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The Sad Story Of My People + :) 32le Giveaway Is Over, Ended

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by MattTheMerchant, Feb 26, 2016.


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  1. MattTheMerchant

    MattTheMerchant Nightmare Fuel

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    Ok, so I dont care if this isnt a buying or selling thread.
    As honestly it relates around the trade market section so heavily it wouldn't have justification in the wynncraft general forums section.

    So, I've been getting blasted with this rumor I'm a scammer, and while obviously not true, I'll do something nice for the people who need it.

    Just use this template:
    @PurifyingWarden 1st place!
    @Brutakah 2nd place!
    @Jky02 3rd place!
    @Staple43 4th place!
    @_Coop_ 5th place!

    1st place: 10le
    2nd place: 7le
    3rd place: 6le
    4th place: 5le
    5th place: 4le

    This thread will be ending in 3 days.
    And I dont care what your time zone is, if it's the weekend I can stay up to 3 in the morning for you, as I dont work the weekends ;)
    Also, I have some damn good determination

    Again, this is just me being nice for these stupid ass rumors created by a ten year old.
    I will hand pick the people who deserve it, reading every entry :)

    Some people however will be blocked from entering:
    -My good friends will be barred from entering for bias reasons (sorry lol)
    -People who have given me so much grief over a game (dont worry only 3 people are on this list)
    -The really rich shall not be getting richer today ;) sorry, only taking somewhat nubby people.
    (If you're a small shop owner or something you can still enter)

    Honestly, being called a scammer really hurts, and if you want to know the details of this rumor, read below but be warned.... I type fast. (Did this in about 10 minutes)

    And there's probably some mistakes, and comments pertaining or relating to the individual in question, will be reported.
    There will be no flames on this thread, I just want people to know why I'm being accused of this crap. Any flame worthy comments will be reported accordingly.
    Short story:

    I sold an archangel to a guy for 45le, he then started pissing me off. I told him I paid like 3le for it or some shit to piss him off (I paid 30 and some armor for the poor guy). He took this to heart and tried to get a mod to ban me for "scamming him." Even though, he literally was selling it for 64le to my friend, who wanted it. I stopped the deal with her because he was spamming me, and he got mad. Mod didnt do anything because he was lying his ass off, and he made passive aggresive jabs for the rest of the time i saw him as a way of taking out his anger. He ended up selling it for 64le to another player or something, and still claims to this day that I scammed him super duper triple hard.
    Long story:

    Recently, I've been known as the "Scammer guy thing monster", after my friend started shouting that i was giving away free le without my consent. And I never noticed how much people legit think I scam people, and it really hurts. I mean, I've given people who've lost their items full sets of armor for free, given away free le just because someone lied about doing a giveaway. I'm that guy that will go help someone with TOA or any low level quest just because they ask, as long as im not busy. And it really hurts to hear that I'm being accused of such things.

    And of course, I pissed off a few people, and I'm absolutely sure I know how this rumor started, due to it being in the individual's tag. So, I'll just give a small amount of context to this situation before people start to hate me, which I would honestly just hate so much.

    So, I'm not going to make this some dramatic thread with me posing dramatically and crying for the audience. Basically, I bought an archangel for 30le and some random legendaries from some random guy, and before you go like "HOLY SHIT SCAMMER CONFIRMED" let me just clarify, this guy wanted me to trade him any armor i had laying around. Yep, he asked me just for a shitty armor for his level, coming to me because he heard my name and thought i would give him a good deal. Obviously, I told him I was going to pay more, and he was ok with it.

    I then walked for about 10 minutes and met __________ who as you can imagine was spamming the chat with "Buying crappy mythics", and so i offered him the 13 walk speed archangel. He said it was pretty crappy and that he would spend no more than 20le or some shit like that. I eventually talked him up to 45, and we made the deal. Later on, said individual messages me calling me stupid for selling it to him, and that he's selling it to one of my friends for 64le. And believe me, I honestly didnt care but this kid was acting as if I was the largest dumbass in the world for just making a quick sale. Slightly annoyed I messaged him "Bought it for 3le kid, rekt dunked destroyed" or some shit like that. He took this as if I just stabbed him in the chest with a molten dagger forged from the anger of of a thousand tortured souls or something. And then he told me he was reporting me for scamming him. I accidentally messaged him during it while laughing with a friend (legit this guy was reporting me for selling him something he was making 19le on lol). And so, I got these messages out him, or something like these:

    "Well, no i dont have any screens"
    "He told me the ids were max and didnt show me the item until after we traded"
    (how the fuck does that even make sense p-p)

    And then proudly messaged me moments later saying i was getting banned forever and told me to beg for his forgiveness or some shit and he might call off the mod. I obviously told him, in a very blunt way,

    "Ban me lol"

    And then he went ape shit once more, and for about 5 minutes he was silent, until he asked if the mod messaged me. I told him no, and he kinda just shut up after that. At this point, me and my friend are sitting in the detlas bank doing dru--- nothing, and running around. And them my friend (The other one, buying for 64le) messaged me, and we got into a chat. We got into a discussion about what just happened and I eventually asked her not to buy the item, just because he was really annoying. She agreed, and he got pissed because he somehow found out. I guess she /r'd or something and he found out lol, but he started spamming me and all this crap, so i just went offline. If I knew that for the next few weeks, I would have this basic 10 year old follow me around and make passive aggressive jabs on every server i go on, I would've thrown the damn mythic out. In the trash bin, it was that bad.

