my own, the first one with the shader was easy. I just put a shading skin on it and bam. The second one was just a "cleaner" version.

    Later, a friend made me a yoshi skin, which I will not put the photo of here, tell ya more later. And then we have this precious skin that a friend made for me. It was basically my Christmas skin but I got stuck to it and continued to use it throughout roughly 6-9 months. I love the shirt.

    upload_2016-10-4_18-21-55.png [/SPOILER

    Eventually I felt that I needed to make a skin completely on my own. So I started and I was happy with the results. Of course, it's not the greatest but I like it. It is missing some stuff because the outer layer has boots and a belt thing that covers the torso, kinda. (The belt thingy wasn't made by me so this skin isn't 100% selfmade)

    upload_2016-10-4_18-23-37.png /SPOILER]

    We'll see if I will update my skin or not.

    AAAAAND, my halloween skin!
    upload_2016-10-4_18-28-17.png It's the yoshi! /SPOILER]

    Edit: Okay so for some reason everything got stuck in one spoiler and I'm too lazy to fix it.
  17. Kemperc007

    Kemperc007 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Mine normal: I love huskys
    Right now: HAPPY HALLOWYNN
  18. Rojo3

    Rojo3 Skilled Adventurer

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    its Genji, cuz Genji is my main in OW
  19. Icicly

    Icicly bred

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    I just used a derpy cake :D
  20. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    That was how I wanted my post to turn out but I got too far into it
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