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A Contest For Everyone!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by _Sxm, Aug 8, 2016.


Is this kind of contest a good idea?

  1. Yus

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  2. Nuh

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  1. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    AUGUST... Fools?..
  2. Tuaic

    Tuaic King of Slimes, although dirt poor.

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    Ragni Champion
    Min Lvl 75 (when all of Wynn is finished)
    Reward 5 le and (I don't know) xp, one Wynn medal and one dark weapon that applies to your class
    You start the quest at the king of ragni

    King: you have traveled far across wynn and gavel
    King: I think you are ready
    King: this is a quest for only the most elite warriors of Wynn
    King: I'm sure you know the Corruptor of Worlds (you should get something after temple of legends quest)
    King: he opened the nether portal unleashing corruption,
    King: I want you to purify areas across Wynn.
    King: do you have the strength?
    King: go to detlas and talk to the Detlas leader

    Detlas leader: you are sent from ragni to help us?
    Leader: there have been mobs appearing from the west, toward nesaak,
    Leader: go there and find out who is doing this.

    There is trail of corruption, you follow it, it leads to a cave with a lot of mobs Lvl 70 and a boss Lvl 80

    Corrupted warrior
    Health 150000
    Dmg 2000
    Special attack charge, charges at you
    Drop, dark spear

    Take the spear to guy

    Leader: you killed it? Great!
    Leader: take this, as proof you helped us.
    Received one medal of detlas

    Detlas leader: you should go to nemract and look around, news has been coming here that a warrior has gone missing

    Nemract leader: there has been a missing Mage from our group, find him please, he was our best Mage

    Follow the corruption to a cave near saints row, same Lvl everything except boss
    Boss Lvl 80
    Health 150000
    Dmg 2000
    Special, teleport, teleports through the player, blinding and slowing it
    Drop dark wand

    Nemract leader: oh no, he had chosen the wrong path, we will need to work harder to protect this town. Take this
    Received one nemract medal

    Nemract leader: go to nesaak, they have lost an archer, talk to the leader

    Nesaak leader: you have come to help us? Ok we lost an archer, one of our best, we need you to find him

    Follow the corruption to a ruin, there are undead archers on the tops of the pillars, do a little parkour to the boss, same Lvl and health boss

    Special: arrow storm, fire 20 arrows dealing 400 dmg each.
    Drops dark bow

    Leader: too bad he was gone, head over to almuj to help them
    Received one nesaak medal

    Almuj leader: we lost an assassin, find him please

    Follow the corruption to cave
    Same boss stats, same minion stats
    Special, vanish, disapears and reapers somewhere else
    Drops dark dagger

    Almuj leader: oh no, I knew he was sick but I never saw this coming.
    Received on almuj medal

    King of ragni: you have proven yourself as an champion warrior of Wynn. Take this medal and this reward.
    Received one Wynn medal, for use in gavel.
    Stats of Wynn medal

    Necklace, legendary
    +150 health
    + 10 every stat
    + 5% health regen
    +10% melee damage
    + 15% spell damage
    - 2/4 mana steal

    You are proud to wear this medal, with the power of 5 major towns in Wynn imbued into it, you feel power pour into you knowing you have protected Wynn.

    Received 1 dark weapon

    Min Lvl 75
    You feel the screams of Pain as this poor corrupted soul tried to escape the corruption, you should be strong to not get corrupted (reason you need strength 50) this warrior must've not been strong enough.
    Requirements strength 50, quest: Ragni champion
    Dmg 50
    Poison 1500/3
    Mana steal 8/4
    Life steal 14/4
    +5% stealing
    +8/4 mana regen
    Show to Cinfras leader to start gavel champion.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
  3. xINothing

    xINothing Im searching for a meme. CHAMPION

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    Bremminglar cave mystery
    lvl min: 22

    Pre Quest:
    Totapo: Dont talk to me you are not important enough!

    Talk to Totapo

    [1/4] Totapo: Oh,hello there you seem to be just right for this.
    [2/4] Totapo: Since yesterday I heard roaring from the Lion Lair
    [3/4]Totapo: Can you check it out?
    [4/4]Totapo: Im too scared to do it myself

    Enter the Lion Lair

    [1/1] Totapo: Please do it quick. I cant sleep.

