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Play Crown And Council - A New, Free Game!

Discussion in 'Minecraft News' started by Minecraft News, Apr 22, 2016.

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  1. Minecraft News

    Minecraft News Travelled Adventurer

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    Surprise! We’ve launched a new game on Steam! It’s made entirely by multi-talented Mojangsta, Henrik Pettersson, and you can get it right now for free!

    It’s Crown and Council, a fast-paced strategy game about conquering land and obliterating rival monarchs. Click adjacent land tiles to subdue them with your army, earning gold to fund further expeditions, defensive forts, naval attacks, universities and more. Muscle your opposition off the map! There can be only one ruler in these lands!

    It’s simple to play, but not quite so easy to win: do you spend all your cash on universities, hoping to survive long enough that your book-learnin’ makes you unstoppable in the late game? Or do yo go for a quick land-grab, hoping to put enough boots on the ground to give you an irreversible early advantage?


    Other features include fabulously mustachioed pixel-art tyrants, procedural land generation and procedural insults from your regal rivals. Have that, No Man’s Sky.

    Go play it now! Claim the throne which is rightfully yours!


    Marsh - @marshdavies

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  2. PeakGeek

    PeakGeek Newbie Adventurer

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    I wish i had steam, looks like a good game :cry:
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