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Build The New Maze Observatory Tower [project] - Craftedmovie Related

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by RemiDaYeen, Jun 19, 2016.

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  1. RemiDaYeen

    RemiDaYeen CraftedMovie Veteran CHAMPION

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    Hey guys!
    It's been a very long time I haven't posted anything here, especially about one of the things that fascinate me the most : mazes. A long time ago, back in 2013 on the CraftedMovie servers, the ancestor of Wynn, I built a gigantic maze in survival and made everybody from the server come and visit it.

    It took me weeks to build, but unfortunately it had to come to an end when the survival map had a reset. I luckily was able to download the map thanks to a old long gone friend and stock it safely in my files.

    For the past 4 years, I drew and built mazes on various multiplayer servers, and got a lot of feedback and support. A few months ago, I discovered Grian's building videos, and his way of building inspired me to take that one maze I built 4 years ago on CraftedMovie and re-built it entirely.

    This new project is a revision and completion of the old one that wasn't finished. But also, this final project will contain all the mazes, a parkour, adventure map and a surprise I've worked on these past 4 years.

    This is what it used to look like before (2012/2013) :

    Build had :
    - One maze (incomplete)
    - The Observatory tower w/ one house inside, and a roof where people could jump off to land in the pool below.
    - An awesome nightclub.
    - And a wall where players that had completed the maze and to place a sign with their name on it.

    Now, this is what it looks like now (2016) :

    Build has / will have :
    - Three horrible sadistic and confusing-as-hell, but not impossible mazes, where following the maze's edge or always going right or left doesn't work. I like to see people suffer and rage.
    - Maze's Observatory Tower : Two floors, one bar with a lounge, guest rooms, terrace, roof with an elytra balcony where you can either jump or fly off + pool underneath that leads somewhere.
    - Parkour with 2 or 3 rooms.
    - CraftedMovie themed adventure map.
    - Head museum (but only dedicated to special people)
    - The CraftedClub 3.0, also a room entirely dedicated to CraftedMovie and YouTubers related to their channel.
    - My house (actually, nobody cares but you'll be going through it anyway)
    - Salted 2.0 (Salted from a parallel dimension where CraftedMovie 2.0 came out)
    - CraftedMovie references everywhere, because otherwise this map ain't dedicated to them.
    - SaltedIsABeach.


    - Build pain-in-the-ass leaf maze : DONE
    - Observatory : DONE (Took me 2 whole days)
    - Map entrance : TO DO (tomorrow)
    - First level and intro : TO DO
    - Parkour that leads to second maze : TO DO

    It's currently being built on a small public creative server. If you're interested in visiting or testing it out, send me a private message.
    blankman, green254, Procrast and 7 others like this.
  2. Grantdrew

    Grantdrew Block Spammer

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    Quite an improvement to say the least
  3. JewelXSparkle

    JewelXSparkle The Bacon person who likes to build :D

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    I hate mazes, but I'm just against mazes, the tower is such an improvement! You made a wonderful tower :3
  4. elOXXO

    elOXXO Guest

    Good to see that you're still doing mazes. Keep up the good work!
  5. MapleJava

    MapleJava Simplay Here

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    oshit its labyrinth got any craftedmovie maps
  6. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    Great! Whish I could build like that.
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