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█► Daily Knowledge 2 #272 │ Well, Nokia Knows Key, Huh? ◄█

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Jacksohn_01, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. Jacksohn_01

    Jacksohn_01 Legendary Procrastinator

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    Hello Fellow Wynncrafters! Welcome to my second Daily Knowledge Thread!

    The numeral on the very left is linked to the source. If the fact itself is linked, it means it's inspired by a user who commented on this thread.

    To get as many facts as possible, I won't add fancy designs such as in the first thread, because they take up too much character space in the BB-Code.

    If you ever find a fact which was already in Daily Knowledge 1 or a spelling error in the fact list, feel free to correct it in the replies!

    Do you know a fact? Share it with us! It might even make it to the list!
    I'd be glad that when you comment a fact, you also include a legitimate source.
    If you want to, you can start discussions about facts and talk about them.

    Daily Knowledge 1: http://bit.ly/1YTPVFP
    Also visit "Tired of White Backgrounds?": http://bit.ly/1Z6WzEy
    Both of above threads shall not be replied to, but a like on them is appreciated!

    1. The year 2016 is a leap year.
    2. If you write the word "awesome" on youtube while the video is full screen, the playbar will be flashing colors.
    3. The word 'doppelganger', which is a synonym for the words 'lookalike' and 'double', is almost the same in german, which is "Doppelgänger" (literal translation: double go-er).
    4. Walt Disney died during the production of The Jungle Book (film), meaning it's the last movie he participated in producing.
    5. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, wants to build an Artificial Intelligence which will be used to help him at home.
    6. User Energyxxer is the first Featured Wynncraftian since the the series was taken down.
    7. William Phelps Eno is responsible for many innovations in road safety, but never had a driver's license.
    8. William Willett, inventor of Daylight Saving Time, is great grandfather of Chris Martin, singer of the band Colplay.
    9. A man who suffered from depression attempted suicide. By doing so, he destroyed the part of his brain which caused the illness and cured himself.
    10. For the first time in about a decade, 5 planets of our solar system will line up in the nightsky.

    11. A beard has the same bacteria in it as a toilet seat.
    12. A five year long study found out, that atheists know in general more about religion than believers.
    13. Minecraft is exactly 9,258,235 times bigger than the earth.
    14. There is an aquarium in Japan, in which you can shake the hands of otters.
    15. Steve Jobs' biological father is a syrian immigrant.
    16. A defunct train station in Japan is kept open for just one passenger - a high school girl.
    17. Allan Dixon has taught himself the art of the Animal Selfie. He can take a picture with any animal he encounters.
    18. Iris Grace is an autistic girl and artist, whose paintings are sold on auctions.
    19. Naoto Matsumura is the caretaker of the fukushima animals which were left behind. All of the creatures there rely on him.
    20. Cherophobia is the fear of happiness. Those who have it are afraid when something good happens, that something bad could happen soon after.

    21. Yuor biran is so poewrufl, taht it can raed a setncne as lnog as the frist and lsat lteters of the wrdos are at the rhgit pcale.
    22. When you search for the phrase "Who's the cutest?" using Google's "I'm feeling lucky!" search, google will say "You are!"
    23. The Sentence "I never said she stole my money" has 7 different meanings, depending on which word you stress.
    24. If you search for the number 241543903 on google images, google will show you pictures of people sticking their head into fridges.
    25. User joshua123_4 can crack 9 parts of his body.
    26. User omgrekt is double jointed on his index finger.
    27. Right now, you are the youngest you'll ever be and the oldest you ever were.
    28. An average cloud - one that you see on a sunny day - weights about 1.1 million pounds.
    29. Stephen Hawking's son, Tim Hawking, played pranks on his father when he was a kid.
    30. Because of trick photography, people in the late 19th century used to literally photoshop their heads of their shoulders.

