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Drakon's List "o" Bugs

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Drakonz, Dec 21, 2015.

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  1. Drakonz

    Drakonz Wandering spoiler

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    K so lets make a list of all the bugs that have been experienced so far and who knows this might help organize everyone's individuals issues and staff as well.
    1. Stuck in a block
    2.Spawned in a vanilla minecraft world
    3.Certain spells unable to work (archer's arrow storm for some)
    4.Some armor that have a default info screen before the update
    5.Some armors are unidentifiable
    6.Some weapons are unidentifiable
    7. People have spawned with items missing from there inventory(not cause it was dropped to the ground, just disappeared from inventory)
    8. Number 1 also applies to people not being able to spawn in an update room but straight into a block or vanilla world.

    (You may add on to this list by replying if you have found any new glitches or bugs)
  2. kingmike99

    kingmike99 The Meteor

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    The skillpoints you get from armor sometimes does work while other times it wont. (Please read the example, because otherwise this might seem a bit confusing or badly worded)

    For example:
    You have a helmet which requires 10 Strenght and a chestplate which provides 5 Strenght. Equiping the chestplate and using 5 skillpoints on Strenght should be enough to be able to equip the helmet, meanwhile sometimes you still cant equip the helmet.
    Drakonz likes this.
  3. Felix_Flame

    Felix_Flame The Phoenix King VIP+

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    there is a bug report section
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