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What Is Your Opinion On "mineplex"

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by Pfefferpotthast, Oct 12, 2015.

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  1. Corcustos

    Corcustos It's what it's. CHAMPION

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    My overall goal was not to expose Hypixel bias, but to state facts that I have observed. I was just pointing it out. Sure, there are a few opinions in what I've said that may signify bias, but these opinions derive from the facts that I've observed. However, different facts can be observed by different people. So you may see something that I do not, and vice versa. As I said, I like both servers. Both have flaws. The reason I didn't touch base with the "Staff members" is because I haven't had a bad encounter with any of the staff members so far. In my time in playing Mineplex and Hypixel(approx. 1.75 years) both sets of staff members have been quite helpful and responsive, even while I am a default rank. I have yet to encounter a staff member that is doing their job wrong. I read over the forums and sit in lobbies chatting quite a bit, whenever a staff members shows up there are no problems with either server. However, when it comes to judging "corruption" of a staff member, it's one big opinion. There is no fact. People may have negative opinions on staff members due to feeling wrongly punished or observing someone else being punished, a state of resentment if you will. The same applies to positive opinions. People may have positive opinions because they can make sense of the punishments or have not encountered any issues when confronting a staff member. I'm not going to touch base on something that is virtually impossible to prove or deny. My response was a reply to all of the individual hate towards the servers to clarify, not a "pros and cons" response.
    Downroar likes this.
  2. Jaspz

    Jaspz The Cat from the Depths of Hell

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    I think it good but the games are too bad. The only things that are good is the super smash bros thing and the hunger games. Everything else is bad in my opinion.
  3. Inceptus

    Inceptus Silent forums lurker

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  4. blue89962

    blue89962 Famous Adventurer VIP

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    As a guy who knows what is going on there right now, I'm just going to leave this video here

    no offence intended btw
  5. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    After a review of my input here, and a review of @Corcustos's input, I must admit that I was a little biased towards Hypixel due to me getting back into the server whilst waiting for the big G to come out for Wynncraft. I'll try to give my truest opinion on Mineplex.

    Mineplex is a good server. Despite what people may say. It has it's downsides, it has it's upsides. The community, yes it can be bad, but there's always a bad person in the crowd. The community is OK, it's not exactly perfect, but I have the same feelings towards Hypixel's too (Hackers are a rather annoying problem). The games for the most part are fun, and Champions is very unique and rather balanced. The ranks are fairly priced and offer a good amount of cosmetics and features.

    To score it, I'd give it an 8.25/10. I feel as if a lot of the hate toward Mineplex is because of it's size. You see someone standing on the 1st Podium while you came 4th, and you'd have a little bit of envy towards them too.

    This may be good news to you, here's a news post from Hypixel's Forums:

    Starting on November 1st, credits will no longer be purchasable from the Hypixel Store.

    We’ve found the selling of credits to sometimes be confusing for players, and with new systems in place to distribute cosmetic rewards we feel that it’s time to make some changes to credits in order to provide a better experience for all our players.

    Here are some of the new and improved ways players can gain credits.
    • Ranks will receive a lot more credits in their monthly packages
    • Most, if not all games will receive weekly / daily quests that include credits as rewards.
    • Base credit rewards from completing quests will increase for ALL users.
    • The price of high cost items such as TKR Skins and Warlords Legendary reskins will be reduced.
    Credits will remain as our Cosmetic-Only Currency, however in the future we may revisit this.

    Closer to November we will be publishing a complete list of detailed changes, but we wanted to give the community a heads up with regards to these upcoming changes.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2015
    Downroar likes this.
  6. Corcustos

    Corcustos It's what it's. CHAMPION

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    Ah. I don't keep up with Hypixel news. Thanks for the info. Hopefully they add enough credits in their monthly packages to make the ranks more worth it. Mineplex's Legend is only $80 so it is more logical for the $150 MVP+ rank to receive more credits. I'm glad they have finally realized this.
    Nepeta Leijon likes this.
  7. jawa7778

    jawa7778 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Much fun, very enjoyable
  8. Gartato


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    Is it a bad thing that I laughed when it put the Mineplex logo on top of Hitler, Osama and so on?

  9. tomisdaman27

    tomisdaman27 The owner of a legendary trade...

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    10/10 would plex again
  10. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    To be honest, Hypixel isn't all that better than mineplex, but they're both not BAD. They both have a massive playerbase meaning that the community is very mixed. There are some good people, as well as bad people, and it's to be expected in a crowd of more than 10 thousand players. BOTH mineplex and hypixel have bad minigames, like Mineplex's Master Builders, Skywars, The Bridges, as well as some of the various minigames. And Hypixel's Mega Walls, and Blits Survival Games. As a balance, mineplex has a variety of bad minigames that aren't disgusting, but Hypixel has very few, but some very disgusting minigames. Heck, the only thing I really even like about Hypixel is Warlords and the Adventure Maps.

