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Shop Formatting Service [ Closed Because I Became Lazy ]

Discussion in 'Your Services' started by awemanrank100, Jan 18, 2016.

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  1. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    I'm willing to format things for people's shops. I often see shops using image links because they're going past the 10 image limit, or whatever else. Format? What do I mean by that?

    Post Ultima

    ❤ Health: +2000
    ✹ Fire Defense: -50
    ❉ Water Defense: -50
    ❋ Air Defense: -50
    ✦ Thunder Defense: -50
    ✤ Earth Defense: -50

    Lv. Min: 76
    Strength Min: 40
    Dexterity Min: 25

    +8% Exploding
    +7 Strength
    +12% Earth Damage
    +4 Dexterity
    -18% Spell Damage
    +6% Melee Damage
    +31 Melee Damage

    [0/3] Slots
    Legendary Item
    These leggings are the
    last remaining piece of
    a historical set of armor,
    created with such power
    as to be thought impossible

    long ago.

    Random stuff like this can be all yours for the low price of...
    ...32 emeralds each. The price has been temporarily increased as I need to format my own shop. XD
    Just send me a screenshot (or something like that).
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2016
    blankman, 01100110111, Verle and 2 others like this.
  2. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    How'd you get the element characters?
  3. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    as in getting lucky with searches on a unicode table for neutral/heart, and getting the rest from the wynn home page; they look different on web font, but it will look correct in-game. i made this thread with a joke weapon that did 133769420 of all damage and was spoopy tier. (more shameful promotion)
    Oh right, here's a list.
    ❤ Health
    ✣ Neutral
    ✤ Earth
    ✦ Thunder
    ❉ Water
    ✹ Fire
    ❋ Air
    Nyam, 01100110111, Verle and 2 others like this.
  4. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    This is a bump. :I
  5. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    Now, I don't like bump walls, so this will be the last bump. kbye
  6. blu_rei4356

    blu_rei4356 Ender Vendor

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    I'll bump it for you then. Since I'm here. If you want it deleted afterwards, quote me.
  7. DownDeeper

    DownDeeper Wanna go DownDeeper? Into caves, you dirty mind. VIP+

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    Can I buy those Post Ultima?
    I'll pay the 32 emeralds xD
    oH WaAIt
    Neverrmind read it wrong Sorry
  8. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    Alllrighty then. If you do want to buy it though, you can buy it from the shop I recently made hue
  9. blu_rei4356

    blu_rei4356 Ender Vendor

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    is it weird that sometimes i like to go on shops just to bump them? :P
    I guess not always shops though, services too.
  10. DownDeeper

    DownDeeper Wanna go DownDeeper? Into caves, you dirty mind. VIP+

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    I'm back. I'd like you to create a shop for me! I need 11 items done, and just a plain shop format. I'd be willing to spend an eb each item (11 eb compared to 5.5 eb). Just set up the shop nice. If you do accept this I will give you all the item information you need
  11. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    Sure! Plain as in what, though?
  12. DownDeeper

    DownDeeper Wanna go DownDeeper? Into caves, you dirty mind. VIP+

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    Never mind actually I am just going to imgur all my stuff
  13. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

    Likes Received:
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    Okay then. XD
  14. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    Quartzite Helm

    ❤ Health: +2550

    Lv. Min: 91

    +12% Spell Damage
    +102 Spell Damage

    [0/4] Slots
    Unique Item

    ❤ Health: +2345

    Lv. Min: 83

    +8 Melee Damage
    +4% Melee Damage
    +6% Health Regen
    +5% Spell Damage
    +37 Health Regen
    +35 Spell Damage

    [0/1] Slots
    Rare Item

    ❤ Health: +2350
    ✹ Fire Defense: -100
    ❋ Air Defense: +100

    Lv. Min: 87
    Intelligence Min: 40

    +5% Reflection
    +7 Intelligence
    +28% XP Bonus
    +3% Soul Point Regen

    [0/3] Slots
    Rare Item

    ❤ Health: +975
    ❉ Water Defense: +55
    ✤ Earth Defense: +70

    Lv. Min: 54
    Strength Min: 20
    Intelligence Min: 15

    +10% Melee Damage
    +7% Thorns
    +7 Intelligence
    -8% Fire Defense
    +11% XP Bonus
    +3% Soul Point Regen
    -8% Thunder Defense
    +1/4s Mana Regen
    +5 Strength
    +8% Walk Speed

    [0/1] Slots
    Legendary Item
    This ancient Elven sacrificial
    mask contains only a sliver
    of its previous magic, yet
    the blessing of the Elven
    god Entia still greatly
    empowers those who don it.
    Chestplate of Ineptitude

