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Old Player Returning.

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Chigo, Mar 26, 2016.

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  1. Chigo

    Chigo Poopie.

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    I logged back into Wynncraft after about a year maybe? I quit just after reaching level 69 :^ ).
    I'm curious as to what has changed with Archer?
    I logged back in finding myself doing no damage at all. So my request / question is , would anyone be willing to correct / edit what I need to do to become more damaging.
    Current Gear -
    Head - Blue Mask 0/2 slots
    Chest - Dravarden ( Iron Rare ) 0/2
    Legs - Dalaam (Dia Rare) 0/3
    Feet - Bloudil (Dia Rare) 0/2
    Bow - Vile level 62 Rare. 0/3
    I tried doing a level 62 quest (Lost in the jungle) and I couldn't kill the boss and it made me feel small like little babby.
    My stats are most likely very wrong as well so if anyone has high endgame stats that I can build / follow please do recommend.
    I was considering making a new toon since this one is just so low damage currently but if anyone could help me out that would be very appreciative. :)
    Also I have no accessories at all since they were not implemented when I had originally joined.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
    Ascended Kitten and icebreaker like this.
  2. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    What are your skill points?
  3. bobthief22

    bobthief22 THE LORD OF uhhhhh CACTUS

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    Well first off WELCOME BACK and second of all I recommend starting a new class because then you get to experience everything that happened with gavel, alot of people did that myself included.
    Triverr likes this.
  4. LavaCat

    LavaCat Fiery Feline Forumer VIP

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    Well, as you can tell there have been quite a few perplexing changes to the combat system since the last update. I'd recommend this guide to understand it better:

    Your bow, Vile, obviously doesn't do much immediate damage. The poison identification it has, however, is supposed to make up for that. How it works is if the poison identification is 300/2s for example, after you attack an enemy it will experience 300 damage every 2 seconds, so you are still supposed to deal a good amount of damage in the long run.

    If the boss you are facing has earth defense (it will say Def in its nametag), that might hinder you from dealing a lot of damage. Otherwise, it just might not be a good bow, as the gamemasters are still in the process of balancing everything.

    As for your armor, it seems to be in order, for the most part. Everything aligns with an earth/air build except for the chestplate. I'd recommend investing Skill Points in Agility and Strength if you plan to stick with the build.

    Anyway, hope this helped and sorry if I confused you!
    Chigo likes this.
  5. CrazySmokerDude

    CrazySmokerDude Gai

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    You probably dont have bonuses on items.
  6. Chigo

    Chigo Poopie.

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    I've recently got help by a guild and they've assisted me with gear . I now have malestrom legendary bow and do a lot more damage than before. Thank you though for assisting. : )
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
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