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Some Questions Related To Misc. Items, Breathing Helmet And Creeper Mask.

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Lunos, Apr 22, 2016.

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  1. Lunos

    Lunos Skilled Adventurer

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    Hi everyone.
    When I've logged in today after more than a year of taking a break or so, i've noticed that I had 2 breathing helmets and 2 creeper masks in my Bank.
    How can I remove them if when I want to drop one of each the game says "You will need this item in later quests!"?
    I've tried to sell 'em for emeralds with the Item Seller NPC, but he says that "I can't sell this item!"

    Also, it's normal that Omango won't let me go down the water hole while having a Breathing Helmet equipped?
    Here's a little nice gfycat for that, to show what I'm talking about:
    gfycat dot com/ColorfulVelvetyHectorsdolphin
    Since it's one of the helmets that I had on my bank, could simply be some update of the server messing it up and me having to get another one, so it's not a big deal... if I can get free of the 2 that I already own, that is.

    Also, regarding some Misc. Items, should I keep any of this?:
    -Bat Ear
    -Cluckles' Favourite Feather
    -Bob's Tear
    -Corrupted Potato
    -Yahya's Stained Bowl
    -Maltic's Recommendation Letter
    -Sayleros' Brother Ashes
    -Glass Bottle
    I'm using an Assassin and so far i've apparently completed 1 quest (I obviously don't remember which one exactly) so.. idk which of them would be useful to keep and such

    And lastly, how the heck can I escape from this death trap?
    imgur dot com/PN1PlQ1.png
    I was just jumping around like an idiot and got trapped in there ;_; ...
    I do have a Ragni TP Scroll but I would like to avoid using it if it's not necessary xD

    1) How can I drop/sell/delete/get-rid-of a Creeper Mask and a Breathing Helmet?
    2) Is any of the items mentioned above any useful at all?
    3) Is there a way to get out of that Fence Trap without using a TP Scroll?

    Thanks in advance for reading, sorry if my english is not as good as it should and greetings from Uruguay :)
  2. Hiryu

    Hiryu not so lazy artist VIP

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    You will be needing them for the Temple of Legends quest
    Lunos likes this.
  3. McMasterx

    McMasterx ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Valar MorGavelis HERO

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    You'll need these for the Temple of Legends Quest near the end of the Wynn Province.
    Use /kill, it'll tp you to the closest town you've visited and deduct 2 soul points. It's just a nifty command when you're ever stuck or need to get back to a city without walking a long distance.

    Don't get rid of them as of yet, in the Expansion of new Biomes in Wynn, they made the quest reward from Beneath the Depths required to do the quest Lost Soles in the Dernal Jungle. We have no idea if they'll reuse old items for something in the future, that may be consumed during the quest itself.

    (^ however, we do have a way to delete a class and start at lvl 1 now, so it's possible to reobtain the quest item if it's fully lost ^)
  4. Lunos

    Lunos Skilled Adventurer

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    Goodbye TP Scroll, you won't be missed then xDD ...
    I prefer to lose 1 SP instead of 2.

    The thing is.. having 2 of each is kinda useless.
    And if one of them doesn't even work for its own quest.. they're all most likely bugged :/
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  5. Edam_Cheese

    Edam_Cheese The Cheesiest of them All

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    Yep, but we can't do anything about it. The only real way to completely get rid of them is to lose them to a glitch, but that's pretty rare.
    The best way to get rid of extra, unstackable quest items is to create a new class, get them as far as Detlas Bank and use them solely for storage.
  6. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    you can get rid of your extra quest items by filling up your inventory with items and the quest item and then right click on a stack in your inventory to split it and left click it onto your quest item, that would drop your quest item but since there isn't an empty slot for it to go into it will get deleted.
    I do suggest to keep 1 creeper mask and 1 breathing helmet tho.
  7. Lunos

    Lunos Skilled Adventurer

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    I'll try so then.
    About the mask and breathing helmet I'll certainly going to keep 1 of each, as I mentioned in the main post, I wanted to get rid of one of each.
    I still think that they're both bugged considering that one of the Breathing Helmets wasn't recognized by the quest that actually uses it even when I had it equipped on my character tho.

    I just want to get rid of 1 of each to clear their slots, you know: The moar free slots to use, the better, and even moar in a RPG xD

    EDIT - BUMP:
    Tried the trick and worked perfectly.
    Btw, both breathing helmets had the same bug again, got a 3rd one, worked perfectly and got rid of the 2 helmets.

    Since I didn't completed the creeper infiltration mission with the assassin yet, having the 2 creeper masks would be pointless too and since they would probably be bugged, got rid of those too, i'll obviously save the 3rd i'll eventually get once I do the quest.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
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