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The Current State Of Wynncrafts Classes.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by oHybrid, Apr 17, 2016.


Whats the best class based of you read here?

  1. Archer

  2. Mage

  3. Assassin

  4. Warrior

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  1. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    I'm here to talk about Wynncraft's classes. Now, people always ask "Whats the best class?" I would personally say archer, but it depends on your play style. Based on various polls, here is the list of classes from most popular to least popular:

    1. Mage
    2. Archer
    3. Assassin ( Very Close With Archer )
    4. Warrior

    I am going to explain why my favorite class is archer and compare the different spells:

    Large area damage:

    Mage: Meteor
    Archer: Arrow Bomb
    Assassin: Smoke Bomb
    Warrior: Bash

    The meteor takes time to land, but does a lot of damage (400%). It also needs a lot of mana to be summoned. It does however burn the ground.

    The arrow bomb is cheap and fast. With 30 0 80 0 90 build, you can do 5, maybe 6 if you have good mana regen, bombs with 1 hunger bar. Combine that with the leg breaking action ( slows enemies and prevents them from jumping for 10 seconds ) and its ability to bounce, its pretty good.

    I don't know much about bash, but it sends enemies pretty far, does a decent amount of damage and has the leg breaking action archer has.

    Smoke Bomb takes the most mana, and gives a lot of damage, Its faster than meteor, and gives a area of smoke which slows enemies.


    1. Arrow Bomb
    2. Meteor
    3. Smoke Bomb
    4. Bash

    Defense Spells:

    Mage: Heal
    Archer: Arrow Shield
    Assassin: Spin Attack
    Warrior: War Scream

    Mage's heal is a 100% Defense spell; no damage is dealt. It gives quite a bit of health. Its best for ranged mobs.

    Arrow shield is a 50% damage 50% protection spell; It allows you to have all mobs around you flung away , meaning its best for melee mobs. It also does a lot of damage; a combo of the initial arrows hitting the mobs and a storm of arrows falling on the enemies hit, it can easily kill non-boss mobs giving you the time to heal.

    War scream doesn't really protect warriors, it just knock backs mobs and does a bit of damage. Not to mention giving them strength and resistance. I guess thats good for killing mobs quicker.

    Since assassin's don't really have a "defensive spell" I put in the leftover spell; spin attack. Its 100% damage so it's going pretty far down on the list since it doesn't defend the player.


    1./2. Its up to your play style here, mage is the best pvper because of heal, but for pve archer takes number 1
    3. War Scream.
    4. Spin attack

    Traveling spells:

    Mage: Teleport
    Archer: Escape
    Assassin: Vanish
    Warrior: Charge

    Teleport is best for endgame fun, its still pretty useful in normal gameplay, but its not the best. Its limited because you cant be near blocks, but its still a pretty good traveling spell.

    Escape is very useful, mainly because it gives speed 3 for 3 minutes, and best of all , it stacks with horses. You can also escape from mobs attacking you and you can get onto high ledges really easily.

    Vanish does give you the ability to jump 2 blocks, nothing different to escape. It also prevents mobs from seeing you, you might think that's good, it is, but because it lasts so short its once again going pretty far down.

    Charge probably boosts you the farthest, but that's only if you get it right. You cant charge upward and for this exact reason, its not coming number 1.


    1. Escape ( That speed boost is so OP )
    2. Teleport
    3. Charge ( You might occasionally get kicked for flying )
    4. Vanish ( Make the time longer! )

    IDK what you call this group...

    Mage: Ice snake
    Archer: Arrow Storm
    Assassin: Multi hit
    Warrior: Uppercut

    Ice snake does damage, its not really good, but its not really bad though. It gives slowness, so that's a bonus.

    Arrow storm does a lot of damage. Think about it, 60 arrows doing (E.g) 100 damage each? 6k Damage? that's pretty cool, the higher the neutral damage the higher the damage output. ( Unlike most spells )

    Multi hit is also pretty op, I think the best part is the thing they are attacking cant go down until its finished. It also does really good damage.

    Uppercut is similar to multi hit, only sending the enemies higher with a tad less damage.


    1./2. Multi hit and Uppercut are pretty much the same.
    3. Arrow Storm(Because its not as good as endgame)
    4. Ice Snake

    Welp, there you go, lets round up the points: ( The Less The Better The Class Is )

    Mage: 9
    Archer: 7
    Warrior: 11
    Assassin: 12

    Thanks for reading :)

    - Predator
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
    ShinyAfro, motoki1 and MagicGum like this.
  2. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Huh. I'd group it like this:
    Primary Spell: Spin attack, Arrow storm, bash and heal
    Travel spell: same as you
    Secondary spell: Multihit, Bomb arrow, uppercut and meteor
    Support spell (gives each class something they lacked):Smoke bomb (gave range), Arrow shield (gives defense and melee) war scream(gives range) and ice snake (allows you to freeze enemies, increasing reliability of meteor)

