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Hello adventurers! I'm Soniflare.

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by Soniflare, Jan 17, 2025.

  1. Soniflare

    Soniflare The Loremaster VIP+

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    Hey Hi Hello! Been playing a while, and just now realized that there's a forum. So I figured, why not connect my account? No reason not to lol.

    My main character right now is a mage, currently lvl 54 as I'm posting this, and I'm leaning mostly into the Arcanist Archetype. I love the lore and exploration of the server, and my ADHD brain is loving all the achievements and content tracking lol.

    Hope you all are having a fantastic day!
    ontheborderline and hmtn like this.
  2. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    Welcome to Wynn!
    another one in the bag for arcanist gang let's gooooo
    Soniflare likes this.
  3. Soniflare

    Soniflare The Loremaster VIP+

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    Arcanist is the only way to go boiiiiiii
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  4. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Welcome to the forums, soldier! Much luck on your adventures!

    are you interested in the loor and the wiki?
    Soniflare likes this.
  5. Soniflare

    Soniflare The Loremaster VIP+

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    Some would call me a writer, but others...would call me a theorist.


    I try to figure out the story by myself in-game, so I don't really look it up in the wiki...but I do use the wiki for occasional help with game mechanics, or if I get stuck and don't know what to do next in a quest.

    I LOVE a good story, y'know? Love writing them just as much.
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  6. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Oh, a likeminded individual! The history of this universe is deep and hides many secrets, and with time and effort, perhaps you will be able to find them! Tell me, which part of the loor is your favorite so far? Did any event from the past or present ring with you? You still have a long journey ahead of you, but surely you have encountered something that intrigues you.

    And not just an explorer, but a writer as well! What kind of stories do you create? Do share!
    Soniflare likes this.
  7. Soniflare

    Soniflare The Loremaster VIP+

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    btw, I've noticed almost everyone has a signature thing that gets posted with any messag
    Recently, I learned of the story of the four brothers Twain. It was very interesting how such a family can be so fragile. The chain is truly only as strong as its weakest link, though I wouldn't say it was weakness itself that divided the brothers. I was also fascinated by Maen, the brother of departed spirits. Such a pure soul for such a feared power. Sometimes I can relate to his struggle in his attempts to hold his family together, though obviously not quite in the same way. (Fancy-speak aside, I also LOVED everything about the graveyard area and its intense atmosphere and scares. Brilliantly done! Ngl, I kinda wish there were more areas that took advantage of deep, dark atmosphere lol.)

    I write whatever stories I feel inspired to make, usually mysterious and existential in nature. One time I wrote a short story for a Lofi Girl Discord writing contest, but it was much too dark and existential for the tone they were looking for lmao. I didn't win the merch, but I was still proud of that story. (Essentially, Lofi Girl found out about her nature of being a fictional character within YouTube itself, and multiple pages ensued focusing on her emotional breakdown at the revelation. YouTube reloaded her video page, the story restarts. Infinite loop of doom, babyyyy.)
  8. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    The Twains, oh the Twains... a tragedy upon our land... I wonder, what could have they done, had they stayed together? Four prodigies of magic when human had little grasp of it. And Mael, perhaps the most unassuming one, but also the one with the most mysteries. Though his struggles were unfruitful in the end, it showed a lot about him. Have you read the tomes written about them? If not, it would be an honor to you one day.
    Also yeah, both quests related to that area were quite atmospheric :D

    That's an interesting choice of themes, I must admit, but a quite intriguing one! Perhaps you could share one of your stories, so I could take a peek? The one you described sounds interesting.

    I am sure you'll find plenty of inspiration here, even for these themes. I'll be looking forwards to reading one of them :D

    Yeah, you can even format it and put links in it.
    also thank you for making me realize I had a typo in in for three months
    Soniflare likes this.
  9. Soniflare

    Soniflare The Loremaster VIP+

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    I have indeed read the tomes! I had discovered the library containing them before I had even gone in search of their legacy, as it appears. It only served to strengthen my following quest experiences with the foreknowledge of their endeavors. Quite the history indeed...

    It was really funny when I realized that I was supposed to do those quests BEFORE finding the library. I was pretty much the DiCaprio meme the entire time. "I've seen this one! :o" lmao. Still really cool, and by far my favorite quests so far in the game.

    Sure thing! I wrote this back in 2021, I was only 16 at the time, so my style has evolved a little bit since then, lol.

    I tried to format mine with some simple italics, but it doesn't seem to work. I have no idea how to fix it. :\

    Attached Files:

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  10. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Oh, that's great! The soul of true scholar! I do imagine it must've been hilarious. But as you said, at least you got to enjoy it more :D
    I assume you had found the other library as well? It contains one more mention of them, one you might find intriguing.

    I like it! And if you only improved, reading your next story will be a pleasure!

    It can be a little finicky. Worst case scenario, try removing the text (and formatting) and rewriting it, that should work.