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Guild ۩ Nether's Ascension ۩

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Francis12qwasyx, Jan 14, 2016.

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  1. Francis12qwasyx

    Francis12qwasyx Hacker Extraordinaire VIP

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  2. xX_Zomboss_Xx

    xX_Zomboss_Xx Travelled Adventurer

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    In-game username: xX_Zomboss_Xx
    Your two highest classes (include levels): Mage 85 and Ninja 46
    Previous guild affiliation(s):
    Why did you leave/get kicked?: The Guild was inactive
    How will you contribute to TNA: I can help people out when needed, I can also contribute Many LE to the Guild but not much xp untill i get Past the quests
    Are you into Nether PvP? Rate yourself from 1 to 10: 6
    Are you into Attacking? Rate yourself from 1 to 10: 8
    Tell us about yourself: Im a Happy person, I am going through a Uni course to become a Therapist so if you need to talk to someone im happy to help, I play Basketball and im a bit of a wynncraft no-life :P
    Link your stats page: https://wynncraft.com/stats/player/xX_Zomboss_Xx (All Warrior Accounts are For Storage)
    Do you have skype?: Yes I do have Skype
    Skype name (optional): My Skype name is Danny8776, Please put who you are in the request so i know who to add and who not to add.

    Hope i get in :P

    -- xX_Zomboss_Xx
    Sara Forristal likes this.
  3. HDElectro101

    HDElectro101 Buying Az message me

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    @huge6446 whatever you do, DO NOT INVITE NOAHSMALLEY! He has had multiple attempts of scamming OUR MEMBERS and is extremely toxic, STAY AWAY!!!!! kek. Anyways, I know that Benny and Noah are separate accounts, I just don't know whether ones an alt of the other or not. @ToSch Hey may have only made his account to register for our guild if he's not Benny's alt.
    Sara Forristal likes this.
  4. ToSch

    ToSch Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's assume that he only created his forum account for the guild. There is no reason for entering a wrong birthday date. And it's pretty stupid if you mention your birthday in your app. And even if he only clicked okay all the time while creating his account, his birthday would be set to the first of january (I'm not sure about that but it is like that on the most websites so why should this one be different). So there's still no explanation for that.

    Edit: if you create an account it looks like this http://puu.sh/oWSEF/504e3421e4.png
    So he has to enter something. So why the last month and the number "31" if it's not true.
    That still makes no sense.
    Last edited: May 19, 2016
    HDElectro101 and Sara Forristal like this.
  5. huge6446

    huge6446 nether pvp guy HERO

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    I wish to congratulate Tye (@ThugFree ), @stitch3d and Shadow (@LapizAssassin ) on the promotion to chief!!

    Mature. Self sufficient. A leader. There isnt really much to say about Tye - he gets stuff done. He may not be as active as our other two choices but he was definately one of the first names to fall when we were discussing who we want to promote.

    Compared to the other two chiefs we have chosen, Sara has not been in the guild for very long. What she lacks in time spent here she makes up with activity and her achievement in leveling within the first few weeks of joining the guild proves her determination. She may currently be locked up in exam work but she still spends time in the spam chat with the members. She is aproachable and keeps the chat alive and lively.

    He has been in the guild for a total of more than a year. Sure, he left inbetween times because of problems with his computer a while back, but proved loyalty when he returned. He has been consistensly active in chats without being rude or annoying and way too available. Get a life buddy.

    We will add all three of you into chief chat in a second - and welcome again to the team. Make sure you treat these three as they deserve!
    Foven and Sara Forristal like this.
  6. Sara Forristal

    Sara Forristal A fan of everything

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    Hi there ! Sorry for the late reply. You seem like a great person and therefore a great addition to the guild. Your application is accepted ;p. Add me on Skype : stiched and I'll add you to our Skype groups
    Hi apologises for the late reply ! nice application, it has been accepted. Add me on Skype : stich3d and I'll invite you to our Skype groups
    Foven and huge6446 like this.
  7. huge6446

    huge6446 nether pvp guy HERO

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    Yo wtf guys do I need to bump this?
    Sara Forristal likes this.
  8. FuZI0nIsHere

    FuZI0nIsHere Your one and only...

