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Survey For The Content Team

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Melted, Jan 19, 2016.

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  1. Corroded

    Corroded Meme Expert VIP+

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    1. How long have you been a Builder?
    1 year and 1 month or something like that.
    2. As a Builder, how have you contributed to Wynncraft?
    What's a contribution and how do I do one. If it's that thing you build because you're forced to, then idk W.E***** A, ToA, Rodoroc, The Hive, Canyon Colossus and basically any other statue that you see in Gavel, except for those in Llevigar, they kinda suck.
    3. What would you say is your greatest build that you created for Wynncraft?
    A house. The one where you start Headless Hunt at.
    4. Have real life priorities ever prevented you from doing your job as a Builder (ex.
    school, job, family)?

    I guess so, I can't really remember, but if I were to recall correctly, it would've been school the pain in the arse to keep me from doing this "job".
    5. What do you like the most about your job as a Builder?
    I get to see cool shit.
    6. On a scale of one to ten how hard is it to be a Builder?
    7. Out of all the builds you have created, which build gets the most attention from the players of Wynncraft?
    How should I know, I don't play Wynncraft and I don't visit the forums that often.
    8. Do you focus more on building or more on playing on Wynncraft?
    What's a Wynncraft?
    9. What is your favorite thing about Wynncraft?
    The dank memes.
    10. Will you ever quit your job as a Builder for Wynncraft? Why?
    I will quit one day and join Dungeon Realms.
    xKindredKinesis and Shanaaro like this.
  2. Headset_O

    Headset_O I used to do stuff for this server CHAMPION

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    1. How long have you been a Builder/GM/Mod?
    Builder since late April 2014
    Gm since May 2014
    Mod since January 2015

    2. As a Builder/GM/Mod, how have you contributed to Wynncraft?
    As a Hybrid I tend to make quest completely on my own, like Lost Soles, The Maiden Tower and Heart of Llevigar (Credits to @Lotem for the puzzles!)
    As Mod I just follow hackers and then banning them so nothing special.

    3. What would you say is your greatest build/quest that you created for Wynncraft?
    I guess it's the town styles I made, which includes Cinfras, Lexdale, Thesead (Which includes Kandon-Beda and the starting area) and a bit of Ahmsord.
    And the favorite quest I made it Heart of Llevigar

    4. Have real life priorities ever prevented you from doing your job as a Builder (ex.
    school, job, family)?

    My PC broke for multiple months and I completely missed the building of the desert and mesa for 1.12.

    5. What do you like the most about your job as a Builder/GM?
    Seeing people react to the stuff I make, like all those threads about the 'mysterious' Ternaves prison ;D

    6. On a scale of one to ten how hard is it to be a Builder/GM?
    Builder: 5/10 considering I usually do stuff that doesn't require me adapt already existing styles
    GM: 8/10 it's pretty hard to come up with a good idea that Grian also likes and then I make the most stupid mistakes that take hours to find

    7. Out of all the builds you have created, which build gets the most attention from the players of Wynncraft?
    At the moment it's probably the prison again.

    8. Do you focus more on building/'gming' or more on playing on Wynncraft?
    Before Gavel I barely actually played Wynn, I just derped around in Detlas and talked to people, with Gavel I did all quests and now I'm derping around in Cinfras.

    9. What is your favorite thing about Wynncraft?
    I love how the new quests turned out, commandblocks really improved it and also they are more about storytelling, rather than just making you travel to get something useless.

    10. Will you ever quit your job as a Builder/GM for Wynncraft? Why?
    Nah, I want to work on Fruma and Dern, no way I will quit
  3. dead zeffe

    dead zeffe Guest

    9000/10 Just beautiful <3
    Mekyr likes this.
  4. Alexandress

    Alexandress French boi VIP+

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    1. How long have you been a GM?
    Since 21st April 2015 :D

    2. As a GM, how have you contributed to Wynncraft?
    I made 5 quests, a giant google sheet with all of the caves, some grinding spots and a lot of other things like quests fixing...

