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Media What Do You Think Could Be Better About The Assassin/ninja Class?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Master_NinjasHD, Jan 31, 2016.


What could be better with the assassin/ninja class?

  1. Change when you receive spells, this could include swapping smoke bomb and multi hit

    4 vote(s)
  2. Change the effects of spells, or the order you earn them in

    4 vote(s)
  3. Change the basic stats, which may include range, spells, etc

    32 vote(s)
  4. Nothing! I think assassin/ninja are perfect the way they are

    20 vote(s)
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  1. Calbius

    Calbius Expert Mage, Member Of The Russian Mafia

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    Because you don't put enough in "Intelligence" so you character is stupid and always accidentally hits him/herself in the face :/
    Don't judge me plz ;-;
  2. BlahBlah161616

    BlahBlah161616 Light Theme User

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    This is a good peice or artwork. Really demonstrates the life of an assassin...they should bug fix it.
  3. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Assassins in the previous update literally were overpowered statistically. This was a purposeful design, as before the EULA kicked in Assassin was a VIP only class, so it was purposefully overpowered. They did not rebalance it when it was made available to all players. Multihits was advertised to deal about 350% damage, but in reality it dealt close to 2000% damage, and Vanish was bugged to not force mana drain(on some players).

    Players were spoiled with that high power, and now that you actually have to use effort with your class, you're getting angry over it.

    All other classes have been forced to adapt their strategies to the new system; it's not just assassins. But, because Assassin received the heaviest nerds in order to rebalance it, it feels like it's useless to old players. It was like the 10 mana-regen items that slipped into the game. Not intentional, but when they were rebalanced to make them not completely overpowered, there was a massive outcry over it because the players got spoiled on that kind of power.

    Multihits does not deal only as much damage as a basic attack. My weapon(Influence) deals approximately 100 damage(ID calculations with other gear included) and one Multihits brings an enemy with about 800 health inches from death if it doesn't kill them outright, and Salted has confirmed that it's going to be receiving some buffs eventually. Spin Attack causing the massive knockback is a glitch with the enemy system, not intentional. The way the Spin Attack freezing worked was you actually got Speed and Jump Boost 255, which wrapped around back to 0, making you immobile. However, the new mob system is not affected by the wraparound. And, enemies get knocked AWAY from me when I use Spin Attack, how does that cause you to take damage? It is being fixed. Smoke Bomb is not the main spell of a melee class, though it is very powerful. The use of Smoke Bomb is to trap enemies within the smoke to deal constant damage while you use other attacks to whittle them down further. However, enemies can walk out of the smoke very easily, so you, the player, must take steps to keep the mobs in the smoke to achieve maximum effectiveness. Assassin is the slowest class in terms of long-distance movement. In the battlefield it is very-much maneuverable with Shadow Travel under Vanish and a lot of their items giving speed boosts. However, this doesn't budget well to long-distance travel, which is an intentional balancing handicap.
    XavierEXE, Kahsol and EchoingWinds like this.
  4. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    The spin attack move hits enemies in a circle around me, and then towards me, but it gives them so much knockback that they go through me, hit me, and then keep flying for 838585029475 more blocks.
  5. deadluke

    deadluke ...

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    can confirm assassin is awesome if u have a good build.
  6. Fread

    Fread Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    ok look.
    after gavel, the survivability is not as good as the other classes(mage can heal, warrior just tank and get health regen, archer life steal)
    the damage of assassin got nerfed and me as a 75 deal less damage with a bob dagger than a mage that is 65.
    assassin also needa rely heavily on item in order to be not as weak as the others
    the mana consume of assassin is the highest
    the mobility of assassin is the worst