    In my opinion, the viability of the classes go in this order:
    1. Archer
    2. Warrior/Assassin
    3. Mage
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
    GTX 1080 likes this.
  3. ashdalf

    ashdalf wagoo wagoo

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    Mage's meteor should be higher up, and the smoke bomb should be lower. The meteor is not that slow, they land in around 1 second of casting. 400% damage is fucking crazy. The fire not to mention is an added bonus. Smoke bomb does multiple slow hits and lasts for about 3 seconds. It has similar range to the meteor, but it is not as accurate. The total radius of smoke bomb is deceptively small. In fact meteor is the reason why mages do such ridiculous damage.
  4. Fread

    Fread Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Heal is insta cast how is it slow
    apparently you havent played warrior yourself. Do you have anyidea how op the DMG and KB and LS of warscream is
  5. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    Edited :D
    I tend to use arrow bomb a lot more, it does heaps of damage and is very quick.
  6. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    not even gonna read the post, Im gonna guess what you said, then edit it after I read it.
    Alright, Non read" BUFF ASSASSIN, Assassin weak. and MAGE OP, NERF MAGE

    EDIT: I am... Suprised..... You actually have a logical post! I take back what I said
    Ventus333, Icy, kioph and 3 others like this.
  7. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    From what I remember, smoke bomb deals a maximum damage of over 1000%
    Arrow Storm deals more damage overall, and can be spammed more easily.
    Also, you can outwalk-OUT WALK- meteors with only +30% walk speed
  8. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    It just does good are damage. I can two shot dead miners with my build with arrow bombs at lev 63.
  9. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    If you get a good hit on dead miners with arrow storm, you can one shot them.
  10. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    Well that's what I do soz :D
  11. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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  12. ashdalf

    ashdalf wagoo wagoo

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    Not even close to 1000% m8
  13. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    LOL close. Mage/Archer=Master Race
    kioph likes this.
  14. kioph

    kioph ahh yes heavy melee hmm yes

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    Archer op

    Pls dun nerf salted we archers stayed outa the mage v assassin ;-;
    oHybrid likes this.
  15. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    That wasn't my choice... I found it from several polls
  16. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    @ZedDaWynner where do I even start...

    Assassin "doesn't have a defense spell"?!
    Spin Attack blinds mobs, essentially making them think you aren't there for a few seconds!! It also gives them a ton of slowness!

    You getting kicked for flying with Charge is just your internet. And did you forget that charge is THE ONLY SPELL GUARANTEED TO REMOVE FALL DAMAGE

    War Scream can max out as the highest damaging spell for warrior, how does it suck?

    Ice Snake doesn't just slow enemies, it can completely freeze some on place for a couple seconds!

    If anything, multihit is UNDERpowered, not OVERpowered.

    Since when can vanish be compared to teleport, escape, and charge? IT'S NOT FOR LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL, IT'S A PANIC BUTTON.

    You say vanish is too short, I say "Get a mana regen item!" Mana regen activates as soon as you end vanish, so you can vanish again right away!

    So many things wrong with this thread...
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
  17. motoki1

    motoki1 The Damage Calculation Scientist HERO

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    wow, very nice summary of classes :3
    I love them, great job.
    oHybrid likes this.
  18. ShinyAfro

    ShinyAfro Well-Known Adventurer

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    In my opinion, for defensive spells, heal is #1, i mean its a defensive spells, in class of defense, doubling your health imho is better. And for most mages with 94 intel, it only costs 3 mana a cast, hell meteor costs 3 mana too, ice snake and teleport cost 2 at 94. Just a little info there. And for survival, i would say healing is by far the best. You can drink potions sure, but never have i had a potion do as well as of a job as heal does. As for the name of the last set of spells, i'd call it crowd control. Ice snake freezes, arrow storm and upper cut launch mobs away horizontally and vertically respectively, i don't play assassin because they were OP when i started playing my classes and generally considered them over rated, but assassin is literally just only got damage spells idk. Personally when comparing classes i like to leave assassin out as imho it does not fit in.

    For teleport, i'd say its not all that useful, its great for getting into locations, sure, but other then that its kinda slow and i prefer leap/escape 10x more. With skill using escape you can get where a mage can anyway. For the 4 classes travel i'd summerise it as: Archer: Vertical, Warrior: Horizontal, Mage: Precision, Assassin: Derp
    And for the CC (4th set of spells) i'd say Archer: Horizontal, Warrior:Vertical, Mage: Freeze (None), Assassin: Derp
    But other then that i agree with 90% of what you said other then as i said the heal vs arrow shield, meteor vs arrow bomb and teleport vs escape.
    Though because of that i would put archer and mage as a tie.
    oHybrid likes this.
  19. 27thColt

    27thColt Well-Known Adventurer

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    Charge isn't the only spell that removes fall damage, what about escape? Yeah you fall slowly but you don't take damage..
    Ventus333 likes this.
  20. ShinyAfro

    ShinyAfro Well-Known Adventurer

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    i think he means if you fall down a massive pot hole to the abyss you can use charge whereas escape needs you to be planted on sweet mother earth.
    Ventus333 and XavierEXE like this.
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