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My Opinion On The Server As It Is Now

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Violet Knight, Jul 14, 2016.

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  1. Loggerhead

    Loggerhead Some Loggerhead

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    Try grinding in the cave that leads to the snow canyon, that's where I grinded and holy shit. lots of xp
  2. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CT™ HERO

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    Ok. It's gonna be long.
    It's too hard to make a TL;DR for it, but please take your time to actually read it all.

    About Gavel:

    Gavel is MUCH MORE DETAILED than Wynn. It took us 2 years to build it. There are hundreds of caves, many houses, lot of camps… As level 48, you saw literally nothing yet.
    Gavel's biomes are VERY different from Wynn's, for few reasons:
    • In Wynn the biomes are just scattered around. You can accidentally walk a bit too far from the Time Valley, a level 10 area, and find yourself in the ice area and get rekt by level 40 mobs. In Gavel we fixed it - As you get better and better you can keep going deeper and deeper inside the province.
    • The rectangle biomes might look a bit weird, but it's better for the gameplay. It's making it much easier to navigate in Gavel.
    • The biomes terrain also get harder and harder as you go deeper into Gavel. The plains are empty, and it's really easy to travel there. It's much harder to travel in the swamp, with all the water and small mountains around. The forests all look the same, and it's kind of hard to find yourself in there. The Canyon is basically a maze. It's super confusing and challenging! In the Molten Heights you get burned alive if you fall to the lava or walk on fire. In the Sky Islands, if you make a wrong move you fall into the void and just die. I think this biomes design is really smart and challenging.

    About The Combat:
    As Xavier already said, the new item and combat systems just make the game much more varied. There are many different builds and play styles, and everyone can make their own creative build!
    In the old system you just looked on numbers and choose the item with the higher stats - no creativity, no variety... That wasn't fun at all.
    Obviously, the new Item system is much more complicated than the old one. But… It's not TOO complicated. If you start a new class and play with the new item system since level 1, you'll get to learn it slowly as you level up and find items with more IDs.
    The combat is also much harder and tactical now. You can't just 1 hit kill every mob… You have to manage your health and mana better and be careful. Even with the best armor pieces, you aren't immune to damage (unlike the old system).

    About The gameplay:

    In my opinion, griding isn't fun at all. You are right.
    I personally find it very VERY boring.
    The new combat system improved it, but it's still annoying to do it for hours.
    In the old Wynn, you had to grind A LOT - But in the Gavel update we doubled the amount of quests! (By the way, the new Gavel quests are much better than Wynn's quest. Just wait until you try it yourself!).
    We always try to think about new features to make the game more fun and less grindy. We also didn't made any quests for the high level biomes yet, and we'll fix it in later updates.
    But still, with the new amount of quests you can get from level 1 to 97 with no griding at all! (I did it myself). You just have to get good XP gear and find double XP servers.

    About The Uncategorizable Things:

    • We just talked about how boring griding is. Wynn's content for levels 40+ is very poor, so many players quit at those levels, when the game is getting too grindy.
      Grien wanted to fix that by adding lot of new content in Gavel for those levels. We added MANY new quests for levels 40-75.
      You don't have to play only in Gavel or only in Wynn. You can play in both at levels 40-75, and never get bored from staying in the same area for too long.
    • I'm sure that almost all the players love the new textures. In my opinion, the vanilla Minecraft textures are ugly.
      We still combine blocks in a beautiful way. We just use re-textured version of them. I don't get why "unnatural" textures aren’t good, even if they look better.
      Wynncraft is trying to become a game of his own. I actually hope the “Minecraft” will be taken out of “The Minecraft MMORPG” (As much as possible).
    That's it from me.
    Tell me what you think.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2016
  3. Carpy_

    Carpy_ The Sexy Ninja CHAMPION

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    The grinding is the most tedious, coming from someone who ended all the quests at 91... I wish you guys had more higher quests that could give you just a little xp, cause now, I gotta grind 8 more levels which will take awhile. Everything else is fine.

    I've even had in my mind temporary quests. Quests that pop up and leave (just like the Christmas ones) but not themed and that don't give you a full level of xp.
  4. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CT™ HERO

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    We'll add more quests for the higher levels in later updates.
    For Gavel release we wanted to fix the amount of content for low levels before making the high levels content.
    XavierEXE, Cruuk and Carpy_ like this.
  5. Villageacules

    Villageacules Famous Adventurer HERO

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    You literally just defined the opposite of boring.

    This also goes against everything you said about grinding.

    I stopped reading there because I just couldn't read the rest of this and post my endless counter arguments.
  6. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Lotem, I agree with you 100%.
    ^ Especially that part
    Lotem likes this.
  7. Eric Yang

    Eric Yang RIP Mincreafterkid12|THE LEGEND NEVER DIES

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    XavierEXE likes this.
  8. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    I completely agree with this. Gavel became a neatly sectioned area. Elements make it a pain to do anything. I like the default resource pack, and it's annoying to have to 100% switch off of it.
  9. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    It adds a whole new element of gameplay to the game that actually makes it interesting, if you hate them that much, just go neutral, or spread your skill points equally so you don't have as much hassle.
    I guess I'll include this thing from the information tab of my profile since it's half-relevant. Warning: Kind of long.

    Honestly if I were you, I wouldn't put yourself through that hassle of changing the RP every time you log in and just deal with it.