    I dont take screens as I dont care enough to report this guy because I figure he would just get bored. Nope, he never got bored, to the point i even began considering turning chat off when im adventuring. Again, should've taken screens, but I honestly never thought i would have to. Just this random mad guy and I really rather just play the game.

    And believe me, I'm good with buying mythics for lower prices, just not too low. I wouldnt be able to sell it without the knowledge that the seller walked out happy and I walked out happy. As long as both parties of the deal are happy, then i can walk away with a good feeling for the rest of that 10 minutes. And making money by reselling things is the point of the game.

    I consider a good deal as the following:

    1) (me) buyer got the item for the price he wanted
    2) Seller got the money he wanted for the item he had
    3) (Guy I sell it to) Got the mythic or legendary he has been looking for, for a price he is comfortable with.

    That is my logic, and honestly, if you got to this point I praise you.
    Yes I asked a mod, this Give away is ok :)
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2016
  2. Ragersgottagame

    Ragersgottagame 2 Mythics as of 3/2/23 :) CHAMPION

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    Can I have some of that salt on my chips?
    Why you want it: Probably Armor
    Ingame name: Ragersgottagame
    Timezone: GMT +10
    MattTheMerchant likes this.
  3. Literally Cancer

    Literally Cancer dead

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    I'm a noob
    pls gif me moneyz
  4. MattTheMerchant

    MattTheMerchant Nightmare Fuel

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    Please tell me you're not talking about me because I worked really hard on this giveaway thread.
    And no, please anyone reading this refrain from using his name. I dont want him to get any grief like he gave me, but I dont want what he did to cause people to hate me.​
  5. Ragersgottagame

    Ragersgottagame 2 Mythics as of 3/2/23 :) CHAMPION

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    1. I don't know his name
    2. I'm talking about him
    3. idk
    4. That devotion to the long story though ._.
  6. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    Why you want it: I'd like to start a community guild. Just need 5th place. Give others to people who need it more.
    Ingame name: (Minecraft not forums): FlubbyB
    Timezone: (Needed to distribute prize): CentralUST
  7. Literally Cancer

    Literally Cancer dead

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    If you're truly starting a community guild, I can give you 5 LE. No need for giveaway enters and stuff. It's always nice to see another community guild rise.
    Matt I hope you don't mind me stealing an entry :>
  8. Joshytron

    Joshytron First world leader to finish ???

    Likes Received:
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    Why you want it: .... Money
    Ingame name: It is under my picture.
    Timezone: PST
  9. Theepicsquash

    Theepicsquash Error: Originality not detected. VIP+

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    To buy armor for my crap mage after a glitch deleted my items.
    and hey, at least that person was not some guy that did not understand how trade worked. Nuff said, he said i was going to steal his weapon and said that im an idiot :/
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
  10. MattTheMerchant

    MattTheMerchant Nightmare Fuel

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    I wouldve given him the money if he was starting a community guild lol, do it, it's a great thing.
  11. Xuuf

    Xuuf The Mastermind

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    Why you want it: I would like to make an investment, so I may begin my own shop, and further on make a guild comprised of my friends.
    Ingame name: Concelo
    Timezone: Mountain Time (UTC -07:00)

    PS. I know what it feels like to be thought as a Scammer. On a previous game, I used to do in-game deals, and some kid started to spread rumors that I was some scamming graphic artist, which soon lead my business to a downfall.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
  12. Inactive666

    Inactive666 Guest

    Why you want it: Lost a chestnut weeks ago and tried to breed a new one however gambling myself to only a few LE :/
    I'd use the remaining LE for some gear or what else that seems useful. Also to contribute to my guild.
    Ingame name: GreenGG
    Timezone: Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone (UTC-10:00)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2016
  13. Xykeal

    Xykeal hello HERO

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    Dayum, Ik u and Ik u wouldn't scam anyone. As for the person who is spamming u, get screenshots of the spam and /report him
  14. Jellykilla

    Jellykilla Newbie Adventurer

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    Why you want it: To buy a guild for me and my friends
    Ingame name: Jellykilla
    Timezone: Central time US
  15. MattTheMerchant

    MattTheMerchant Nightmare Fuel

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    He has stopped ingame and is ignored on forums. No need to worry about him anymore, he's nothing to me but the rumors he started are annyoing.
    Xykeal likes this.
  16. PurifyX

    PurifyX Famous Adventurer VIP+ Builder

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    Why you want it: I don't really known tbh, I've recently started Wynn again because I lost access to my other account and had to do a fresh start :/ I had a max lvl of 58 warrior ( not that high ik but still it was good for me ) and I had like 5 LE which was the most I've ever had, now i'm just a poor man with 9 blocks in his bank ;'^) FeelsBad
    Ingame name: PurifyingWarden ( Both forums and MC )
    Timezone: UTC - 05:00
  17. Icicly

    Icicly bred

    Likes Received:
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    Why you want it: Chestnut Horse, I also Only have 3 Le :(
    Ingame name: DeliciousCakez
    Timezone: Pacific
  18. BOM1001

    BOM1001 Well-Known Adventurer

    Likes Received:
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    Why you want it: I want to make America great again
    In-game name: BOOM1011
    Timezone: PTS
    MattTheMerchant and CMWizard like this.
  19. Turtlez

    Turtlez Well-Known Adventurer

    Likes Received:
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    Why you want it: Well I like LE
    In Game Name : _Turtlez_
    Time zone: UTC
  20. jimmylism

    jimmylism Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Why you want it: afford food for my family
    In Game Name: Kappa
    Time zone: 24 hours
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