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Information About Guild Glitches For Those New To Guilds

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Goden, Jul 8, 2016.

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  1. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    So, since a lot of complaints about guild glitches pop up all the time, and most of them are due to people uninformed about the glitches of guilds, I figured that it'd be best if someone put up a good ol' thread about some of the things people should know about glitches. First, most of you know about most, if not all, of these glitches, so there's not much here but a good ol' refresher. But essentially, this is a list of things for you guild up-and-comers to know about BEFORE joining a guild, so you don't aggravate the owners by taking up two spots in the guild, being stuck in it forever, and more. (More on that later of course.) (Also, line spacing is odd here, idk why)

    A little note here, I'll be ordering the significance and effect of each glitch or bug in an order of most severe (Five X's) to least severe (One X).

    The List Begins!

    (This list will be divided into sections, so.. yep. Go with the flow.)

    - Player Glitches -
    • Name Changes: First off, when in a guild, something that you'll probably be informed of, for the time being, is.. NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE CHANGE YOUR FRICKIN' NAME. Mainly, changing your name while in a guild does two things. First, it duplicates your name in the guild, meaning that you take up two spots in the guild (Three for two name changes, four for three, etc.), and that your chat is doubled, as well as making it impossible for you to leave the guild without an operator deleting your duplicated version (Low chances of that happening, for your information). Mainly. an easy way to avoid this happening is, if you want to change your name, simply just ask someone to kick you, change your name, and then ask them to invite you again. Even if this is a bit of a time-consuming activity for the guild leader (or kick/invite person), it's definitely much preferred compared to being stuck in the guild forever (Or at least until the bug is fixed) Also, I've heard that a small percent of players whom this happens to actually has the glitch fix itself. I presume this is random in choosing, but.. Good luck on becoming one of those people.. Oh yeah, also, if you end up duped, DO NOT change your name back, or to something else. This only dupes you again, meaning that you'll take up three spots, as well as you see every guild chat message three times (Or more, depending on how many times you change your name). So I've heard, if you are duped three times, you can go back down to two using /guild leave. Don't worry, you won't leave, but apparently that removes your third dupe.
      Severity - XXXX (Because it is fixable, and you can be made back to normal, though chances are low.)
    • Glitched Members: Essentially, when in a guild, a side effect of your name being deleted, or the above problem, is that you will become glitched, most of the time.. I, for one, currently am! Yay! Being glitched in a guild means you can't do any of the following things: Leave the guild, change ranks in a guild, or be kicked out of the guild. Technically, you could purposefully become glitched in order to stay in a guild without doing anything.. but.. No! Don't do that! Bad! The guild owner will probably hate you.. Probably.. Definitely.. Unless you have a super intense romantic relationship with him/her. Then you're fine. Good luck with that though. Finally, there's a possible fix for this in which you're kicked and you leave the guild, but this hasn't been tested, so no guarantees.
      Severity - XXXXX (Because until guilds are completely fixed and this bug is removed, nothing can be done to reverse it, aside from that untested fix.)
    • XP Duping/Glitching: Though I hope this was fixed, you used to be able to take advantage of a bug in which you could gain infinite experience for your guild by doing very certain things. I won't go into detail here about how, for obvious reasons, but if you encounter a chance at do this, just don't do it. It's a terrible thing to do, and makes it unfair to everyone else if it is done.


      - Guild Command Glitches -
    • Territories - "Nobody Logged In": Basically, when attacking a territory (Remember, Captains or higher only can start them), your group that's attacking it will be all ready, hyped up for it, the countdown's at 10 seconds.. five.. Zero! Your group anxiously waits.. and waits.. and then that fatal message appears in chat: "Nobody logged in for the battle." Well, this is just an aggravating problem. Mainly, it's just the server not registering you being there. I have no clue why, ask a developer maybe, but two fixes for this exist, them being the following: First, try moving around to a different spot, or just flat out redoing it in the same spot. It might help, but it doesn't work most of the time. Secondly, switch servers. When I do wars personally, this usually works for me, so that's probably the most reliable solution for this.
      Severity - XX (Because of the two easy fixes to it, it's nothing major at all, aside from a minor annoyance or setback.)
    • Invitations To Guilds Don't Work!: This is something that I recently found out, apparently, if you've been invited to a guild, and then you try to join it less than a minute after being invited, it won't let you in, saying you got no invitation. A simple fix to this is just to wait the minute out, then join it. Another thing that I've heard is that upon joining right at that minute, you won't be able to see messages you type on /g, but the people in the guild will. This is just something odd, so either switch servers to fix it, or wait it out again.
      Severity - X (Seriously, just be patient. Sheesh.)
    • Wars Not Spawning Mobs: A common problem with guild wars is that you get in a war, all ready to fight (Possibly right after you fixed the Nobody Logged In bug), and you wait the ten seconds for mobs to spawn.. three.. two.. one.. Ready! And then no mobs spawn. Just a empty plain of nothingness. Again, alike a lot of territory glitches, this is just a minor problem that you can fix by leaving the war and attacking it again. Nothing big.
      Severity - X (Because of it's simple fix, it's nothing much to worry about at all.)