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    In-game username: FuZI0nIsHere
    Your two highest classes (include levels): Warrior: lvl 77 Hunter: lvl 9
    Previous guild affiliation(s): Never cuz Im forever alone xD
    Why did you leave/get kicked?: N/A
    How will you contribute to TNA: I will contribute as much XP and Emeralds as I can. Not only that help build the guild and guide members to mastering leadership and Wynncraft basics. Not only that, I will help anyone defeat any bosses and complete quests but also to only hint on what to do in them. I will be happy to help as much as I can. I will try to put some time into Wynncraft and the guild.
    Are you into Nether PvP? Rate yourself from 1 to 10: BARELY went to the Nether ;-;
    Are you into Attacking? Rate yourself from 1 to 10: Definitely 10 because you know what, I want to destroy.
    Tell us about yourself: I am very dedicated and kind person. I like to help people especially when I'm bored. I get good grades in school and in honor classes. I love to game and hang with friends. I do have a sense of humor.
    Link your stats page: https : / / wynncraft . com / stats / player / FuZI0nIsHere
    Do you have skype?: Yes
    Skype name (optional): fuzi0nka0s


    Sara Forristal likes this.
  9. Sara Forristal

    Sara Forristal A fan of everything

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    That's always a great asset to have ;p
    Awesome I like your application :) you're accepted. Add me on Skype: stich3d and I'll add ya to our Skype groups :)
    huge6446 likes this.
  10. _Erebus_

    _Erebus_ Travelled Adventurer

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    In-game username: _Erebus_
    Your two highest classes (include levels): Mage: Lvl 71 & Archer: lvl 11
    Previous guild affiliation(s): I used to own a guild called Diverse (DIV)
    Why did you leave/get kicked?: I chose to leave this guild as it was only I playing, and no one else was wishing to help with any guild attacks .etc. I decided it would be best for me to leave this guild considering it wasn't something I overly enjoyed doing on my own.
    How will you contribute to TNA: I will be able to contribute as much resources ( XP & Emeralds ) to the guild as I can, and will always be happy to donate more if anymore is ever needed! I will help around the guild and always reply with a smile if my help is needed by anything! I will make sure that as many people in the guild as possible are happy and will join them in their quests if they need help with bosses .etc.
    I am also very happy to share my knowledge of Wynncraft to people that may not know it, and help people in anyway I can, in game, and out.
    Are you into Nether PvP? Rate yourself from 1 to 10: I have played Nether PvP a little, but I would only rate myself a 7
    Are you into Attacking? Rate yourself from 1 to 10: I would rate myself a 9 for this, as I am highly into attacking! But also like to spend time questing also!
    Tell us about yourself: I am a largely happy person, whom loves to make other people happy in anyway I can! I am from England and currently in my last year of high school (Sitting my exams currently). I have been playing Wynncraft for over 2 years, and have loved it ever since it has come out. I can work well as part of a team, but can also work individually or in small groups and can meet a deadline easily. I like to think of myself of having a good sense of humour, but can also be serious when needed. I am currently 16 years old.
    Link your stats page: https:// wynncraft . com / stats / player / _Erebus_
    Do you have skype?: I do have skype!
    Skype name (optional): My skype name is ashley.larkin7
    ThugFree, huge6446 and Sara Forristal like this.
  11. Sara Forristal

    Sara Forristal A fan of everything

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    Your personality seems to shine through everything you do. I like that :p. You seem like such a nice person willing to make the best out of every situation. Your positivity will be a great contribution to TNA so your application is accepted :D ! Add me on Skype: stich3d and I'll have a little chat about the guild with you before adding you to our Skype groups :)
    ThugFree and _Erebus_ like this.
  12. huge6446

    huge6446 nether pvp guy HERO

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    I approve. He's a good asset. (I added him on skype, and he seems great.)
    _Erebus_, ThugFree and Sara Forristal like this.
  13. SlimeTheEpic

    SlimeTheEpic Do you wanna have a bad time?