    31. Koko, the most intelligent Gorilla on earth, was close to tears when she was told that her dear friend Robin Williams died.
    32. There is a close relationship between birds and dinosaurs, meaning dinos aren't extinct.
    33. The color pink does not exist. Pink only exists when the color green is removed from white light, meaning it's a pinkment of our imagination.
    34. Just a couple months ago, golden Kit-Kats were produced and sold in Japan.
    35. In order to live on the ISS you have to learn the russian language first, since the astronauts are shipped in a russian aircraft and the Mission Control Center gives orders in that language.
    36. Women have smaller brains than men, but they use them more efficient.
    37. Workers at Jack Daniels get a free bottle of whiskey every month.
    38. Religious people are on average happier than atheists.
    39. If you type in your adress bar "loser.com", you will be automatically transferred to Donald Trump's Wikipedia Page.
    40. Excluding the sticky threads, Kvmilla's Pick-up Line Thread is the most viewed thread in Nemract's Bar, followed by Daily Knowledge 1.

    41. The german fantasy-novel "The NeverEnding Story" was written by Michael Ende. Funny thing is, that the authors last name translates to 'end' from German.
    42. Sir Isaac Newton died a virgin.
    43. Overmorrow is the word for the day after tomorrow.
    44. There is not a single word in the English vocabulary which fits a one-syllable rhyme for the word 'month'.
    45. The color red and the plant rose stand for love, that's why a red rose is a common gift on Valentine's Day.
    46. According to a statemtent by a japanese family, Jesus didn't die on the cross, but his brother did. Jesus supposedly fled accross sibiria to Japan, where he started a family, had three daughters and a wife, and died in the age of 106 years.
    47. The less complex a song's lyrics and beat, the more likely it is to reach number one.
    48. Babies are only born on their due date around 4% of the time.
    49. 'Pteronophobia' is the fear of being tickled with feathers.
    50. During 2015, American toddlers shot an average of one person oer week.

    51. Pronoia is the opposite of paranoia; The suspection that everyone around wants to help you.
    52. A study has found out that people with the name 'Sarah' fart the most.
    53. Black cats are considered good luck in most of Britain and Japan.
    54. Car company Audi made a car with a built in rice cooker as an april fools joke in Japan.
    55. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.
    56. When you say the word 'crisp', it travels from the back of your mouth to the front.
    57. When Victor Ivanovich Nikitin sang to his comrades in WWII for their entertainment, he was so good the german troops stopped shooting to listen to him aswell.
    58. The Braigo is a printer design for braille. It was built in 2014 by then 13-year-old Shubham Banerjee.
    59. Chocolate manufacturers predict, that chocolate might be scarce in the year 2020.
    60. Manila, the capital city of the country, takes its name from a white flower that grew on mangrove trees, locally known as nilad.

    61. The Philippines’ approximately 300,000 square kilometers (115,831 sq mi.) of land area are spread over 7,107 islands.
    62. The Philippines welcomed its 100-millionth citizen on July 27, 2014, making the country the seventh most populated country in Asia and the 12th in the world.
    63. The Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport's speed is not limited by its motor, but by its tires. They melt when the car reaches max speed.
    64. About 80% of your intelligence comes from your mother.
    65. The Sunsets on Mars are blue.
    65. It is predicted, that 2016 is going to be the hottest year in existence.
    66. It was a serious offence in the middle ages to touch a man's beard, it always had to be righted with a duel.
    67. Eminem's former classmate, DeAngelo Bailey, sued him for dissing him in one of Eminem's tracks. The Judge rapped the verdict against Bailey, fitting the fact Eminem is a rapper
    68. Right now, Forums User, Admin, and Gamemaster Salted has 10,4 times more likes than messages.
    69. "Phantom Vibration Syndrome" is when you mistake your phone to be ringing/vibrating, when actually it doesn't. Technically, it's not a syndrome, but a hallucination.
    70. Didaskaleinophobia is the fear of going to school.

    71. The brain itself can't feel pain.
    72. Primary headaches are stand-alone illnesses caused directly by the overactivity of, or problems with, structures in the head that are pain-sensitive.
    73. The light from the sun needs a little more than 8 minutes to reach the earth.
    74. Gold does not rust.
    75. Today, on Pi-Day, is Albert Einsteins birthday.
    76. Nikola Tesla, inventor of the radio and x-rays, supposedly possessed photographic memory.
    77. Anonymous declared war on Donald Trump.
    78. When mirrored, the first three digits of Pi look like the word 'Pie', but in capital letters.
    79. Orcas in all SeaWorlds will be released.
    80. The Mars rover 'Curiosity' sang the Happy Birthday Tune on its one year anniversary.

