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Faith In The Content Team- Restored ( Interview With Salted )

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by i eat bees, Jul 10, 2016.

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  1. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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    Well hello everyone!
    My name is Mutton and today, We're gonna be talking about something really, But really important.

    So in the last few months after Gavel's release a lot of people have been asking questions/thinking that the Content Team, Is not doing any work, A lot of people have suddenly left Wynn losing faith in the Content Team and Wynncraft itself (Luckily a lot of other people joined too, Because if you haven't noticed, Wynncraft's prime-time player count has jumped from 900 to 1400 in just 1 and a half months),.

    The point of this thread is of course, To prove that anyone who thinks the Content Team is not doing any work, That he is definitely, Wrong.

    So without anymore words, Let's start.


    A few days ago I've contacted @Salted, To intreview him for this thread, Let's look at the results and what he has to say about the situation.
    Alright so first off, How would you rate your experience with the content team so far?

    Pretty good. I actually really like working with the CT as everybody on it is very creative. It's fun, you never know what kind of weird shenanigans they'll show you when you wake up in the morning. Last update, I worked a lot more
    alone on my own stuff or with Jumla, while Grian was handling the content. It changed a bit for this one though. I've spent more
    time with the team and discovered how amazing a lot of them can be.

    How hard do you feel that the next update is currently being worked on?

    God, you have no idea. Every single day those guys come online to do their best, only because they love the game and want to contribute more to it.
    Now, the team took a break after Gavel, understandably. But as time passed,
    the team got up again, ideas started popping out and we're getting a really solid update soon.

    What is the ratio of the Wynncraft Content team getting new recruits nowdays?

    Since we are getting close to release, not many new peoples are coming. We usually recruit at the start or middle
    of an update. We've also had an issue with our team panel in the past weeks, which for sure didn't helped for GM recruitments, but it's been fixed recently.

    For how much longer can you see Wynncraft standing? And how bright do you thing is it's future?

    We really like to keep our secrets. It's fun to surprise you guys with all we've been working on for the past months!
    Some big things will be coming soon enough. Those things take times though. I'm seeing a really nice future, and I wish I could tell you why.
    Stay tuned, you won't regret it.

    Do you feel like the Content Team is appreciated enough?

    Definitely not enough. Some of the members in it are insanely hard working. They work even more than the admins for even
    less recognitions. But pretty much every member deserve more credits for the hours
    and hours of work that they've done. Just making one quest can take weeks of work, requiring tons of builders, GM, skin makers, etc. It's a huge
    team effort that wouldn't be possible without everyone working their asses off. There's a reason why we always post the full credit list
    in the update threads. These guys deserve all the love they can get.

    Some people have been having doubts that the next update is being worked on at all, Do you have anything to say to them?

    That's a silly thought. Wynncraft is actually my full time job, it'd be pretty dumb to just let it die!
    The next update is gonna be a special one. We've learned a lot from Gavel and decided to focus a lot on refinements for this one. It's
    definitely being worked on.

    And now to the last question, Do you think that the content team currently has enough active members? And if not what are you doing about the situation?

    As I said earlier, I started working more with the team since Gavel got released. I personally work a little bit differently than Grian. I really like
    smaller teams. For this update we focused a lot on quality instead of quantity, and small teams work well with that. The team has shrunk a little bit in the past months, but the work done hasn't decreased one bit.
    I'm actually quite excited to see the community's reaction to it, as a shift in mindset amd how we work happened. You might notice that the next update is a bit different than usual because of all that.


    So yeah that's it from @Salted (Which I really thank for allowing me to intreview).

    Now I've decided to also intreview 2 more experienced Content Team members for their opinion on the situation.



    So, How would you rate your experience in the Content Team so far and do you feel like it's being appreciated enough?

    @Ackro (Exeprienced Game Master/GM)

    Well, I know there are people in the community who know what we are going through, and how much we are going through. (I thank them personally for that) They know that we are running on our highest gears, and are trying our best to make these updates (infrequent, but large ones).
    Then, of course, I know that some people haven't really understood what an active job in the content team means. Well, first of all, it gives you a reason to wake up in the summer ;D Then, after that, you either build or do GM work. Both of these are highly required for an update to happen, and I would say that both are as important. A GM can not do their work without builders, and builders wouldn't have much work without GMs. We depend on each other, and we work these 3-6 hour (or maybe even longer!) shifts each day during holidays. Think about that for a second.
    Sometimes I just want to show a certain YML that is massive work, or something else that took time in an update, when I see someone say "Why don't you do the updates faster?". My feelings and experiences are mixed around this subject, but I am sure that we will reach out to people who just haven't gotten it yet. I promise, with all of the human I am; we are working on it.

    @Lotem (Experienced Builder)

    I feel like most of the Wynncraft players appreciated the CT, but still forget that we are all volunteers, and just players in a game. It's really hard to make good content, and it's taking VERY long time... We put lot of effort in each build, quest, mob and everything we make.
    Making Wynncraft is very challenging, hard, and sometimes even kinda tedious, but still really fun! The CT is like a a small community and I really like to talk and work with everyone.
    I also really like to make my own content (Mainly puzzles and command blocks creations) and being creative. The best part in our job is to see how much all the players enjoy and love what we made! It's feeling so good, The thing is that sometimes one of my puzzles could take 20 hours to make, While it takes most of the players 5 minutes to solve and later on they forget about it.


