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In the News Thoughts On The Refugee Crisis In Europe (outside Of Europe)

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by <>, Sep 8, 2015.

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  1. <>

    <> Well-Known Adventurer

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  2. Frostburn

    Frostburn Famous Adventurer

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    500 thousand people seem a lot, maybe too much for germany to handle, It will suck for the refugees but it might be better than staying in Lesbos .
  3. Acer

    Acer Kaɯaii‒est kiττeհ ㏌ Wyᴨπᴄraft VIP

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    Don't. We had enough of people doing this before, and I'd rather people stopped making shitty comments with the new forums. If you have nothing to say, don't say anything; you can't "reserve" a spot for your post.
  4. McFuzzyChipmunk

    McFuzzyChipmunk Knights of Gavel Guild Master

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    Acer ban him now
  5. K™

    K™ Had a happy journey

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    European here, but listen me out.
    These may be refugees, but they are assholes.
    Just look what they did in Hungary.
    They want to get the good countries, not protection, they want rich countries that can afford to give them a big enough walfare for them to not work.
    While I understand that yes, a rich country means a better place, when you want protection from war and other things you go where you can.Beggars can't be choosers.
    Zuluensis and T-Flex like this.
  6. Hedless_Horseman

    Hedless_Horseman Jack-o-lantern Master VIP+

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    American speaking, and I would say that the best way to solve this crisis is to make those people go back to their homelands. I am talking about mass deportations, and denying access to any more boatloads of people showing up. Their countries' economies, governments, military, and everything else are down in the sewer. They come to these other countries in hope of living in a better place and having a better life, but they are coming in numbers too vast to accommodate, and creating problems for Europe. I am not opposed to letting foreigners legally enter a country and deciding to stay there, but there comes a time (and that time sure seems like now) when you must deny citizenship to these people, and stop allowing them to enter.

    While their countries may be a bad place to live to begin with, the addition of the enormous rise of terrorist groups in that area is undoubtedly one of the, if not the, reason that they are fleeing.

    To be forthright, the most simple solution to this crisis is to, first of all, push back the terrorist groups, and secondly to make the refugees move back to where they came from. Destroying the terrorist groups can be done using military force, but that is something that the invaded countries lack. This would call for assistance from another country, namely the countries that are faced with this crisis. So in order for this idea to work, Germany, Greece, and the other impacted countries would need to send military force the way of the terrorists, and at least push them back from the invaded and impacted areas. Of course terrorist groups aren't the only problem, there is the mater of the terrible circumstances of the countries themselves. This is not a matter of Europe, and the people of the impoverished countries need to deal with their countries by themselves.

    If they were successful with that, they would then need to usher the people back to their native countries. But given that most of the immigrant-flooded countries have socialist governments, a militaristic approach probably wouldn't be favored by them. I do not know what the countries want to do about the crisis, but I'm just giving my point of view as someone who is not involved.
    VivaLaKitten likes this.
  7. *Stalin*

    *Stalin* Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wow, I thought you supported Donald Trump, just a couple of days ago he was saying that the U.S. needs to accommodate for refugees. Let's do this

    1) Think a little would ya please! The reason these terrorist groups have been created is because of Americas rush to war attitude. Even if you did destroy ISIS's bases, kill their people, you cannot kill an idea. You can try to kill them all but even if you succeed they will just spring back up again. The most effective way of hindering ISIS's progress is through social media. They have a amazingly well organised recruitment system, they have a large presence on social media they even make films about themselves. What needs to happen is for country's to stop people going to ISIS, every week on the news there is something about family's going missing in England or America because they have gone to ISIS. Also you are saying that Germany should get involved? Do you take history lessons? Germany has a small army of 60k compared to Americas 500k, and that's not including reserves. Germany don't want a large military after the WWI an WWII. Simple solution to the crisis my ass.

    2) What the fudge man. "the people of the impoverished countries need to deal with their countries by themselves.". How can you say that? Firstly you are completely contradicting what you said previously. Secondly, do you realise how lucky you are? You have not a care in the world, you have nice accommodation, a safe place to sleep but meanwhile people are getting poisoned by ISIS. They are using mustard gas on the people of Iraq, how can you say that they need to deal with their countries themselves? There are children painfully dying due to these chemical weapons and you are cosy in your house saying they should deal with it themselves. I have not heard such trash in a while. Also I forget to mention, sending people back to their country while war is there is against international law and generally heartless.

    3) Rejecting people? Are you crazy? I bet when Syrian refugees come to America your going to be one of those jerks booing and throwing rocks at them. What do you mean numbers to vast to accommodate? In America your dealing with a couple thousand and your complaining whereas in Germany they plan to bring in 700,000 people each year and the German people are fine with it. Some even let the refugees live in their houses. I doubt if America was being attacked you would be happy with just hanging around waiting to die because some jerks wouldn't give you Asylum.

    Please don't spout such trash in the future.

    And about what you said @K™

    Look at what they did to Hungary? Look at what Hungary did to them more like it. Hungary harshly denied them access to safety by setting up barbed wire, they even positioned police along the border. How could people be so harsh to others who are running from war?

    Also you can say nothing about them apparently only going to rich country's so they don't have to work. You have no idea what they are going through. Thousands of refugees in Germany and they can't get jobs because they can't speak German! That's the only reason many of them aren't working, lots of them have perfectly valid degrees but even if they had the qualifications to become a doctor they couldn't even become a hospital cleaner because they don't know German. How can you call them assholes, can you not feel sympathy for them?

    Also about you saying beggars can't be choosers. You know what, the only reason that the refugees go to rich country's like Germany is because they are the only people kind enough to give them asylum.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015
  8. K™

    K™ Had a happy journey

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    Then may you explain why thousands of them blocked the Danish roads when trying to get to Sweden instead of settling there?
    I'mma tell you why.
    Denmark declared officialy that because of the number of refugees that are expected, they cannot offer the same amount of money as the old refugees to the new ones, they could only support half.
    I found an imgur album of a Danish guy explaining the refugee situation in his country and if I find it again, I'm gonna link it to you.
    At this very moment they are not running from war/terrorism anymore, they are running to get money.
  9. Bigsnugglebunny

    Bigsnugglebunny Wynncraft Mamma! VIP+

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    Just poking my head in here - I won't get involved because I'm very far left in my views and don't have any desire to discuss that.

    However I want to point out that just because someone has a different view to you, does not mean they are inciting flame wars or arguments. At the moment, I see a hearty discussion going on - but let's not turn it into a bunfight.
  10. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    Isolationism is such a great thing, is it not? It allows people to say "Us for Us and To Hell With You", crouched in language of pseudo-compassion, wherein the "we" sympathize with the "them", without having to do anything more than hand "them" a little money, before sending "them" back to die. It's such a great idea to protect "our" borders and "our" way of life from the "hordes" of nasty "immigrants" 'who we all know are just beggars'. "Beggars" who leave all of their belongings behind are "nasty", because "they" have no money to give to "us" for all of "our" time and trouble to help "them". "They" are nasty because "they" ran for their lives, away from war torn towns, cities, and regions. Why, if it was "us", we would have stayed and fought back! "We" wouldn't be scared of the "them" that have guns, machine guns, rockets, armored vehicles, tanks, planes, bombs, and ships! "We" would run right through all of those things, to blow them up with improvised bombs! Yes! Yes, "we" would! "We" are not afraid for "our" lives! But, those nasty "immigrants"! "They" ran away, instead of standing and fighting. "We" always do what is right! Not like those nasty "other" people.

    Yes. Yes, there is an answer. The answer is simple. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    *Stalin* likes this.
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