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Selling Legendaries Lvl. 3-88; Accessories; Morph Stuff

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by BMWcraft007, Sep 4, 2016.

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  1. BMWcraft007

    BMWcraft007 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Shinespark (1) lvl.47
    +10% Reflection
    -51% Earth Damage
    +6% Fire Damage
    +2/4s* Mana Regen
    +17%** Thorns ---------->2LE
    +51* Spell Damage
    +14%* Thunder Damage
    +22%* Exploding

    Shinespark (2) lvl 47
    +7% Reflection
    -51% Earth Damage
    +9% Fire Damage
    +1/4s Mana Regen
    +12% Thorns ---------->1LE
    +23 Spell Damage
    +8% Thunder Damage
    -1/4s Mana Steal
    +8% Exploding

    Sawdust lvl. 49
    +10% Air Damage

    +8% Thorns
    +49 Spell Damage ---------->2LE
    +8% Earth Damage
    +6% Walk Speed
    +9%* Exploding
    +11** Agility

    Ragni's Mail lvl. 50
    +9% Earth Damage
    -6% Spell Damage
    +11%** XP Bonus ----------> 2.5LE
    +84 Health
    +5% Melee Damage
    -52% Water Damage
    +13%** Fire Damage

    Darkiron Scrap (1) lvl. 3
    +2 Health Regen
    -3% Walk Speed ----------> 4EB
    +6* Defense

    Morph - Iron (1) lvl. 50

    +4 Dexterity
    +5 Defense
    +7* Agility ----------> 1LE
    +17%* Reflection
    +4 Strength
    +4 Intelligence

    Bridge of the Divide lvl.51
    +12%* Reflection
    +25%* XP Bonus
    +1/4s Mana Regen
    -11% Thunder Dafense
    +13% Water Defense ---------->2LE
    +23%* Thunder Damage
    +4%* Soul Point Regen
    -10% Water Damage
    +2/4s* Mana Steal

    Boots: Stalagmites lvl. 67
    +11%* XP Bonus
    +1/4s Mana Steal
    -12% Water Damage ----------> 5LE
    +3 Defense
    -10% Air Defense
    +17% Thunder Damage

    Chaleur lvl. 33 (Neutral Damage 30-45; Fire Damage 40-80; Slow Attack Speed)
    +3 Strength
    +4 Melee Damage
    +10 Spell Damage
    +14% Exploding
    -29% Health Regen ----------> 40EB
    -31% Water Defense
    -4 Intelligence
    +4 Defense
    -20% Water Damage
    +10% Fire Damage

    Fissure lvl. 48(Neutral Damage 80-140; Earth Damage 70-170; Very Slow Attack S.)

    +6%* Earth Damage
    -22% Spell Damage
    +9% Melee Damage
    +5% Exploding
    -12% Walk Speed ----------> 1LE
    +7% Fire Damage
    +6 Strength
    -9% Air Damage
    -15% Water Defense
    -15% Air Defense

    Scythe 1 lvl. 70 (Neutral Damage 80-115; Thunder Damage 40-140)

    +3 Dexterity
    +275/3s* Poison
    -11% Soul Point Regen
    +3 Strength
    +12% Melee Damage
    -48% Health Regen
    +1/4s Mana Steal ----------> 4LE
    -25% Water Defense
    -18% Earth Defense
    -12 Intelligence
    +45/4s Life Steal
    +7% Thunder Damage

    Scythe 2 lvl. 70 (Neutral Damage 80-115; Thunder Damage 40-140)

    +2 Dexterity
    +278/3s* Poison
    -13% Soul Point Regen
    +10* Strength
    +8% Melee Damage
    -43% Health Regen ----------> 4LE
    +1/4s Mana Steal
    -19% Water Defense
    -11% Earth Defense
    -10 Intelligence
    +36/4s Life Steal
    +5% Thunder Damage

    Tisauns Proof
    lvl. 88 (Neutral Damage 175-210; Fast Attack Speed)
    +11%* Reflection
    +7 Strength
    +16%* Spell Damage ----------> 8LE
    +10% Melee Damage
    +1 tier Attack Speed
    +11** Defense

    Ancient Wand lvl.11 (Neutral Damage 16-22)
    +1/4s Mana Regen
    +25%* Spell Damage ----------> 15EB

    Sage lvl.47 (Neutral Damage 54-76)

    +10% XP Bonus
    +6% Air Damage
    +3/4s Mana Regen ---------->2LE
    +12%* Loot Bonus