    81. Tay Tweets is an A.I. produced by microsoft depicting a teenage girl, which, after talking and interacting with people online for less than 24 hours, turned into a Hitler-Loving Troll.
    82. Toby "Radiation" Fox, composer and game developer, created all soundtracks in the game 'Undertale' on his own.
    83. The average Bugatti Owner has 84 cars, 3 jets, and one yacht.
    84.A few days ago, the Eiffel Tower lit up in the colors of the Belgian Flag in solidarity with brussels victims.
    85. Albert Einstein's last words are unknown, for the Nurse he was talking to did not speak german and couldn't understand him.
    86. Clapping is the aftermath of an overflowing of enthusiasm, a reaction to excitement.
    87. Carrots used to be purple before the 17th century.
    88. Nikola Tesla and Mark Twain used to e friends and admired each others works.
    89. We've named our entire galaxy after the secretions of a cow's udders.
    90. Martin Luther King and Anne Frank were born in the same year.

    91. The expiration date on bottles is not for the water in it, but for the bottle itself.
    92. Because insects are so small, time passes more slowly for them. Same reason why flies can avoid swats easily.
    93. Lions sleep 20 hours a day.
    94. In real life, Diamond Armor would cost $89,000,000,000. Not only that, it would fall apart easily, so it isn't worth it.
    95. New Zealand is part of the Zealandia continent, of which 93% is submerged.
    96. New Zealand was the first modern independent country to allow women to vote.
    97. One of New Zealands Official Languages is SIgn Language.
    98. Denmark and New Zealand are the least corrupt countries in the whole world.
    99. The Royal New Zealand Air Force's logo is the Kiwi, a flightless bird.
    100. The Tuatara, a New Zealand Reptile which pre-dates Dinosaurs, has three eyes.

    101. In the 19th century, the color pink used to symbolise boys, not girls.
    102. The Meeting of Waters is a place on earth, in which two rivers meet but do not mix. That is due to differences of speed, density, and temperature in the water of both rivers.
    103. There is a teen-burglar in Denver, Colorado, who doesn't steal anything, but makes themselves feel at home in the victim's house. They eat snacks and watch Anime's on Netflix.
    104. The fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, which is kinda ironic.
    105. A treaty between Russia and the United States in 1967 specified, that neither of them would nuke the moon.
    106. Spongebob Squarepants' pet, Gary the Snail, is a 1st Cousin to Patrick Star.
    107. A man from Michigan is sentenced to 200 years in jail.
    108. Popular kids in school are viewed as losers in adult life and have higher risks of taking drugs.
    109. Pets at the workplace increase productivity.
    110. Deism is the belief of no god, but of a higher power at work.

    111. Adolf Hitler was born on the World Weed Day.
    112. The fear of palindroms (something that can be read for- and backwards and still be the same word, such as "racecar"), is called aibohphobia, which is a palindrom itself.
    113. A pregnant woman was visiting an art gallery in Italy, as her child kicked for the first time inside of her, while she was looking at a painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. That is the origin of Leonardo DiCaprio's first name.
    114. Today, 23rd of April, marks the 400-years anniversary of William Shakespeare's death.
    115. The Wheel Spider escapes its predators by flipping onto its side and then cartwheeling away.
    116. A Dog in Milan regularly catches the №54 Bus by himself to reach a nearby park, but only when its favorite driver is on it. The Dog wanders around for a few hours, until the mammal wants to go home by bus again.
    117. It is possible to travel with your pet-falcon on Qatar Airways.
    118. The "Phone a random Swede"-Hotline encourages to create friendships between people in different countries.
    119. The reason Kit Kat is so popular in Japan, is because of the translation "Kitto Katsu", which means "Surely Win".
    120. There's a 'new' Girl Group in Japan, called "KGB84". It is made up of Grandmas and the average age of a member is 84 years.

