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Guild ❄ The Blues ❄ - Recruiting 70+! ( Currently Not Recruiting )

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by InkAndEssence, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. InkAndEssence

    InkAndEssence Travelled Adventurer

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    Accepted, can't wait to invite you! :)
  2. xxInertianxx

    xxInertianxx Skilled Adventurer

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    IGN: xxInertianxx
    Main Class: Assassin
    Highest Level: 74
    Have you been in a guild before: Yes, I was in a friends guild. They became inactive so I left
    Guild War Experience: 3 to 4
    Timezone: American PST
    Skype: amarsinghnet
    Hours Active: Depending. I can squeeze 2 to 3 hours on a weekday, whereas I can go up to 5 on a weekend (per day).
    About Me: I volunteer at a hospital in my spare time and I have a part time job of a mechanic. I also love playing Minecraft and MMO games like Wynncraft on it.
  3. InkAndEssence

    InkAndEssence Travelled Adventurer

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    Accepted, feel free to message a Chief next time you are online!
    Thank you for lending a hand at the hospital, I am sure that they appreciate it. :)
  4. Feder

    Feder Schattentod HERO

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    ~ IGN: Feder

    ~ Main class: Warrior

    ~ Highest level: 83

    ~ Have you been in any guilds before? (If so, tell me why you left/were kicked): I was in the guild "Force of Nature". I was the Owner and I left the guild because I wanted to help "Cats and Turtles". I was kicked because they didnt need help anymore and now I am searching for a new guild. I saw your guild a few times ingame and this made me apply

    ~ On a Scale from 1 to 5, 1 being no experience, and 5 being very experienced, how experienced are you with guild wars?: Maybe 3 or 4. I participated in many guild wars with my own guild FoN and then I participated in a few with "Cats".

    ~ What is your timezone? UTC + 1

    ~ What is your Skype username? Skype is required, please make one if you don't currently have one. (We don't do calls in the main group chat.) thien9610

    ~ How many hours are you active per day: Usually 1-2 hours but much longer on weekends.

    ~ ⛄ Final question, tell me a little about yourself! ⛄ Please note that even though this is not required, it is to your benefit to fill it out. Personality plays a big part in the recruiting process of BLU: I am 19 years old and I am a german college student. I am playing on Wynncraft for over 2 years now and I still love this game. I like playing with people from other countries and having fun together and thats the reason Wynncraft is still my favourite minecraftserver.
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
  5. Endertricity

    Endertricity Assorted Mini Quiche VIP

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    We seem to be attracting quite a few german college students! @RunningGag
    but yea, you meet all the requirements, ink could probably get you in.
  6. InkAndEssence

    InkAndEssence Travelled Adventurer

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    Accepted, we're always looking for helpful members! Feel free to message a Chief next time one is online. :)
    I feel like you would get along with one of our older members pretty well. :P
  7. Endertricity

    Endertricity Assorted Mini Quiche VIP

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    @owenj333 make sure to mention me in your application
  8. owenj333

    owenj333 Skilled Adventurer

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    IGN: owenj333
    My class is mage
    my highest class and main class is mage
    I have been in two guilds and I left the first one because every one stopped playing including the owner so I left and then the next guild I joined I did tons of guild wars cus that's mainly what I do cus I hate grinding but then I was kicked from it because my all my friends on wynncraft started to be ass holes so then I stopped playing for a while and by the time I joined back my guild had kicked me for not being on but now ima play a ton of wynncraft because I wanna get very op before the new updates come out, so I will be using all my classes but mainly my mage.
    on a scale of 1-10 for guild wars id say I'm almost a 5
    my time zone is pacific time zone
    my skype user name is owenj3333333333333 or owen Johnston and my pic is a fire wolf.
    I mainly play around 2-4 hours a day when I'm not very busy. and I'm only busy when I got to do track races or badminton semi or final matches.
    well I mainly play wynncraft because I got bored of all the other games I played and now I almost always just play wynncraft and sometimes I help my dad with setting up for concerts and or building speakers so I can get some money from working with him to buy some dxp or other stuff that I would need so that would be great for when we need to lvl up from grinding.
  9. InkAndEssence

    InkAndEssence Travelled Adventurer

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    Declined. Sorry but this application is not completed fully, please complete it! :)
  10. owenj333

    owenj333 Skilled Adventurer

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    IGN: owenj333

    Main Class: mage

    Highest Level: 84

    Have you been in any guilds before? (If so, tell me why you left/were kicked): I was in the guild. well, I have been in two guild before and I left the first one because no one really played and then the second guild I was kicked because my friends started to be ass holes to me so I stopped playing and by the time I got back I was kicked from my guild.

