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Assassin Needs A Buff (math To Back It Up)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ~Void, Dec 21, 2015.

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  1. ~Void

    ~Void Travelled Adventurer

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    Ok so if you are reading this then you are either here to a) Inform yourself here since you're too lazy to do the math yourself, b) Here to contradict everything I say or c)Just here to check if my grammar or math is right/wrong.

    So basically, I noticed that with the gavel update, the Mage class got a "buff" meanwhile the assassin class got a "nerf" which is basically what everybody wanted before the update came out, but I think they took it a tiny bit too far. Basically I will just be comparing the dps (Damage per second) capabilities between both the mages Meteor spell and the assassins multihit spell. To do this properly (in my opinion) I will be using the Average damage of each spell using the dmg of each weapon of either class, both being the "Infused Hive" weapons which seem to be the top tier weapons if we are talking about basic damage output. (Infused hive weapons seem to be similar to the champions gear from ToA, in which you finish the Hive (Which is basically ToA from the information given so far) but you get the Infused hive weapons instead of the Champions armor set. Note : I also won't be considering armor as most armors can be worn by both classes and from what I have figured out/experienced so far, weapon speed doesn't modify the speed of your spell casting.

    So here is what I have found for the Mage:

    If the Mage has the "Infused Hive Wand" which he does in this case, then
    • Damage: 150-250
    which means that the average damage would be 200 per normal hit.
    dealing 400% in exchange for 6 Hunger/Mana. Now, 400% of 200 is 800 Damage on average in exchange for 6 hunger/mana using the Meteor spell. Now 800/6=133.333 Dmg per mana.

    Mage Dps with Meteor : 133.333 Dmg Per Mana

    So here is what I have found for the Assassin:

    If the assassin has the "Infused Hive Dagger" which he does in this case, then
    • Damage: 200-300
    which means that the average damage would be 250 per normal hit.
    dealing 250% in exchange for 7 Hunger/Mana. Now, 250% of 250 is 625 Damage on average in exchange for 7 hunger/mana using the Multihit spell. Now 625/7=89.286 Dmg per mana.

    Assassin Dps with Multihit : 89.286 Dmg Per Mana

    Now I know that a 44.047 Dmg Per Mana difference doesn't seem like that much really. But lets put it more in perspective.

    If for example we take a "Dummy" boss with 100,000 Health that Doesn't attack you, that just gets beat to death in the corner and that doesn't regenerate basically.

    It would take 125 Meteor spells that deal 800 Dmg on average to kill it.
    It would take 160 Multihit spells that deal 625 Dmg on average to kill it.

    160 is 1.28 times more than 125 therefore it should take you about 1.28 times more time to kill the boss.
    So basically, if it takes 100 minutes for the mage to kill it, then it would take around 128 minutes for the assassin to kill it.

    Now I'm not done there, no no no :)
    So after arguing with my fellow friends Blobby and Ivan who both decided to main a mage for gavel. (Blobby deleted all 3 of her other 75's for some reason thinking mages where too op and where going to stay that way), Blobby brought up the subject that maybe its just that Assassin is too Bad and that Mage is good how it is and that Assassin needs a buff instead of Mage receiving a nerf.So I basically decided to compare it to Archer with its Arrow Storm Spell, which at Tier 3 shoots in 3 different dirrections so we will consider that only 1 of these actually end up hitting the target so of the 60 total arrows, we will only consider that 1/3 (20) will actually end up hitting the target.(Archers are also known for having high dps)

    So here is what I have found for the Archer:

    If the Archer has the "Infused Hive Bow" which he does in this case, then
    • Damage: 400-600
    which means that the average damage would be 500 per normal hit.
    dealing 20% per arrow (400%) in exchange for 4 Hunger/Mana. Now, 400% of 500 is 2000 Damage on average in exchange for 4 hunger/mana using the Meteor spell. Now 2000/4=500 Dmg per mana.
    (Yes, Holy shit this one also suprised me, comment if this one suprised you or not)

    Archers Dps with Arrow Storm : 500 Dmg Per Mana

    It would take 50 Arrow Storm spells that deal 2000 Dmg on average to kill the "dummy" boss from earlier :D incase anybody was wondering.

    Now, basically after my researches done with the Archer, Mage and assassin, I think that Mages and Archers are next to equal considering Mages survivability with their Heal Spell, meanwhile assassins now sit in the back and hope for the best because they have super low dps compared to other classes and don't have mush survivability.

    My Suggestion is to buff the Assassin again (Yes, I already see all the hate comments arriving >.> but theres not much way to avoid that) by increasing the damage on the multihit to 25%-30% per hit, 30% would double the damage they deal overall with the skill but that is the kind of crazy buff that the assassin needs to be on par with the other classes, right now he is even weaker than how the mage used to be, not considering how the game is "harder" now which doesn't help the situation at all so it is absolutely needed for the assassin class to get a buff.