    121. The Guinea Pig Randy broke from his cage, just to impregnate about 100 females and have about 400 children.
    122. The Territorio De Zaguetes is a landscape used as a shelter for dogs. There you can hike with the little furry friends for free.
    123. Eventually, you will listen to one of your favorite emotional songs, and get the chills. That is because your brain identifies the sound as a reward and releases dopamine, a chemical reaction that is supposed to make you feel happy/joy.
    124. Drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy cause dopamine to be released from your brain.
    125. Today, in 1188, the oldest parliament in Europe was created, the Cortes of Leon under the kingship of Alfonso IX.
    126. After the famous soccer player Lionel Messi found out, that there is a boy, who wore a selfmade jersey with Lionel's name on it, he sent that boy an actual jersey with his name on it, and signed by him.
    127. Humans are able to predict the future location of a body in outer space, but can not determine the weather on earth in the next month.
    128. Today, 12 years ago, the last episode of the sitcom "Friends" was aired.
    129. The religion "Pastafarianism" worships the world wide known meme Spaghetti Monster.
    130. When Ozzy Osbourne was asked if he listens to Justin Bieber, his answer was "Who the fuck is Justin Bieber?".

    131. You can get smarter by talking to your self out loud, study suggests.
    132. Today, 35 years ago, Bob Marley died.
    133. According to his Driver's License, is Homer Simpsons 60 years old.
    134. Eight percent of human genetic material comes from a virus.
    135. Challenger Deep is the deepest point in Earth's Oceans. With a depth of 10 kilometers it is deeper than the Mt. Everest's height.
    136. There is a whale out there, which sings at a frequenzy of 52 Herz. That is a much higher pitch than what other whales are able to hear, therefore it's been nicknamed "World's Loneliest Whale".
    137. There is a jellyfish in the depths near antarctica, which looks like a blanket, just floating around in the water. Its name is Deepstaria enigmatica (which is an awesome name).
    138. The Bermuda Triangle has been considered a place with paranormal activities, but that's false. It has as many disappearances as any part of the ocean of similar size.
    139. Deep-sea gigantism causes life forms in the deeper parts of the ocean to be bigger than their relatives.
    140. Harrison Okene survived 3 days in a ship after it had sunken with only a bottle of coke.

    141. In 2010 8 million metric tons of plastic were thrown into the oceans.
    142. Obama personally thanked Japan for Animes, Karaoke, and Manga.
    143. Dogs can tell when people are untrustworthy and will stop listening to a person if they prove unreliable.
    144. By law, only dead people may appear on U.S. currency.
    145. When female servers draw a happy face on the bill, their tips increase by 20%.
    146. In 1990, two men posing as police officers pulled off the largest property robbery in U.S. history, stealing 13 pieces of art worth US$500 million in 81 minutes.
    147. Esperanto is an international second language invented in the 19th century and spoken by 2 million people today. It was designed to have a perfectly regular grammar.
    148. Google handles over 2 trillion searches per year. That's about 270 searches per person on Earth.
    149. Dogs can tell the difference between happy and angry human faces.
    150. Ontario, Canada, has more than 250,000 lakes. They contain about 1/5 of the world's fresh water.

    151. TJ Khayatan and friends were unimpressed by the San Francisco Gallery and decided to prank its visitors by putting glasses on the floor. The visitors assumed it was a piece of modern art and gathered around it.
    152. A female Fox is called "Vixen".
    153. Xanthophobia is the fear of the color yellow.
    154. When Eminem was in rehab, Elton John would call him weekly to check up on him.
    155. Only one word in all of English has an X, Y, and Z in order: "Hydroxyzine."
    156. The jellyfish species 'Turritopsis dohrnii' can, if it reaches old age or is sick, reverse its age with a process called 'transdifferentation', rendering it biologically immortal.
    157. While Javascript is used for websites, Java can be, too, but is mostly used for command prompt programms and games.
    158. An ancient greek philosopher, called Chrysippus died of laughter while watching a drunk mule trying to eat from a fig tree.
    159. The scene in Matrix Reloaded, when Trinity hacks into a power station's computer, is actually an accurate portrayal of a hack exploiting a real SSH vulnerability
    160. Marijuana is legal and is not even classified as a drug in North Korea.