    Time Zone: my time zone is, pacific time zone

    Skype: my skype is owenj3333333333333 or owen Johnston and my pic is a fire wolf.

    Guild War Skills: well on a scale of 1-5 and 1 as being no experience at all iv never done it to I always to it and I know every thing about guild wars there is to know.I waould say I would be around a 4 or 5 because I have lots of experience from my old guilds cus that's what I did when I was bored.

    Hours A Day: on week days I mainly play 2-3 hours and on week ends I play around 2-5 hours.

    Tell Us About Yourself: well I am 15 years old with an average of C+ to Bs and I love wynncraft because I like playing with new people and I love helping my guild make it to the top and one of the best. I also do track and field and badminton and I came in second place in finals for track and lost in badminton at semi finals.

    After reading this I hope you carefully consider adding me to your guild and have a lovely day/night.
  11. InkAndEssence

    InkAndEssence Travelled Adventurer

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    Nice application, accepted! We'll be glad to welcome you into the family. :3
    Feel free to message a Chief next time one is online.
  12. D_Diamonds

    D_Diamonds DsA Leader HERO

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    ~ IGN: D_Diamonds

    ~ Main class: Mage

    ~ Highest level: 79 but leveling rapidly

    ~ Have you been in any guilds before? (If so, tell me why you left/were kicked):

    Yes I was Ominous Power. I left because it was a low level guild which meant it was inactive. It also never participated in wars. I want to join a guild with in-game friends who are active and join wars.

    ~ On a Scale from 1 to 5, 1 being no experience, and 5 being very experienced, how experienced are you with guild wars?: 1 (I have never been in one, but I have seen them and am excited to join in)

    ~ What is your timezone? EST

    ~ What is your Skype username? Skype is required, please make one if you don't currently have one. (We don't do calls in the main group chat.) Due to privacy I would prefer to release this after joining if accepted.

    ~ How many hours are you active per day: I play from 3 to 8 hours a day (This is not exaggerated)

    ~ ⛄ Final question, tell me a little about yourself! ⛄ Please note that even though this is not required, it is to your benefit to fill it out. Personality plays a big part in the recruiting process of BLU:
    So people call me Diamonds or Josh. I have played wynncraft for two years. In my IRL life I am an honors/AP student with straight A's. So I am in no way immature. I am extremely social and love to talk to people. In wynncraft I enjoy assisting people on quests. I plan after getting to around 85-95 on mage to begin a secondary on Archer. If you want to know anything about my personality ask walle6 in your guild as I am starting to know him and him to know me.
  13. InkAndEssence

    InkAndEssence Travelled Adventurer

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    Your application looks good but I will need to verify your Skype before we invite you. If you would like, you are more than welcome to message it to me directly on the forums. :3

    [Edit]: Accepted! Feel free to message a Chief next time one is online. The team and I are looking forward to hanging out with you. :)
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
  14. BlueFoxRed

    BlueFoxRed Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    My in game name is BlueFoxRed
    My main class is archer at level 76
    I left ban able because it was inactive
    I would say I am a 3-4 attacking about
    My time zone is eastern standard time
    My skype is justin_time1212
    At least 1 because I play on other server like mineplex and max many 5 now because of summer and some weeks I have Boy Scouts so I can't get on 100% of the time that was a bit of both questions
    I want some higher level friends because the closest is level 65
    There is some more but I don't really want to make it to long but thanks for reading!
  15. InkAndEssence

    InkAndEssence Travelled Adventurer

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    Declined. Sorry for the late reply, we are actually not recruiting currently.
  16. BlueFoxRed

    BlueFoxRed Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    But when you are will in need to apply again?
    InkAndEssence likes this.
  17. InkAndEssence

    InkAndEssence Travelled Adventurer

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    Horribly sorry again for the late reply! I don't really check the forums a ton. xD
    Hopefully soon we will start asking more applications. Thank you so much for your interest. :)
  18. Deactivated

    Deactivated Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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