    3. State your biggest contribution as a GM.
    I made the Whale and the Frog from Shattered Mind. :relaxed:

    4. Have real life priorities ever prevented you from doing your job as a GM (ex.
    school, job, family)?

    Yeh of course ;(

    5. For you, what is the best thing about being a GM?
    I just love to see my quests, my mobs ingame, it is a great feeling! Seeing videos of my quests make me feel happy too! :P

    6. On a scale of one to ten how hard is it to be a GM?
    I would say 7/8~

    7. What skills do you think are required to qualify for a spot as a GM?
    You need creativity. A lot, and a lot of free time and be a cool kid!

    8. Do you focus more on playing Wynncraft or more serving as a GM?
    More serving as a GM during Gavel's making but now I'm playing hard! :P

    9. What is your favorite thing about Wynncraft?
    Wynncraft. Nuff said

    10. Have you ever considered resigning from serving as a GM?
    Yes because of school but eh I will never resign!
    xKindredKinesis and Lotem like this.
  5. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CT™ HERO

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    You are my hero. ily alexbae <3
    Alexandress likes this.
  6. Ackro

    Ackro The true Elite Quadbrid! HERO

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    Yeah, right.
    Copper, Chino, Melted and 1 other person like this.
  7. Ganny

    Ganny Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I guess i'll notice you Melted.

    1. How long have you been a Moderator?
    October 2015

    2. As a Moderator, how have you contributed to Wynncraft?
    Banning people, helping people, spreadin the cheer.

    3. What would you say is your greatest contribution to Wynncraft?
    Probly the banning part..a bit over 700 bans overall at the moment.

    4. Have real life priorities ever prevented you from doing your job as a Moderator (ex.
    school, job, family)?

    Nope i balance mod stuff with my irl job (state farm) and my baby @omgsara..not much else to do.

    5. What do you like the most about being a Moderator?
    I've played minecraft a while and always...ALWAYS hated hackers with a blind passion.
    I will never tire of banning hackers/extreme rule breakers.

    6. On a scale of one to ten, how hard is it to be a Moderator?
    Depends how lazy you are with it.
    It can really drag when your spammed 5 times per minute every day.
    There is alot to know and figure out if your devoted.
    Il go with 7/10 unless you dont ban or deal with any of that.

    7. State one problem you solved to benefit the needs of Wynncraft and its players.
    Uhh well i dont really have one specific one.
    I was a tester for quests with a couple other mods before the beta came out.

    8. Do you focus more on your job as a Moderator or more on playing Wynncraft?
    Before gavel i focused alot on mod stuff. I like gavel alot so i been playing more wynncraft at the moment.
    Once i get a couple level 100 classes il probly go back to doing alot of mod stuff.

    9. What is your favorite thing about Wynncraft?
    The uniqueness of it.
    Everything about Wynncraft is different then most games..down to the staff, content team, and community.

    10. Do you know if you will ever resign from being a Moderator? Why?
    Havn't considered it, and probably wont unless wynn is still around when i get married an have kids. I like keeping a server safe and healthy, especially one that i care about.

    There ya go.
    kioph, xKindredKinesis, Chino and 2 others like this.
  8. Melted

    Melted Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Senpai noticed me!

    I like how you tied in Builder/GM/Mod! Thanks for your time!
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
  9. Mrs Sara

    Mrs Sara Famous Adventurer HERO

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    He's more my senpai than yours ;n;
    Chino likes this.
  10. BlahBlah161616

    BlahBlah161616 Light Theme User

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    So your one of those people who follow people like me when they spam /server and it keeps me lagged in the air...then get kicked for flying?
  11. Melted

    Melted Famous Adventurer HERO

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  12. BlahBlah161616

    BlahBlah161616 Light Theme User

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    When you spam /server it glitches you into the air, and normally you get kicked for flying and moved to a new lobby.
  13. Acer

    Acer Kaɯaii‒est kiττeհ ㏌ Wyᴨπᴄraft VIP

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    -+-=-+-MODERATOR SURVEY-+-=-+-