    Entering the Cave)
    [1/1] ???: DO NOT ENTER

    (In the Cave there are some mobs spawning)

    Name: Lion Warrior
    Mob: Cat
    lvl: 19
    Health: 50
    Damage: 20
    AI: Melee

    (At the bottom of the Cave)
    [1/1] PLEASE STOP

    (There is a mob there)

    Name: Loud cat
    Mob: Cat
    lvl: 22
    Health: 1
    AI: Friendly

    Drop: Cat Tounge (Nether Wart)

    Return to Topato

    [1/] Totapo: You did it?
    [2/] Totapo: Wait... what?
    [3/] Totapo: It was just a friendly cat?
    [4/] Totapo: Why did you killed it?
    [5/] Totapo: You Monster...
    [6/] Totapo: At least the roaring is gone

    3500 Experience points
    150 Emeralds
    Cat Tongue (Rare Helmet)

    Name: Cat Tongue
    Item: Leather Helmet
    lvl min: 22
    Quest requirement: Bremminglar cave mystery
    100 Health
    +2% Melee Damage
    +2% Spell Damage
    +5% Walk Speed
  4. _Sxm

    _Sxm :L

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    Nice, nice!
    Um.. Nice!
  5. Tuaic

    Tuaic King of Slimes, although dirt poor.

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    Thank you, your contest inspired me to finish this storyline quest I've been meaning to do. =)

    Made some new updates on rewards in my quest :P
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
  6. _Sxm

    _Sxm :L

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    Ah. Great =) you should consider applying for GM
  7. Endertricity

    Endertricity Assorted Mini Quiche VIP

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  8. Jared2183

    Jared2183 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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  9. _Sxm

    _Sxm :L

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  10. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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    Oh wow, you actually made me dig up one of my first quests:

    Look at this ruin everywhere, this is the fifteenth so called town that we had to build only to watch it burn.
    Our boats have long since been burned to ashes, so we have no way to leave this island.
    We are forever stuck with these cursed volcanoes
    a few years ago, we were a perfectly happy tribe. until a few idiot explorers decided to explore our largest cave.
    In the process of exploring they accidentally awoken the fire demon Balrug
    ever since Balrug has been sending terrible eruptions of lava after us.
    we might have tried to kill the beast, but as I have mentioned, just about everything we have has been burned to nothing.
    perhaps you with your fine weapon and wearing fine armor, could slay the beast?
    ah good, I was hoping you would accept the challenge, but first you will need some protection.
    bring me [Ten fiery ashes].
    you will find that when you kill the local "burned spirits" they will drop these ashes
    here, I just wrote exactly where the "burned spirits" are. but be warned, those buggers can hit back.
    Ah, here they are, next I will need you to bring me 10 leather. you will most likely have to travel to Katoa Ranch.
    Oh wait! My bag is made of leather, I will just use that.
    Lawrence begins to tear his bag up like a mad man.
    Here it is, these pants will give a better chance then ever before.
    off you go now, follow the red carpet and it will lead you right to the volcano, but from there you are on your own.
    oh my, you really did it... I though I had sent you to your death.
    And what may that be? a flaming whip? you wouldn't mind if I kept it would you?
    YIPPEEEEE! And here take the emeralds, ALL OF THEM
    lawrence turns around and shouts;

    1: Speak to Lawrence at X???? Y???? Z????
    2: get 10 fiery ashes from burned spirits at X? Y? Z?
    3: return to Lawrence with the fiery ashes
    4: Kill Balrug and return with flaming whip

    NPC(S)- Lawrence- Rugged, and dressed in tatters.
    Balrug is a reference to the fire demon "Balrog" in LOTR
    Balrug is most likely gonna be a blaze
    I have many many many more quests to send you, I am going to continue sending them every few days.
    THANKS! Kaelan (King_Kaelan)

    2048 emeralds (32 Emerald blocks)
    95,000 experiene points
  11. Wildn

    Wildn Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Quest: Return to the Light Level 98 quest [I was very tired making this so sorry for a few mistakes xD]

    Paladin Chief- You...you are one of the great warriors of Wynn, its an honor.
    Paladin Chief- Yes, we know of your many victories against the corruption in Wynn, the whole Gavel province does!
    Paladin Chief- Where was I...Ah yes...the corruption from Wynn is starting to spread into Gavel!
    Paladin Chief- How? Let me show you how...
    The Paladin Chief removes a shard of a obsidian like rock from his pocket, you can feel the dark energy coming off of it.
    Paladin Chief- I found this coming out of the ground west from here, but this wasn't all, there were hundreds of them all around me, growing slowly from the ground...and in the center was a portal.
    Paladin Chief- Creatures from Wynn were stumbing out of the portal, the undead and the corrupted were just the start brave warrior...these creatures can think, they chose to be corrupted...
    Paladin Chief- I could close the portal using this shard, but I need another, when I was leaving the portal a corrupted attacked me, leaving the shard cracked, I couldn't go back for another...
    Paladin Chief- Go to the portal, bring me [1 Dark Shard] then return to me, I'll tell you what to do then.
    Paladin Chief- Good luck soldier!
    (Quest started, Return to the Light)