    basically assassin is the worst of all how do i even continue playing assassin. selvut, you tell me.
  7. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Okay, I haven't tried Assassin with the best build, but it is still playable. Multihit still does a ton of damage. Smoke bomb is excellent against ranged mobs. Spin attack will be great for lightning damage when fixed. Mobility with spells can be counter with IDs and horses. Maybe instead of wishing for ridiculous damage back we should just try and adjust. Theres no way that Assassin can be that bad, and it'll get better when spin attack is fixed.
  8. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Archers have 60% defense. While they have range on their side, hits they take will stick hard. Mages could always heal, and Warriors are built to be tanky, but Assassin has no defense penalties unlike Mage(80%) and Archer(60%) so it has the second highest defenses of all the classes. I have approximately 1200 health at the moment with my Assassin, and about 40 life steal. Careful play with Vanish and Smoke Bomb have essentially obsoleted potions for me, excluding extremely dire circumstances.
    If you are counting per-hit, then yes. Assassin does not deal as much damage as the other classes might, but you also are not taking into account skill builds. You will have to tell me what weapons you are comparing in order for me to determine whether what you are saying is valid. Do not focus on individual hits for a class's power, unless you have decided to use Very Slow or Super Slow weapons.
    Yes, of course, and no other class requires the use of gear to flourish? All classes need to rely on their items to get by; that is literally the point of the items.
    Spin Attack costs 6 mana, Vanish costs 4 mana, Multihits costs 10 mana, Smoke Bomb costs 8 mana.

    Arrow Storm costs 6 mana, Escape costs 4 mana, Bomb Arrow costs 8 mana, and Arrow Shield costs 10 mana.
    In the heat of battle, it gets by perfectly. If its mobility were as high as, say, an Archer's or a Mage's, it would be...what is the word I am looking for...ah, yes. Overpowered. Even still, Shadow Travel gives it more than enough mobility to work around enemies, but long distance travel being difficult is an intentional balancing factor...of course, you could always invest in Walk Speed gear, or Teleport Scrolls, or Horses, rather than using your movement spell to get across the landscape.

    I do not see any issues that are not simply "Oh, my precious overpowered class got nerfed. How could you!"
  9. Shoefarts

    Shoefarts I fart on shoes CHAMPION

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    I've played as a mage since the beginning of the game. I've felt the power difference between assassins and mages.
    I remember needing to ask for help to kill bosses that assassins would be able to easily multihit to death.
    I remember seeing defense/agility build assassins that were impossible to hit and still dealt stupid damage.
    I remember watching an assassin killing 1000 mobs in 1/3 of the time that it took me to kill them in.
    Now seeing all of these assassins not being able to handle change, just makes me feel warm and happy inside.
  10. Fread

    Fread Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    1. if mage is versatility warrior is tank assassin is close range and archer is long range.. yea seems pretty fair

    oh wait archer got arrow storm which is the best spell in the whole game. it deals even more damage than smoke bomb and multihit COMBINED not to mention it is a close range stealing spell.

    2. i was using champ armour and bobs dagger. even if that 65 mage got the best weapon and armour out there, he shouldnt be doing more damage with his meteor than my WHOLE SMOKE BOMB.

    3. spin attack: not always use cuz there is bug, so fine...

    multihit, yes, it is a stealing spell, but look, normal players with normal luck wouldnt get life steal ten thousand and mana steal ten thousand. we would only get like 200ls and 2or3ms, with that little value, it is almost ueless. that mean we need to rely extrmely heavily on good armour, which is what normal people dont get. not to mention the damage is like 2 basic attack.

    smoke bomb, not gonna complain about that(i just sincerely hope that multihit can do more damage that smoke bomb i mean like using range spell as the spell that deal the most damage for melee class is just wrong)

    here comes vanish. you dont expect everyone to have a 40/40 right. other than a 40/40, all other horses are usless THANKS TO HORSE LAG as only the speed of 40/40 can overcome the slowness caused by horse lag. ok not with long distance travel anymore. look, ues it only takes 4 mana, but dont you forgot MANA DRAINS LIKE A SPONGE DRAINS WATER DURING VANISH WOILDNT YOU JUST UNDERSTAND. now that isnt even the main problem. if you are in nether and when you go vanish, BAM AN AOE JUST SMASHED INTO YOUR FACE AND YOU ARE REVEALED. OK NO PROBLEM LETS RE-VANISH. OH WAIT I GOT POISON AND BURNED! LETS USE SPIN ATTACK TO GET RID OF THE EFFECT, NOW LETS VANISH AGAIN.....