    ❤ Health: +3250

    Lv. Min: 98

    +2 tier Attack Speed
    +12 Melee Damage
    +50% Melee Damage
    -72% Spell Damage
    -174 Spell Damage

    [0/3] Slots
    Rare Item
    Far Cosmos

    ❤ Health: +2500

    Lv. Min: 100
    Strength Min: 30
    Agility Min: 30
    Defense Min: 30
    Intelligence Min: 30
    Dexterity Min: 30

    +11 Dexterity
    +7 Defense
    +6 Intelligence
    +5 Agility
    +12 Strength

    Rare Item
    Blessed Wrappings

    ❤ Health: +30

    Lv. Min: 5
    Defense Min: 3

    +3 Defense
    +7% XP Bonus
    +9% Health Regen
    +6 Health

    [0/1] Slots
    Legendary Item
    The thick, Bovemist-sanctified
    cloth is worn by their priests
    during certain religious
    ceremonies. It clear the mind
    and purifies the body.

    ❤ Health: +3800
    ✹ Fire Defense: +200
    ❉ Water Defense: -300

    Lv. Min: 93

    +7% Fire Damage
    -9% Melee Damage
    -12% Spell Damage
    +588 Health
    +121 Health Regen

    [0/3] Slots
    Legendary Item
    This thick skinned jacket,
    imbued with the courage
    of a thousand lion hearts
    will grant the user massive
    protection from all who
    target them.

    ❤ Health: +2000
    ✦ Thunder Defense: -100

    Lv. Min: 95
    Intelligence Min: 110

    -11% Melee Damage
    +11% Spell Damage
    +3/4s Mana Regen

    [0/3] Slots
    Legendary Item
    "The symbol of the river"
    is a name that is often
    synonymous with this garment,
    with many water like qualities
    surrounding it, heavily
    bathed in magical meaning.
    Lemon Legs

    ❤ Health: +124
    ✦ Thunder Defense: +18
    ✤ Earth Defense: -6

    Lv. Min: 18

    +6 Dexterity
    -6% Earth Defense
    +17% Melee Damage
    +5% XP Bonus
    +10% Thunder Damage
    -9% Earth Damage
    +6 Spell Damage
    +18/3s Poison

    [0/2] Slots
    Legendary Item
    Corruption Seal

    ❤ Health: +2550
    ❉ Water Defense: -100
    ❋ Air Defense: -100
    ✦ Thunder Defense: +90
    ✤ Earth Defense: +90

    Lv. Min: 92
    Strength Min: 35
    Dexterity Min: 35

    +8% Thorns
    -10% Soul Point Regen
    +80/2s Life Steal
    -52 Health Regen
    +11% Thunder Damage
    +4 Strength
    -9% Walk Speed
    +56/3s Poison

    [0/2] Slots
    Unique Item
    Liquified Sun
    Normal Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 25-30
    ✹ Fire Damage: 110-140
    ✦ Thunder Damage: 85-115

    Class Req: Assassin/Ninja
    Lv. Min: 92
    Defense Min: 40
    Dexterity Min: 30

    +25% Reflection
    +4 Dexterity
    +5 Defense
    -23% Water Damage
    +13% Fire Defense
    +9% Thunder Defense
    +746 Health
    -26% Earth Damage

    [0/2] Slots
    Rare Item
    Fast Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 180-300

    Class Req: Assassin/Ninja
    Lv. Min: 89
    Strength Min: 15
    Agility Min: 15
    Defense: 15
    Intelligence Min: 15
    Dexterity Min: 15

    +5% Earth Defense
    +13% Fire Defense
    +18% XP Bonus
    +10% Soul Point Regen
    +7% Air Defense
    +11% Thunder Defense
    +270 Health
    +74 Health Regen
    +10% Water Defense

    [0/5] Slots
    Legendary Item
    This bloody palette knife
    was used to kill only two
    people before it was abandoned
    - a killer who broke into
    a great artist's home, and
    the artist who struck the
    Fast Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 180-300

    Class Req: Assassin/Ninja
    Lv. Min: 89
    Strength Min: 15
    Agility Min: 15
    Defense: 15
    Intelligence Min: 15
    Dexterity Min: 15

    +4% Earth Defense
    +11% Fire Defense
    +21% XP Bonus
    +7% Soul Point Regen
    +9% Air Defense
    +13% Thunder Defense
    +310 Health
    +134 Health Regen
    +9% Water Defense