    Stage 1:
    Find the corruption portal and bring The Paladin back [1 Dark Shard]
    (You will find Dark Shards' around the portal, its like getting hourglass sand or purple crystals)
    (Dark Shard would be obsidian block or black stained glass)

    Paladin Chief- You got the shard? Great! (lose Dark Shard from your inventory)
    Paladin Chief- Okay, time to get started.
    The Paladin Chief starts to smash the shard with the hilt of his sword and gather crystals from within the shard, he then takes the crystals and starts the purify them, you stand for hours waiting until he finally looks up at you from his work.
    Paladin Chief- It is done...
    Paladin Chief- Take these crystals and set them inside the portal shrines, it should close the portal from within.
    (After this encounter you will have 10 pink stained glass called [purified crystal] and you need to throw one into each of 10 holes around the portal)

    Stage 2:
    Throw the [Purified Crytals] into the portals shrines.

    (When you finish throwing the crystals into the holes)
    As you place the last crytal into the shrine, the portal shimmers and unleashes a great blast of light, then goes silent...the portal still stands.
    ???- I see you have been sent by my own brother, he always feared the power of corruption, I, for one, embraced it.
    Another corrupted stumbles out of the portal, stronger than the rest, you decide he must be the one sending all of the corrupted into Gavel.
    ???- You may have defeated my finest creation, but you will never defeat me!
    Corrupted Bolark- For I am Bolark! First of the corrupted! Paladin Breaker!
    Corrupted Bolark- PREPARE TO DIE!
    (By finest creation he means the corrupted of worlds in the Temple of Legends quest)

    Stage 3:
    Defeat Corrupted Bolark.

    Corrupted Bolark- you are strong, but how will you defeat me in my own realm!
    Corrupted Bolark disappers inside of the portal.

    Stage 4:
    Follow Bolark inside into the portal.

    Bolark, Destroyer of Will- You will die here, in my realm...
    Bolark, Destroyer of Will- And become one of my minions!

    Stage 5:
    Kill Bolark, Destroyer of Will.

    Bolark- What? Where am I?
    Bolark- You...you freed me? Thank you so much!
    Bolark- It is true, I chose the corruption, hoping to rule all of Wynn and Gavel alike...
    Bolark- I thought I could control it, but I was wrong, please warrior, finish me, end this...
    Stage 6:
    Finish Bolark

    Bolark- -Gasp- Thank you...
    (As Bolark dies, the realm starts to break and you can feel the portal closing.)

    Stage 7:
    Escape the Corrupted Portal

    You run out just as the portal collapses.

    Stage 8:
    Return to the Paladin Chief.

    Paladin Chief- My own brother...gone because of this war...
    Paladin Chief- I tried to free him from the corruption, but failed and watched as he turned...
    Paladin Chief- Thank you...for saving the Gavel Province...and for freeing my brother's soul...
    Paladin Chief- Take this as a token of my gratitude, inside one of my men will take it for a weapon in our armory, farwell friend.

    Reward Ideas-
    10 le
    100,000 XP
    Paladins Badge
    Permisson to enter Paladins Tower

    (Corrupted Minions guard the portal, they are lvl 75 hostile villagers)
    Health: 1,000
    Damage: 300-500
    Special attack: None
    Regeneration: 120 every minute

    (Corrupted Bolark is a lvl 80 Zombie)
    Health: 150,000
    Damage: 400-2,000
    Special attack: Level 2 multihit/ Level 1 charge
    Regeneration: 10,000 every minute

    (Bolark, Destroyer of Will is a lvl 180 Wither Skeleton)
    Health: 410,000
    Damage: 800-3,100
    Special attack: Kill Strike/ Level 3 charge/ Shoots Ender Eyes or Blocks of Obsidion/Can teleport players to him every few minutes
    Regeneration: 60,000 every minute

    (Trade in Paladins Badge in for Weapons)
    Name, damage, and level ideas:
    Paladins Hammer- Shovel- Damage 786-923- level 100
    Mythical Daggers- Shears- Damage 823-1000- Level 100
    Lights Will- Stick- Damage 698-875- Level 100
    Starlight- Bow- Damage 934-1125- Level 100

    If a build for Paladins stronghold is possible I imagine it to be a tower modeled kinda like the Tower of Ascension but brighter and filled with lvl 80 Villagers Passive named (Paladin). It should have 3 floors with a potion merchant selling high tier potions, a item identifier, a Weapon merchant for turning in [Paladins Badge] and a Emerald and Liquid Emerald merchant with a bank.

    Made by: GrimSkullGaming
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
  12. brokenfurnace

    brokenfurnace Thread Scouter / Wandering Adventurer

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    OK, don't get all mad at my spelling, grammar, or coloring this is just a rough draft of the quest it lots can be improved.