    1. How long have you been a Moderator?
    Just under 2 years
    2. As a Moderator, how have you contributed to Wynncraft?
    Banned many people.
    3. What would you say is your greatest contribution to Wynncraft?
    My extreme sass.
    4. Have real life priorities ever prevented you from doing your job as a Moderator (ex.
    school, job, family)?
    No, I have no social life.
    5. What do you like the most about being a Moderator?
    Being able to punish people who are cunts.
    6. On a scale of one to ten, how hard is it to be a Moderator?
    7. State one problem you solved to benefit the needs of Wynncraft and its players.
    Some people may remember my shitty C# programs (e.g. WynnIDB) from ages ago..
    8. Do you focus more on your job as a Moderator or more on playing Wynncraft?
    I stopped actually playing the game a long time ago, so the former.
    9. What is your favorite thing about Wynncraft?
    My favourite thing was playing with the friends I made back when Wynncraft was first released. Those were really fun times.
    10. Do you know if you will ever resign from being a Moderator? Why?
    No. I literally can't see a reason to resign.
    -+-=-+-BUILDER SURVEY-+-=-+-
    1. How long have you been a Builder?

    Uh, like, a year I think
    2. As a Builder, how have you contributed to Wynncraft?
    Mainly small things like caves (I'm not a great builder).
    3. What would you say is your greatest build that you created for Wynncraft?
    There's a small village near some towers somewhere in Gavel, I built the houses in the village.
    4. Have real life priorities ever prevented you from doing your job as a Builder (ex.
    school, job, family)?

    See previous answer 4.
    5. What do you like the most about your job as a Builder?
    The extreme banter on the build server.
    6. On a scale of one to ten how hard is it to be a Builder?
    7. Out of all the builds you have created, which build gets the most attention from the players of Wynncraft?
    I don't think anything I've built has gotten any attention from players.
    8. Do you focus more on building or more on playing on Wynncraft?
    I never really built a huge amount, so neither really.
    9. What is your favorite thing about Wynncraft?
    See previous answer 9
    10. Will you ever quit your job as a Builder for Wynncraft? Why?
    See previous answer 10
    -+-=-+-GM SURVEY-+-=-+-

    1. How long have you been a GM?
    Like, 1.5 years probably
    2. As a GM, how have you contributed to Wynncraft?
    I made some quests and some mobs.
    3. State your biggest contribution as a GM.
    Refined kitteh armour...
    4. Have real life priorities ever prevented you from doing your job as a GM (ex.
    school, job, family)?

    See previous answer 4.
    5. For you, what is the best thing about being a GM?
    Understanding the mechanics behind the game.
    6. On a scale of one to ten how hard is it to be a GM?
    7. What skills do you think are required to qualify for a spot as a GM?
    Creativity, logical thinking, patience and perseverance.
    8. Do you focus more on playing Wynncraft or more serving as a GM?
    The latter.
    9. What is your favorite thing about Wynncraft?
    See previous answer 9.
    10. Have you ever considered resigning from serving as a GM?
    See previous answer 10.
    xKindredKinesis likes this.
  14. Fierstyfirestyle

    Fierstyfirestyle Travelled Adventurer

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    sorry just had to say it...........
  15. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    I hope being an ex-GM counts.
    If not, well...
    Feel free to throw your fusillades of insults at me.
    I feel that rage dwelling inside you.

    1. How long have you been a GM?

    Eh, about a year, tops.
    Joined the team officially in October of 2014.

    2. As a GM, how have you contributed to Wynncraft?
    I made the quest known as Frost Bitten.
    Frost Bitten was a small quest that had a lot of problems during the initial release.
    But at least you guys had Craftmas Chaos and Tower of Ascension and WynnExcavation to alleviate the pain from Frost Bitten, so I guess all was well in the end.

    3. State your biggest contribution as a GM.
    Frost Bitten.
    That was literally all I had to offer to the game.
    Makes me wonder why I didn't get the "Made A Quest Then Left Award".
    (Thanks, Grian.)

    4. Have real life priorities ever prevented you from doing your job as a GM (ex.
    school, job, family)?

    School was definitely a factor in my inactivity, yes.

    5. For you, what is the best thing about being a GM?
    It's really cool to make stuff for the game.
    That and understanding how things are done on the development side.
    Also, you tend to learn a few things about what makes Wynncraft fun.

    6. On a scale of one to ten how hard is it to be a GM?

    For some people, it's not too hard once you get into the meat of things.
    But for me, you'd need a much bigger scale to describe how hard it was.

