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Guide A Basic Guide To Gavel Items And Elements

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SilverAlmighty, Dec 23, 2015.

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  1. SilverAlmighty

    SilverAlmighty Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    The new item system can seem very daunting at first glance, but don't worry! Its quite simple once you get the hang of it. Heres a basic guide to get you started!

    Part 1 - Weapons

    So I want you to forget EVERYTHING you know about items and weapons. Doing so will make everything I say a lot easier to understand.

    To start off, Im going to break down weapons piece by piece and explain every part of it.


    Obtaining Weapons is just like it was before the update. You can get them through Mobs, Quests, Chests, Merchant Trading and Player trading. However, it gets different once we get to the next step.

    2. Identifying weapons
    When you have obtained your weapon it will look something along the lines of this:
    Currently we can't do anything with the weapon. We can't even see its stats! Therefor, we need to have it identified! TIP: You can still gather some information on the weapon without identifying the weapon. Use this to gauge if the item is for you before you spend emeralds identifying it!

    You just need to identify your weapons once now. This will unlock ALL of our weapons secrets.

    3. Understanding Weapons

    So this is how weapons look like now. Let's break it down!


    In the top we have the name of our Weapon and the weapon attack speed.

    In our case the weapons name is Waves Raiser and has a normal attack speed.

    The weapon attack speed is how fast a weapon can attack. Sometimes the weapon with the most damage isn't always the best!

    Currently there are 7 levels of attack speed. Here they are in order:
    Super Slow
    Very Slow
    Very Fast
    Super Fast


    This is the damage on our weapon. We have Neutral Damage and Elemental Damage. In our case we have Water Elemental damage.

    For now, I want you to forget about Elements. I will explain them in MUCH greater detail later in the guide. All you need to know now is that it is just another form of damage.


    These are the requirements for using a weapon. You now have all kinds of different requirements for using an item. Some Items (like this) will require you a set amount of certain skill points (like this one) or require you have completed a specific quest. All of them are pretty straight foward, so lets move on!


    These are extra buffs you get from the weapon when you hold it. There are a total of 38 different buffs. These include but are not limited to: Walk Speed, Posion, Melee Damage, Spell Damage, and much more! HOWEVER, not all of the buffs are positive! Some buffs will have NEGATIVE effects on you.
    These buffs are no small deal, so take good notice of them!


    At the bottom you will see which rarity your weapon is. Aditionally, some items will have flavour text!

    Part 2 - Armours

    Im going to go through armours just like with weapons, however I will leave out obtaining them and identifying them.

    Here's an example of a piece of armour:



    At the very top we have the name of the armour piece. You can also tell its rarity by its colour.


    Here are the main stats for our armourpiece. There are two types of main stats: Health (which is basicly just raw health) and elemental defense. Elemental defense grants more (OR LESS!) defense to an enemy which deals that kind of damage. You can see which kind of damage a mob deals by the colour of DAM above its head. I will explain in further detail later.


    Requirements! Requirements are just the same as weapons, not much else to it.


    Buffs/Debuffs. Basicly they are NEARLY the same as weapons. The only difference here being that Boots tend to have more movement oriented buffs.


    And finally at the bottom we have the armours rarity tier. [0/2] is for the upcomming powders.

    Part 3 - Elements and Skillpoints

    Elements and Skillpoints
    1. The basics of elements
    So, what are elements? To put it simple, its 5 new player stats. Each of the 5 stats (Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Fire) are bound to each their skillpoint (Agillity, Defense, Strength, Intelligence and Dexterity.)

    2.The Basics of the New Skillpoints
    1 point in Dexterity gives you +1% chance of critical striking and +1% extra Thunder damage.
    1 point in Agillity gives you +1% chance of avoiding attacks and +1% extra Air damage.
    1 point in Defence gives you +1% defense and +1% extra Fire damage.
    1 point in Strength gives you +1% attack damage and +1% extra Earth damage.
    1 point in Intelligence gives you +1% less mana usage and +1% extra Water damage.


    3. How it works
    Above me I have the main attack damage from Waves Raiser. It has 20-26 neutral damage (which works just like before the update), and it has 22-48 water damage. So, how does the water damage work?


