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Guide [outdated] The Unofficial Identification Thread

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Reyko, Apr 28, 2016.

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  1. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Please note that this is not an official Thread. This has been created by me and information provided by others.

    What are Identifications? (IDs for short)
    "Identifications (or IDs for short) are a way to upgrade your items and are necessary in order to use Unique, Set, Rare, Legendary, and Mythic Tier items. You can find Identifiers in almost every major town, and they will ID your gear for Emeralds. The higher level and tier of the item, the more expensive it will be. Identifications can give your items upgrades such as: lifesteal, damage boost, skill boost, poison effect, XP bonus, reflection effect, etc."

    Can I re-Identify my items?
    It is possible to re-Identify by placing the item back into the Identifier, like how you would normally do for Identifying. The cost depends on the level range of the item, and the price will increase by a factor of five after each re-ID. A number will also appear next to where it says the Tier of item, indicating how many times that item has been ID-ed. For example, Legendary Item [2] would mean it has been ID-ed and Re-ID-ed once.

    How do you find Minimum and Maximum IDs?
    "For POSITIVE IDENTIFICATIONS: Multiply base value by .3-1.3x, round number as necessary. If value is less than 1, round to 1
    So, for instance, an ID of 11, if you rolled a 1.3, would become 14.3, which would round DOWN to a value of 14."

    "For NEGATIVE IDENTIFICATIONS: Multiply base value by 0.7-1.3x, round number as necessary. If value is less than 1, round to 1
    So for instance, an ID of 1, if you rolled a 0.7, would become 0.7, which would round UP to a value of 1."

    The Site's official Item Guide also contains most of the Min. and Max. IDs for items. > Link <

    What is a * next to an ID?
    The *'s that are next to an ID represent whether that ID is one of three things. One * means that the roll on that ID is a good one. ** means that it is near maximum. *** means it is at its maximum.
    Note: Sometimes ** is actually ***, etc. because of how IDs are currently calculated

    Skill Point Bonus
    Increases/Decreases the number of skill points that you have. Negative Skill Point Bonus will not subtract past 0 skill points.

    Example: A player with 5 Dexterity investment equips a piece of armor that has +4 Dexterity. The player now has 9 Dexterity (5 + 4 = 9).

    Health Bonus
    Increases/Decreases the amount of Health that you have. Negative Health Bonus will subtract from your total Health, but will not subtract past 5 HP. If a weapon has this ID, then it will only be applied if the weapon is held in your hand. If the weapon is in your hand and you switch to another inventory slot, that Health will need to be regained again if you put it back in your hand.

    Example: A player has 1000 Health. They equip a piece of armor that has +100 Health on it. That player now has 1100 Health (1000 + 100 = 1100).​

    Raw Health Regen
    Adds/Subtracts to the amount of Health you regenerate. Health regenerates every four seconds. Negative Health Regen will take away your health but will not kill; it will leave you at 1 HP. Negative Health Regen can be canceled out with positive Health Regen.

    Example: A player regenerates 1 Health. They put on a piece of armor that has +500 Health Regen. The player now regenerates 501 Health (1 + 500 = 501).

    % Health Regen
    Increases/Decreases default and Raw Health Regeneration. Default health regenerates about every four seconds. Negative Health Regen will cause Health to regenerate slower and vice versa. Negative Health Regen can be canceled out with positive Health Regen.

    Example: A player has +100 Health Regen and equips a piece of armor that has +50% Health Regen. At low HP, they will regenerate health quicker.

    Attack Speed
    Increases/Decreases the speed of which a weapon attacks at. The lowest tier of attack speed is Super Slow and the highest tier of attack speed is Super Fast. The order of attack speed tiers from lowest to highest: Super Slow > Very Slow > Slow > Normal > Fast > Very Fast > Super Fast.

    Elemental Damage
    Increases/Decreases the Elemental Damage dealt to foes.

    Example: A player has +25% Fire Damage and normally deals 100 Fire Damage without it. With the 25% Bonus, the player would deal 125 Fire Damage (100 + 25% = 125.).

    % Elemental Defense
    Increases/Decreases the Elemental Damage received from foes. % Elemental Defense is applied after raw Elemental Defense.

    Example: A player has +50% Fire Defense, has 30 Fire Defense, and is shot by a fireball that would normally deal 150 Fire Damage, but with +50% Fire Defense, the player would take 105 Fire Damage (30 + 50% = 45) & (150 - 45 = 105).

    Raw Melee Damage
    Adds/Subtracts to the amount of Neutral melee damage dealt to foes. This is applied after % Melee Damage.