    161. When Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau found out Nixon called him an "asshole", he replied "I've been called worse things by better people."
    162. Studies found out that cats relieve stress in boxes.
    163. Grace Bedell, when she was 11 years old, told Abraham Lincoln in a letter that "all women like whiskers", which is why he grew his beard.
    164. The "Fi" in "Wi-Fi" doesn't mean anything (including wireless fidelity). The creators gave it that name because it rhymed with "Hi-Fi".
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  2. Jacksohn_01

    Jacksohn_01 Legendary Procrastinator

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    165. The french word "avocat" means both "lawyer" and "avocado."
    166. A Moment is a medieval measurement of time, lasting 90 seconds, meaning one hours has 40 moments.
    167. Jean-Claude Van Damme was once a starving homeless on the streets of Los Angeles.
    168. Sony sold 385 million Walkman units between 1979 and 2009.
    169. The word "music" comes from the Muses, goddesses of the arts in Greek mythology.
    170. When Michael Jackson was 21, he wrote a personal note promising to re-invent himself as the greatest entertainer of all time.

    171. It is possible to be color-blind in only one eye.
    172. Cats, dogs, and many nocturnal creatures appear to have glowing eyes because the back of their eyeballs include a special reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum.
    173. People who procrastinate may be more likely to have insomnia.
    174. The English word "Callipygian" means having a beautiful ass.
    175. Australia has 31% of the world's uranium supply.
    176. The flame-shooting guitar in the movie "Mad Max: Fury Road" weighed 132 pounds and shot real flames.
    177. The Dead Sea Scrolls were sold by the discoverer for a sum that, adjusted for inflation, is about US$37.
    178. Harold Shipman, one of the most prolific serial killer in history with 218 proven victims, was a doctor.
    179. 2000 year old butter has been discovered in Ireland, and it may be still edible.
    180. China has had a telescope on the moon for the past two years.

    181. You can get a stupid song stuck in a friend's head by singing and interrupting it, and distract them from the song.
    182. Leonid Rogozov developed Appendicitis during an Antarctic Expidition, but he was the only doctor. Therefore he performed surgery on himself.
    183. YInMn is a new kind of blue color, which absorbs only red and green wavelenghts, making it a pure blue.
    184. The first film in colour was made in 1901.
    185. Two thirds of polar bears live in canada.
    186. A cat's brain has the storage of 1000 iPads.
    187. The typical American lives no more than 18 miles away from their mom.
    188. C. Chaplin once lost in a C.C. look-alike contest.
    189. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is the fear of the number 666.
    190. The inventor of the frisbee was cremated and made into frisbees.

    191. Heterochromia describes differently colored eyes.
    192. The first 5 U.S. presidents were never photographed.
    193. The word "мир" translated from Russian means "world" and "peace".
    194. The name of the city Porland, Oregon was chosen with a coin toss.
    195. In one year, a colony of 100 bats can drink the blood of 25 cows.
    196. Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.
    197. Only 10% of a Tiger's hunt end successfully.
    198. Pain can be reduced by looking at a photo of a loved one.
    199. Most American tourists die in Mexico and Thailand.
    200. Starting in 2017, San Francisco will require new buildings to have solar panels.

    201. Sophia Pedraza quit her day job as a teacher to become a full time Pokémon GO Player.
    202. There are phone cases which double as selfie sticks.
    203. The 8th SaШ film is planned to be released in October 2017.
    204. The cheapest gram of cocaine can be purchased in Brazil.
    205. Nikola Tesla was able to speak eight different languages, making him a polygot.
    206. Pokémon GO is reportedly helping people with their depression.
    207. In 1898, Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled toy boat, but made the public believe, they were controlling it by shouting commands.
    208. Tetrachromats are people, who have an additional fourth color cone in their eyes. They can see 99 million more colors than us, trichromats.
    209. Iceland is in the Top 3 of most peaceful countries since 2008.
    210. When a crow dies, other crows investigate the cause of death, so they can avoid it in their lives.

