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Texture Pack Help Needed

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Aidan_R_McK, Feb 19, 2016.

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  1. Aidan_R_McK

    Aidan_R_McK Travelled Adventurer

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    As of now I am making a custom texture pack for a server i'm part of called fairytailmc and i need to make armor and weapons items and mobs like you made in your server. I'm adding textures from modded packs and other resource packs and for the life of me i can't figure out how to spawn in the items, all the items have their original names on their textures and the same for the models, armor, ect. This is a vanilla server and i would appreciate it if you could give me a in depth explanation of how you made the textures function and if you could give me any more pointers when it comes to custom texture packs. Oh and i would love to know how you make a texture pack prompt when you enter the server. Wynncraft is a amazing server and has been a major inspiration in showing what can be done with packs but by no means do i plan to copy your pack. On a side note we have a sup chat in our ts for who play Wynncraft on our server, we all enjoy it, keep it up, the server is awesome.
  2. Joshytron

    Joshytron First world leader to finish ???

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    Its not, it is SUPER plugin heavy.
  3. Argagaes

    Argagaes Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    well I think he meant that all the features work in vanilla :P (like u don't need mods to have the features)
  4. Aidan_R_McK

    Aidan_R_McK Travelled Adventurer

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    The server i'm part of uses plugins but no mods which is what i meant by vanilla, and i need to know how the textures are done and if they are done using plugins i need to know how. I've spent weeks on the texture pack and if i need plugins to make it work so be it, i've tried to use mcpatcher for the textures but i don't know how to make that work either.
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