    [0/5] Slots
    Legendary Item
    This bloody palette knife
    was used to kill only two
    people before it was abandoned
    - a killer who broke into
    a great artist's home, and
    the artist who struck the
    Skin Piercer
    Normal Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 1-60
    ✦ Thunder Damage: 1-40

    Class Req: Archer/Hunter
    Lv. Min: 18
    Dexterity Min: 5

    +4 Dexterity
    +15% Thunder Defense

    [0/1] Slots
    Legendary Item
    The average bow can boast
    a range of skills, but not
    every bow such as this can
    penetrate through any organic
    skin, including dragon hide.
    Return to Ether
    Fast Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 90-150
    ❋ Air Damage: 110-130

    Class Req: Archer/Hunter
    Lv. Min: 90
    Agility Min: 55

    +1 tier Attack Speed
    +6% Water Damage
    -11% Melee Damage
    +25% XP Bonus
    +5% Spell Damage
    +9% Air Damage
    +1/4s Mana Regen
    -56% Earth Damage
    +5% Walk Speed

    Legendary Item
    This enigmatic weapon
    can suddenly blink out of
    reality with no warning
    only to appear exactly where
    it was left later. Artificers
    have determined that almost
    the entire bow, by all known
    laws of nature and magic,
    should not exist.
    Return to Ether
    Fast Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 90-150
    ❋ Air Damage: 110-130

    Class Req: Archer/Hunter
    Lv. Min: 90
    Agility Min: 55

    +1 tier Attack Speed
    +12% Water Damage
    -11% Melee Damage
    +26% XP Bonus
    +4% Spell Damage
    +12% Air Damage
    +1/4s Mana Regen
    -100% Earth Damage
    +11% Walk Speed

    Legendary Item
    This enigmatic weapon
    can suddenly blink out of
    reality with no warning
    only to appear exactly where
    it was left later. Artificers
    have determined that almost
    the entire bow, by all known
    laws of nature and magic,
    should not exist.
    Return to Ether
    Fast Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 90-150
    ❋ Air Damage: 110-130

    Class Req: Archer/Hunter
    Lv. Min: 90
    Agility Min: 55

    +1 tier Attack Speed
    +12% Water Damage
    -18% Melee Damage
    +26% XP Bonus
    +4% Spell Damage
    +7% Air Damage
    +1/4s Mana Regen
    -94% Earth Damage
    +4% Walk Speed

    Legendary Item
    This enigmatic weapon
    can suddenly blink out of
    reality with no warning
    only to appear exactly where
    it was left later. Artificers
    have determined that almost
    the entire bow, by all known
    laws of nature and magic,
    should not exist.
    Return to Ether
    Fast Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 90-150
    ❋ Air Damage: 110-130

    Class Req: Archer/Hunter
    Lv. Min: 90
    Agility Min: 55

    +1 tier Attack Speed
    +7% Water Damage
    -11% Melee Damage
    +21% XP Bonus
    +5% Spell Damage
    +12% Air Damage
    +1/4s Mana Regen
    -70% Earth Damage
    +10% Walk Speed

    Legendary Item
    This enigmatic weapon
    can suddenly blink out of
    reality with no warning
    only to appear exactly where
    it was left later. Artificers
    have determined that almost
    the entire bow, by all known
    laws of nature and magic,
    should not exist.
    Return to Ether
    Fast Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 90-150
    ❋ Air Damage: 110-130

    Class Req: Archer/Hunter
    Lv. Min: 90
    Agility Min: 55

    +1 tier Attack Speed
    +8% Water Damage
    -12% Melee Damage
    +23% XP Bonus
    +5% Spell Damage
    +7% Air Damage
    +1/4s Mana Regen
    -86% Earth Damage
    +13% Walk Speed

    Legendary Item
    This enigmatic weapon
    can suddenly blink out of
    reality with no warning
    only to appear exactly where
    it was left later. Artificers
    have determined that almost
    the entire bow, by all known
    laws of nature and magic,
    should not exist.
    Detlas' Legacy
    Slow Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 15-25
    ❉ Water Damage: 10-15
    ✦ Thunder Damage: 5-30

    Class Req: Mage/Dark Wizard
    Lv. MIn: 25
    Intelligence Min: 5
    Dexterity Min: 10

    +3 Dexterity
    +2% Water Damage
    -5% Melee Damage
    +4 Intelligence
    +4% XP Bonus
    +11% Spell Damage

    [0/2] Slots
    Legendary Item
    One of Detlas' founding
    building was struck by
    lightning 60 years ago and
    burnt to the ground, apart
    from one wooden beam that
    began to glow. It was fashioned
    into an exclusive wand for
    resident mages.
    Waves Raiser
    Normal Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 20-26
    ❉ Water Damage: 22-48