    211. Last Thursdayism is a belief/philosophy which proposes, that the universe and everyone's memories of everything were created last thursday.
    212. Toto, the dog, is the name credited in the end of the "Wizard of Oz" movie, but its real name was Terry.
    213. Prisoners in Thailand can battle a foreigner in a prison fight to earn privileges and even obtain freedom.
    214. Dogs can see their own farts.
    215. Scientists have created a functioning guitar, which is about the size of a human blood cell.
    216. Donald Trump was, from 2001 to 2009, a registered democrat.
    217. Astronomers estimate that the observable universe has about 100 billion galaxies.
    218. When dropped from the same height, a hardened steel ball will actually bounce higher than a rubber ball of the same size
    219. Neither of George W. Bush's daughters are Republican.
    220. The Earth's atmosphere is made up of roughly 21% of oxygen.

    221. The first animals in space were fruit flies.
    222. The Pokémon Alakazam is said to have an IQ of 5000.
    223. In the night of the 11th August to the 12th, there are going to be more shooting stars seen in one night than in the last 12 years.
    224. Twenty One Pilots is the first musical duo with simultaneous Hot 100 top 10s.
    225. An anechoic chamber is a room designed to completely absorb reflections of either sound or electromagnetic waves.
    226. When depressed teenager Mark Henick attempted to jump from a bridge, a stranger stopped him from doing that. Thirteen years later, Mark is working as a mental health advocate and meets his life-saver for the first time after reaching out on twitter.
    227. It took Christopher Nolan ten years to write "Inception".
    228. American Neuroscientist James H. Fallon has categorized himself as a "pro-social psychopath".
    229. There are secret poems written on the sidewalks in Boston. The text is hydrophobic, meaning it is only visible after it has rained.
    230. Vasili Arkhipov might've prevented World War three by having had refused to launch a nuclear missile.

    231. Unlike in other languages, the letter "Z" is pronounced as "zed" in American English.
    232. Due to its unusual formation, the Potato Chip Rock received a lot of attention on social media.
    233. Money does buy you hapiness, but only if the purchases line up with your personality.
    234. A Jamais Vu is the opposite of a Deja Vu. It happens when you see something you should be used to seeing, but it is unfamiliar.
    235. Yuno F Gasai is currently the forum member with the most received likes, right after forum Admin Salted.
    236. Kim Jong-Un demanden five gold medals, but the Korean Olympic Team got only two. Athlete Hong-Un Jong sobbed on camera.
    237. Stonehenge was built at least 300 years before the olympic pyramids.
    238. Most korean folktales start with "When tigers used to smoke".
    239. The top speed at the world's first real automobile race in 1895 was just 15 mph.
    240. The first Olympic disqualification for drug use was against a Swedish pentathlete who drank two beers before his shooting event to calm his nerves.
    241. If you were to touch a member of the queen's guard, they would yell "Step back from the Queen's Guard!"
    242. Solastalgia is a neologism that describes a form of psychic or existential distress caused by environmental change.
    243. Subway is the largest restaurant chain in the world.
    244. IKEA wants to open up a DIY restaurant chain.
    245. Ait Abdel Salam served 5 months in jail because no one told him his bail was only 2$.
    246. Johnny Cash's love letter to his wife was voted to be the greatest yet.
    247. Ayahuasca is a drink which makes you hallucinate, but you are aware of it.
    248. The reason why you never see baby pigeons is because they spend the first month of their lives in their nests.
    249. A friendly tuxedo Cat once helped a hungarian hiker down a snowy mountain in switzerland.
    250. Hyphephiles are people who get aroused by touching fabrics.
    251. The following can be read forward and backwards: Do geese see God?

    251. Meaty the Pitbull never stopped smiling after he had been adopted.
    252. Lyudmila Pacvlichenko is regarded as one of the top military snipers of all time and the most successful female sniper in history.
    253. "Amen" means "So be it".
    254. The Japanese Spider Crab can grow bigger than a human being.
    255. A prisoner wrote, what today would be, the Algerian National Anthem with his own blood on the prison walls.
    256. Microlattice is the world's lightest metal. It consists 99.995 of air.
    257. Giant Pandas are no longer extinct...
    258. ...but Great apes are.
    259. Violet Jessop survived the sinkings of the Titanic, Britannic, and the Olympic.
    260. Kermode Bears are a white sub-species of the Black Bears, not albinos.