    Example: A player without Melee Damage deals 500 Neutral damage to a foe. With +200 Melee Damage, that player would have dealt 700 Neutral damage (500 + 200 = 700).

    % Melee Damage
    Increases/Decreases the total amount of Neutral and Elemental melee damage dealt to foes by a percentage. This is applied before Raw Melee Damage.

    Example: A player without Melee Damage deals 500 Neutral/Elemental damage to a foe. With +50% Melee Damage, that player would deal 750 Neutral/Elemental damage (500 + 50% = 750).

    Mana Regen
    Regenerates/Degenerates Mana over time. Mana is regenerated after four seconds. Negative Mana Regen will take away Mana and can be canceled out with positive Mana Regen.

    Example: A player with 5/4s Mana Regen would regenerate 5 points of Mana (2.5 bars of Mana) after every four seconds.

    Raw Spell Damage
    Adds/Subtracts to the amount of Neutral damage dealt by spells. This is applied after % Spell Damage, and is applied before spell multipliers

    Example: A Mage with +100 Spell Damage uses a Meteor Spell. The spell multiplier for Meteor is 400% (other spells have their own specific multipliers), meaning The Meteor spell now deals 400 Neutral damage. (100 x 400% = 400).

    % Spell Damage
    Increases/Decreases the total amount of both Neutral and Elemental damage dealt by spells by a percentage. This is applied before Raw Spell Damage.

    Example: A Mage without Elemental Spell Damage uses a Meteor Spell and deals 500 Neutral Damage to a foe. With +50% Spell Damage, the Meteor Spell would have dealt 750 Neutral damage (500 + 50% = 750). The same applies to Elemental damage.

    Mana Steal
    Steals Mana from foes that are hit. Chances of stealing Mana is now random; slower weapons have a higher chance of stealing Mana and faster weapons have a lower chance of stealing Mana. Slower weapons have a higher chance due to their lower attack speed. Negative Mana Steal will do the opposite and leech Mana from the user. Negative Mana Steal can be canceled out with positive Mana Steal. This does not stack with Poison, Thorns, or Reflection. The number on the right side of the / on the ID does not matter.

    Life Steal
    Steals Health from foes that are hit. Chances of stealing Health is now random; slower weapons have a higher chance of stealing Health and faster weapons have a lower chance of stealing Health. Slower weapons have a higher chance due to their lower attack speed. Negative Life Steal will do the opposite and leech Health from the user. Negative Life Steal can be canceled out with positive Life Steal. This does not stack with Poison, Thorns, or Reflection. The number on the right side of the / on the ID does not matter.

    Walk Speed
    Increases/Decreases the speed of which you walk and sprint at. Negative Walk Speed will slow the player down and can be canceled out with positive Walk Speed. In Wynncraft, 20% Walk Speed equals the Speed I effect in Vanilla Minecraft. Every 20% increases the Speed tier by I, but is not visible to players on their Inventory GUI.

    Example: A player with 100% Walk Speed would have double the normal speed and 200% would be triple the normal walk speed. If a player travels at 1 m/s normally and then has 100% Walk Speed, that player would travel 2 m/s because 100% is added from that 1 m/s.

    XP Bonus
    Increases/Decreases the amount of XP that you gain. XP Bonus does not increase Quest XP, but increases Dungeon XP. This ID is also applied before XP Bombs and other XP-related events.

    Example: A player with +100% XP Bonus would gain double the XP that they would normally gain. +200% XP would yield the player with triple the XP that they would normally gain.

    Loot Bonus
    Increases/Decreases the drop rate of all tiers of items from mobs. Loot Bonus gives a diminishing effect on Loot Chests ("the first 20% loot bonus give 20% bonus. The second 20% loot bonus, however, gives only 15% actual loot bonus. The third 20% adds only 10% loot bonus, the fourth only 5%. This makes the first 80% loot bonus give only 50% actual loot bonus. After that, every 5% loot bonus give 1% extra actual loot"). Loot Bonus does not affect Daily Rewards.

    Example: A player with +100% Loot Bonus has double the normal chance of getting a drop from a mob. +200% Loot Bonus would yield the player with triple the normal chance of getting a mob drop.

    Increases/Decreases the chance for a mob to drop an Emerald when attacking it. The percentage is scaled by the weapon attack speed - Super Slow weapons will not be scaled. Attack speeds higher than Super Slow will be down-scaled, and the faster the weapon is, the more it will be scaled down (the exact scaling has not been discovered). Mobs cannot infinitely drop Emeralds, there is a limit of 5 Emeralds that each mob can drop.

    Example: A player with 50% Stealing uses a Super Slow weapon; it has a 50% chance to make a mob drop an emerald each time they hit that mob.

