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Lore/Story Prologue - The Elimination

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Zitrine, Jan 18, 2016.

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  1. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    I've recently started writing again (Finally!) and this is a small prologue of this story. I still haven't come up with a name but eventually I'll come up with one :p

    Here goes:

    PROLOGUE - The Elimination​
    There are stories, stories about heroes. Not two heroes, not three. But thousands of heroes. In other names, these heroes were the army of Wynn. There were also four different kinds of these soldiers of Wynn. We had the Archers, the ones who were specialized in the art of archery. They could easily escape a fight with a typical escape spell. After the Archers, the Warriors came. They were the ultimate fighting class. They could deal a lot of damage and yet receive no damage. Thirdly, the Mages took place. The Mages could easily defeat any enemy on distance with their spells. Make hell rain on them, or let the power of ice slow the enemies. And lastly, the stealthiest of them all, the Assassins. These were masters of stealth. They could disappear into nowhere and backstab their enemies.

    In other words, Wynn's army were unstopable. Wynn's government started sending out their heroes to help the other provinces of Gavel, Fruma and Dern. But one day... rumours started to spread out in the province of Wynn. Rumours about how evil the heroes were. "The Mages uses dark magic, they can summon meteors from nowhere." "How does the Archers shoot so many arrows in a matter of seconds? Dark magic." "How are Warriors able to shout so loud? Must be a matter of dark magic." "There is no possible way for the Assassins to disappear into the shadows without using dark magic!" The queen of Wynn, who was loyal to the hero soldiers, didn't believe these rumours. She thought they would fade out in a matter of weeks. That wasn't the case. The rumours just got worse. People said the assassins' sometimes dragged in random, innocent people into corners of the cities and brutally murdered them. As long as the queen lived, the hero soldiers were secure. No one wanted to kill the queen's most loyal soldiers. There was a special bond between the queen and her hero soldiers. They were in first hand loyal to her, and she was always loyal to them.

    But when the rumours got to Gavel, Fruma and Dern, nothing could stop the other governments to kill the queen's trusty soldier. The hero soldiers realized they couldn't stay in the other provinces, therefore they went back to Wynn, where they were safe. No one could prove they were using dark magic. Until the queen was assaulted. No one knows who murdered her, but the person took her elemental tiara, with all the five elemental symbols on it.

    This was the start of The Elimination. Wynn's government coldly killed every single herosoldier because they thought the herosoldiers assassinated the queen. The herosoldiers panicked, fleeing into the three other provinces, where they eventually got killed, too. The amount of heroes shrank, fast. After just a few weeks, there were only a few hundreds left, that had gone into hiding. But unfortunately for them, the four governments had formed one supergovernment. They ruled together. They had made a new superarmy. The Superarmy's soldiers eventually found the heroes, and brutally killed them all. There were only a few herosoldiers who escaped. These twelve soldiers who survived, got a new hiding camp.

    They had found a very good place to hide in. In Fruma, there was a mountain with a lot of caves in, and they went into one of those caves. What they didn't know was that the Superarmy were searching the caves after them. Eventually, after a week, the Superarmy found them. They cornered the soldiers and killed eight of them. The four others successfully escaped and teleported to Nudali, an abandoned city in Dern. These herosoldiers were...

    Azril, the Warrior of the Earth. She was the greatest Warrior and she was the queen's personal lifeguard. Azril was also very generous and kind against others.

    Fuyina, the Assassin of the Thundering weathers. She was one of the most stealthiest Assassins and like Azril, one of the queen's closest soldier. Fuyina was extremely loyal to her friends and the queen.

    Malkall, the professional Mage of Water. He was the wisest Mage of them all, and was an expert on finding special places and he could easily identify items. He was a great healer and accompanied the queen with Azril when they fought in battles.

    Coliad, the fiery Archer. He was one of the most uncommon Archers. He fought with fire. He could shoot thirty arrows in a matter of seconds, and they were on fire! Coliad was a master of disguising.

    These heroes went into hiding, and the Superarmy hasn't found them in over twenty years. No one knows if these heroes actually exists, no one knows if the hero soldiers even was a thing. Stories turned into myths, and myths turned into lies. Who knows, if these heroes are alive, dead, or if they even existed?

    Tell me what you think and what you'd like to see in future chapters!
    Plasma~, CheesePrince13, Rawb and 7 others like this.
  2. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Sounds good so far! But what happened to the air element?!
    Zitrine likes this.
  3. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    You'll see. I have a very special plan for that element.

    I realized that I couldn't have 5 heroes, because there are only 4 classes, so it kinda messed up. You shall not fear! The air element will shine, too!
    XavierEXE, Plasma~ and Devourer like this.
  4. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Not that I really like the element but still... some classes, especially archer, use it. That mage... water mage op.
  5. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    There's a special reason I didn't give the Archer air element. You'll see in the future why I let it out :P
    Plasma~ and Devourer like this.
  6. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    Almost done with the first chapter, I really like how it turned out, heh.
  7. CheesePrince13

    CheesePrince13 Eternally Inactive HERO

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    The Fire Nation attacked.

    But no seriously, good story.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
    XavierEXE, Kpar, Devourer and 2 others like this.
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