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Speculation My Thoughts On Yahya's House, And ???

Discussion in '??? Hunt' started by iMoe, Aug 31, 2016.

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  1. iMoe

    iMoe Well-Known Adventurer

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    So, recently what I've been thinking is that we're taking this in the wrong direction. Most of our attention has gone to Yahya's house and I think that's like not using the hints that we've been given. Please note that I'm not saying we should abandon Yahya's house, but I think we should try looking in some different areas.

    Reasons why ??? is unrelated to Yahya's house

    First off, the team that worked on ??? have said that it's unfair. It's not designed like a normal wynn quest. It's the ultimate easter egg. These are all things that different people have said. Currently, our biggest lead has been Yahya's house. However, what would be unfair about throwing a few items in a hopper and then going into some puzzle room? Personally, that sounds like an average Wynn quest. If ??? is the "ultimate easter egg", then it would be harder than this. Everyone is wrapped up thinking that this would be like a typical quest, or similar to the old ???. Throw items in a hopper, do a puzzle or two, click the NPC, finish the quest.

    The other point I'd like to make is that this is a community quest/event/challenge. If Yahya's house was related to ???, then I feel like it would be different. The method people have been using to get into Yahya's house i.e., Throwing some items into a hopper, which most people think is the way in, is something that you would do solo. This method lacks a sense of community, which is the whole point of this quest as far as I'm concerned. I believe that the hopper is nothing more than a setup for a future quest or a quest that wasn't finished in time for this update.

    How I believe ??? is started
    Here's what I think is needed for ???. To start, while we haven't received any direct hints, we have passively been given a few small hints, to point us in the right direction. We know that it's unfair, and we know that it's a community event. What I'm thinking from these is that ??? is a series of pressure plates or buttons hidden around the map. When all of them are active, either a gate opens or all the players get teleported. But I don't think this was enough for the devils behind ???. I think that these plates also trigger something else near you. For example, one of them might open a door right next to you, making you believe that that's all the pressure plate does, but it's actually triggering something else. Multiple pressure plates mean that you would need multiple people, making it a community event. Pressure plate doing something beside you, such as opening a door, when in reality It's triggering something hidden, is what makes this event unfair.

    That's all my thinkings!! Let me know what you think of this!
  2. Chocolaty_Bear

    Chocolaty_Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    I think Yahya's house hopper is just the first step. It could lead to bigger events. No one is saying it opens something and then boom quest is over.
  3. icebreaker

    icebreaker Retired YouTuber & Full Stack Web Developer Media HERO

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    Here is what I am thinking of :
    @Lotem and his group completed making the ??? Quest
    @Headset_O said : something is missing ...hmm
    Headset goes into yahya house and put a hopper underground and said : That should deter them for a while
    Witcher, NickMC96, The Fool and 6 others like this.
  4. Xyprus

    Xyprus Travelled Adventurer

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    Yeah its a easter egg hunt, you get a clue if we can figure out Yahyas house's hopper then possibly theirs a hint that leads us to the next clue.
  5. DirtyDoge

    DirtyDoge Master Procastinator HERO

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    I'm pretty sure it is the first step.
    1. Who says it has to be a 1 step quest like the last one? In fact, it isn't, as in the quest book it's difficulty is medium.
    2. What kind of scavenger hunt, besides previously unknown secrets (but we know that ??? exists,) starts off without a hint? In this case, the hint is the old ??? and the relation to Yahya bros.
    3. I don't think a hopper would be a red herring.
  6. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Your idea of the community event screw me a little, yes it's a community event, we need to help each other to find the solutions, but you say that we need to active multiple thing in same time, if it was so massive the future player will not have the possibility to do the quests becauses they will be alone and will never find so many players who will give their help... So this idea is not to follow I think...
    Chocolaty_Bear likes this.
  7. iMoe

    iMoe Well-Known Adventurer

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    From the small amount of info we have been given, it doesn't really match up to Yahya's house being related. It's simple, and not community-oriented. Yahya's house might be a different easter egg; I don't think it's related to ???.

    This whole event is designed to be unfair. If you're thinking they've got hints scattered like a little scavenger hunt, I disagree.

    I'm not saying it's a 1 step quest. What I'm thinking is once you get players on all the pressure plates or hit all the buttons, then all the players get teleported to a different area or something similar. The different area most likely has more steps. The solution to the old ??? is unrelated to the new ???, which isn't really a hint. The "hints" I mentioned weren't direct hints, but they gave us an idea of how the quest would be shaped. Honestly, I don't think they would make the hopper useless either, but I don't think it's really related to ???. I'm thinking it might be a seperate easter egg.

    I didn't mean like 30 pressure plates scattered across the map; I meant between 5-10 plates.
  8. TheLegendWeeb

    TheLegendWeeb Legendary Weeb VIP+

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    Guys,the wynncraft team is smart,too smart,but what if the easter egg was something that we have been looking at all the time(even before this update)?
  9. MinerDwarf222

    MinerDwarf222 I AM A DWARF. HERO

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    Uhm... It can be unfair. Like hiding the items across the world and not being able to know which items and what quantity. Also it does relate to the community by having to have people search multiple times across the world.
  10. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    Wait a minute... There's a pressure plate at Nohno's house. There could be others hidden around the map (like you said) and this is possible because command blocks.
  11. iMoe

    iMoe Well-Known Adventurer

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    Having "people" search multiple times across the world could be done solo. There's no community element to that. I see your point on Yahya's house,
    but then it becomes less unfair and more a game of luck.
  12. BrickBuilder03

    BrickBuilder03 A penguin that likes turtles. VIP

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    The comunity in this is that soloing would take way too long time to do.
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