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Media •♦ The Wynn-wide Tribune ♦• Volume Ii: A Meetup, A Countdown, And A Hack Alert

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Wynslow, Dec 20, 2015.

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  1. Wynslow

    Wynslow Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Hello, and thank you for stopping by to read this issue of The WynnWide Tribune!


    This week, for our Community Voice segment, we interviewed some members of the Wynncraft community and asked what they were most excited for in Gavel. As Gavel will be released incredibly soon, we thought that this was an appropriate question to ask. Here are some responses we received.


    From @CavemanJimbo:

    “Well in Gavel I was excited for most of the stuff, but the thing I am MOST excited for, is
    probably the exploring. And you know what that means? New eastereggs! I just love exploring areas and trying to find cool stuff.”

    From @StarFiesh:

    “The thing that im most excited about for gavel relaease would be that the boss fights in gavel ( or probably some in wynncraft ) will be much intense , improved and probably some bosses might not have just one special attack but more then 2 or 3 special attacks. The bosses in wynncraft now are far too easy to just trap them in corners, spam many spells, dodge the attack and then you repeat these steps over and over again till its killed. This is why that bosses do not feel like bosses , they feel like something that you just keep on grinding till until you finish the objective. So all i know is that the Wynn team are trying to improve the boss fights and aiming to make the player feel like its an actual intense boss fight , not to feel like its just a mob that has a ton amount of health...”

    From @Dodo:

    “Personally, I'm most excited for the element system. It adds a whole new level to the Wynn PvE and PvP system. Right now, it's "Ok, I'm going to hit this mob.", but after the element system is implemented, it's going to be "Will my attacks be effective or will it be guilds all over again?"

    And lastly, from @Selvut283:

    “Both the new bosses and all the new items. I always found it fun overcoming all the challenges set forth, but found the strategy a bit lacking. Now that items will actually separate into various skillbuilds and powders will affect playstyle by giving elements(as Gavel Teaser 13 reveals), people will have a lot more room to strategize and overcome, so we've had to step up the difficulty just a skosh to keep bosses from just getting steamrolled. I have a feeling you all are really gonna enjoy what we come up with.”


    HippieCrafting’s Saturday Meetup!

    Popular WynnCraft YouTube personality HippieCrafting, better known as simply “Hippie”, began a meetup on Saturday, the 14th, to get together with fans and have a bad good time. Moderator and friend Mr Sebbelonien joined in as well, staying for around the whole length of the meetup party. It was held in Ragni, with many people participating. A skype call was held, though with 30+ people… it does get quite chaotic.

    The party lasted a little below three hours. After a while, they strayed off to different places, bringing a mob of fans following him and clueless passersby wondering what in the world was going on. Hippie recorded most of the footage, and has rendered it and posted it up on his YouTube channel. A giveaway was held during the event, with lots of endgame and pre-endgame gear, as well as rare items. Coincidentally, omgsara and Ganny’s wedding party in Nesaak was held at the same day, at roughly the same time.

    See the entire span of the meetup here!


    Concerning Wynn News and The WynnWide Tribune…:

    Okay, so there’s been quite a bit of controversy over this. I’ll start by clarifying that the WynnWide Tribune, both as a company and as individual workers, respect Wynn News and wished to co-exist with it, writing articles and providing some information Wynn News may not have covered. Similarly, Wynn News will be able to write the same articles, and others that the WynnWide Tribune does not cover. The WynnWide Tribune will be focused more on the community and general topics.

    Now, this is one of the reasons that I did not cover the wedding of omgsara and Ganny. @PillowPet and his company will [hopefully] provide information related to the events that occurred during this time. I admire the pursuits of the Wynn News Company, and do not wish to have a “news war” per se, as may have been rumored by some of the forumers on here.

    Lastly, please do not comment opinionated remarks about Wynn News on my threads, Pillow’s threads, or anywhere really. These include, but are not limited to, things like:

    “The WynnWide Tribune is so much better than Wynn News!”

    “Personally I like this better than Wynn News.”

    "Wynn News is way better than The WynnWide Tribune!"

    "Stop copying Pillow's idea."

    As having been inspired by Wynn News, this not only insults their hardworking employees, who work to bring you their best content recaps, and it also insults me as well. Please, if you’re going to say anything… just say them to yourself, realize what the effect might be if you say them to someone else, and scrap them up. Thank you.


    The Countdown!

    In the past few days, the official WynnCraft twitter account has been releasing Gavel artwork, each with a message inscribed on it. WynnWide Tribune founder @Submonsterine has tampered with each photo with editing tools to test brightness, contrast, black point, and other photo aspects to try and see if any hidden information could be picked up. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as if a “FNAF” style teaser approach has been done in here.

    Picture 1 (5 Days Left) shows a custom mob, similar to a Magma Cube.
    “Fleris: A small fire sludge native to Molten Heights. It loves to keep warm. Outside its habitat it gets scared…”

    Picture 2 (4 Days Left) shows troll-like creatures, named Gerts.
    “The Gerts: An ancient, native race to Gavel. They are the best hunters in the province, but are not the smartest…”

    Picture 3 (3 Days Left) shows a creature that resembles a magma-golem-villager.
    “The Doguns: A now critically endangered species of humanoid living magma. This race fell victim to the Dwarves war..”