    Treasure Hunter
    Lv. min: 47
    Status: Not Started
    Talk to Hanna on Half Moon Island [945,-2551]

    Pre-quest: Scientist Hanna

    Hanna should be in a semi medium hut made of wood and there should be brewing stands potions and various different items in item frames on the walls.

    [1/2] Hanna: I'm sorry but you don't look like you have enough experience to help.
    [2/2] Hanna: Come back and talk to me when you level 47

    [1/6] Hanna: Oh hi, it looks to me that you have some experience in exploring.
    [2/6] Hanna: I would like you help. You see right by this camp there is a major underwater ruin.
    [3/6] Hanna: And I am just dying to get my hands on anything down there.
    [4/6] Hanna:Why don't I just explore it myself...well you see I had a frightening encounter with the ocean before and with well water.
    [5/6] Hanna: So I hired a diver to explore the ruins. Turns out he's too chicken to go down to the dark parts of the ruins.
    [6/6] Hanna: Why don't you talk with him about the task at hand since I have much work to do, meet with Stephen.

    [Quest book updated]
    Talk to Stephen by the coast of half moon island. [858,-2496]

    Hanna: Can't you see I'm experimenting, go to Stephen for more details.

    Pre-quest: Stephen

    [1/1] Stephen: Want to see my incredible swimming abilities?

    [1/7] Stephen: Yo, I see that you've meet with Hanna, wait what did she say about me!?
    [2/7] Stephen: Well I'll have a word with her!
    [3/7] Stephen: Anyways, as she said I have conquered all that is visible in the ruins.
    [4/7] Stephen: I'm just hesitant on going into the darkness.
    [5/7] Stephen: From my searches I found nothing, no treasure, no specimens, and no artifacts.
    [6/7] Stephen: However, I did find something of no value. A tablet with gibberish carved on it.
    [7/7] Stephen: I don't think it will be of any help.
    [Receives stone slab]

    [Quest book updated]
    The tower overlooking the cliff might have some hints [908,-2609]

    [1/1] Stephen: I don't know what to do stop asking me!

    Pre-quest: Scholar Micheal

    there should be a path of dirt, red sand, and wood make it so it looks semi broken down
    to Micheal's tower.
    Micheal's tower should be of one like the scroll reset tower with a spiral staircase and books all about there should also be a cat named lula cause cats. Micheal will be at the top of the tower with books all around him and a "desk" should be built where there is a book and quill and feathers as well as paper. make sure it is symmetrical on the out side and have jungle wood planks with some quartz (not alot but just a little bit) it should be lighted with torches on the inside and glowstone on the exterior.

    [1/1] Micheal: This book is quite interesting if you find something of greater interest tell me

    [1/6] Micheal: Oh my such an ancient text and in such good condition, I can't believe you have this.
    [2/6] Micheal: What does it say? Oh of course you can't read it, why only the top scholars in the world can, and I happen to be one of them.
    [3/6] Micheal: Lets see, hmm, bla bla bla. Magnitudo gloria mendacium vallis reliquit rectus salire fortitudo.
    [4/6] Micheal: Which means,"To find great fame and fortune seek the first valley to your left, go straight ahead and jump to prove your courage".
    [5/6] Micheal: Well since I did so translate it for you, may I keep the tablet?
    [6/6] Micheal: Oh my, this is the greatest day of my life!

    [1/1] Micheal: You gave it to me it's mine now I'm not giving it back!

    [Quest book updated]
    Go back and talk to Stephen

    Stephen: He took the tablet, I'm not surprised scholars are always greedy for knowledge.
    [2/4] Stephen: What now? I don't know.
    [3/4] Stephen: Why not follow the directions and do what it says?
    [4/4] Stephen: I mean a little adventure never hurt anybody...right?

    [Quest book updated]
    Explore the ruins

    [1/1] Stephen: I mean a little adventure never hurt anyone...right?

    The ruins should have a little bit of surface light and have some of it stick out of the water you need to dive in and use the breathing helmet naviage the (upper) ruins takes about 7-8 seconds similar to how you do the underwater quest with some "stone" blocking you instead of the logs in underwater there will be a deep valley 50 blocks deep and a tunnel to the left go then straight with a 4x4 block hole and then you emerge from water puddle to an there should be a stand with the [lumius stone] on a sea lantern. Behind the lantern there is a tunnel. when you try to approach it will not let you saying. Exit with a coal tp indent thingy to the right.

    A lost presence is nearby, it would be best to leave now.

    Find [lumius stone], prismarine shard

    [Quest book updated]
    Talk with Stephen

    [1/4] Stephen: My my what do we have here? A mighty fine crystal alright. It could rake in a good profit.
    [2/4] Stephen: Wait I just got a great idea!
    [3/4] Stephen: Why don't you use this crystal to navigate the dark parts of the ruins.
    [4/4] Stephen: Why don't I ? Well I'd prefer to stay out of dark places ... and enjoy the sunny day.