    Of course, there are a couple more that you'll find on your travels, but by the time you found those, you should've already become a veteran guild person who knows what to do in such scenarios. Anyhow, that's basically all you need to know to avoid, and all that you should know on how to fix certain problems. If they can be fixed. I hope this helped, and please don't comment that you know this already, if you do, congratulations to you, you aren't the target audience. Anyhow, again, hope this helped c;
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
    hexapod, Jamieverse, Petitgas and 8 others like this.
  2. Killerfish

    Killerfish Procrastinating Artist HERO

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    @Yamipanda Can I change my name to xX420N0sc0pe69mlgPr0Xx?
    Ten, Foven, motoki1 and 5 others like this.
  3. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    You know..
    It's here somewhere, but I have a direct quote from Yami..
    "after warning them 8 or so times, people still think it's apparently okay to go and change their name ._."
    Foven and Yamipanda like this.
  4. buukie

    buukie Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    add that you can easily avoid name change glitch by leaving guild / getting someone to kick you then rejoining after name change pls
    also this should really be stickied
    Naraka00 and Misty like this.
  5. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    Will do, sorry I didn't reply sooner ;3
    I mean, I won't do the sticky part
    Can't do that
    But I'll do the name change avoiding part.
  6. Naraka00

    Naraka00 Warrior of the Revolution Staff Member Mod Manager Moderator CHAMPION

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    Hey, nice list :) Here's another glitch to add to it: after you get teleported to the war server sometimes the mobs don't spawn. The fix to this is to restart the war, sometimes several restarts are needed until they spawn.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
    Misty and Yuno F Gasai like this.
  7. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    It does fix itself for a small part of the glitched players.
    Can be fixed if someone kicks you and you leave at the same time (haven't tested it yet)
  8. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    Aha! I knew I was missing something.. Well, that's what I get for typing this up at about 2:30 in the morning. Anyhow, thank you, I'll make sure to add it c:
    As for the first part, did not know that, those people are quite lucky, but I'll add it, thanks. For the second part, I tried this once, and it didn't work for me, but that may have been because my timing was off by about a second. Not sure. I'll add it anyway with the words "Possibly". Thanks again ;3
    Naraka00 likes this.
  9. Misty

    Misty Chimera VIP+

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    I demand a free bump. Oh it doesn't work that way?
    Killerfish and donda biblioteca like this.
  10. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    It does. Not like I'm only replying to this to bump the thread too >.>

    On a side note, would anyone be willing to assist me.. somehow.. in making the format look nice? It looked really nice in the original post, there was two lines of space between each bullet in the list.
    Then I clicked "Post" and it just said no.
    sniffle sniffle.
    Misty likes this.
  11. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    I should've seen this. I take 3 places in the guild
  12. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    Oops :/ Yeah, probably my fault that you didn't see it, I lost track of it and forgot to bump it ;-;
    robincaiye likes this.
  13. Petitgas

    Petitgas They told me I could use a custom title

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    Then I'll bump it aswell. Also, being promoted while you already take 2 places and see guild messages two times will make you see these messages 3 times (and you won't even get promoted). You can get back to two times messages by leaving guild once (Will not really make you leave guild btw, but at least will reduce the spam in your chat). I'll try to test the kick + leave fix and see if it works (yes I'm a victim of this aswell.. This thread need to be stickied).
  14. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    I'll add in the part about how duping/promotions makes the dupes stack (Thought I had that in truthfully, but I wrote it at 3 am, so meh). Didn't know about that leave trick, so I'll throw that in too,. Thanks for testing the kick + leave thing though, I have nowhere near enough coordination with anyone in my guild to test if myself ._.

    Nice meeting you in game too, by the way ;3
  15. Petitgas

    Petitgas They told me I could use a custom title

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    Leaving + being kicked didn't work (at least for me). And yeah, great surprise meeting you in-game just 2 minutes after posting :D
  16. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    We call these smexi posts "Bumps", you see o3o
  17. LaggyNoob

    LaggyNoob potatoes are lyfee VIP

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    should've seen it too.. I take 3 places in my guild.. but too bad, my guild is inactive
  18. ElegantDeath

    ElegantDeath Who needs a title anyways HERO

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    sorry the minecraft name limit is 16 characters maximum
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