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Coming Back

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Orbitrons, Jul 7, 2016.

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  1. Orbitrons

    Orbitrons Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Soooo... I used to play on Wynncraft a lot before Gavel, and I really enjoyed it. I was, like everyone else hyped for Gavel. When it came out however, I was confused. The whole elemental system messed with my brain so much. Like I know what it does, just not how to use it properly. I am that guy who kinda wants to know everything and know what strategies to use if I want to feel comfortable playing a game or something. Now, I didnt understand how this all was supposed to work. I quit Wynncraft, mainly due to having to change my skill point build and the new elemental system.

    Now Im getting back into Wynncraft again after a long time (quit somewhere around winter/fall 2015) and Im asking you, the Wynncraft community on what to do. So here are my questions. But first, some info.

    My highes lvl. class is a lvl. 55 archer (I know Im low leveled) and Im a bit undergeared. I dont know what element to settle on and I dont really know what to use. I can most likely post screenshots of my stuff if needed. I am currently in Olux swamp with my archer, trying to do the "The shadow of the beast" quest. Any help on where the damn footsteps are would be much appreciated xD. Im also new to the forum, so if this in the wrong section or whatever. You know why. My native language isnt english, so expect a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes.

    Now, a few (many) questions:

    • How do I use the element system properely?
    • What quests am I supposed to do, in what order?
    • If there isnt any special order to go in to be the most effective. What should I think about when doing quests?
    • How to combat mobs effectively? Like what spells to use against certain stuff and so on.
    • Any good place to find the lore of Gavel, preferably in a compact, shortened version?
    • I am currently at around -1450, -5477 and Im looking for footsteps of "the beast", where to go? [EDIT: Found it by myself, the freakin dude is like right outside Olux xddd]
    • Anything I should know about the health and mana?
    • Anything more thats useful to know?
    From what I have seen, the Wynncraft community is very helpful and nice. So if anyone got some spare time to help a little noob like me, feel free to. I would be very happy.

    And since I dont know how to end threads, I just wanna thank everyone on this server, devs, builders, staff, and admins, everyone who has helped to create this amazing server. And also a huge thanks to the players, who seem to be helpful, nice, and overall awesome. Thanks to all these people ^^^^ I have had a great time playing on this server.

    Thanks for reading, Space.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
  2. ! 3 !

    ! 3 ! Wynntils Developer HERO

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    • How do I use the element system properely?
      • Different skills increase elements power, you should focus on one for your class and build if you want to make the most of the elements.
    • What quests am I supposed to do, in what order?
      • You should just do the quests in the order of your level how it is in the book or just any order you like.
    • If there isnt any special order to go in to be the most effective. What should I think about when doing quests?
      • Maybe get some +XP Bonus armor and accessories to gain the most XP when you hand in the quest. (dont need to wear it all the time just when you hand in your quest if you want.)
    • How to combat mobs effectively? Like what spells to use against certain stuff and so on.
      • There are some AOE attacks for all of the classes so if you are in a pickle you can easily get out of it with that, however they normally use the most Mana. Maybe just attack whilst walking backwards to avoid getting hit and wasting mana on 1 or 2 mobs.
    • Any good place to find the lore of Gavel, preferably in a compact, shortened version?
    • I am currently at around -1450, -5477 and Im looking for footsteps of "the beast", where to go?
      • Follow the footprints to find another victim of the beast. Look around X -1770 Y 54 Z -5244
    • Anything I should know about the health and mana?
      • Mana decreases when you sprint so if you want to move faster maybe get some walkspeed bonus armor/accessories.
    • Anything more thats useful to know?
    Other people can probably give better answers but hey, there is some information :D
  3. DirtyDoge

    DirtyDoge Master Procastinator HERO

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    Wb m80

    • How do I use the element system properely?
    You don't use it "properly," you can create your own build based on armor you want or attributes you want. Or you could use one that people already use.
    • What quests am I supposed to do, in what order?
    No specific order, I'd recommend lowest to highest level tho.
    • If there isnt any special order to go in to be the most effective. What should I think about when doing quests?
    Answered above. Keep in mind that there are part 2s and item requirements.
    • How to combat mobs effectively? Like what spells to use against certain stuff and so on.
    Basically same answer as the elements one.
    • Any good place to find the lore of Gavel, preferably in a compact, shortened version?
    Not too much lore yet. But doing quests helps :D
    • I am currently at around -1450, -5477 and Im looking forfootsteps of "the beast", where to go?
    Shadow of the Beast? His footsteps are holes in the ground.
    • Anything I should know about the health and mana?
    Armor/other gear affects health. Conserve mana wisely.
    • Anything more thats useful to know?
    Be careful when AFKing.
    Orbitrons likes this.
  4. Orbitrons

    Orbitrons Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Ok thanks dude, that will help me alot! Just one more question here, do I need to play attention to EVERY stat change on armor, some of my stuff has like "Fire Damage +3%" or "Water Damage +2%". Should I care about these small changes or not?
    DirtyDoge likes this.
  5. MrSamuel1023

    MrSamuel1023 Level 101 Mage

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    You don't have to pay attention to every small stat, just the main ones like spell damage, melee damage, walk speed and so on. I would suggest that you go watch an element guide on youtube or read one here on the forums. Once you have chosen an element everything will feel much easier and you barely think about it. I also posted a short summary of the element system on some other guy's thread that you can check out if you want.
    If you have any more questions feel free to ask and I will try to answer them. :)
    Orbitrons likes this.
  6. Triverr

    Triverr Cool Cat Adventurer HERO

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    I don't think anyone has answered this yet, so I'll give one. The footprints are the huge 2 block deep 3x3 holes in the ground. Don't follow them all the way to the end if you just finished helping the farmer with the lost cows. The next guy you help isn't at the small village outside the forest or at the cave at the end of the trail. He's somewhere else along the way.
    Orbitrons likes this.
  7. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    You should check out this: A Guide to Guides It has info about everything concerning Wynncraft, plus some cool stuff. It should help you.
    Orbitrons likes this.
  8. Orbitrons

    Orbitrons Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Thanks a lot buddy, will read through it!

    Ok, that makes it a lot easier. Just gonna go with Water/Earth now, as I have upgraded Intelligence and Defense, and fittingly, by bow does Water and Earth damage. :D

    Thanks! I managed to find the guy, he was like right outside Olux...
    MrSamuel1023 likes this.
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