    [Quest book updated]
    Go into the dark parts of the ruins [in the Half Moon Island bay]

    [1/1] Stephen: What a sunny day today.

    This time once you reach the air pocket you go thought the tunnel to an area where you have to parkour- the parkour should look like jumping over pillars fallen rocks and such like that, its not a height parkour but a length parkour for about 55-70 ish blocks of length. At the end of the parkour you have to press buttons that change the direction of stone stairs till they form a pattern then a large door will open 1/4 the size of llevigars door and will open via command. When you go in you will see a iron golem holding a flower.
    Killing the iron golem will make it drop the flower and there will be a coal insert tp thingy at the end of the "boss room".

    Ancient Guardian

    (Please give me the guide lines on how to create a mob boss ;-;)
    Water and Earth
    Weakness: Fire
    Uses assassin multihit as an attack
    has normal speed

    Idk hit points
    Idk damage

    Get flower.

    [Quest book updated]
    Talk with Hanna

    Gives Hanna the flower her face lights up

    [1/3] Hanna: Such a specimen and preserved with such care, amazing.
    [2/3] Hanna: It has such a vibrant glow!
    [3/3] Hanna: Don't worry your efforts went in vain here is a reward for your work.

    19 EB
    33000 xp

    So yeah hoped you enjoyed reading all that it was pretty long (that what she said) and yeah hoped you liked it. Constructive criticism is encouraged.

    Location of the npcs:
    Hanna [945,-2551]
    Stephen [858,-2496]
    Micheal [908,-2609]
    Orbitrons likes this.
  13. RedBr971

    RedBr971 That guy you don't care about HERO

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    Quest: Skeletons Rampage Min Level: 50
    When you can't start the quest:
    He.. Huh! Are you crazy? why are here in that... dangerous Jungle?
    You should talk to me at level 50, maybe you can... help me out.
    Stage 1:
    Talk to Penny at the Jungle Village
    1/5 Uh.. Oh! Hi! My name is Penny, Penny the Archeological
    2/5 For quite a while me and Miner Tobuka we're trying to discover about Skeletons..
    3/5 Yea that might sound crazy.. but we found a Skeleton Tomb under that jungle
    4/5 You should check it.. Because my friend Tobuka hasn't talked with me since he has gotten into the tomb..
    5/5 I am pretty tense.. It's better you check the tomb and please find him and explore the tomb...
    Quest Book Updated
    Stage 2:
    Explore the Skeleton Tomb
    1/9 ???: Finally! A human got there trap him here!
    You got trapped into the down of the skeleton tomb
    2/9 ???: Heh hello there, let me explain who i am
    3/9 Zanz: My name is Zanz The Skeleton
    4/9 Zanz: Let me explain why we want to bring humans here
    5/9 Zans: We, skeletons were humans too but then... When the corrupted portal opened 30% of population of Wynn got corrupted and transformed into Zombies and Skeletons and, the people who wanted more and more got fully corrupted.
    6/9 Zans: And we need 5 human Souls to return back to the normal..
    7/9 Zans: But it need to be some exclusive souls...
    8/9 Zans: Bob... Tobuka... and your soul...
    9/9 Zans: Now... we are going to KILL YOU!
    Quest Book Updated
    Stage 3: Defeat Zans
    He will drop a Bone of Corruption then you get into the next room
    1/2 ???: Foolish... You think you can defeat me...?
    *Zans get bigger and lost his body, only with chest and arms
    2/2 Ultra Zans: Get confortable now
    Stage 4: Defeat Ultra Zans
    1/2 Zans: Heh you have defeated me...
    2/2 Zans: But that will be not that easy...
    *Shadows gets into you and starts to corrupt you and you start to lost your mind*
    1/1 Tobuka: Hey wait i will save you!
    *Tobuka throws a regeneration potion and save you*
    Quest book
    Stage 5:
    Talk to Tobuka at the exit of the Tomb
    Thanks adventurer! You have saved me!
    Let me explain what happened:
    I was here exploring the tomb but then i fell down in the Tomb
    They were trying to extract my sou,l thinking i was dead
    But then you got into here and i've got a chance to ran and then throw the potion in me and got a potion for you too!
    I must really thank you adventurer here, take that Amulet that i found in the deep of the Tomb it's better stay with you!
    Quest Finished
    +100000 XP
    +Skeleton Amulet
    Skeleton Amulet
    +5% Earth Defense
    +5 Strength
    -10% Water damage
    -5% Spell Damage
    +15% Melee Damage
    Level Min: 50
    Strength Min: 15
    Health: 10000
    Level: 50
    Health Regen (each 7 seconds): 2000
    Bone Launch (Neutral Damage): It will launch 3 bones into the player wich can deal 1000-Hit-KO
    Blue Bones (Water Damage): It will launch 2 enchanted bones wich if you move you will take damage and you need to don't move to don't take damage
    Bone Down (Neutral Damage and Air Damage): It will launch you up and if you don't move fast and hit the floor, you can take 2500 damage-Hit-KO
    Ultra Zans
    Health 100000
    Level: 75
    The same of Zans
    Red Beam (Fire and Earth damage): It will launch red blocks in form of a beam in you and if hit you will take insta Hit-KO
    Orange Beam (Eletricyt damage): It will launch orange blocks in form of a beam in you and you need to move to avoid, if you don't move fast you have 50% chance of taking a Hit-KO if don't, damage is variable according of your health.
    Skeleton's Rampage: It will summon 3 Skeleton Guards level 60 who will bow spam you, they do All elements damage and Neutral damage, they launch a arrow each 2 seconds wich gives neutral damage and each 5 seconds 3 arrows in a row wich give all elements damage.
    Well that quest was pretty hard to make but i want to be a GM soo yea, need to make good quests :p you might not like that but i tried and i think it dosen't fited the lore but well let's try, and gl for everyone!
  14. _Sxm

