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Buying Some Xp Stuffz At Lvl 83

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by UryuuMinene, Jun 2, 2016.

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  1. UryuuMinene

    UryuuMinene Tohsaka__Rin

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    Put pictures of the items down there and ofc state a price, ill see if i want it :P
    Oh i forgot im in GMT +8 so also state your time zone XD
  2. Rick Harrison

    Rick Harrison Ign: SwiggleHD

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    @UryuuMinene This is the highest xp set

    helmet: 28% speaker lv87 can get for about a stack of le, if to high for you look for 26% 2xp lower but only about 25le

    Chestplate: 39% Xp papyrus goes for crazy amounts look for 35ish xp bonus if you don't want to go broke

    leggings: 39% Greaves of honor lvl58 Either get really lucky when you turn in the quest "an iron heart part2" with the good ending or you're looking at 2.5stacks (I sold my 39% for 3 stacks) 32ish again if you don't want to go broke

    Boots: 42% Bad wolf lv60 ive seen these sell 2 stacks I currently am using 39% (not for sale) look for 32ish or higher again so you don't go broke :p

    For accessories use jester 2 33% xp rings, 33% xp bracer and necklas. the set bonus only works for 3 items so I think the 2nd ring doesn't get the negative debuff, Can anyone confirm?

    And if you're a mage buy a sage Max is 40% xp but haven't seen many of these last one I saw sold 1.5 stacks
    Not sure of other xp bonus weps but olux prized has +15% for every class wep and bobs has +10%

    Sorry not selling my set, but Just thought I'd help you with prices and what to look for (:
  3. UryuuMinene

    UryuuMinene Tohsaka__Rin

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    I see, thanks!
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