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Quest, The Box

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by XGhostzzz, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. XGhostzzz

    XGhostzzz Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hello everyone and I made a quest called The Box, I didn't put this in General Suggestions cause, well its no suggestion... I want to get constructive criticism and not just "This is bad".

    1. Talk to Cargon in the floating islands biome at X Y Z
    2. Enter "The Box"
    3. Watch the cutscene
    4. Listen to the Box
    5. Defeat the Corrupter of Worlds
    6. Talk back to Cargon with the [Essence of Corruption]

    when level 98-
    I got something very important for you to do but come back when you are level 98

    When level 98 =+
    Welcome adventurer, at the final answer to the riddle...
    Cargon: When you were in Wynn you fought corruption, slayed the foulest creatures of this world, entering Gavel you faced something similar, the Decay.
    Cargon: If you stopped it or not doesn't matter now, there's only one question I want to ask you.
    Cargon: Do you know why?
    Cargon: You're answer likely is "no" because how could you know... The answer lies somewhere behind me, see that door over there? Its a portal...
    Cargon: It leads to a place were secrets do not exist, nothing exists there. Its called "The Box".
    Cargon: When entering the box the only real thing inside of that place would be you and your thoughts.
    Cargon: So take what you want into the box and you will see why this world is suffering from the Decay and the Corruption...

    When entering the Box:
    The Box: Welcome... I, am the box... And I, will show you everything you have only guessed at during your adventures.
    The Box: You have defeated many heroes... Bob, Amadel and even Qira... But did you know that each and every one of them has been here, at this exact spot, listening to this line of text...
    The Box: If they wen't good, or bad, all of these heroes had attempted to rescue Wynn, only to find that Corruption is too powerful to be defeated. But here you are in Gavel...
    The Box: The Villagers of Gavel had sworn to never open their gates to corruption, but here you are... You are the only one of the four heroes that succeeded... or will succeed.
    The Box: One challenge lies ahead of you, you must destroy the source of the Decay and Corruption by slaying their master...
    The Box: Only if you succeed in slaying the master of evil your name shall be remember as one of the heroes, as one of the four...
    The Box: Remember I named Amadel and Qira as one of the heroes... Its because they weren't bad when they stood here... They got persuaded to join the corrupted side... To find out what happened that day they wen't bad, I will show you this very day...

    //A cutscene appears showing Amadel, Qira and Bob all standing in the same very box and a dialogue begins:

    The Corrupter Of Worlds: Mortals... Finally! It has been a long time since we have met... I remember you slaying my dubble in that cave near Troms... Impressive I must say...

    The Corrupter Of Worlds: But it was all in vain, leading up to this moment I will ensure the world's end with the death of three heroes...

    Bob: You cannot defeat us, beast!

    Amadel: You are wrong, we shall stop you right here, in this very moment!

    The Corrupter Of Worlds: Moment... Stupid mortals, you remember where we are? We are in the Box, in here there is no "Moment" or "Time" or "Light"...

    Qira: It is in our darkest times that we must focus to see the light!

    Bob: Charge!!! Make an end to this! For Wynn, for Gavel!
    //All three of the warriors charge in on the Corrupter of Worlds, that lifts them into the air using a sort of curse...

    The Corrupter Of Worlds: Foolish mortals! Another hero is rising in the villages of Fruma and you will help me defeat him... You shall become my servants!

    The Corrupter Of Worlds: For Amadel, You shall seek the crystals of power to Completely erase any chance of the hero restoring the portal...

    The Corrupter Of Worlds: For Qira, You shall create an army of slaves to attack the province of Gavel and bring darkness to the light.

    The Corrupter Of Worlds: And as last for Bob, You shall reincarnate to challenge the new hero and stop him in his path to me...

    Bob, Qira and Amadel: Arrrggg.... Yes.... Sir.....

    //The cutscene stops with the three heroes walking out of the box.

    The Box: So... Do you understand now? Do you understand it now!!! You were men't to be here... Just like they you will join me! Yes... I am...
    The Corrupter Of Worlds: Yes...
    // The player gets teleported into another box and a boss battle with the Corrupter of Worlds starts. I can't give proper damage and health stats as I don't know the algorithm but I can tell something about his special attacks:

    Attack one: Summons five Corrupters which are a one hit kill but explode on contact with the player, also these are very fast. Recharges in 20 seconds.

    Attack two: Shoot wither skulls dealing heavy knockback and damage, recharges in ten seconds.

    This boss is the hardest boss in the entire game as its the end boss.

    When dying, the portal at the start will take you to this arena.

    Cargon: So... you now know how it all happened.
    Cargon: You don't have to say, I know you succeeded.
    Cargon: A reward for the greatest warrior of this world!

    500000 Exp, at least enough to level until level 99 1/4
    20320 emeralds.

    I hope you enjoyed it.
  2. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    Too literal. And besides, the main storyline isn't even out yet, so could you wait until the main story quest actually happens before going and making such a huge-magnitude quest?
  3. XGhostzzz

    XGhostzzz Well-Known Adventurer

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    I know but its just what I would make of this, it doesn't matter if its accurate or not.
  4. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    I'm sorry, but to me, this just seems poorly made, especially for a final quest, this is just bringing a bunch of powerful bosses (except Death) into one quest where they get "controlled" by CoW even though they're all stronger than it, and doesn't Amadel hate you? He was still evil before he was corrupted by the crystals.

    We don't even know the origin of the Decay, and having CoW be the source of both the Corruption and Decay just seems lazy.

    One more thing, this quest is incredibly short for a final quest

    This certainly seems like a suggestion to me, you don't have an excuse to not put this into General Suggestions just because its "not a suggestion"
  5. CraterHater

    CraterHater A very magical mage! HERO

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    Its an OK quest to me, I mean its not great but it isn't too bad either.
  6. Taf

    Taf Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    Do the light realm quest series, it might explain some of the lore behind the decay
  7. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    I know, I've done those quests, I was saying we don't know how that taproot worm caused the Decay, unless that was also revealed and I missed it.
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