    First of all: You don't need any of the Water Stat to deal water damage. Having a higher water stat will basicly just increase the water damage that is on the weapon.

    Say I had 50% in my intellligence stat. Other than giving me more mana, it would also give me 50% in the water stat. Having 50% in my water stat will increase ALL water damage I do by 50%. In my case instead of dealing just 22-48 water dmg I would now deal 31 - 72 water damage.

    NOTE: The neutral damage is not effected by elements.

    4. How is each element?

    You may be confused what I mean with this. Basicly, each item that caters to a certain element tends to also cater to a certain playstyle (Weapons that require Air/Agility points tend to cater to a very movement based playstyle for example). I'll quickly go through each element.

    Earth - Earth is the brute element. Its all about hitting slowly, but hard. Spells tend not to be as important with this element.

    Air - The scout element. You will be able to reach insane amounts of speed. Weapons with air tend to be weak in raw dmg, but have a lot of attack speed (however your dmg with this element is still VERY minimal).

    Water - The Spell element. Items with Water often have a lot of spell damage and mana reduction. However it makes your basic attacks pretty redundant.

    Thunder - This element is very different from item to item. It can either be very fast hitting with a lot of critical damage, or nearly somewhat tanky and more defensive.

    Fire - The tank element. If you choose this item you will be very tanky and hard to kill. This combos well with Earth.

    Part 4 - Mobs
    With the new patch some mobs (espcially in higher lvl areas) now have a weakness to a specific element, a defense to a specific element and also deals a specific kind of elemental damage.

    If you look closely you can see a WEAK, DAM and a DEF. Their colours represent which element they are refering to.

    Green is Earth.
    Blue is Water.
    Yellow is Thunder.
    Red is Fire.
    White is Air.

    This means that if a mob is weak to fire, your fire damage will deal significantly more damage than if you used water damage. This also means that if you have -10 fire defense on your armour, you will take loads of damage from mobs that deal fire damage.

    Part 5 - Basic Skillpoint Builds - Coming soon! (Suggestions are welcome)
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
  2. Ninjamero

    Ninjamero Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Very helpful!
    SilverAlmighty likes this.
  3. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    Very cool guide about the basics of the system!
  4. Mr Sebbelonien

    Mr Sebbelonien Professional nose remover VIP+

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    I agree with Salted! I have struggled to understand how elements work but now I feel like the picture is a lot clearer. +1
  5. Fancy_Surgeon

    Fancy_Surgeon Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Quick question, if I'm killing a mob thats level 84 does it have the same chances to drop a level 80 weapon as a level 84 weapon?
    Ninjamero and SilverAlmighty like this.
  6. yotamdin

    yotamdin Is actually a cute anime girl in real life VIP

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    I suggest to sticky this thread.
    Ninjamero and SilverAlmighty like this.
  7. SilverAlmighty

    SilverAlmighty Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    A mob will always 'try' to drop an item as close to its level. However, some mobs drop items that are averagely better than its own level. Please note that this could be wrong!

    Woah! I wasn't expecting the owner of Wynncraft to look by! Thanks Salted :)

    I'm glad I could help!

    That would be the ultimate accomplishment! I would love it if it got stickied.
    Ninjamero and yotamdin like this.
  8. Frostburn

    Frostburn Famous Adventurer

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    Skill points aren't exactly one percent anymore.
    Ninjamero and SilverAlmighty like this.
  9. SilverAlmighty

    SilverAlmighty Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    That is true. However to simplify the guide I left this out. Thanks for pointing it out tho :)
  10. Sunr1seWarrior

    Sunr1seWarrior Warrior of the Sun. HERO

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    Incredibly helpful! I would also suggest that this thread be stickied. And if not that's what bookmarks are for :P
  11. SilverAlmighty

    SilverAlmighty Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Thank you very much! :D
  12. RonuPlays

    RonuPlays I used to have more posts, before 9/7

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    RIP dark theme, but still helpful
  13. SilverAlmighty

    SilverAlmighty Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Thank you! And yes it is very sad to see the dark theme go D:
  14. Turtlebomb

    Turtlebomb idk VIP+

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    So couldn't you go full earth, air, and water and have the best of both (+1) worlds? Damage-attack speed wise?
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