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My Problem With Attack Speed

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by CBbros, Jan 24, 2016.


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  1. CBbros

    CBbros the hash slaying shlasher HERO

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    ok we all know attack speed, that super awesome thing introduced with the gavel update? Well I have a problem with it, specifically for every class besides archer. Now let's get to it, attack speed for melee classes and mages is well a little messed up once you get past a certain point of speed. Specifically once you get to the point where haste is applied instead of mining fatigue.

    Now what this is supposed to do is allow you to hit super fast, but the fact is haste does not help in that aspect. Haste cannot make you click faster and will not make you click faster. Making it as a whole just well worthless, it makes something that would've been a really cool stat just well decent.(except archer, it is really cool for archer, pew pew bitch)

    The problem with this is that is hard to fix. I don't like making threads where I just talk about a problem and don't try to fix it, so I'll give a few options on how it could be fixed.

    Option 1: Slow down weapons as a whole.
    Now I like this option the least, but it would be the easiest way to fix this. Personally I would not chose this option under any circumstance.

    Option 2: Add a multihit kinda thing.
    Ok this option is fun in my idea, for every haste level you have one hit you deal automatically hits the mob that many times in the same second. I know this is confusing so let me explain how this would work. Ok let's say you have just fast attack speed, you only deal as many hits as you can deal. With let's say Very fast attack speed you would hit that mob once and it would deal the same damage that hit made. Here is a quick formula I hope you like math.
    Y= total damage dealt in that second
    X= damage dealt by first hit
    A= Amount of haste levels you have
    Y= AX
    Now here is a formula to find the amount of hits dealt in that second.
    Y= amount of hits dealt in that second
    X= Amount of haste levels you have
    1= first hit dealt
    Y= X + 1
    Ok this would be a lot harder to include than the first option but would be a lot more fun. Sorry if this thread is messy I typed this on my phone. Please post feedback if you agree, also I don't know if this belings in wynncraft or general suggestions, so lemme know down below.
  2. Mighty Burger

    Mighty Burger voids warranties

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    The haste and mining fatigue are just for show. The stat actually effects the mob's invincibility period. Normally it's 0.5 seconds (10 gameticks), but if you have a faster attack speed it can be reduced to, let's say 0.25 seconds (5 gameticks). This will allow for twice as many attacks. A slower attack speed can increase the time to something like a second (20 gameticks).
    FishWaffle likes this.
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