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Pretty New Player Here, How Do I Manage My Money (emeralds)?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by PurpleCrobatchop, Aug 25, 2016.

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  1. PurpleCrobatchop

    PurpleCrobatchop Dr PCC

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    Apart from the neccesary things for quests,

    what are the best things to spend emeralds on?
    Earning emeralds?
    At different levels? (My highest now only lvl 38, wonder how it would be different later on)

  2. BlahBlah161616

    BlahBlah161616 Light Theme User

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    Bad Gear

    Do quests

    Nothing changes, when you run out of quests, grind and sell stuff.
  3. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Spend money on acquiring the gear for a good build; don't spend money buying vanity items until you're higher leveled.

    Do quests and kill mobs.

    It stays the same the whole time, you'll just get more money the more you play.
  4. Rexshell

    Rexshell Moderator Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    A couple other suggestions for how to manage your emeralds, is to not breed horses (well, you can if you want, just be prepared to lose whatever you decide to spend - it may work out or it may not), and if you get good gear, you can try selling it to other players who will give more money than the item buyers.
  5. NinjaPro8000

    NinjaPro8000 Famous Adventurer

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    I recommend you be careful with your money, though I never really have found a need to us emeralds except horse breeding
  6. PurpleCrobatchop

    PurpleCrobatchop Dr PCC

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    At what levels do players start to buy gear instead of just looting?
  7. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    1. Rarely spend emeralds. If you spend them, spend them on things like scrolls, identifying items, potions and in the new update, powders. If you feel like you really can't fight something because your equipment isn't great, you can use all your saved money on new, better gear using the trade market on the forums.
    2. Don't buy horses. While they are fast, they are expensive, and I find them laggy. Use scrolls instead, or even spend time to walk. You might even notice something while you walk.
    3. Do quests. But once you run out of quests, you might want to set up a shop using the trade market. However, it is hard to make a good shop, so if you have enough money from quests alone, you won't need any more from the trade market. If you do want to sell something, you will either need mythics or good item with the highest ids you can find.
    4. At level 38, you don't need to worry about the trade market at all. You will level so fast that buying any items for your level, if you can find any, won't be worth it. Instead, just get money from quests, spend it on scrolls and potions when you need to (and of course identifying items), but if you want to do things in the trade market, you will want to wait until you are at least level 70 and have some good items to sell.
  8. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    Also, don't re-ID your items until you're high level (lvl ~80). You can re-id legendary stuff like blue mask or bad wolf though, if you want to make profit.
  9. eeveelution

    eeveelution Wynn Veteran/OG VIP+

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    1. Gear at higher levels (I'd suggest 75+), but only if it's either a good deal for a sought after item with very good IDs (you'll know what they are after some time) so you can re-sell the item or if it's an item that really suites your build and is better what you have now.

    2. Horses. Just buy them from players, never breed them. A chestnut horse is enough for pretty much all travel, but if you want to be fancy and you have about a hundred LE to spare then you can buy one.

    3. Quests, especially for levels 70+. Pro tip: Keep the items "Caissop's Masterpiece" and that dagger from the quest "The Ultimate Weapon" and sell them to their respective merchants for 3 and 7 LE each (IIRC). You shouldn't worry about this too much before you get to Olux/Light Forest though.
    Also, ID every item you find (especially at higher levels) and sell any uniques you don't need to item buyers (except if there's a high demand for them), sell rares you don't need and with bad IDs to them too, but if they have high xp/loot bonus then you might want to do a bit of research on whether or not they are good, and if they are then sell them to players for a lot of LE. Legendaries I usually keep, in case anyone ever wants to buy one. If you find a mythic then 1. you are one lucky mofo, and 2. you should sell it if you don't think you'll use it. Make sure to do a lot of research on prices and IDs, I suggest wynnapps.tk for the latter. Mythics can go for anything from 24-30LE (120% spell damage pure) to 12+ stacks (90%-ish walk speed Saggitarius I guess, not sure on that one though) so make sure you don't get scammed. Anyway, you'll get a feel for the prices if you sit around detlas for long enough. Also, when the next update comes out you can re-id your stuff so that will affect the economy drastically. Make sure to do a fair bit of research on that too once it's out.

    4. Higher level quests give 2-8 LE most of the time, so do them right away. The only exceptions are Tower of Ascension and The Qira Hive as they are designed to be taken on as you level. Also, high level uniques can get you a few EB if you're lucky (from item buyers) so if you're grinding and running low on inv space, it can be more efficient to drop a stack of emeralds and replace it with a unique or better item.
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