    7. What skills do you think are required to qualify for a spot as a GM?
    Creativity, imagination, maturity, responsibility, and lots of determination.
    Oh, and a good computer, as well as Skype.
    That helps.

    8. Do you focus more on playing Wynncraft or more serving as a GM?

    Probably playing Wynncraft. Though, I haven't really played much recently because of school.

    9. What is your favorite thing about Wynncraft?
    I liked the whole idea of specially designed classes, each with their own spells. That was cool.
    Also the community was pretty nice, which was a plus.

    10. Have you ever considered resigning from serving as a GM?
    Well, I've already been demoted, soooo...

    I'd suggest thinking about it first before just going and applying.
    You need a lot of devotion to be a GM.
    It ain't just memes and inside jokes on the content team.
    When stuff needs to be done, you gotta work.

    Edit: Also, I feel like I'm the only one here so far who's no longer on the Content Team. Dang.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016
  16. Joshytron

    Joshytron First world leader to finish ???

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    1. How long have you been an Administrator of Wynncraft?
    Long long time

    2. What are some problems you have to deal with everyday for Wynncraft?
    Well for one, there are the bugs, and there are the new players who dont know crap about the game.

    3. What is your favorite part about being an Administrator?
    The power, of course.

    4. Was developing Wynncraft harder than developing Gavel? Vice versa?
    Well by Wynncraft I assume you mean Wynn, but in the case of Wynncraft I would say that Wynncraft was harder to develop than Gavel. But in the case of the province Wynn, i would say that Gavel was harder, since it is just so much bigger. The quality of the builds, quests, ect. is just so much better than when we started with Wynn.

    5. What is your greatest contribution to Wynncraft?
    Well i was the one who had the idea, and told Grian about it, so the conception of wynncraft.
  17. Copper

    Copper I like cake.

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    1. How long have you been a Builder?
    I've been a builder since early July 2015..or thereabouts.​

    2. As a Builder, how have you contributed to Wynncraft?
    I've helped to build two cities (Kandon-Beda and Dogovi), and I have made countless filler builds at the request of Grian and the GMs. I have brought bad humour, poor wit and endless spam to the Wynncraft chat, but also many ideas for future content.​

    3. What would you say is your greatest build that you created for Wynncraft?
    Though I am very proud to have claim over half of Kandon-Beda (@Lotem did the other half), I think I had some good moments in building content for the new starting zone (I built a fair bit of stuff there!), as well as some other content that, unfortunately, you can't see yet, as it hasn't been released :(​

    4. Have real life priorities ever prevented you from doing your job as a Builder (ex.
    school, job, family)?

    Heck, yes. Do you think we're slaves or something? O_O
    But in all seriousness, school is a priority for me right now, and after that, tertiary education will be. Maybe that'll be the reason I leave one day.​

    5. What do you like the most about your job as a Builder?
    The content team has a very vibrant community. We have inside jokes, fun moments, and awesome GMs and builders. I love being able to get together with other builders and make something ridiculous (like a tea party grove) and yet still make it look cool :P​

    6. On a scale of one to eight how hard is it to be a Builder?

    7. Out of all the builds you have created, which build gets the most attention from the players of Wynncraft?
    Kandon-Beda, but only because nobody can ever get to it. (Once again, half credit to Lotem).​

    8. Do you focus more on building or more on playing on Wynncraft?
    Wait, what, there's an actual game?

    ...building is too much fun.​

    9. What is your favorite thing about Wynncraft?
    The fact that it's pretty much the damn greatest RPG server out there, and I got to be a part of it.​

    10. Will you ever quit your job as a Builder for Wynncraft? Why?
    All things have to end at some point. Maybe it'll be exams, or going to Uni. Who knows? Maybe Wynncraft will call it a day before I quit Wynncraft. I sincerely hope not, though.
  18. Melted

    Melted Famous Adventurer HERO

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    It's been quite some time now and I believe the staff population has increased (correct me if I'm wrong). If someone would like to take the time to fill another one out that'd be super!
  19. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    No, that's called necroposting, and is a direct violation of the rules.
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