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[guide]how To Install Minecraft For Android Phones And Tablets

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Ligua_999, Feb 16, 2016.

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  1. Ligua_999

    Ligua_999 Alive

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    Hello inhabitants of the sixth dimension.
    If you clicked on this thread it's because you probably need minecraft Poket edition.
    I have this "tutorials on how to get it for Free!
    (Sorry does not work for iOS)

    [Step 1]Get aptoide

    Aptoide is known for their being a network for android users in where you can basically be a bit of a b*tch and get ALMOST any app for free (some old android versions might not be compatible with it)link: http://m.aptoide.com/
    Click on the install button. [NOTE:Aptoide is safe,but some apps on it aren't so be carefull]

    Its possible to have not enabled "Unknown Sources for enabling it,go to settings>General>Security and look for it there,then repeat the step

    [Step 2]Getting Minecraft
    Now you have Aptoide click on this link: http://m.milaupv.store.aptoide.com/...760140001/17141936/Minecraft+-+Pocket+Edition
    click on the download button
    When the download ends,Your good to go!
    I hope this thread helped you don't do school and stay on drugs...Wait,it's not like that,Never mind! I'm sure you've heard the quote!
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