    Yes, I spent over an hour doing all the research and typing, and about another atleast 30 minutes arguing with friends to try to make this the closest to flawless that I could. Once again, this is just my opinion so feel free to express your own opinion down in the comment section below which I will be checking up on for the next day or so making sure I answer as many questions as possible the best I can.

    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  2. Fancy_Surgeon

    Fancy_Surgeon Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Did you try smoke bomb? And a off topic question, is the infused hive better than bobs mythic and where do you get it from?
  3. Frostburn

    Frostburn Famous Adventurer

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    8.7/10, too much math for me at night, all I want for assassin is more mana efficiency, not damage, but more mana and reduced usage overall; that's sprinting and spells.
    xKindredKinesis and then perish like this.
  4. monkeywrench98

    monkeywrench98 Hoping to get back to Wynn soon

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    Just because you said it, it's "at least" not "atleast" :3

    The math seems to be valid as far as I'm able to tell. I did come here to see mistakes and correct them, but you appear to have this pretty well covered (unlike most people who go "I lost in a duel, plz buff/nerf")
  5. Roamyn

    Roamyn Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Did you also account for the maxed out upgrades (Multihit Lvl III)? Also what if you vanished then used Multihit?

    What about the Mage's "Wall of Fire" ability for their Meteor Lvl III?

    Why not compare Mage to Warrior, for example compare Multihit to Uppercut?
  6. ~Void

    ~Void Travelled Adventurer

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    well I basically Have VERY low experience with warrior so I'd need to get a friend who has a 75 at least in it to help me, and I tried to chose the skills that had the best Flat out dmg instead of dmg over time.
  7. Paladin A'renos

    Paladin A'renos High Grand Master of the Ordo Malleus HERO

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    I play Assassin in Gavel and i noticed a massive difference in damage, my friend who was a warrior does so much more damage than i do with essentially less strength than me.
    ohwooops likes this.
  8. GoldenTheMCGamer

    GoldenTheMCGamer I'm a nerd.

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    infused hive weapons are definitely better, there the new end game items for lvl 100's
  9. Fancy_Surgeon

    Fancy_Surgeon Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Is it from a quest?
  10. Starficz

    Starficz Skilled Adventurer

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    i do agree with you for the most part, its kind of odd that spin attack has a better dpmana then multihit.
  11. ~Void

    ~Void Travelled Adventurer

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    Its from the Hive, you have to finish the Qira Quest then its similar to the ToA quest.
    Fancy_Surgeon likes this.
  12. GoldenTheMCGamer

    GoldenTheMCGamer I'm a nerd.

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    I have also noticed the huge decrease in damage for assassins, and I'm quite mad. I feel so pathetic and puny going up against mobs my level, and it's not like were archers or mages who can fight at a distance either, or warriors with their massive amounts of damage, we have to get up close with our low damage (low health as well depending on your armor), it gets overwhelming a lot.
    ohwooops and mirajhall like this.
  13. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    You forgot about attack speed (unless I missed it). Spells are based on DPS now, not raw damage.
    Not A Nub, Bank and Yuno F Gasai like this.
  14. GoldenTheMCGamer

    GoldenTheMCGamer I'm a nerd.

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    What does DPS mean?
    nvm Damage per second
    Well, not every came on with thunder stuff, cause I know i came on with 3/4 of my armor set was earth and dagger was water
  15. ~Void

    ~Void Travelled Adventurer

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    I think you might have missed the part where i mentioned that with my experiments done so far and all my information gathered so far, Attack speed doesn't affect spell damage because it goes by how fast you cast it, and raw damage is how you determine DPS. In other words 1. You missed it 2. Please clarify as to me it makes no sense since raw damage determines part of your dps (or in this example all ofit)
  16. GoldenTheMCGamer

    GoldenTheMCGamer I'm a nerd.

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    And Salted, one question. I have noticed random gain of skill points in certain skills, is leveling up not the only way to get skill points?
  17. ~Celestial

    ~Celestial Travelled Adventurer

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    GG to much maf 4 me
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  18. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    While it does not affect spell cast rate, the melee rate is still a factor. For example, assassins left click will deal more damage than the mage's, and usually with a faster rate. I'm betting that this counterbalances the mage's increased spell damage.
  19. ~Void

    ~Void Travelled Adventurer

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    But the amount of damage you do with your normal attack doesn't matter in this case, because you won't do nearly as much as if you spam spells. so basically its not a factor to count while making these calculations.
  20. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    You can cast spells at the same speed with a very slow weapon or a very fast one. Lemme get some maths for you.
    A normal attack speed is 1.8 hits/seconds
    A fast attack speed is 2.3 hits/seconds

    If you have a normal attack speed weapon dealing 100 damage, a spell which has 100% damage will deal 180 damage.
    If you have a fast attack speed weapon dealing 100 damage, a spell which has 100% damage will deal 230 damage.

    So technically, yes, a fast attack weapon with the same value as a normal will deal more damage. Thankfuly we're smarter than that and we made fast weapons deal a bit less to compensate. The vast majority of the time, any weapon of the same level and tier will deal similar damage in term of DPS.
    SuperTM and xkobyx like this.
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