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Wynncraft: The Gameplay Update Changeblog #3 [quests]

Discussion in 'News & Patches' started by Grian, Aug 4, 2016.

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  1. VillagerFilms

    VillagerFilms I like music HERO

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    OMG...the ??? quest...I NEVER EVEN DONE THAT QUEST...not even the old one. I WILL NEVER SEE THE OLD ONE!!! :'(
  2. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Start searching. The ending is kinda [REDACTED], but the reward is [REDACTED].
  3. Tobulance

    Tobulance Famous Adventurer Media HERO

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    honestly people are worrying about the old ??? going away, it will probably stay as an easter egg, but just wont be a quest anymore, correct me if im wrong
  4. The Fool

    The Fool Nobody Wants to Know Him HERO

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    I can't read.
    Can someone quote Grian's text?
    Icy and mizzkissy like this.
  5. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    EDIT: Will we be able to reveal the old ??? after the update?
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
    Icy likes this.
  6. MylifeIsSad

    MylifeIsSad Well-Known Adventurer

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    Can't see the thread, when will all these happen?
    Icy likes this.
  7. Viztep

    Viztep The sheep-whisperer. Buy my stuff HERO

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    I can't read the first page either... :(
    Icy likes this.
  8. Loannnnn

    Loannnnn A Dungeon Fanatic HERO

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    The ??? quest will be the Wynncraft Bill Cipher hunt in this update then.
    tunnyfish and Glitch496 like this.
  9. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Banned for spoiling the quest.
    Stag2001 likes this.
  10. GunBlaze12

    GunBlaze12 GlitchedSlayers 1st hater / 2nd meteor founder

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    Page 6 hype has now begun
  11. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CT™ HERO

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    The new ??? gonna melt your brain.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  12. Endertricity

    Endertricity Assorted Mini Quiche VIP

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    Will the molten heights storyline quest be in THIS update?
  13. SoCool21

    SoCool21 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    For everyone unable to see the page:

    Hello everyone!

    So this update has been mainly centered around gameplay features - hence the name of the update (duh). But we on the content team have been cooking up some interesting changes of our own!

    But before I list off the very short list of quests, I need to explain a few things; one, half of the work we've been putting in over the last 6 months haven't actually been for this particular update. I know, weird thought, huh. This update addresses mainly gameplay stuff. We have actually been working on brand new areas for the NEXT update (not this one). In development, we have to often think about things way in advance of when they happen. Basically, this update, while there are some really cool physical revamps of places such as old towns and quests, there won't be any new areas. Meme land confirmed.

    Alright, next thing; I want to thank the GM team for putting together the small quest list for this update. A lot of you will be very upset that there is a severe lack of quests, and I don't want you to blame the GM's at all. There are a very small amount of people on the GM team, and they all have varying amounts of time they can input to Wynn (they have lives too - guys!). So this would probably be a good time to tell you that after this update we will be revamping our GM application system to try and make it a lot easier to understand what it takes to be a GM and make the whole process a lot smoother in general, and hopefully we'll have the community jump to the call to help us make new stories!

    On that note, I want to announce that we're also working on improving the quest system in general (in both what we can do, and making it easier to use) this will be the system that is also used for the main storyline. It's currently not very fun to make a quest if you ask any GM, they'll probably confirm that for me :D None the less, they help make them because they are great for Wynncraft!



    Elemental Exercise: Lvl 10

    Made by Headset, this is a VERY short quest at the early stages of the game just to act as a little tutorial for people and introduce them to the concept of elements a little more formally in the game. If this is the quest that gets you the most excited; i'm a little worried.

    ???: lvl 80

    We'll talk about this later in the thread.

    The Canyon Guides: Lvl 84

    Hah, you're going to hate us for this one. Made by Tantibus, in this quest you need to drag a poor lost soul all the way across the canyon to salvation. He will follow you as best he can, but you'll have to protect him from all the canyon creatures! It seems the canyon doesn't want him to be saved though...

    The Canary Calls: Lvl 85

    Also made by Tantibus (started by AbandonedBank), This quest is about a gas leak in the Thesead mines. They need to get back to work, but the gas isn't as toxic to Humans as it is to Villagers, so they need your help! WARNING: Gas is extremely flammable.

    The Hidden City: Lvl 88

    Eltom has been a bit of an anomaly for a while, but finally in a quest made by Leo, we have a quest to explain how it got there and why. But there may be a traitor who threatens the secrecy of the town... Founding a Human town in Gavel is strictly illegal.

    Enter the Dojo: Lvl 89

    This is a short quest in the canyon started by Gold and finished by Villageaclues. Master Miyagi has been teaching his students for years, but none of them can pass his trials, can you?

    Recipe For Disaster: Lvl 96

    This quest is an interesting one made by NoobyNatty. You'll have to impress a very prestigious chef with your recipe. The better your dish, the better your reward!

    The Fortunteller: Lvl 97

    And finally, a quest made by AbandonedBank. This is a weird short quest in KandonBeda about fairytales and history. I'll let you figure it out.