    (1) lvl.58 (Neutral Damage 50-80; Fire Damage 60-120; Slow Attack Speed)
    -12% Walk Speed

    -72% Water Damage
    +29%* Fire Damage
    -59% Water Defense ----------> 2.75LE
    +3 Defense
    -9% Spell Damage
    +39%* Exploding
    +9% Melee Damage

    Nemract's Rage (1) lvl. 30 (Neutral Damage 25-35; Water Damage 50-70)
    +4/4s Mana Regen
    +9% Spell Damage ----------> 1LE
    -11% Thunder Defense

    Clairvoyance lvl. 62 (Neutral Dmg. 70-100; Water Dmg. 60-110; Fast Atteck Speed)
    +23%* Reflection
    +5 Dexterity
    +6% Thunder Defense
    +10% Water Defense ---------->2.5LE
    +2% Soul Point Regen
    +19% Spell Damage
    +2/4s Mana Steal

    Maelstrom lvl. 70 (Water Dmg. 50-90;Air Dmg. 40-100;Thunder Dmg. 60-110;Fast)
    +7* Dexterity
    +11% Air Damage
    +13% Spell Damage
    -638 Health
    +8* Agility ----------> 6LE
    +19%* Melee Damage
    +9% Walk Speed
    +8* Intelligence
    +9% Water Damage
    +14% Thunder Damage

    Daggers: Influence lvl. 38 (Neutral Damage 81-99)
    +11% XP Bonus

    +35/3s Poison
    +20% Health Regen ----------> 40EB
    +17/4s Life Steal
    -14% Soul Point Regen
    +11% Melee Damage

    Scorpion lvl. 44 (Neutral Damage 90-120)

    +11% Thorns
    -5% Fire Defense
    +2/4s** Mana Steal
    +32/4s Life Steal
    +169/3s Poison ----------> 1LE
    -3% Air Defense
    -5% Earth Defense
    +4% Stealing
    -6% Thunder Defense
    +5% Loot Bonus

    -4% Water Defense

    Reaper of Soul lvl. 51 (Neutral Dmg. 90-170)
    +5% Soul Point Regen

    +6* Agility
    +2/4s Mana Steal ----------> 1.5LE
    +4% Stealing
    +181/4s* Life Steal

    Locrian lvl. 57 (Water Dmg. 41-54; Air Dmg. 20-30; Thunder Dmg. 15-50; Very Fast)

    -5 Defense
    +55/4s Life Steal
    +6* Dexterity
    -5 Strength ---------->5LE
    +69 Spell Damage
    -16% Earth Damage
    -10% Fire Defense
    +5 Intelligence
    +3/4s Mana Regen
    +4 Agility
    (enchanted with 2 T4 Water Powders)

    Chakram 1 lvl. 70 (Neutral Dmg.20-30; Air Dmg.25-30; Thunder Dmg.10-65;Very F.)
    +438/3s** Poison

    +5 Agility
    +1 tier Attack Speed
    +4% Stealing ----------> 6LE
    +23% Walk Speed
    +4% Thunder Damage
    +4% Thunder Defense

    Chakram 2 lvl. 70 (Neutral Dmg.20-30; Air Dmg.25-30; Thunder Dmg.10-65;Very F.)
    +130/3 Poison
    +8 Agility
    +1 tier Attack Speed
    +4% Stealing ----------> 7LE
    +27%** Walk Speed
    +8% Thunder Damage
    +12%* Thunder Defense

    Brass Knuckle lvl. 53
    -7% Air Dmg
    +3%* Stealing ---------->20EB
    +2 Strength
    +9%* Melee Dmg

    Jester Ring lvl. 69
    +1 Defense
    +13/4s Life Steal
    +9% XP Bonus
    +1 Dexterity ---------->20EB
    +2* Strength
    +25% Loot Bonus
    +1 Intelligence
    +1 Agility

    Bracelets: Morph - Amethyst lvl. 37
    +1 Defense
    +2 Dexterity
    +2 Strength ----------> 10EB
    +2 Intelligence
    +2 Agility

    Foam Bracer lvl.66
    Water Defense +30
    Air Defense +10
    Thunder Defense -45 ----------> 15EB
    +6% XP Bonus
    +5%* Water Damage
    +6% Spell Damage


    (You can also buy all for 70LE)
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2016
  2. coga

    coga Noob CHAMPION

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    I'll buy the Sawdust, 2le right? Msg me in-game.
  3. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    I buy the morph topaz
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