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,,,^..^,,,~, Female, from Beforus
(^・x・^) < *hack* Burr Shot First *cough* Dec 1, 2016
- JustCrona was last seen:
- Feb 12, 2017
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Well, I guess I can be good at writing if the situation presented itself, although the possibilities of said situation being brought to light are little to none, if not nonexistent in the current state of the universe. Other than that, I am an average person in front of a computer screen, slaving away at the numerous and varied letters of a keyboard, waiting for the slim chance to become heard among the pulsing stream of vivid conversations, heated debates, descriptive articles and otherwise random and uncoordinated messages sent from one being to another.
So yeah.
Cool art by @Winter
Wow, if anybody actually sees this, um, kudos for reading, I guess?
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