    You can tell we focused on a content gap in the later levels, but actually left a huge one from 90-95. This was intentional, if a little annoying. I plan to add a "mini storyline" there that will cover the entire area and provide an official lore to Molten Heights. This will be our test of the new quest system and practice for the main storyline. So basically when it's done, the quests in Molten Heights will be a mini mainstoryline (just for that area) and won't have a series of side quests (like in the rest of the game).

    Lore :

    There have been a few secret rooms added to the map that contain lore.

    Added some flavour-text NPC's who will talk to you in towns and offer you citizen based lore about the areas. Due to the limitations of the quest system, these will appear as "Quest NPC's" We will hopefully change that in the future.

    Now, onto the big one. The ??? revamp.

    Upon the update release, as in, on the first day of the update, there will be a new SECTION on the forums and there will be an official thread by Lotem to tell you about the hell we've been through, but the section is where you can post about your findings on the quest. That's right. "???" quest is now the largest, most unfair and most complicated COMMUNITY EVENT on Wynncraft.

    How does it work?

    Well, that would be telling. When the update happens, you have to literally figure it out yourself. You won't get ANY help. Not even a hint. I need to make this crystal clear to everyone. It's not fair. It's not designed like a normal game. It's meant to be the most ambiguous, hidden thing in the game. The puzzles are hard, the locations are hidden and the method is 100% unknown. Only 4 people know the whole method to solve it. The CT are Banned from telling anyone anything about this quest or even doing it themselves (as they will have seen some of it on build) until everyone else has done it.

    You will be forced to work together as a community to help each other solve this riddle. If you find a room, you should write it on the thread to let everyone know where it is, and they should do the same. If you don't work together, you won't figure it all out.

    Once the whole quest is solved, the solution will be permanently available for anyone to see and use. We do not expect all players to figure this one out on their own. It's the ultimate easter egg.

    So, as you can tell the big difference is that this version of ??? is now not a secret. You are encouraged to help and talk about it. The quest will be reset for everyone, and anyone can take part. The old quest will no longer exist.

    Tantibus, Lotem and I worked VERY hard to make this quest. So, you can blame us. I predict it will take a week to solve, they think at least 3 weeks, i guess we will see.

    Good luck. You're going to need it.

    That's it from my side! I look forward to showing you what we're working on in future updates - but for now enjoy the quests and have fun trying to solve ???.

    Thank you to the entire CT for helping make all the updates happen. You should tell them you love them too. without the CT, there would be no Wynncraft.

    For everyone unable to see the page:

    Hello everyone!

    So this update has been mainly centered around gameplay features - hence the name of the update (duh). But we on the content team have been cooking up some interesting changes of our own!

    But before I list off the very short list of quests, I need to explain a few things; one, half of the work we've been putting in over the last 6 months haven't actually been for this particular update. I know, weird thought, huh. This update addresses mainly gameplay stuff. We have actually been working on brand new areas for the NEXT update (not this one). In development, we have to often think about things way in advance of when they happen. Basically, this update, while there are some really cool physical revamps of places such as old towns and quests, there won't be any new areas. Meme land confirmed.

    Alright, next thing; I want to thank the GM team for putting together the small quest list for this update. A lot of you will be very upset that there is a severe lack of quests, and I don't want you to blame the GM's at all. There are a very small amount of people on the GM team, and they all have varying amounts of time they can input to Wynn (they have lives too - guys!). So this would probably be a good time to tell you that after this update we will be revamping our GM application system to try and make it a lot easier to understand what it takes to be a GM and make the whole process a lot smoother in general, and hopefully we'll have the community jump to the call to help us make new stories!

    On that note, I want to announce that we're also working on improving the quest system in general (in both what we can do, and making it easier to use) this will be the system that is also used for the main storyline. It's currently not very fun to make a quest if you ask any GM, they'll probably confirm that for me :D None the less, they help make them because they are great for Wynncraft!



    Elemental Exercise: Lvl 10

    Made by Headset, this is a VERY short quest at the early stages of the game just to act as a little tutorial for people and introduce them to the concept of elements a little more formally in the game. If this is the quest that gets you the most excited; i'm a little worried.

    ???: lvl 80

    We'll talk about this later in the thread.

    The Canyon Guides: Lvl 84

    Hah, you're going to hate us for this one. Made by Tantibus, in this quest you need to drag a poor lost soul all the way across the canyon to salvation. He will follow you as best he can, but you'll have to protect him from all the canyon creatures! It seems the canyon doesn't want him to be saved though...

    The Canary Calls: Lvl 85

    Also made by Tantibus (started by AbandonedBank), This quest is about a gas leak in the Thesead mines. They need to get back to work, but the gas isn't as toxic to Humans as it is to Villagers, so they need your help! WARNING: Gas is extremely flammable.

    The Hidden City: Lvl 88

    Eltom has been a bit of an anomaly for a while, but finally in a quest made by Leo, we have a quest to explain how it got there and why. But there may be a traitor who threatens the secrecy of the town... Founding a Human town in Gavel is strictly illegal.