    It's also good to see that the entire community isn't a bunch of mineplex haters and hypixel lovers based on the other comments I've read about these opinions.
  11. dtyn8

    dtyn8 Retired map-maker

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    To be fair, Mineplex isn't as bad as we all make it out to be. Though it does have some SERIOUS problems which I doubt will ever get addressed properly. It saddens me that whilst with these problems, it still manages to top server lists and have a fanbase, however ragey and pay-to-get-moderator that fan base is.

    There are so many other servers out there that are better run and have better games and are under-loved in comparison, but despite that it's often the tacky, bad-community minigame servers that get the most players and top server lists. Fun fact; I can almost guarantee that any minigame server in the top 25 of a server list is probably not worth investing much time into (save professional looking and feeling servers like Hypixel)
    The One-eyed Guy likes this.
  12. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    Mineplex isn't too bad. Most people just don't like it because of the bad community, bad moderators, and a copy of Hypixel's Build Battle that's so obvious it hurts.

    But their coding isn't half bad and a lot of their games are fun to play if you have the right people.
  13. blue89962

    blue89962 Famous Adventurer VIP

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    Not a bad thing at all :v)

    But in all seriousness, most of the community is really bad, and you can see a lot of favoritism and things like that in recent events there. For example, recently someone recorded a moderator using aimbot. It was possible to tell it was real because of the impossible headsnaps that he did. But he didn't get punished at all, even after a lot of people confirmed it was aimbot. An owner replied to the report against that moderator, and said that "there isn't enough evidence".
    Also, a lot of people got banned that same day (but unbanned later) because of hate towards that event, because they said that it was aimbot and such.
    Another recent event was the fact that 3 very known members of the community got banned because they "hacked moderator accounts". Yeah, 2 moderators got their accounts hacked and the hackers went on a banning spree, bt it wasn't them since another guy that is known for being a """cyberbully""" upload a video of him using those accounts, it was clear that it wasn't those 3 that I mentioned before (though one of them started to abuse an enjin glitch and "stole" around $1,000 from the mineplex shop). Some time after that incident, another known member got banned because he "was affiliated with those 3", even though he never talked to them

    There is so much stuff going on there, I don't know if I can write everything here, but anyone that is interested can freely PM me :v)
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
  14. Hiryu

    Hiryu not so lazy artist VIP

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    I give Mineplex a 5/10
    Too many damn idiots

    But I only like SSM and Block Hunt there

    Hypixel is just phenomenal
    Skywars, Epic and INTENSE!
    UHC, Epic and INTENSE
    Arena Brawl, Kinda nice and Kinda Intense...
    Mega Walls, Amazing and INTENSE (not really)
  15. Rice

    Rice :) VIP+

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    I thought threads like these weren't meant to exist

    Ehh whatever, no flame wars yet, so I guess I'll post my opinion.
    Mineplex has decent games, but it's the community that people hate. There are a large amount of hackers and people think mods don't do their job. The fact is, mineplex is a humongous sized server, and there are two of them. TWO. An american server and an european server. Both have a large amount of hackers. If you can look past all of this, then you can just play with no trouble. There's so much rulebreakers on these servers though which makes it hard to enjoy the games there. There is also a ton of mod favoritism. I know mods on that server, and one of my IRL friends was a mineplex mod, until he retired. There is so much favoritism on there that it's really sick, but just avoid the forums altogether, and you won't have to know a thing about it.
  16. Wi1bur

    Wi1bur Legendary Adventurer

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    There are too many people to really eliminate rulebreakers, but Mineplex staff are still doing a really bad job of banning the right people. The moderators are also not very good in general, and many break rules themselves or ban people that offend them.
    There are a few lazy and sucky games (Bacon Brawl, The Walls, Evolution, Halloween Horror, etc), but also some really good ones that I love to play. There are also some neat bits of coding there, and some good builds.
    I actually like it better than Hypixel, at least it doesn't have as much donator favoritism going on and there's a wider variety of games.
  17. sorae

    sorae drifting VIP

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    I'd rate it 4/10 (even though I play on it a lot)

    Games: There is a lack of any good games. It seems like they rush out games just for more players instead of focusing on their existing games that need balancing (*cough* SSM *cough*). I really only play two of their games, though (SSM and Dominate). Those are the most fun and creative, while trying to stay simple.

    Staff: Haven't encountered any salty staff members yet. For now, it's pretty good. They can be annoying at times, though.

