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Serious Coping Depression For Those Who Need It

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Frostburn, Oct 19, 2015.


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  4. I know a friend(Or anyone) who has depression

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  1. Frostburn

    Frostburn Famous Adventurer

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    It is a medical condition that has some symptoms of you feeling worthless, meaningless, and weak. You can possibly become someone who's depressed from abuse, being neglected from your parents, traumatic life events, and even the slight possibility where you have an imbalance of chemicals in your brain, but lets not get offtrack.
    If you think you have depression, talk to people that you trust about it, don't talk to people who generally joke around a lot, they wont help you and your situation. If you have no one you trust to talk about it, you can talk about it here 7cupsoftea.com as a last resort. Suicide should never be your last resort, even if you think it's the best way out of depression.
    You maybe shouldn't watch Shia LaBeoufs Motivational video, probably shouldn't, definitely, you should definitely not watch his video even if it seems childish, it could seep into you, depression has already, has it not? It's something you must disregard because is suicide really that worth it? Who will it affect more? The people around you, you? Or everyone that you know, including yourself? Because it certainly affects everyone that know you personally, it also affects you because you aren't living anymore.
    It can affect anyone from you(The possible person who has it) to your friends and family(If you have any, you should) in a negative way. Depression doesn't get tired once you have it, it only weakens you. How it affects you is horrible.
    You can think about how you think about yourself, family, and friends. Are you thinking about yourself very negatively? Are you hurting yourself? Are you doing 'illegal' drugs? What's happening at home? Those are questions you should answer but not below.
    Yes, I have. I had it, and there are people here who also have it, we're a community and we should help each-other, we're not here to hurt anyone else. We are here so we can have a good time, why prevent someone else from having that? How was having depression? It wasn't good, it isn't something you want to be proud of, it is something you should not have. Being happy that you've been alive for 10 years and having depression throughout all 10 isn't something you should really be proud of, it is something you should really talk about since it gets heavier as time gets on, and everyone has a breaking point.
    I believe I've helped a few, but I hope to help everyone here who has it, because I believe we still have a chance of being one of the best Minecraft server communities out there that are able, and willing to help
    I made this because of Fibunny, she made a thread about suicide and how you may help yourself, I thought it was really helpful for a lot of the community, and I thought that something like that should be a thing again. I don't think that having the thought of hurting yourself is something good, it's the opposite. I'm sorry you think i'm a monster, but I personally think that this issue must be diagnosed by yourself.

    Don't think your alone in this world, there are at least 6 million other people who have depression, many more who have either sadly perished, or have fought through and no longer have it.

    Some links for motivation against depression and suicide:
    Gratitude: http://i.imgur.com/rjhRw1X.png

    For the 7 cups of tea link, don't close the tab after you end the conversation, there are 7 easy steps that last 7 days that may help you grow stronger. I hope this helped, if it didn't...I'm sorry I couldn't help you, maybe they can.
    This is a large wall of text that can help you help others https://www.7cupsoftea.com/depression-help-online/

    To help others, you really must be Understanding, Empathetic , be able to Acknowledge their problem, and able to give Suggestions to the person you're talking to.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2015
    Naraka00, dead zeffe, Cobra and 6 others like this.
  2. roboblock93

    roboblock93 its a me CHAMPION

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    I'm glad you made this thread. Depression and Suicide isn't a joke.

    *cough* Alkevo *Cough*
    Frostburn likes this.
  3. Baxster

    Baxster Has a meme for everything

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    didn't fi already make a thread?
    edit-oh, nvm, forgot to read the last spoiler.
    Frostburn likes this.
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