    Enter the Dojo: Lvl 89

    This is a short quest in the canyon started by Gold and finished by Villageaclues. Master Miyagi has been teaching his students for years, but none of them can pass his trials, can you?

    Recipe For Disaster: Lvl 96

    This quest is an interesting one made by NoobyNatty. You'll have to impress a very prestigious chef with your recipe. The better your dish, the better your reward!

    The Fortunteller: Lvl 97

    And finally, a quest made by AbandonedBank. This is a weird short quest in KandonBeda about fairytales and history. I'll let you figure it out.

    You can tell we focused on a content gap in the later levels, but actually left a huge one from 90-95. This was intentional, if a little annoying. I plan to add a "mini storyline" there that will cover the entire area and provide an official lore to Molten Heights. This will be our test of the new quest system and practice for the main storyline. So basically when it's done, the quests in Molten Heights will be a mini mainstoryline (just for that area) and won't have a series of side quests (like in the rest of the game).

    Lore :

    There have been a few secret rooms added to the map that contain lore.

    Added some flavour-text NPC's who will talk to you in towns and offer you citizen based lore about the areas. Due to the limitations of the quest system, these will appear as "Quest NPC's" We will hopefully change that in the future.

    Now, onto the big one. The ??? revamp.

    Upon the update release, as in, on the first day of the update, there will be a new SECTION on the forums and there will be an official thread by Lotem to tell you about the hell we've been through, but the section is where you can post about your findings on the quest. That's right. "???" quest is now the largest, most unfair and most complicated COMMUNITY EVENT on Wynncraft.

    How does it work?

    Well, that would be telling. When the update happens, you have to literally figure it out yourself. You won't get ANY help. Not even a hint. I need to make this crystal clear to everyone. It's not fair. It's not designed like a normal game. It's meant to be the most ambiguous, hidden thing in the game. The puzzles are hard, the locations are hidden and the method is 100% unknown. Only 4 people know the whole method to solve it. The CT are Banned from telling anyone anything about this quest or even doing it themselves (as they will have seen some of it on build) until everyone else has done it.

    You will be forced to work together as a community to help each other solve this riddle. If you find a room, you should write it on the thread to let everyone know where it is, and they should do the same. If you don't work together, you won't figure it all out.

    Once the whole quest is solved, the solution will be permanently available for anyone to see and use. We do not expect all players to figure this one out on their own. It's the ultimate easter egg.

    So, as you can tell the big difference is that this version of ??? is now not a secret. You are encouraged to help and talk about it. The quest will be reset for everyone, and anyone can take part. The old quest will no longer exist.

    Tantibus, Lotem and I worked VERY hard to make this quest. So, you can blame us. I predict it will take a week to solve, they think at least 3 weeks, i guess we will see.

    Good luck. You're going to need it.

    That's it from my side! I look forward to showing you what we're working on in future updates - but for now enjoy the quests and have fun trying to solve ???.

    Thank you to the entire CT for helping make all the updates happen. You should tell them you love them too. without the CT, there would be no Wynncraft.

  14. moreiron

    moreiron Have Wand Will Travel VIP+

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    Grian broke the internet!
    Take that Kim Kardashian!
    Now I am really looking forward to the new E! show, " Jumla and Abandoned Bank take Miami" (Does that make Salted Kanye?).
  15. WootInABoot

    WootInABoot Creature VIP+

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    Hype for the new quests! I still hope a new class gets added.
    Stag2001 likes this.
  16. hypersonic99

    hypersonic99 Warrior of the Torch VIP

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    Questions regarding the ??? revamp. (Forgive me if these have already been asked; I can't view the other pages currently.)
    1. Will the old version of the quest still be there?

    If no to question 1,
    2. Will its old location be removed?
    3. Will the reward from the old version become unobtainable?
    4. Will we be allowed to talk about the solution to the old version? (I saw the headset edit, but does it mean until the update or after?)
    5. Will we be able to recomplete the quest if we have solved it?

    If yes to question 1,
    1. Will we be allowed to discuss its solution?
    2. What will it be renamed?
  17. The Sorcerer

    The Sorcerer Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I must say, I like the increased number of high-lvl quests, and the new ??? one sounds fun as well.
  18. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    SOO common,you try to reach the 1st page,and it says that:

    ERROR 502:That page isnt available

    REACTION:Pls kill me

  19. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    RIP stuck on page five. If anyone can see this, hello!
    Band and LotKnockMC like this.
  20. Tyralion

    Tyralion Knights in the Tiger Skin VIP

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    Is this a challenge?
    I҉̖̻s͙̠͉h̫̭̻͖͙͘Í͎S̡͉̰̙̲̦ͅ A̡̝̝̫̞̭ ̴̬̜̫̞͉͈c̷̯̳̩H̪̥A̖̤͍̤̜͖̰̕l͚͓l̷̳̻̣̠͚̗ͅÉ̹̞̝̟̱͉N͏g̢̖͙̙E͞?̢̟̪

    Ooh, we accept it, onkel Grolan. We accept it.
    Procrast and MaelStrom like this.
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