    Damages foes over the span of 3 seconds when they are hit. 1/3 of the Poison damage is dealt after every second, meaning 3/3 (full Poison damage) is dealt after three seconds. Negative Poison deals no damage but still applies the knockback. Poison also activates Stealing but weapon tier scaling still applies.

    Example: A player with 300/3s Poison would deal 100 Poison damage to a foe after each second for a total of three seconds. After three seconds, the total amount of Poison dealt will be 300.

    Mirrors melee and projectile damage dealt to you back to the foe. Damage differs between mobs and players. You will still take the damage that the foe inflicts on you. Does not work on spell damage.

    Example: A player with 50% Thorns would have a 50% chance to send back 100% of melee/projectile damage back to mobs, but for players, it sends back 50% damage.

    Mirrors Spell damage and projectiles back to the foe, but would still take the damage that the foe would inflict on you. Does not work on melee damage.

    Example: A player with 50% Reflection mirrors 50% of the damage back to the foe, but the player will still take the damage.

    Causes a foe to explode upon death, dealing AOE damage to foes around it. The AOE damage dealt is calculated by the amount of damage dealt prior to the explosion. However, explosion damage activated by spells are not exact.

    Example: A player with 50% Exploding has a 50% chance to explode a foe upon death and deal explosion damage to those around it. The total damage done previous to the explosion is 500. The explosion damage to foes around it will be ~500.

    Soul Point Regen
    Gives the player a chance to regain a second Soul Point at the end of each day. Having a total of negative Soul Point Regen will decrease the chance of regaining a new Soul Point and possibly decreasing the chance to earn one. Negative Soul Point Regen can be canceled out with positive Soul Point Regen.

    Example: A player with 50% Soul Point Regen would have a 50% chance to regain 2 SP as each day passes

    Some Threads you may be interested in
    Identifications Calculated > Link < By motoki1

    I may be very wrong with this information so please notify me in this thread if any of it is wrong or outdated.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2018
  2. Hiryu

    Hiryu not so lazy artist VIP

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    Now I know what the IDs do now :P
    Aya, Klichei, Relflow and 1 other person like this.
  3. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    I'm not even sure if half of these are right tbh, lol
    Hiryu likes this.
  4. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Some errors tho, since 200% walkspeed would be the triple of the normal walkspeed :3
    Kaelan~ and Reyko like this.
  5. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    So 100% would actually be double the normal walk speed?
    XavierEXE likes this.
  6. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Yea, since you have "0%" by default
    MOOOSH, Kaelan~, Devourer and 2 others like this.
  7. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    I see, thanks.
  8. NickMC96

    NickMC96 \o/ VIP+

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    About Thorns and Reflection. I'm pretty sure if a player has 50% Thorns they don't return 50% of the dmg to the attacker, but instead have 50% chance to return 100% of the damage. And with Reflection, I'm fairly sure you still take damage, but also reflect it back. (I'm not 100% sure about these, this is just from my personal experience)
  9. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Many thanks.
  10. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    A'ight thanks.
    SilverMirror likes this.
  11. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    Projectiles are calculated as melee so it's the thorns that take actual instead of reflection
    Devourer, XavierEXE and Reyko like this.
  12. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Rip dark theme users
    Reyko and Emeraldruler like this.
  13. TheDesk

    TheDesk Good luck.

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    Reyko likes this.
  14. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    That moment when I made it look like 200% XP Bonus meant triple of 200, nope. Changed the wording around so it sounds less like it's multiplied.
    Also, nice thread, thanks.
    Made it a littler more legible for the Starry Night Theme.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  15. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    This explains it so much better than the wiki (why am I not surprised) ouo

    Also maybe put that 20% Walk Speed = Speed 1, 40% = Speed 2, etc
    Maronee and Reyko like this.
  16. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    I did not know that, thanks and thanks.
    Cenpyla likes this.
  17. FlamingPinecone

    FlamingPinecone infinite lava source VIP

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    Soul Point Regen does not decrease the amount of time needed for soul points to regenerate.
    Triverr, Reyko and XavierEXE like this.
  18. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Whoops, forgot I found the actual ID usage after I put that. Thanks.
    FlamingPinecone likes this.
  19. Brutakah

    Brutakah knight main CHAMPION

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    Quick question, does negative lifesteal damage you everytime you hit a mob?
    I've seen someone say that before but I wasn't really sure...
    Reyko likes this.
  20. TheDesk

    TheDesk Good luck.

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    Yeah. It's kinda annoying because it shakes your screen as if a mob hit you, then you look around for the thing trying to kill you without success.
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