    you call that balanced huh, funny.
    and now after the update more than 90% player with level 80 or above that i see is not playing assassin

    thanks gavel, you make(force) us have the opportunity to try out(level up in pain) other classes :D
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
  11. Air_Locke_

    Air_Locke_ im a water bottle HERO

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    assasin is living the hard life
  12. x3Rajestyy

    x3Rajestyy A Cute Duckling

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    They should replace smoke bomb with a double
    Double can be placed as a decoy and lures mobs and explodes later on dealing alot of dmg
    and once you placed a decoy you can go invi and watch them suffer MUHUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  13. Glitchedslayer

    Glitchedslayer Godly Horse Breeder and Memer HERO

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    I didnt have a problem with vabish using mang, but now if you switch out of your weapon slo, you unvanish....
    XavierEXE likes this.
  14. Fread

    Fread Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    thats just a bug
  15. FierceDeity

    FierceDeity ??? Gunter VIP+

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    Mana drain during vanish is especially annoying. What's the point of vanish, if it costs more mana than all other spells? I also feel like vanish's speed boost should be buffed - since it's the same speed that archers get, only for less time.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  16. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Coder | Like-Giver | Tomato | Musician CHAMPION

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    162 bugs in the codes, 162 bugs! You take one out, patch it around, 839 bugs in the code!
    XavierEXE likes this.
  17. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Multihits deals 250% damage at base, but given the attack speed multiplier it's actually much higher. Smoke Bomb can deal up to 600% if every hit connects...but the longer a distance the bomb is thrown, the shorter the duration is, meaning it isn't optimal for long-range. I don't understand what you mean by Arrow Storm being a 'stealing' spell, since Life and Mana steal only activate on poison damage or once every two seconds rather than once per hit. You also seem to be forgetting the massive knockback on Arrow Storm. I'll fully admit I feel like Arrow Storm needs a nerf, but that's hardly the fault of the Assassin, now is it?
    That doesn't answer my question, and actually yes he very well could be. Mages with a proper build are dealing upwards of 10000 damage per meteor.
    What do you mean by Stealing spell? Really. In addition, I got low rolls on my gear. Around 30-40 life steal, and playing properly I hardly ever need to use potions. In addition, I cite my previous example of my ~100 damage, Normal Attack Speed weapon dealing upwards of 500-800 damage with Multihits, and my Super Fast attack speed weapon(about 30-40 damage per hit) dealing the same.
    The longer a distance the smoke bomb is thrown, the lower the duration of the smoke is. You're meant to throw it at nearby opponents and have the smoke chip away at them while you use other attacks such as Spin Attack or your basic attack to keep them trapped.
    Again, Vanish was not designed for long-distance travel. This was an intentional handicap, and I don't have any trouble with the mana drain of Vanish. I vanish, get out of whatever situation was giving me trouble, and unvanish. You hardly ever need to use more than 3-4 seconds of it, unless you're playing badly. Nether? Assassins have always had that issue. And, I'm not experiencing hardly any lag with my horses. That may just be you.
    Kahsol and XavierEXE like this.
  18. Fread

    Fread Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    i think you should write a guide about "10 tips to play better assassin in your life"
    XavierEXE and Kahsol like this.
  19. Kahsol

    Kahsol Local Serial Liker CHAMPION

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    oh yes, some silly little gas is going to do more damage than a large chunk of flaming rock traveling at a high velocity
    XavierEXE and TwageTomato like this.
  20. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Coder | Like-Giver | Tomato | Musician CHAMPION

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    True. Unless your "smoke bomb" is powered by nuclear fusion reactions, it would not do nearly as much damage to a human being as would an astronomically large mass of rock tearing through the atmosphere of the earth, igniting itself from the pure amount of friction with the air itself due to its enormous velocity, and only accelerating as it continues to fall, then landing squarely on your face and scorching the surrounding area for a decent period of time after the impact has already occurred.

    TL;DR: I agree with that statement.
    XavierEXE and Kahsol like this.
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