    _Sxm :L

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    HAHAHAHAHHhahaha MOOOOOOOOOOORE, I love that people are taking part in this, organizing the prizes rn ;)))
    And @Kaelan thanks! I hope to see more!

    I souls probs include that if you include multiple quests only the best one (imo) will be Pickd to represent u
    A great attempt ! ;)
  15. funnysillyman

    funnysillyman lil uzi fan VIP+ GM

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  16. MistR

    MistR Travelled Adventurer

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    Just made this after seeing your post:
    Hope I wins :D

    [Bear’s Wish]

    Lv. minimum: 15

    Location: The Bear Zoo

    Difficulty: Medium

    Starting NPC: The BearKeeper (besides the bear gate)

    If u talk to the BearKeeper at less than lv 15:

    [1/1]BearKeeper: Uh, you are too weak for this… talk to me again when you’re level 15.

    Step 1:

    Talk to the BearKeeper

    [1/6]BearKeeper: Oh, hi there!

    [2/6]BearKeeper: Well, I got some issues here, wanna hear it?

    [3/6]BearKeeper: You know we got a bear here, right?

    [4/6]BearKeeper: He’s been acting weird since yesterday, can you go check him?

    [5/6]BearKeeper: By the way, you might need a mask to enter the Zoo, go buy it from Souvenir merchant nearby.

    [6/6]BearKeeper: Good luck!

    [Quest Book Updated]

    Step 2:

    Enter the Zoo and talked to the Crying Bear (1 emerald required)

    [1/5]Crying Bear: *Sobs*

    [2/5]Crying Bear: Oh, Hi.

    [3/5]Crying Bear: My wife Lisa has been caught by the Cults at the Black Road, near the Abandon mines.

    [4/5]Crying Bear: Can you go there and save her please?

    [5/5]Crying Bear Thank you! I wrote the coordinate inside your Quest Book.

    [Quest Book Updated]

    (The location is 725 -1400, you can actually go there and find the mob called Cult, they won’t attack you but you can gain xp from them)

    Step 3:

    Go to the Cults hideout and enter the secret room.

    Step 4:

    Talked to the Cults master

    [1/3]Cults master: Who are you? What are you up to?

    [2/3]Cults master: You want the bear? too late, we already chopped its head off!

    [3/3]Cults master: Since you’re here, we’ll chop your head off too, by the Satan’s name!

    Step 5:

    Kill the Cults master and return [Lisa’s skill] to the Crying Bear

    [1/8]Crying Bear: Oh, hi there!

    [2/8]Crying Bear: Did you saved Lisa?

    [3/8]Crying Bear: Wait, what? She’s dead?

    [4/8]Crying Bear: *Sobs*

    [5/8]Crying Bear: Anyway, thank you for bring her skull back to me.

    [6/8]Crying Bear: Take your reward.

    [7/8]Crying Bear: Now please leave me alone.

    [8/8]Crying Bear: *Sobs*

    [Quest Completed: Bear’s wish]

    [+10000 xp]

    [+625 emeralds]

    [+Bear’s tear]

    [+Bear’s Cap]

    Bear’s Tear (Quest item, might be added into Bob’s quest)

    You can feel great sorrow in it.

