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Serious Happy National Coming Out Day!

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by TurtleTheSeawing, Oct 11, 2015.

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  1. TurtleTheSeawing

    TurtleTheSeawing That dragon that's studying magic HERO

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    Welcome to National Coming Out Day!

    Yes, this is actually a thing, because this month is also LGBTQ History month!
    Now, with this day, I need to challenge all of you. Weather you are gay, bi, or whatever, or not. I want you to come out with something. Only if you want to.

    Basically, what I mean by that, is in respect to this day, I want you all to (if you feel comfortable enough to do it) come out to us (at least) about a secret you have.

    E.x. : I love (insert name of person/place/thing here)

    I want to see people do this, in light of this day. I want you all to know though, that I have this as serious, because if people chose to come out with their secrets on here, then I want them to know that people won't make fun of it, or joke about it, I want the people that "come out" to feel like they are doing it to people that care about them, and won't joke about something serious about them. I also want to say that

    DO NOT feel like you NEED to come out with something today, it takes a lot of bravery, and courage, and trust to do so, so if you don't feel comfortable with it, then don't say it. No one will force you to say it, but if you do, you are safe here. :) <3
    Obviously, I've told you all about me before, I'm bisexual, and I love dragons because I wish I could be one, cause they are strong, and rough skinned, they don't let insults get to them... but, there are many things that I have not told any of you, but, I will save those for another day... because I don't feel I personally am ready. But just because I don't, doesn't mean that you guys shouldn't... be free here, no one will judge you, or hate you, if they do, I will just politely ask that they delete the reply, because I want you all to feel safe, and secure. I want you all to feel like you are talking with a family, people that love and care about you, no matter what/who you are.

    That's all I wanted to say right now... I hope that many of you join in on this! I hope to learn more about you all, and in the end become even closer with you all :)

    I love you all, no matter what/who you are <3

    Ps: I am finally doing it... I will be coming out fully to my parents today! Wish me luck ;D
  2. Ha_Ha_Redstone

    Ha_Ha_Redstone Pixel Prince VIP+

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    I really like this idea! Sadly, I am not LGBT, but I still think this is a great idea.
  3. TurtleTheSeawing

    TurtleTheSeawing That dragon that's studying magic HERO

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    You can still come out with a secret you have ;D

    Also, this isn't an original idea actually, this is actually a legit day.

    Every year, Oct. 11th is National Coming Out day! :)
  4. Marion

    Marion Harro :) VIP+

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    National Coming Out day is exactly what it sounds like, it is for the LGBT community, not for secrets. :P
    But either way I commend those who are able to feel comfortable and brave enough to tell people their sexuality if they are not "straight" because it does take a lot of courage to do so.
    I support you all no matter what. <3
  5. TurtleTheSeawing

    TurtleTheSeawing That dragon that's studying magic HERO

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    I actually got the idea for coming out with secrets, from a video I saw yesterday. It was the youtuber "Tyler Oakly" and someone else, they were having a countdown of their favorite "coming out" videos, or whatever. And at the end, they challenged everyone of the LGBTQ Supporters, to "come out" as well, with things that you've been holding in, or just plain secrets. I made that challenge so that I can get everyone involved if they so wish, not just the LGBTQ people <3

    Moe_Ronickah likes this.
  6. Lilyluka

    Lilyluka Lilylukaa

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    Even though I'm pretty much straight, I have a lot of secrets. And, even though this is suppose to be a day for coming out with anything really, the ones I have I feel like... I just can't do.
  7. Betka.101

    Betka.101 [Vet] I draw stuff, yeah boi VIP

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    Well.... I am not sure about my sexuality...yet. But for now... I think that I am probably a lesbian... So...

    I love few girls from school.

    Thank you for this post DragonHoke :)


    PS: I already told my brother and some of my frienda about that I like some girls and not any guys, they took it mostly okay... But I think my mum is a little bit homophobic... And one of my teachers... I told my friends that I love them in a platonic way, so they still talk with as before :). I know about 2 gay guys from school and my brother (in the same school) knows about atleast one lesbian... :)
  8. TurtleTheSeawing

    TurtleTheSeawing That dragon that's studying magic HERO

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    :D That's awesome! :D
    Betka.101 likes this.
  9. GoodVibes

    GoodVibes I vibrate good!

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    Coming Out

    Greetings everyone! On this day, I found it more than necessary to come out to each and everyone of you. I understand I have certainly not been the most honest, moral, or caring individual in the past, however, in this thread, I believe I may change your outlook upon my entire life. It certainly is not easy for me to come out like this, however, on behalf of the entire community, I feel as if I must. I do not wish to invoke any such controversy or violence regarding such matters I am to convey, but rather induce and prevail our ambitions I believe are found necessary to the sustainability of our lives. The complexity of matters regarding sexual preferences may get very allusive, therefore I believe it is only right I explain my perspective of it first. The fundamental values humans have always held to heart always trace back to the one word that truly defines us all, love. Love is what we fight for, love is what we suffer for, love is what we pursue our dreams for, is that not what defines us? Despite our greatest endeavors to harness such means we desire as humans, we have yet to achieve an intimate goal of peace. This is merely due to our lack of judgement upon others, after all, are we not all equal? Have we been through countless millenniums of war, agony, and death to come without a result? Haven’t we yet to learn why the human race falls into depression, into agony, into war? It is merely due to our segregations we are yet to comprehend. For I, GoodVibes, am in fact a homosexual human being. Mustn't we all find antipathy through this fact, but rather the consent from the acknowledgment of all humans. Thus, after all this, I believe it is found evidently crucial that we must change our perspective of each other and truly observe one another in a new manner of peace and equality. For we shall not find a solution, but rather a purpose.

    -From GoodVibes
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2015
    OrientGamer, px_1, Drew1011 and 9 others like this.
  10. TurtleTheSeawing

    TurtleTheSeawing That dragon that's studying magic HERO

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    "For I, GoodVibes, am in fact a bisexual human bean." lol, nice...

    But, being serious now, That was actually very beautiful! Thank you for taking time out of your day to reply to this thread! <3
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