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Build New Idea For A Rustic House!?

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Choo, Nov 26, 2015.


Rating section: Rate this house!


  2. Pretty cool

  3. not bad

  4. ok I guess

  5. could need some improvement

  6. VERY BAD!

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  1. Choo

    Choo Well-Known Adventurer

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    I was fooling around on a server and decided to build a house, but I wanted it to be a bit unique, I worked about a day on it and I want to show it to all of you guys! Please rate it!
    blankman and Plasma~ like this.
  2. Choo

    Choo Well-Known Adventurer

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    I figured it would look good. Honestly I think its 9.2/10
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2015
  3. yotamdin

    yotamdin Is actually a cute anime girl in real life VIP

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    Maybe we should call it a RustikkHouse?
    Choo and PotatoOnAStick like this.
  4. Troll4ever31

    Troll4ever31 Designed to be a moron.

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    I must say, i don't really like this. There are many things that can be improved.
    Im just going to list the things you could improve on here:
    1. Block choice, white glass is not good for rustic, or anything medieval like, its something for modern houses. Use normal glass, or perhaps fences for the windows, and consider using cracked and mossy stone brick aside with the stone brick and cobblestone. For the wood, use a combi of spruce and dark oak, that looks much better than only dark oak.

    2. Shape and detail, the outside walls are kinda odd, because the upper floor goes in one block. Usually it looks better to have the upper floor stick out one block, instead of the lower floor, and consider making the logs on the inside stick out a block, that'll make the inside look much nicer.
    Also, why does the inside look more like a ruin? If its a house, its handy to have the inside remain a little bit intact, because making the inside look like a ruin and the outside normal doesn't work too well. For the floors, adding some random carpets, like dark green and brown carpets, can do a lot to make it look nicer, its another way to make the floors not look bland, without putting a giant hole in it.

    There. I guess the shape of the roof is nice, but you still have things to improve, i hope my tips will help you.
  5. Choo

    Choo Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thanks for all the tips you said, I will take note of this and try to modify the house a bit more.

    Ok just saying, I really like the white glass with the house, but I might be using fences and spruce fences to take of what you had said.
    As you can see, the house is REALLY beat up, so the inside and outside should look really torn apart as if an F2 Tornado was there.
    So as my reply to yours, it kinda supposed to look like a ruin, the house is abandoned, you know.

    As well, I kinda expected critisism like this, this was probably the first house you have seen like this and I understand how you don't really like the design. Oh and I completely forgot about adding carpets so thanks for reminding me! The next thing I'll mess up is adding the carpets in the wrong places. :P
  6. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    Note: I don't give two shits about any rebuttal you might make. I'm just being very critical. Build reviews are my least jerkish state of mind.

    36/100 FlubScoreā„¢ "Lacks Shape and Clear Idea"

    1) The house itself is shaped poorly for a 'rustic' house. The general idea of a rustic house in Minecraft is the sloped, sprucey and overgrown cottage style, which is seen as synonymous with midevil and Viking styles of building. Your house doesn't follow that.

    It takes someone who is as brave as Simba to break that tradition and call it 'rustic' so I respect that move, but the overall feel is far more like that of a shed. The roof is the main issue in that regard. If you have a tall house, give it a tall roof. If you have a small house, give it a small roof.

    2) Your block choice for this style of build is abysmal. I am using that word not to be mean, but because it is accurate. You are mashing a Mansion build palette with a Rustic build palette. Sometimes, somebody does this and it's beautiful, but this time, it didn't quite work out. The stone bricks and cobble contras way to much with the rest of the house.

    3) It also seems like you don't quite have a gasp on good building techniques yet. The build seems like you payed out a frame and some walls, then just threw everything else around.

    Now for some people like me, we can pull that off. I have made builds (one is in progress for my build team app) that are literally throwing things around. It makes no sense at first, but the more you build, the more it comes together. You need more. I don't know of what, but I can make a psychoanalysis of you right now.

    You are messy, and try to be clean. Somehow, it doesn't work out. You also think far more independently than others. You want to distinguish yourself from everyone else. You also want to succeed, which is why you aren't very hard on yourself, when other people get the cold shoulder. You do things because you want to do well.

    (Nothing wrong with any of that. I have plenty of wonderful friends like that)

    Your builds reflect that.

    I am a very messy person who takes pride in my abilities to make things up as I go. I never plan something unless it is extremely important. I'll make an outline sometimes, but other times I stem off of something. I don't do something because I enjoy it, but more often than not, because I am fair at it. I build because it can make people happy when I build something for them.

    My builds often lack purpose and are just for the sake of building. They also lack a clear cut organizational trend. In my multibiome builds, my transitions between areas vary. Sometimes you can even see it. Other times, it's very fast.

    Overall, just practice and develops clear cut ideas of what a good builder is.
  7. Choo

    Choo Well-Known Adventurer

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    Aww I guess I'll try another form someday.
    One day another dream will come true.
  8. Ligaligi

    Ligaligi Travelled Adventurer

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    This looks really good
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