    Bear’s Cap (Rare item)

    Lv. minimum: 15

    Quest Req: Bear’s wish

    +20 Health Regen

    +200 Health

    +3 Strength

    +3 Dexterity

    +3 Defense

    +3 Intelligence

    +3 Agility

    [Cults master]

    Lv. 20

    Hitpoint: 666

    Attack per hit: 200

    Xp gain: 150



    To enter the secret room, you need to do a parkour on the surface of the lava

    After you enter the room, there’s a code wall with 9 buttons:

    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    7 8 9

    Click button 6 three times to open the door, and you’ll see the Cults master
    funnysillyman likes this.
  17. D Strider

    D Strider Prince of Heart || God of Wubs || \^3^/

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    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
  18. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    i'm lazy as shit so i'm just gonna throw this here

    im aware that this was designed for zentrela buuuuuuut
    tomato tomato
  19. xINothing

    xINothing Im searching for a meme. CHAMPION

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    pls let this be a joke ;-;
  20. Orbitrons

    Orbitrons Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Im not going to win since there are so many amazing quests written already, but Ill give it a go since Im bored.

    Also, I have no idea on how to balance out crap, so here we go.

    [King of the Savannah]

    Lv. Minimum 27

    Location: Bremminglar

    Difficulty: Medium

    Starting NPC: Braeden (Farmer villager)

    If you talk to Braeden before level 27:

    [1/1]Go away! I dont want you to get hurt these beasts! Come back when you're level 27 and we might talk!

    Step 1: Talk to Braeden in Bremminglar

    [1/6]Braeden: H-hello...? Oh, you're one of those new recruits ey? Nice the king's doin somethin... would ya mind helpin me?
    [2/6]Braeden: You see, I have a small problem... no, a big one actually...
    [3/6]Braeden: Recently we've gotten attacked by lion, ya know those oversized cats? They usually left us in peace but now they've gone mad...
    [4/6]Braeden: If you could see what they're up to that'd be great.
    [5/6]Braeden: They live in a cave not far away, to the north west. Shouldn't be hard to find.
    [6/6]Braeden: Good luck, and don't get eaten okay?

    If you talk to Braeden before investigating the cave:
    [1/1]I told ya, they live in the cave to the north west, go over there.

    Step 2: Investigate the Lion Lair
    After going into the lair, you find a coal portal next to the boss room, in the end of a tunnel leading towards the boss room.

    Text before starting the quest: This tunnel looks rather dangerous, better not go in.

    Going through the portal will update the questbook to step 3.

    Step 3: Talk to the Lion Master

    When you go trough the tunnel you will get to an alternative boss room, filled with passive lions called [Calmed Lion] and one quest NPC called [Lion Master]

    [1/6]Lion Master: RAWR GROWL MRAWRH!
    [2/6]Lion Master: O wait, not a lion? You not lion?
    [3/6]Lion Master: You wonder why lion attack villager? Lion only attack ocelot? No attack villager.
    [4/6]Lion Master: Ocelot be bad! Ocelot attack villager! Not LION!
    [5/6]Lion Master: Go attack ocelot lair and attack or I tell lion here to attack!
    [6/6]Lion Master: Ocelot live south! Next to big city wall! ATTACK KILL!

    If you talk to the Lion Master before investigating the lair fully and talking to the Ocelot Leader:

    [1/1]Lion Master: Ocelot is south, go now!

    Step 4: Go to the Ocelot lair and talk to the Ocelot Leader

    The Ocelot lair will be abut here 863, -1863 and will be a cave going down, and splitting down into two directions. It will contain [Hungry Ocelot] (Which will be a normal Ocelot) and [Ocelot Raider] (also normal Ocelot]. The raider will be stronger and slower, while the hungry Ocelot is faster and weaker. Both drop [Ocelot Tail] and gives normal XP. The cave itself looks like a normal Savannah cave but with a few pieces of meat (nether quartz right?) and no loot chests. After fighting your way through one of the two passages (they both lead to the NPC) you find yourself in his room, there are a few passive [Ocelot Guards] and the [Ocelot Leader] himself (a Zombie, with an Ocelot head and yellow leather armor. The room will contain two dirt mounds, and throne on which the [Ocelot Leader] will sit.

    Text before starting the quest: This cave is full of hungry beasts, you decide not to go down.

    [1/3]Ocelot Leader: What, so you mean that lion madman accuses ME of attacking the villagers?
    [2/3]Ocelot Leader: He is the only one attacking, I am just minding my own buisness.
    [3/3]Ocelot Leader: I have nothing more to say! Leave now!

    If you talk to the Ocelot Leader before investigating the cave:

    [1/1]Ocelot Leader: I said leave! We have nothing more to say to you!

    Step 5: Investigae the Ocelot lair a bit more.

    So, inside the leader's room, there is going to be a button hidden behind a mound of dirt. Press it to open a door behind the throne.

    After going into the room the book will update.

