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Losing Items

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Krythia, Jan 5, 2016.

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  1. Krythia

    Krythia Loyal Stormtrooper

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    I've been noticing a lot of items being lost in the bank due to "shift-clicking" them into inventory, or just disappearing when selected in general.
    I've heard a lot of people complaining about how they lose items this way, but I didn't believe it until today. I just clicked my Bob's Mythic to swap weapons with another one in my Inventory, having it just vanish into nothing. Is there any way to combat this bug or whatever?

    Or any compensation at all? I don't want to spend another 20~ LE buying a Corrupted Treasure
  2. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    I often find that the items aren't placed into the places I put them into the inventory due to glitches. If you find that an item you click on doesn't move onto your cursor, click on it again and do this until you have fully picked it up. Of course, it will likely glitch back to the original place in a similar way to the boat glitch but at least now it isn't glitching and won't fall out of your inventory.
  3. shlo4ev

    shlo4ev ;-;

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    It happened to me with my Crystal I FEEL YOUR PAIN. Don't worry I am sure that you will find a better weapon sooner or later, there are tons of new and better items. They should really fix it soon, good luck!
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