    Community: Pure trash (well, most of it). Almost every single game of DOM or SSM I go into, I end up rekting everyone in the room (I'm a good PvPer) and get hackacusated. They then ragequit.
    Every single game I go into has at least 60% randie (random scrub who doesn't know how to play the game), which irritates me since it's hardly a challenge. If they added a matchmaking system, that would be amazing for me.
    Their forums is littered with shitposts, also.
    I have seen some nice players on Mineplex before, so it's not complete trash.

    Feedback: Pretty sure Mineplex staff doesn't listen to their players at all. Us DOM players have been requesting Clans for a long time. A few years ago, they started development on it. It still hasn't come out.
    It's basically the HL3 of Mineplex.
    Oh, and have I mentioned that they don't even take the time to balance games?

    Monetization: Even though I paid for Legend (during sales, so $30 total), I paid so that the server could stay up and I could continue playing DOM and SSM. Legend is the biggest money-sucker ever (although the MPS is worth it if you want to have a casual game with your friends). Mineplex is trying to target little kids with their parents' money, which IMO isn't the greatest thing to do. The ranks are OK, but their way of presenting the ranks to kids is just bad.
    Although, I do like to spend excess coins on Coin Party Bombs.

    Builds: Trash. They really need to get some new builders, but I can understand if they were trying to go for a simple and not eye-shattering look. TBH, I don't like that style and think they need some better player-made maps and throw out old maps. Some of the map designs are just horrible (*cough* Hyrule Castle, Gulley, etc... *cough*)

    TL;DR - Mineplex is pretty much descending into the pit of hated servers. Only a few of their games are good. The only reason I play on it is because of two good games and a mixed community.
    DaCorruption likes this.
  18. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    Games: They're pretty cool, but i really hate games like Sheep Quest & co. because there are so much killaura kids.

    Builds: Not very good, Not very bad. (Wynncraft builds hax confnrimed?)

    Community: ...

    Ranks: They should add more features, i mean for Legend, it currently costs 44€ (my vault) and it doesn't got LOTS of things.

    Staff: They banned me for 30 days for "Regen Hack" when i only used Hyper Axe.

    Hackers: 2013: 50% of all Mineplex was hacker. 2014: meh.. 2015: Not so much hackers, they've cleaned..

    Feedback: i only saw Titan in Mythical chest that got "approved" by the staff..
  19. Kaz_

    Kaz_ Skilled Adventurer

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    As a hypixel MVP+ (even tho i automatically get hate for that fact) ill share my opinion as well. First of all about the ranks. As someone mentioned before, yes the ranks are indeed way more expensive (despite the fact that they are on 50%+ off like 90% of the time) they give way more features than mineplex'es... legend gives you some coins, a few cosmetic mounts and player hosted servers (which is probably what you really would want to buy the rank for) whule hypixel's mvp+ rank offers features that arent even listed in the store :). Some of these are MVP+ and staff only survival world (basically a survival server with a few plugins)and early access to the new hypixel non minecraft game (imagine paying extra bucks just for that). Now the gameplay is a completely different thing. I was dedicated to mineplex for quite a while and their games are way more new user friendly. All they have is kits (even tho kits you have to pay for are way more OP than defaults), those are just kits. While on hypixel the more dedicated you are, the easier games will be. Im glad cuz that is changing. With their most recent games (skywars, turbo kart racers, warlords) they implemented a luck based upgrade system which may actually screw up the constant players (nolifers how i like to call them) while giving a new player high chances to catch up to the game upgrades. Mineplex is this probably ahead of hypixel with that but its changing really fast. The thing that bothers hypixel comunitty the most is the lack of creativity from mineplex. Most recent updates on hypixel are being hiden from public because 70% of their minigames exist on mineplex already. Lastly the comunitty in the server. Dont get me started. Mineplex players if you get a kill (with their pvp its kill or die, no room for comebacks) they rage on you like mothertruckers... at least 3 at the end of a game call hax on you... even tho my fav minigame on plex was draw thing (since there was no pvp involved) you still get people who actually report you (i have seen myself being reported) on forums and got banned once for "u know too much". That literally was the reason why they banned me. I assume that wasnt a grown up guy since he couldnt even spell the whole word... im not saying hypixel is way better. As someone mentioned on other forums that hypixel staff is extremely easy to trick into a false ban or unban appeal just shows that they actually care about players and trying to work out problems on the server(we are not robots and everyone sometimes makes mistakes). You might look at this and say i love hypixel just because im a donator blah blah blah... i really dont. I played on both servers a lot and simply chose to donate to hypixel just like some of you donate to wynncraft. :) dont flame plz. That was just an opinion.
  20. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Yeah, when Summer was around, MVP+ was like $40, which is why you should wait till the price drops to get the Hypixel ranks.
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