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Is Mummy's Rag Supposed To Raise Spell Damage With The Plus Tier Atk Speed?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Morgan83, Jul 9, 2016.


What do u think?

  1. Bug

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  2. Not bug

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  1. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    i really need to know because I've asked different mods about this and some say yes and some say it's a bug.

    Before you post, " of course not you idiot it is way to op with alkatraz builds!" Well think about all of the high level weapons that are good with plus tier atk speed as an id on them like tisuans proof and return to ether. These weapons would absolutely suck if they "fixed" the "bug" where tier atk speed id boosts spell damage. Ps it's not a bug! Yes it's too op with the huge increase that the id boosts in spell damage and that should st least get nerfed. Not completely changed.

    The only bug with tier atk speed is that it doesn't effect the actual atk speed of a weapon, just the animation speed. This is why people use Taurus and lifesteal gear to solo qira using a super fast weapon
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
  2. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Why would the ID be called "+/- Tier Attack Speed" if it boosts spell damage? Why not just add spell damage to the weapon and just make it so that the ID does what the name suggests?
  3. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    It wasn't ever meant to boost spell damage in the first place, it was always meant to boost your attack speed only, in it's current state, +tier attack speed is bugged, period.

    Notice that Tisaun's proof boosts melee damage, if you have gear that boosts melee damage, you can probably do 400-600 melee damage at a super fast DPS, which is pretty damn good.

    Also, don't forget powders.
    XavierEXE and Reyko like this.
  4. L179

    L179 *Insert original custom title here*

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    Yes it does boost spell damage and I do not think it is a bug (Not 100% sure though).
    This is because the higher attack speed a weapon has the less damage it deals so the higher attack speed gives weapons a higher spell damage to make up for the lower base damage. This is why the attack speed stat boosts spell damage, it certainly isn't what you would expect and perhaps not balanced but I highly doubt that this is a bug.
    Morgan83 likes this.
  5. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Once again, why not just add spell damage to the weapon instead of adding an ID that sounds like it would do something else?
    XavierEXE likes this.
  6. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    I don't know. Answer my question first please, not ask another question to try to answer mine and prove me wrong.

    To answer your question, in the game the fast weapons do less base damage but have a higher atk speed so salted decided to make higher atk speedshave extra spell multiplier. Imagine if this was not implemented, all slow weapons would be far superior to any fast weapon
  7. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Yes, the attack speed spell multiplier is there to balance super fast and super slow weapons, but, +tier attack speed was not meant to change the attack speed spell multiplier of weapons, only the attack speed DPS itself.

    It has been confirmed to be a bug, seriously, @Selvut283 has confirmed it as a bug on various threads.
    UltimateShitLord and XavierEXE like this.
  8. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    Why does the breezehands lower spell and melee damage then. Note that melee damage is lowered 3 times more. By your logic any atk tier piece of armour should be for melee. Explain clock boots and leggings. They both lower or boost melee and spell damage. So with your theory you cannot prove anything
    @DodoBird has personally told me that it is not a bug
  9. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    I don't see how my questions would prove you wrong. I was stating my opinion on the matter.
    Do you have evidence of Salted or or any other credible source saying this?
    Cruuk likes this.
  10. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    No offense to Dodo, he is a great mod, but he is not a GM, when Selvut says something is a bug, it's a bug.

    From this thread.
    Reyko likes this.
  11. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    Also this is true but what would happen to return to ether if this is changed. It would do almost no damage and it has two tier atk speed multiplier boosts and it already doesn't do a lot. Solitude would do more damage and frankly be more useful as it has powder slots. They will be balancing alka and apoc builds a lot but severely nerfing many builds like any return build and many others that rely on atk tier spell boosts.

    As an example, although salted did fix the bug with raw damage being added before multipliers, he made another problem of having to fix a cancer+Taurus build because cancer can't stop Taurus' raw melee damage boost. If it had stayed the same then cancer's -% melee would negate this but also leaving the raw before % glitch a huge problem as well.

    Tbh there is really no fix to this because each bug patch comes a new, almost as or worse, glitch that they can't fixe without undoing the other fix rendering there time and effort almost useless
    Read his patch thread on the raw before % damage fix
  12. pretzellover33

    pretzellover33 Eater of pretzul- ahem, Pretzels HERO

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    It's a bug as confirmed by a GM...