    Class Req: Mage/Dark Wizard
    Lv. Min: 35
    Intelligence Min: 35

    +4% Water Damage
    +5% Melee Damage
    +6% Spell Damage

    Legendary Item
    The mystery of the ocean's
    appearance has eluded scholars
    for centuries. It is believed
    that many years ago, warlocks
    used wands like this one,
    in an attempt to submerge
    the world.
    Normal Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 80-115
    ✦ Thunder Damage: 40-140

    Class Req: Warrior/Knight
    Lv. Min: 70
    Strength Min: 20
    Dexterity Min: 25

    +5 Dexterity
    -14% Earth Defense
    +16% Melee Damage
    -7 Intelligence
    -18% Health Regen
    -10% Soul Point Regen
    +42/2s Life Steal
    +1/2s Mana Steal
    +5% Thunder Damage
    +9 Strength
    -22% Water Defense
    +64/3s Poison

    [0/3] Slots
    Legendary Item
    A psychopath claiming
    herself to be Death incarnate
    used this dark-bladed scythe
    on a killing spree that
    lasted over a year. It reaped
    hundreds of lives, including
    her own.
    Slow Attack Speed

    ❉ Water Damage: 285-425

    Class Req: Warrior/Knight
    Lv. Min: 99
    Intelligence Min: 80

    +8% Reflection
    -10% Melee Damage
    +7 Intelligence
    +26% Fire Defense
    +5 Agility
    +7% Health Regen
    +5% Spell Damage
    -37% Thunder Defense
    +2/4s Mana Regen
    -90% Earth Damage
    +91% Water Defense

    [0/3] Slots
    Legendary Item
    This mysterious, half-liquid
    trident apparently holds
    the secret magics to control
    the ocean's ebb and flow.
    It is incapable of touching
    solid ground.

    ❤ Health: -350

    Lv. Min: 93
    Agility Min: 30
    Intelligence Min: 60

    +5 Agility
    +1/2s Mana Steal
    +11% Walk Speed

    Rare Item
    Bob's Tear
    You feel bad for Bob
    when you hold it.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016
    Nyam likes this.
  15. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

    Likes Received:
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    Ragni's Mail

    ❤ Health: +775
    ❋ Air Defense: -30
    ✤ Earth Defense: +65

    Lv. Min: 50
    Strength Min: 20
    Defense Min: 5

    +2% Melee Damage
    +245 Health
    +3% XP Bonus
    +14% Earth Damage
    -58% Water Damage
    +4% Fire Damage
    +6 Defense
    -3% Spell Damage

    [0/2] Slots
    Legendary Item
    One of the few remaining
    standard issue mails that
    were used against the first
    hordes to emerge from the
    infamous portal over 1000
    years ago.
    Nether's Scar

    ❤ Health: +3600
    ✹ Fire Defense: +125
    ❉ Water Defense: -150
    ❋ Air Defense: -150
    ✦ Thunder Defense: +125

    Lv. Min: 95
    Defense Min: 50
    Dexterity Min: 50

    +5 Dexterity
    +3 Defense
    +9% Fire Damage
    -15 Water Damage
    +8% Exploding
    +50% Health Regen
    -15 Air Damage
    -64 Health Regen
    +10% Thunder Damage
    +33/3s Poison

    [0/2] Slots
    Legendary Item
    Forged directly from the
    bloody red stone mined from
    the Nether, they were locked
    away for fear of inciting
    insanity in those who wore
    Sodeta Boots

    ❤ Health: +1650

    Quest Req: Lost Soles
    Lv. Min: 66

    +11% XP Bonus
    +9% Health Regen
    +9% Spell Damage
    +30/2s Life Steal
    +3/4s Mana Regen

    [0/3] Slots
    Legendary Item
    These boots were standard
    issue to members of the
    prestigious, and now disbanded,
    Sodeta Guild, and given
    as a gift to the owners
    of Delnar Mansion one day.
    Almuj's Daggers
    Super Fast Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 10-15
    ✦ Thunder Damage: 5-15

    Class Req: Assassin/Ninja
    Lv. Min: 20
    Agility Min: 8
    Dexterity Min: 15

    +6% XP Bonus
    +3 Agility
    +2% Stealing
    +7/3s Poison
    +9% Walk Speed

    [0/1] Slots
    Legendary Item
    The reigning king of thieves
    in Almuj's underworld would
    brandish this golden dagger
    to his enemies so fast,
    you wouldn't even realise
    your wallet was now missing.
    Almuj's Daggers
    Super Fast Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 10-15
    ✦ Thunder Damage: 5-15