    Step 6: Bring the items to the [Ocelot Leader] and ask him about them.

    Inside the room there are two items laying on the ground, called [Lion Mask] (Lion head) and another item [Rotten meat] (Rotten flesh). Take them and bring them back to the [Ocelot Leader]

    [1/11]Ocelot Leader: Didn't I tell you to leave?!
    [2/11]Ocelot Leader: How did you get that! They are supposed to be hidden!
    [3/11]Ocelot Leader: Ok... I guess I have to explain, don't I?
    [4/11]Ocelot Leader: Things have been going downhill lately...
    [5/11]Ocelot Leader: We have not gotten any food for weeks, my people are starving...
    [6/11]Ocelot Leader: So I decided to make these masks, and use them to attack Bremminglar...
    [7/11]Ocelot Leader: I was hoping that the people of Bremminglar would get anrgy and attack the lions... and making sure we get more food...
    [8/11]Ocelot Leader: But I forgot they are just farmers who can't fight. They hired you to do it...
    [9/11]Ocelot Leader: So I hope you can forgive me, we never intended to kill anyone. We are not villager eaters.
    [10/11]Ocelot Leader: I beg you, don't tell the Lion Master about this. He will slaughter our entire tribe...
    [11/11]Ocelot Leader: Please, lie to him and keep this is a secret. We wont attack the village anymore. I will give you a quality piece of armor if you don't tell him.

    You now get to choose path, to tell the [Lion Master] the truth, or lie to him.

    Path 1: You choose to go back to the Lion Lair and inform the lions.

    Step 7: Go back and tell the [Lion Master]

    [1/4]Lion Master: What?! Ocelot attack village?! I knew it! Oceot BAD! Ocelot will be kill!
    [2/4]Lion Master: You big friend of lion. I give you this. It be powerful armor.
    [3/4]Lion Master: Tell villager what happen. He might give you shiny stone. Heard villager likes shiny stone.
    [4/4]Lion Master: Thank you human, lions forever thankful.

    [Receives [Lions Mane] (I will explain the items later)]

    Step 8: Go back to Braeden and tell him what happened.

    [1/3]Braeden: So the ocelots were behind all o this? Could never've guessed...
    [2/3]Braeden: I owe you a lot, here take some of my emeralds, you deserve em...
    [3/3]Braeden: Oh, and take this potato, its finest Breamminglar quality.

    [Quest Completed]
    8000 XP
    96 Emeralds.
    Special Bremminglar Potato (normal potato appearance)

    Path 2: You choose to lie to the lions and save the ocelots.

    Step 7: Talk to the [Ocelot Leader] and tell him you are helping him.

    [1/4]Ocelot Leader: THANK YOU! You have saved our tribe. We are forever thankful.
    [2/4]Ocelot Leader: I said I would give you a nice piece of armor, and here you go.
    [3/4]Ocelot Leader: It's finest fur, will make you fast as an ocelot.
    [4/4]Ocelot Leader: Now go to the [Lion Master] and lie to him, tell him whatever you want.

    [Receives [Ocelot Fur]]

    Step 8: Go to the [Lion Master] and lie to him.

    [1/5]Lion Master: What happen? What?! Ocelot isn't guilty?! Who attack then?!
    [2/5]Lion Master: Villager Bandits?! Disguised as ocelot?!
    [3/5]Lion Master: I have to apologize to ocelot then! I sorry!
    [4/5]Lion Master: Tell villager we know who attack. He should know.
    [5/5]Lion Master: Thank you human. You big friend.

    Step 9: Tell Braeden the truth of who attacked,

    [1/4]Braeden: Oh... so teh ocelots did it all? Would've never had guessed...
    [2/4]Braeden: You told the lions that?! Why did you lie?!
    [3/4]Braeden: Oh... you saved the ocelots, that makes sense.
    [4/4]Braeden: No matter if what you did was right, you still saved our village. Here, have this reward. You deserve it.

    [Quest Completed]
    8000 XP
    96 Emeralds.
    Special Bremminglar Potato (normal potato appearance)

    So, Im now gonna explain the items.

    Lion Mane (Rare Chestplate): LVL. Min: 28

    High HP and defense (in every element). High mana regen.
    No skill point requirements.

    Lore: Fur from the mane of the strongest lion to ever walk the earth.

    EDIT: Rares cant have lore ;-;

    Ocelot Fur (Rare Chestplate): LVL. Min: 28

    Low HP and defense (in every element). High mana regen. High walk speed.
    No skill point requirements.

    Lore: Legend says that this chestplate will give the wearer the speed stealth of an Ocelot.

    Thats all I got really, I am no Wynn PRO so I this my best attempt, hope someone likes it. Its late at night so any typos, wrong formating and stuff, I blame lack of sleep.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
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