    Return to Ether and Tisaun's Proof...
    Firstly, Tisaun's Proof is a melee-leaning weapon, as with most neutral weapons. The patch would only make it better in my opinion.
    Return to Ether is an air bow... it's not supposed to hit hard.

    Cancer+Taurus locks you into a str/dex build, aka a major glass cannon. It also still nullifies spell damage, so you're doing nothing in that department.

    And finally, Chestplate of Ineptitude is proof that attack speed is meant for melee cooldown. Also proven with Breezehands and Clock Boots, where the -melee damage is there to balance out the dps (so it isn't a huge increase).
    Cruuk likes this.
  13. MrSamuel1023

    MrSamuel1023 Level 101 Mage

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    I don't think Return to Ether is meant to be a strong weapon. The low damage is supposed to balance out the big XP bonus it has.
  14. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    People say that return to ether is a super op weapon but it really isn't so I don't understand how grinding would even be effective with it if the tiers don't boost spell damage. If return to ether is only meant to be used for grinding then why does it have the tier atk speed buff in the first place
    MrSamuel1023 likes this.
  15. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Air weapons are supposed to be fast, Air weapons are also supposed to do lower-than average damage, but in return, Return to Ether can also give you up to 17% walk speed and the aforementioned XP bonus.

    Honestly, at this point, I would just go with the flow on how +tier attack speed is meant to work.
    Air and Thunder are about having fast DPS, +tier attack speed helps with this DPS, most armor/weapons that have +tier attack speed are attuned to Air and Thunder, with a few exceptions:

    -Mummy's Rag is sort of an Air/Earth hybrid armor, it gives +tier attack speed for people who use Air or Earth weapons for DPS, but it lowers walk speed like most Earth items do.

    -Tisaun's proof has it because it's a jack of all trades of sorts, it has +tier attack speed and +melee damage% for people who like DPS, and it has spell damage% for those who lack a good water weapon.

    -Chestplate of Ineptitude has it because it's literally a chestplate made for melee-oriented builds, hence the negative spell damage.

    -Clock boots has it, because, again, the whole clock set is kind of a jack of all trades.

    Literally ANY other item that has +tier attack speed is attuned to Air and/or Thunder.

    Oh, and about Breezehands, the item itself is very situational, as it was made only for DPS, keep in mind, you buy it from the Hive air merchant, as I mentioned earlier, Air items do low damage/negative damage IDs, but they give high DPS to people.

    +Tier attack speed is honestly the reason for why spell builds completely dominate melee DPS builds because +tier attack speed was put there to balance the 2 out, allowing melee builds to get enough DPS to do the same amount of damage as spells, but... as I've already quoted:
    In fact, a while back I developed a melee Alkatraz high DPS build, I calculated that with the attack speed and the melee build, Alkatraz would do an average of over 5000 damage at a normal speed, however, at the time when I made this build, I didn't know +tier attack speed in it's current state only affected the attack speed spell multiplier, and not the DPS, and it's supposed to do the exact opposite, if one were to use this build right now, they'd be unfortunate to see that while Alkatraz may swing faster, the DPS is still super slow! I mean hey, it may boost the spell damage multiplier of Alkatraz, but that's NOT what I made the build for! I made the build for melee users! But melee builds, in general, are pretty fucking useless right now! Because +tier attack speed, the ID that is supposed to boost melee builds to compete with spell damage builds, is boosting fucking spell damage builds, because, of, a, damn, BUG!
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
  16. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    You do know that the only reason people use alkatraz is because it can break any elemental defence. When this is changed then the only weapon with this damage potential is Az. No other weapon could compare to its raw damage against anything
  17. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    everybody knows about this, and I am pretty sure it is a bug
    Cruuk likes this.
  18. pretzellover33

    pretzellover33 Eater of pretzul- ahem, Pretzels HERO

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    It's because it's an air weapon with agility and walk speed, not because of exp bonus.
    Jester set bonuses are pretty powerful, and they're the best xp bonus accessories.

    Alkatraz would still be able to penetrate elemental defense. The weapon is not based on spells, for god's sake! With the right build, and using the intended melee version of attack speed tiers, you could one-shot people weak to earth (or anybody with considerably low hp) with melee! If you really love spells, then alkatraz and apocalypse and basically all the super slow weapons are not for you.
    MrSamuel1023 and Cruuk like this.
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