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SPOILER My Review Of The Gavel Update

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Shoefarts, Jan 2, 2016.

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  1. Shoefarts

    Shoefarts I fart on shoes CHAMPION

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    Good day everyone. Today I shall be examining the Gavel Update and analyzing what was good and what was bad about this update. In this thread, I shall try to avoid some of the big issues with the update, such as the smoke bomb glitch, etc.
    The Gavel update brought many great things and breathed new life into the game of Wynncraft. This update brought along an almost 250% increase to the realm that is Wynncraft. It revamped the combat system and gave purpose to classes that had none before. However, the Gavel Update also ruined the lives of many with cases ranging from losing items to reports of bugs that have ruined the game for some. But, a huge thank you needs to go out to the great content team that created this update and the entire world of Wynncraft itself.
    The new addition of mobs that fight for you and defend you was a great choice by the Wynncraft team. No longer will Iron Golems just stand by watching you as you have your guts ripped out right in front of them. I was actually amazed by how neutral mobs work and impressed by the fact that they can actually attack hostile mobs given that the hostile mob attacked them. When I first saw the picture, I was hoping that I could encounter some of these blue named saviors randomly in my journeys throughout the provinces. This wasn't the case however, as you can only encounter these mobs near cities and encampments and such. I imagined seeing a group of Gavel warriors fending for their lives in the dark forest. But sadly this did not happen, and I wish that the team would've done more with this.

    These new quests brought along by the Gavel update have only managed to impress me so far. From the cut scenes, to the interactive environments, to even how a quest creator added in a way to cheese the main boss, it's these bits that made me forget the times when I had to grind leather or run thousands of blocks just to deliver a simple message. But these new Gavel quests have created a kind of unbalance when compared to Wynn quests. The quests in the Wynn Province are drastically worse than the quests in the Gavel Province. Xp amount is less, quests more grindy, and instructions are harder to follow. The Gavel quests have problems too however. The new Gavel quests rely too much on coordinates to direct players. Albeit, usually the quest NPC gives a direction for the player to go in (north, east, south, west, etc), but most times the directions in the quest book is a set of coordinates. And yes, this is kinda due to us players and our inability to read text and follow simple instructions.

    Props to the build team and their amazing creations. No word can begin to describe how beautifully beautiful the province of Gavel is. Okay, now that we've got the whole "Praising the Wynncraft Team" bit out of the way, time to critique their actions. There's too many quest related builds in Gavel. Can there just not exist a normal, non-corrupt mining company in Wynncraft? In Gavel, I'm scared to venture into random caves, fearing that I'll accidentally stumble into something quest related and ruin the surprise for me later. In Wynn, I'm able to walk into a mysterious cave or building and NOT run into something quest related. On the first day that I was in the new Gavel Province, I was exploring the Llevigar Prison and got myself arrested.

    Okay, at this point I'm just too tired to continue and you're tired of reading this...
    I know I missed out on a lot and my point of view might not be shared by other.

    tl:dr: Mobs are too lame
    Gavel quests are way too much better than Wynn quests
    Too many quest related builds
    Oh_Yeah_MrKrabs likes this.
  2. Sunr1seWarrior

    Sunr1seWarrior Warrior of the Sun. HERO

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    Personally I haven't found the mobs to be lame, but I agree it would be cool to see a group of warriors fighting out in the forests.
    As for the quests, I also agree they are too coordinate based. There are times you can just ignore them, though.
    I have yet to have a problem with too many quest-related builds though. If there is a cave or building with something to do with the quest you usually can't enter it until you are doing the quest.

    I like the bottom pic btw.
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