    Class Req: Assassin/Ninja
    Lv. Min: 20
    Agility Min: 8
    Dexterity Min: 15

    +5% XP Bonus
    +4 Agility
    +2% Stealing
    +2/3s Poison
    +21% Walk Speed

    [0/1] Slots
    Legendary Item
    The reigning king of thieves
    in Almuj's underworld would
    brandish this golden dagger
    to his enemies so fast,
    you wouldn't even realise
    your wallet was now missing.
    Slow Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 10-190
    ❋ Air Damage: 15-20

    Class Req: Assassin/Ninja
    Lv. Min: 32

    +28/2s Life Steal
    +4% Exploding
    +8% Air Damage
    +37/3s Poison
    +4 Dexterity

    [0/1] Slots
    Legendary Item
    The art of endurance fighting
    is a skill lost to time.
    However, a thief that to
    this day has not been caught,
    imbibed this dagger with
    the very same ability.
    Very Slow Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 150-220
    ✹ Fire Damage: 60-80
    ✤ Earth Damage: 70-100

    Class Req: Archer/Hunter
    Lv. Min: 49
    Strength Min: 30
    Defense Min: 10

    +7 Defense
    +6% Fire Damage
    +13% Exploding
    +17% Melee Damage
    -17% Spell Damage
    +228 Health
    +7 Strength
    -21% Water Defense
    -10% Walk Speed

    [0/1] Slots
    Legendary Item
    No one expected the WynnExcavation
    volcanic site to produce
    any valuable materials,
    but this heavy, obsidian-blend
    bow silenced the critics.
    Fast Attack Speed

    ❉ Water Damage: 50-90
    ❋ Air Damage: 40-100
    ✦ Thunder Damage: 60-110

    Class Req: Archer/Hunter
    Lv. Min: 70
    Agility Min: 20
    Intelligence Min: 20
    Dexterity Min: 20

    +6 Dexterity
    -15% Fire Damage
    +10% Water Damage
    +24% Melee Damage
    +2 Intelligence
    +3 Agility
    +22% Spell Damage
    +1/2s Mana Steal
    +8% Air Damage
    -297 Health
    +7% Thunder Damage
    +13% Walk Speed

    [0/2] Slots
    Legendary Item
    Lost by master sailor
    Carvel in a massive storm,
    it was carried all the way
    out to the city of Selchar,
    where it was found spewing
    seafoam and lightning bolts.
    Detlas' Legacy
    Slow Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 15-25
    ❉ Water Damage: 10-15
    ✦ Thunder Damage: 5-30

    Class Req: Mage/Dark Wizard
    Lv. Min: 25
    Intelligence Min: 5
    Dexterity Min: 10

    +3 Dexterity
    +5% Water Damage
    -6% Melee Damage
    +2 Intelligence
    +6% XP Bonus
    +13% Spell Damage

    [0/2] Slots
    Legendary Item
    One of Detlas' founding
    buildings was struck by
    lightning 60 years ago and
    burnt to the ground, apart
    from one wooden beam that
    began to glow. It was fashioned
    into an exclusive wand for
    resident mages.
    Waves Raiser
    Normal Attack Speed

    ✣ Neutral Damage: 20-26
    ❉ Water Damage: 22-48

    Class Req: Mage/Dark Wizard
    Lv. Min: 35
    Intelligence Min: 35

    +7% Melee Damage
    +7% Water Damage
    +9% Spell Damage

    Legendary Item
    The mystery of the ocean's
    appearance has eluded scholars
    for centuries. It is believed
    that many years ago, warlocks
    used wands like this one,
    in an attempt to submerge
    the world.
    Block of Pink Wool
    Misc. Item
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016
  16. Pixelated0624

    Pixelated0624 Forum Wanderer VIP+

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    Since I have a Post-Ultima, would it be okay if I just copy the sample thing, make it match my own ID's, then put it on my auction shop? Do I still have to pay 32 emeralds for that?
  17. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

    Likes Received:
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    No, you don't. I'm not going to reserve something as mine; this is just me using the coloring system on the forums. If you can make it yourself, or learn how to make it from this (or just copy/paste it lol), I'm not going to charge you.
  18. Pixelated0624

    Pixelated0624 Forum Wanderer VIP+

    Likes Received:
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    Great, thanks. But I will come back here to request for a service in the future xD
  19. SuperMatt11

    SuperMatt11 I am your leader; you are my lifelong slave.

    Likes Received:
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    Can you help format my shop?
  20. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

    Likes Received:
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    Sure! Send me screenshots of the items you'd like to put on there.
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