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Lore/Story Wynncraft Translation Project.

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by FredoXX, Dec 12, 2015.

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  1. FredoXX

    FredoXX Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hey people of Wynncraft,

    my name ist Konstantin aka. FredoXXX. I am a 16 year old student in Germany.

    Today I would like to introduce to you my new project I've been working on: Translating the Wynncraft Quests into German language.
    I have been playing on wynncraft for more then 2 years now. And this was always an idea I had in mind. Many of my friends back than were also native German speakers who had quite some struggles to understand the jist.
    Wynncraft is based on the quest since it is an MMORPG. I really enjoy the hard work of the content team and all the effort they put into the quest lines.
    So I find it really sad, only few of the players can enjoy all of it.
    Since all of the Quests dialogs are available on the Wynncraft Wiki it is only a matter of translation skills and formulation in German language to offer a better Wynncrfat experience to the German player base which is significant.

    I'll try to update this main thread as I make progress with the Quest. So far I did the first one as a little test.

    Please keep in mind that I am a German nativ Speaker therefore this Thread in English might not be perfect.

    If someone of the Wynncraft content team would like to support me I would be really glad. Especially with the upcoming Winter holydays I have lots of time to work on this project.

    Sincerely Konstantin aka. FredoXXX

    This goes to the German speaking part of the readers. Please go through the translation I wrote and check if you like it.

    Just found @Ascended Kitten thread on this project. I hope you read this. I would glady offer you my help to transalte Wynncraft into German.

    Rekrut des Königs.

    Stage 1

    · Karawanen Führer: Endlich bist du aufgewacht! Ich habe schon angefangen mir Sorgen zu machen…

    · Karawanen Führer: Unser Wagen hat vor einigen Stunden ein Rad verloren, daher werden wir wohl den Rest des Weges zu Fuß gehen müssen.

    · Karawanen Führer: Die anderen Passagiere sind vorgegangen, du solltest aufholen. Der König wartet auf euch.

    · Karawanen Führer: Aber bevor du gehst, solltest du dieses Edelsteine [Emeralds] benutzen, um dir ein bisschen Rüstung zu kaufen, denn es ist nicht immer sicher hier draußen.

    · Karawanen Führer: Denk daran, dein Zauberspruch [Spell] zu benutzen, wenn du in Gefahr bist. Man kann ja nicht wissen was passieren könnte.

    Stage 2

    · Honynn: Untote! Sie greifen uns an! Benutzt eure Waffen um euch zu verteidigen!

    · Honynn: Macht dir keine Sorgen um uns! Geh schnell weiter! Der König erwartet dich!

    Stage 3

    · Der König: Aha! Ein neuer Rekrut! Du bist genau pünktlich gekommen!

    · Der König: Willkommen in der Provinz von Wynn.

    · Der König: Diese Festung wird Ragni genannt, sie ist eine der ältesten und schönsten Plätze, den es gibt.

    · Der König: Deine Aufgabe wird es sein, die Monster aufzuhalten, die unsere Provinz bedrohen.

    · Der König: Es wäre besser wenn du noch ein wenig hier bleibst, bis du erfahrener bist... Viele sterben jeden Tag…

    · Der König: … Auf jeden Fall: Viel Glück! Und wenn du dich verlaufen solltest, besuche doch mal wynncraft.com/map . Das ist sehr hilfreich am Anfang.

    Quests done so far:

    A confused Farmer
    Grave Digger
    King's Recruit
    Lord of the Clocks
    Maltic's Well
    Potion Making
    Suspended Flowers

    I am saving the quests as .docx. Sadly they can not be uploaded.
    Here is a link to the new googledoc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cySNJ_iUmbOsxukoMZPnZf3SJwZi-R3Kwj3hn2ftOHg/edit
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
  2. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Thanks for the attempt;
    but as we already have an existing german project, you could also join us and help us to translate ^_^
  3. FredoXX

    FredoXX Well-Known Adventurer

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    Oh wow. I saw the quite impressive progress. Is this project approoved by the staff?
  4. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    The whole project is inoffical, but all translations are approved by the community
  5. BlackbirdMC

    BlackbirdMC Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    To be honest, i'm 90% sure this attempt of adding other languages/translation to all quest will fail somehow.

    - Will be really huge work for GMs to redo all quests (Plus new gavel quests).
    - There should be a GM from each language to translate it.
    - Everything goes with english in this community, forums, items, quest book, skill point messages, merchants etc...

    But still, nice thing.
  6. FredoXX

    FredoXX Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thought about it aswell. Still the quest are a key component of Wynn.
    Still it would be nice to get the support of a member of the server.
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