    So yeah guys this is it for today, I'm pretty sure that this thread have shown my point, Wynncraft is still being worked on, And hard.

    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  2. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    It's good to hear that there's big things coming in Wynncraft's future (I was actually quite unsure what was happening) and that, even though it's not Gavel, it's going to be very refined on a smaller scale.

    Thanks for all your hard work, Content Team! Keep doing what you're doing!
  3. Glitchedslayer

    Glitchedslayer Godly Horse Breeder and Memer HERO

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    I feel like I should have done a interview by now, but I can't plan for shit.
    Jumla likes this.
  4. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    hopefully I'll join the gm's after the next update
  5. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    This was pretty nice. While I don't exactly think the team is under-appreciated (at least not as much as when Gavel was delayed), they certainly deserve a bunch more credit for doing all this stuff on they're own time.
  6. Tomix

    Tomix og HERO

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    This is fake he told me ingame lol

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  7. Wynncraftian

    Wynncraftian Old Wynncraftian

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    Wynn is all about patience.... Grinding, waiting for dxp, and for new updates. But we all know that the upcoming updates will be worth the wait. Keep up the hard work GMs and the rest of the Wynncraft team!
    Power :3, Rawb, Moe_Ronickah and 2 others like this.
  8. ShamBot

    ShamBot Wh40k fanatic VIP+

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    I don't think we have really thanked the content team and everyone who has helped with the creation of Wynn enough, although sometimes there has been a few hiccups, they still pull through and do a great job at it.
    Cheers to them!
    Power :3, Rawb, Moe_Ronickah and 4 others like this.
  9. FringeTech

    FringeTech The Mew Mage VIP+

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    It's true that the Content Team don't always get the recognition they disserve, some players get very impatient because they don't fully realize the amount of work involved...
    It can be very disheartening for them when you have those few people that say things about the time its taking...

    Either way, CT I support you, the update will be done when it's done. :saltedhappy:
    Power :3, Soviet Union, Rawb and 4 others like this.
  10. Bio

    Bio Father of Class Builds Section VIP+

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    Wait... You might be part of the content team soon™?
    Rawb and i eat bees like this.
  11. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    Okay good because the update will be done in 5 years. :saltedhappy:

    (jk we'll get it out as soon as we can)
  12. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    One thing I hate is when people think the old, buggy, boring, laggy, prone-to-crash Wynncraft is better than the current Wynncraft, while, at the same time, categorizing the very hard work they put into these new updates as "shit", this is why I hate nostalgia as a use of argument, it generalizes opinions of things greatly with rose-tinted goggles and causes circlejerks dedicated to berating the developer's work, if you're still here just so you can shit on new updates, you might as well leave, no need to come to the forums to find like-minded people to shit on the game with.

    Another thing I hate is the simple vs. complicated argument for this game when it comes to pre-Gavel and Gavel, simple may be fun..... Only for so long, and then you get bored, and then you leave. The game actually has fucking replayability now thanks to element/builds.

    Also, if you think Wynn should've stayed in a pre-Gavel update, everyone would get bored and realize how flawed pre-Gavel Wynn was, and leave, killing the server.
    Fuck nostalgia.

    They do this shit for free man.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  13. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Back in July 2013 there were crashes like every 20 minutes, it got annoying fast, I guess everyone never remembers the bad stuff when they remember the old days. (crashes, very barren grinding spots for high-levels, seriously, at least level 90+ players have good grinding spots for their level, sketchy balance, Archer was 10x worse that Current Assassin around when I joined, buggy spells, etc.)
    I admit, it had it's charm, and I still had lots of fun in those past pre-Gavel years, but the current Wynncraft is MILES better than that old rusty thing, I was honestly getting very bored of the game due to the repetitive formula of the old game, and the last time I played the game before Gavel released was like September-October 2015 (Gavel released December 2015).

    Also, HAVE AT YOU
  14. Bank

    Bank Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Fuck the content team, they're all lazy assholes. Especially the builders, GMs are cool tho...
  15. Sir Devastation

    Sir Devastation Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Looking at my stuff, I've spent 35.09 days total (842 Hours) on the build server (my in game normal WC play time is only 56 hours...). I am not sure if I should be proud of that, or consider getting a life :p

    I must disagree with you kind sir, I find that builders are much better than GMs..
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  16. Glitchedslayer

    Glitchedslayer Godly Horse Breeder and Memer HERO

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    Is that the tier 5 horse?
  17. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CT™ HERO

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    I feel like we don't update the community enough about how hard we are working on updates.
    Sometimes they just forget that while they are playing the game and waiting for a new update, a huge team of players work really hard many hours each day to make new (and better) content for them. So they can keep playing the game they love and enjoy so much.

    Personally, for the last few months I worked more than 300-400 hours on the new content. In the last few weeks (In the summer vacation) I'm working on the build server for more hours than I sleep, until 5 am.
    Many other CT members work hard for you guys, and I hope you all understand that.
  18. RedBr971

    RedBr971 That guy you don't care about HERO

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    I will interview you soontm
  19. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    You were saying?

    in-case you didn't get the joke, this stuff was made by builders. kbye
  20. Headset_O

    Headset_O I used to do stuff for this server CHAMPION

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    Haha yeah, I'm totally working on my projects...
    I blame the steam summer sale, pokemon go and the fact that I do not have holidays yet...
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