    Picture 4 (2 Days Left) shows what appears to be a forest infested with “Decay”.
    “The forest: A “Decay” plagues it. The once flourishing forest of light has been slowly declining for centuries..”

    Picture 5 (1 Day Left) shows a centipede/caterpillar -like creature with many red eyes. Speculation that this is part of “The Hive” has been going around the forums.

    Picture 6 (0 Days Left) Shows a villager, saying “sorry…”, as an apology to the delay.

    (Thanks, @CheesePrince13, for finding this for me. Size is wierd for some reason though :I)

    (These artworks were made by @StarFiesh, big shoutout to him for supporting the endeavors of WynnCraft and creating these masterpieces!)

    The administrators of WynnCraft have confirmed that this is, in fact, a countdown for the release date of Gavel. Unfortunately, issues have been occurring here and there, causing problems that the maintenance team needs to solve and fix. Surprisingly, many people are starting to complain about the actual release time, and are getting pissed off at WynnCraft. Similarly to the Wynn News vs WynnWide Tribune article, realize that WynnCraft is doing all of this hard work, and trying their best to release an update that everyone will want to enjoy. You’re not helping them by throwing hate comments and constant pestering.


    And now, a quick break from the news for
    @Bearington with the weather:

    Detlas is sunny
    Rymek is hot and dangerous
    Gavel is really "soon"
    Ragni is sunny
    Troms is sunny
    Nesaak is partly cloudy with around 3 inches of snow this morning

    Back to you Sub!



    Planned Hacking This Christmas


    A hacking group known as SKidNP is planning to target both Minecraft and Steam servers on Christmas Day (12/25/2015), to force both companies to beef up their cyber security system to protect against future, malicious attacks from other hacking groups.
    "We will be hitting them because we are trying to make services like them [prevent] these sort of attacks, so they get stronger… Anyone with a $5 booter can take down Xbox if they have the right IP."
    The above photo shows a rivalry between hacking groups PhantomSquad and SKidNP. PhantomSquad has taken credit for hackings that were carried out by SKidNP, and SKidNP has retaliated with this message. The "I'm harmless, I swear" kitten reinforces the claim that they do not mean to be malicious.

    This is, with the current knowledge we are given, an attack to alert these companies to get better security for future attacks unaffiliated with SKidNP. It can also be seen as part of the blame of Mojang and Steam for leaving their systems vulnerable to attack. For now though, we'll just have to watch these series of events play out.

    *Source: http://www.neowin.net/news/hacking-...et-steam-and-minecraft-servers-over-christmas


    Consult The Nomanomicon for the Weekly Words of Advice!

    "Start from the beginning when Gavel releases! Not only will it add immersion, but it'll be more fun to experience things chronologically and learn about the new additions!"


    @Shtafjord's Joke Corner



    Riddle Me This

    *Riddle answers will be given in next week's volume. State your guesses in a post below!*

    1. What building has the most stories?
    2. Railroad crossing without any cars. Can you spell that without any R's?
    3. Which is correct "The yolk of the egg is white" or "The egg yolk is white?"
    4. How do you make the number one disappear by adding to it?
    5. There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls.What is it?


    Thanks for reading this week's issue of The WynnWide Tribune!
    Have a good day, and may the force be with you on your adventurous exploits in Gavel!

    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
  2. PillowPet

    PillowPet Lovable Neighborhood Pillow CHAMPION

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    You forgot to mention,
    I don't want people saying "Wynn News is better than WWT", and that "WWT is a hoax" either.

    P.S. FrostBear isn't jobless anymore. Now he can make enough money to feed his cublings.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
    Bio, CheesePrince13 and Wynslow like this.
  3. Kogut

    Kogut Well-Known Adventurer

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    you forgot the 0 days left picture
    CheesePrince13 likes this.
  4. Wynslow

    Wynslow Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Were you reading the article or just skimming through it? I'm thinking it was the latter.
  5. Kogut

    Kogut Well-Known Adventurer

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    he should at least describe what it was. like a brief description. "It was a villager with his shoulders up and a smurk on his face." or something like that
  6. CheesePrince13

    CheesePrince13 Eternally Inactive HERO

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    Don't worry, I got ya covered :3

    Attached Files:

    Wynslow likes this.
  7. Wynslow

    Wynslow Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    CheesePrince13 likes this.
  8. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    The hackers are most likely covering up their true intentions. They are really suspicious. Whatever their true intentions are, I'm assuming they're for the worst (for us).
  9. cadab321

    cadab321 Dern is better.

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    A bit off.
    Wynslow likes this.
  10. LucaDiv

    LucaDiv Resident Spam-Nuker of Wynn VIP+

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    1. What building has the most stories?

    2. Railroad crossing without any cars. Can you spell that without any R's?

    3. Which is correct "The yolk of the egg is white" or "The egg yolk is white?"
    Neither, the yolk is yellow

    4. How do you make the number one disappear by adding to it?
    Add N to make "one" "none"

    5. There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls.What is it?
    something about holes, windows or glass probably...
    CheesePrince13 likes this.
  11. CheesePrince13

    CheesePrince13 Eternally Inactive HERO

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    Size looks the same as the others on mobile. Have yet to check on desktop version
  12. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    @IgbarVonSquid™ made a very clear and well thought-out comment about commenting on this type of activity, that changed my entire mindset about it. Basically, stay clear of the entire topic in general because we don't want to attract their attention in any way.
    Wynslow likes this.
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