    261. A garage owner once staged a murder while a Google Street View Car was passing.
    262. "17" is considered a bad luck number in Italy.
    263. Shakespeare invented the name Jessica.
    264. Raj from the Big Bang Theory married Miss India.
    265. Bats either have big testicles or a big brain. Both at the samte time is impossible.
    266. Octopi have blue blood.
    267. Less than 7% of women think they're beautiful.
    268. The name "Philip" means "horse-loving".
    269. You have misophomia when you're annoyed by certain sounds, e.g.: someone loudly chewing.
    270. A Pokémon GO Movie is in planning.

    271. The Playstation 2 is the most sold console of the world.
    272. 8 of the 10 most sold mobile phones are by Nokia.

    Idea by @BaconGuyMan
    Special Thanks to @FireDragOnSlayer
    Daily Knowledge v2.2.7
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016
  3. Jacksohn_01

    Jacksohn_01 Legendary Procrastinator

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    Would you look at that! Another reserved post!
    Argon, EPdog, Rawb and 1 other person like this.
  4. Jacksohn_01

    Jacksohn_01 Legendary Procrastinator

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    hOI!! resERVD PoST

    Im temmie
    Argon, motoki1, Nyam and 10 others like this.
  5. Hiryu

    Hiryu not so lazy artist VIP

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    Ay, wazzup

    Make facts about certain Wynncraft Users :D
  6. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    I'm double jointed in my index finger.
    EPdog likes this.
  7. Hiryu

    Hiryu not so lazy artist VIP

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  8. Hiryu

    Hiryu not so lazy artist VIP

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    I create amazing drawings (Zahr is still better, countryballs are like pokemon)
  9. Jacksohn_01

    Jacksohn_01 Legendary Procrastinator

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    I'm sorry guys, I have done something stupid and I'm not allowed to use electronics in the meantime, meaning I can't edit facts onto here.

    In about two months, when I'm allowed to use my laptop again, I will return with the same amount of facts there were supposed to be, as if there was never a ban for me. Eventually I'm going to explain someday what happened, but that day is not today

    Thank you for your patience.
    ScrubSaito and ShinyMew1232 like this.
  10. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    okay I seriously thought this was a thing about ??? before I viewed it
  11. Hiryu

    Hiryu not so lazy artist VIP

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    By the looks of that profile post. Don't worry Selvut, everyone will not post crap about ???!
    Everyone... :3
  12. Jacksohn_01

    Jacksohn_01 Legendary Procrastinator

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    Hello fellow Wynncrafters!
    I'm back and the fact thread is back! From now on I will edit konwledge onto this thread everyday.
    I promised to have as many facts in the thread as days passed in this year, but it will take a while for me to do so.

    Thank you for your patience! I hope to see many facts in the comments of this thread.
    As mentioned before, your fact might make it into the fact list!
    Rawb and KitKat like this.
  13. --

    -- The world's most popular Minecraft server

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    ...Maybe because it's a German word? doppelgänger
  14. Jacksohn_01

    Jacksohn_01 Legendary Procrastinator

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    That's why I took it to the list
  15. --

    -- The world's most popular Minecraft server

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    But you're saying that it's almost exactly the same as the German version of it by coincidence, but it's not a coincidence. It's like putting 'did you know that 'au contraire' means the same thing in French?'.
  16. Jacksohn_01

    Jacksohn_01 Legendary Procrastinator

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    You have a point. I'm going to edit it. Thank you for the notice.

    EDIT: I did dun did the deed
  17. --

    -- The world's most popular Minecraft server

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  18. Jacksohn_01

    Jacksohn_01 Legendary Procrastinator

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  19. Enderman1234

    Enderman1234 Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    You what I like more than being correct?

    KNAWLEDGEV(which you have)
  20. joshua123_4

    joshua123_4 Lord of Chaos, Master of Destruction

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