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Your Strangest Dreams

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Eirika & Ephraim, Feb 13, 2016.

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  1. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    We've all had those odd dreams that make this much sense ----> 2628928&"@$:!&&'c
    Though most memories of a dream fade after you have it, you can still remember bits and pieces. Tell me all your strangest dreams :3

    It started off with Mario in a tropical forest with terrible 64 graphics. Mario jumped onto a palm tree, and a Yoshi appeared at the top. Then aliens attacked in a floating... Planet thingy. Mario jumped on the Yoshi and flew up to the alien base. He went inside a giant tree and down a staircase inside the tree that spiraled into the earth. When he got to bottom, he hit a orb thing and the alien base exploded.
    Me and my classmates from sixth grade were in an alien saucer being transported to an arena to fight to the death. I turned into a ninja, somersaulted all over the ship, and killed everyone.
    My brother was walking down an old beaten road in autumn when a snake jumped out of the ground. The snake lunged at my brother's neck and strangled him.
    A farmer was going around harvesting his sunflower field (I don't know either) and the sunflowers grew smiley faces. The sunflowers then ate the farmer. And everyone lived happily ever after. The end.
    I was living in Bikini Bottom. Everyone was forced to worship Lorde. Then the offspring of Taylor Swift and Medusa flew down from the surface and challenged Lorde to a duel. I died in the fight. People had a funeral for me.
    So I was walking out to my backyard when I noticed a friend (?) from school in the backyard with my brother, who was on the swings. The friend said I need to leave because I was in his backyard, and I said "no, this is mine!" Then My brother said "it's mine because you don't have as much swag as me!" Then both my friend and my brother started laughing like they were on helium, and the dream ended with the sun setting really fast and me screaming "NOOOOOOO! GET OUT!" I actually woke up and yelled the get out part in real life, and my mother got really concerned.

    Despite all the nightmares I've had, this is the only one I've ever woke up from.

    If you even count it a nightmare.

    Share yours!
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
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  2. icebreaker

    icebreaker Retired YouTuber & Full Stack Web Developer Media HERO

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    i have many...here is my worse:
    Doomsday ...

    yea doomsday...
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  3. Power :3

    Power :3 Drowned in projects VIP+

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    I've got some.

    So, I was in a zombie apocalypse playing as Katarina from LoL. And its was kind of like a video game. So after we survived the apocalypse, the 'game' RESTARTED. And we ended up back in the sewers where we first started. I was like 'Nope, how do I get out of here get me out I don't want to play again.' Luckily, I woke up.

    My other dream, its kinda faded but.... I was in dream and I knew I was in a dream so I tried to wake myself up. I said bye to the people in my dream and stiffened my body to 'teleport' out of my dream. I instead teleported into a different dream so I tried again, and I teleported into my PREVIOUS dreams. One of them was a pirate ship and everyone was gonna die by a pterodactyl. I was like 'nope not this not again' but I couldn't get out of that dream. It kept going on and on till I eventually woke up.

    ok 1 more, so I was getting ready for a soiree but I didn't want to go because I forgot to get my shoes. I was watching a documentary about ghosts and it said "Ghosts are real because...." and it showed 3 rusty drippy spots of brownish rust indicating the ghosts arrival, then my dream skipped to a scene where this teens father was bald and the teen was like 'Hey dad are you ok?' and then suddenly.... The father starts noogying, scalping and punching the teens forehead. Out of the blue, the teen became bald and a 'ghost', apparently that's how they infect them. So I ran to the soiree to warn them but there was screaming and I can't remember anything else.

    But you know what the scariest thing is?

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  4. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Ok... not as strange as mine then.

    Dream 1 (Dream Trailer): I was in some dream, though I can't remember what it was. It was this one dream that I've had about 3 times. What's weird about it this time? At the end, I suddenly become Mario and the 5 Toads from Super Mario Galaxy (I used to play this like 5 years ago) had been captured by some weird space penguins.... still not weird enough? Well I woke up. About 30 minutes later, I fell asleep AND HAD THE WHOLE DREAM. Because the other time, it had only been like the first part of it. I then had the whole thing, which was very weird...
    Dream 2 (Trapped in Reality): I was having a dream which was just ordinary life. I realised it was a dream for the only time ever. Yes, I actually knew I was dreaming. So I was like, "Ok, nice dream but I want a better one. Time to either wake up or go back to sleep- WAIT WAT." That last part was because I tried to wake up but the dream just continued. I just watched ordinary life just unfold before me as I was just trying to get back to ordinary sleep.

    Those are my two main ones. There are two other ones which were interesting but they were when I was like 4 and my mind came up with random stuff. And they seriously weren't this weird...
    Eirika & Ephraim likes this.
  5. Hiryu

    Hiryu not so lazy artist VIP

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    This is when I was sick:

    I took my medicine and fell back to sleep, but I stayed up all night and felt the dizziest moment in my life, I started to say "Someone pause Minecraft..." Because I thought the world would pause and stop my dizziness xD
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  6. LoyalFlush

    LoyalFlush Very Pleasant

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    Here's a semi-nightmare I had:
    I was playing Wynncraft until some creepy look black thing showed up on my screen. I attempted to disconnect from the server but it just took me to a different server with the same black thing. I don't quite remember what happened next but the next thing that I can remember from the dream was me flying across the ocean.
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  7. SuperMatt11

    SuperMatt11 I am your leader; you are my lifelong slave.

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    I can't talk about it (#^.^#)
    Please DON'T make me talk about it on forums, but maybe in-game.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2016
  8. Nitronicraft

    Nitronicraft Not an owner of GearSkinsLotto VIP+

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    1. I dreamed i was banned from mineplex and given vet on wynn... hallelujah!
    2. I also dreamed that i was sitting in a field by a river and a 2 meter radius blue flaming meteor went over my head and crashed a few miles away... it didn't seem to hurt me but it looked like the fallout 4 beginning.
    3. Finally, my wierdest one, this was when i was waking up in a puddle of my own spit on my bed and I was half asleep: I dreamed that a 3 inch wide scorpion crawled out of my mouth and then under my pillow.
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  9. Rubix Titan

    Rubix Titan Lord Of Nemract VIP+

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    My one is:

    It was about 600 million years ago (Dino age) and there were huge elephants running for me in a huge ravine.

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  10. Glitch496

    Glitch496 Game Master HERO GM

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    I got captured by black people in my own house O_O
    And for some reason I was trying to spell out "x marks the spot" on the ground, until the black people captured me IN MY OWN HOUSE.
    I was trying to escape, and I eventually did through the backyard. I can't remember what happens next though :/
    Eirika & Ephraim likes this.
  11. Twin Lotus

    Twin Lotus Straw Hat VIP+

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    These are some of my more tramautizing dreams -

    1. Was chased in my own kitchen by a large group of broken glass dolls falling from the ceiling and appearing from walls (apparently I got this dream a week after seeing a glass doll sitting on a chair at an Aboriginal site on a school trip)

    2. Got a dream of a school shooting just yesterday! Had to run from the shooting and never got hit :l

    3. My best friend tried to stab me with a knife and I couldn't wake up. Everything looked realistic. Ended up waking up in a cold sweat.
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