    And it seems your highest-leveled (or only) class is also level 48 like the OP (original poster) of this thread, like people here have said, at least play through most of Gavel before you criticize it.

    Also, not sure if you've done this as well but if elements are confusing you just make a new class as people here also said, it helps you get used to the item system.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  10. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    I have been to Cinfras. I've journeyed through a lot of Gavel, and on my 20/20, I took no damage. The swarms of mobs did nothing.
  11. Carpy_

    Carpy_ The Sexy Ninja CHAMPION

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    If you want me to break down all your text, just ask. There are some things that I might see as hypocritical
    XavierEXE and Cruuk like this.
  12. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    To put it bluntly:

    This is your opinion, you are entitled to an opinion, and i'm not going to agure about your point of veiw of this update in a long post.

    And here is my list of agrees (marked green), disagrees (marked red) and "i see both sides"(marked gold) to defend, attack, and "not pick sides with" on your claim

    Province (lore that isn't here yet has somewhat of an explanation, and the south and east sides of Wynn are a bit square too)
    Combat (old was too simple as some say, rather better for the casual players, however i see where you come from in the complicatedness of it all)
    Gameplay (grinding is awful, just wait till 87-90 with out quests left to do, and is sadly inevitable)
    Etc (i see what you mean, but would you go grind to get leveled up in the new area, rather than do the quests you have left at Wynn? Not to mention Bob's Reincarnation too and ToL. The textures however i disagree with you on your point)
    Carpy_ likes this.
  13. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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  14. ohwooops

    ohwooops Not Very Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I definitely prefer this item/combat system. It's harder and provides a use for potions, and the element system does work in my opinion. You're going to need to use your melee as well as your spells, instead of just spamming spells. Ids are now one of the main aspects of the weapon, not just the damage, so you're going to want to choose weapons and armor carefully.
    I don't understand why you have to look up whether an item is good or not? Items now aren't just 'good' and 'bad', you need to look carefully at the ids and requirements if they fit your build, and also if you like the ids. The system does seem complicated at first, but I got used to it in a week or so.

    Gavel is definitely better built than Wynn. You haven't seen the higher lvl areas (volcanoes, canyons, floating islands, etc) and there's a lot more detail in gavel than in Wynn, just like the quests. I think the update is a massive improvement, but it just takes some getting used to.

    Yeah and grinding is absolute hell. At lvl 99, I'm losing the will to live right now, grinding at your lvl is a lot easier, but get higher and you'll be crippled with depression
    Cruuk likes this.
  15. Gogeta

    Gogeta Super Saiyan HERO

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    Omfg I can relate to this so hard!!

    My friends keep leaving one by one before they even reach Detlas. well duh, sherlock holmes, of course wynn is boring when you don't do anything other than Thieving Rodents and Spider Cave!
  16. Gokatgo

    Gokatgo Its pronounced Cat just with a k VIP+

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    Why does Gavel start at level 45 and not 75? I hate grinding so I stopped at 48.
    This is the reason why.
  17. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Thanks for the supp... oh, you didn't read anything. If you find this thread long enough, I don't care, either read it or go away. Don't leave comments like this that don't contribute anything to the discussion.
    Loggerhead likes this.
  18. Theepicsquash

    Theepicsquash Error: Originality not detected. VIP+

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    Why are you commenting then? He is expressing his opinion, others are expressing theirs. I do not know the meaning of your post so I am not assuming anything.
  19. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    This 2 posts pretty much sum up what I was about to say, but let me quote some of your sentences:

    Taking all that in account, I can tell you right now that:

    a) You have little experience with RPGs. You can't play an RPG and expect to learn everything on your own without spending insane amount of time on testing things out. There is a reason for wiki and forums. You also can't expect an RPG to be "equip a weapon & kill everything". Good RPGs always provide players with various play styles and strategies.

    b) You can't be this stubborn about learning new things and farming rare loot. You have this mindset, that because it's rare it's not worth using and because it's complicated it's bad. RPGs work exactly the opposite. Some things need to be rare to provide challenge to more experienced players. Experimenting with gear lets you learn more about this game and helps you determine your playstyle.

    c) RPG games are not for you. I can't express this enough. Everything you listed in your reply(s) indicates that Wynncraft, and other RPGs are simply not for you. You dislike almost every aspect of an RPG. You dislike spending time on grinding( FYI, every game has a form of grind. In FIFA, it's playing games for coins. In sims, it's going to work for money. In RPGs, it's killing mobs. ), farming for rare loots, discovering different strategies, trying out sets, being able to chose your path... If you love something, you love it with all it's prons and cons, you don't just like their shiny butt and marry them. MMOs have to be grindy. Otherwise, if people completed them and max level in short time, they'd shorty quit the game and the game itself would die.

    You are far too low level to be able to fully state your opinion, however, taking your current opinion and time spent on the game I can tell you that you don't like RPG games. You will either have to change your mindset and "explore" what RPGs have to offer, or quit the game and play something less grindy.

    Hope you either get enough motivation and information to continue your Wynncraft journey or that you find something better for your taste. Good luck!

    Good for you, go away and don't post shit with 0 contribution.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  20. Tucker Wall

    Tucker Wall Hyped VIP+

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    wow you donthave to grind at your level. Ive grinded for 5 mins and im lvl 89 dude.
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