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I Can't Start Wynnexcavation Site D Quest

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Matsminer, Mar 26, 2016.

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  1. Matsminer

    Matsminer Skilled Adventurer

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    I just got level 70 on my main class (Mage), and I was going to do WynnExcavation Site D, but when I look my bank for the shards all I have is the red one.
    Then I thought I could just run back in the caves where the shards are and uses them, but when I get back to Carlos with all the shards (Two of them are directly from the caves), I get the error message; "You need the crystal shards from WynnExcavation Site A, B, and C to start the quest."
    I think it might have something to do with that they arent Quest Items, as the purple and yellow shards are "Untradable Items", but the Red Shards is a "Quest Item"
    Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know how to fix it?
    Thanks for any response.

    (I sendt a mail to support, so no need to comment that)

    I added some pictures just to show it (Dont mind the screenshot text in chat): 2016-03-26_08.57.50.png 2016-03-26_08.54.30.png 2016-03-26_08.54.35.png 2016-03-26_08.54.37.png
  2. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Yes, the shards taken directly from the caves aren't the ones you need, since usually they are replaced with the "Quest-item" version at the end of the respective quest.

    I'd try and throw the untradable-ones away, then use the /fixquests command, in order to receive them again.
    Good luck!
    Matsminer likes this.
  3. Matsminer

    Matsminer Skilled Adventurer

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    Thank you so much!
    I didnt even know about the /fixquests command xD
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
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