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    In-game username: TheCakeSlime
    Your two highest classes (include levels): Lv60 Mage, Lv42 Warrior
    Previous guild affiliation(s): Phoenix
    Why did you leave/get kicked?: Left cuz no one was active
    How will you contribute to TNA: Xp/Emeralds
    Are you into Nether PvP? Rate yourself from 1 to 10:
    Are you into Attacking? Rate yourself from 1 to 10:
    Tell us about yourself: 14 year old who sounds like 9 year old, does sporsts, likes math
    Link your stats page: go on the stats page and search "TheCakeSlime" (I dont have 10 posts yet :P)
    Do you have skype?: yes
    Skype name (optional): xXx_xXxFaZe_illuminatixXx
  14. huge6446

    huge6446 nether pvp guy HERO

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    I really can not accept this one...
  15. Yeku

    Yeku Travelled Adventurer

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    In-game username: Yeku
    Your two highest classes (include levels): Lvl81 Mage Lvl11 Warrior (Storage)
    Previous guild affiliation(s): LamiaScale (BRE)
    Why did you leave/get kicked?: Inactive Guild (Will Leave If Accepted)
    How will you contribute to TNA: XP / Good Prices On Items / Active 8+ Hours Daily / Assistance In Quests And Guild Wars / Helpful Information.
    Are you into Nether PvP? Rate yourself from 1 to 10: Not Currently But Planning For It (8/10 PvP)
    Are you into Attacking? Rate yourself from 1 to 10: Very Much So (8/10)
    Tell us about yourself: 19 from Florida (US). Experienced Minecraft player. Dedicated. Honest. Involved.
    Link your stats page: https://wynncraft.com/stats/player/Yeku
    Do you have skype?: Yes
    Skype name (optional): Ask me in-game if you'd like.
    Yuno F Gasai and Sara Forristal like this.
  16. Nikki3344

    Nikki3344 The chosen one

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    In-game username: Nikki3344
    Your two highest classes (include levels): Magelvl.84 And Archer lvl26
    Previous guild affiliation(s):LamiaScale
    Why did you leave/get kicked?:Inactive and time zone difference
    How will you contribute to TNA:I would Help the fellow guild members on their quest or their needs and also donate Guild xp if im not really doing anything(doing quest)
    Are you into Nether PvP? Rate yourself from 1 to 10:5/10 If i get better build would be 8/10
    Are you into Attacking? Rate yourself from 1 to 10: 8 /10
    Tell us about yourself: Im Just a Girl having a simple life and a simple family playing minecraft(mostly wynn) and other games (dota,Lol,etc.)
    Link your stats page:https://wynncraft.com/stats/player/Nikki3344 (leaving the guild after accepted just for helping get them guild xp why not even do they dont go online very much
    Do you have skype?: Yes(No Mic)
    Skype name (optional):Msg me in game so i wont get spammed by everyone on forums
  17. huge6446

    huge6446 nether pvp guy HERO

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    Both weeaboos from the same guild? ;)
    I like the apps!
    Considering how much you've played, the progress is extrimely good. You two have potential. Accepted!
    Make sure to feel welcome, and integrate yourself into our community!

    Add stitch3d or/and brage.bang on skype to be added into our skype groups! (In the request; add your ign as well)
    Sara Forristal likes this.
  18. Nikki3344

    Nikki3344 The chosen one

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    We have something together hehe... thanks :D
  19. ImBigNoob

    ImBigNoob Once in a bloo moon are bloo moons cause i cant

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    In-game username: ImBigNoob
    Your two highest classes (include levels): Mage 76 (Took 10-15 days) Archer (9) Will be coming up the ranks shortly
    Previous guild affiliation(s): The Mage Legacy aka Mag
    Why did you leave/get kicked?: I left because they were inactive and I dont mine a inactive day or two but it is constantly just me or CalAnders
    How will you contribute to TNA: I will be supportive with Guild attacking, communications to other member, contributing my time and effort into getting xp for the guild as well.
    Are you into Nether PvP? Rate yourself from 1 to 10: I have not done nether pvp yet as I am kind of new.
    Are you into Attacking? Rate yourself from 1 to 10: I have not done any attacks with my previous guild as i couldn't start one.
    Tell us about yourself: I am relatively new but as you can see I am very active and will continue to be. I have learned the in's and out's of the server and I would also love to learn from other members as well.
    Link your stats page: wynncraft.com stats player ImBigNoob (My Stats Page makes me look bad but trust me im worth it) (Im not allowed to put in links)
    Do you have skype?: Yes I do
    Skype name (optional): I will tell you if I am accepted!

    Thank you for your consideration <3

    ImBigNoob (Name doesnt resemble me either :) )
  20. huge6446

    huge6446 nether pvp guy HERO

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    I will deny this one...
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
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