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SPOILER In-depth analysis of the shattered minds quest (13.000+ words)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Macro, Sep 1, 2024.

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  1. Macro

    Macro Wynncraft conspicary theorist CHAMPION

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    Around a month ago, I made a post about my planned shattered minds analysis, and well, it's finally here!
    This is actually a script for a YouTube video, so go watch that if you don't want to read.

    This will be a giant wall of text, so if you're afraid of big letter-clusters, there is nothing I can do...
    Content waring: Drugs, bad jokes, theories without evidence etc.
    I'm sorry for grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, English isn't my first language, so I apologise in advance.
    Now enjoy this weird mess of disjointed thoughts and absolute wild theories!

    Yeah, hello, it's finally happening, the one hour shattered minds analysis! I have no idea how long this video is gonna be, but believe me, I have done so much useless research on drugs, psychedelic mushrooms and other stuff that doesn’t even have anything to do with the main topic, I could easily fill tree hours of content with funny mushroom facts. This video will cover pretty much everything, from the analysis of the main quest, a breakdown of the Trippy Forest eastereggs, a few theories, conspiracies, real life facts and even an interview with Chat GPT, so if you want to skip to a certain topic you’re interested in, timestamps will be below. And if you are new and know nothing about Wynncraft, I will try to explain everything as clearly as possible, as a lot of people in my comments don’t actually play the game. Why are you even here, go play the game god dammit.

    Now that you know the main premise, let’s dive into this colourful hell of mushrooms, drugs and talking frog hallucinations.

    First off, the question: What is the Shattered Minds quest and why is it worth doing such a lengthy analysis video on it? Well, do you like drugs? Shattered Minds is pretty much the meme quest of the Wynncraft server. There are plenty of funny or self-aware quests on Wynncraft, but Shattered Minds just is a whole different beast: You, the player gets experimented on with mushrooms that make you high, without consent, mind you, then you hallucinate a colourful forest and a talking frog, while encountering so many community insider jokes and just absolute wild shit in general. So, this video mainly exists to:

    A) do this legendary meme quest justice

    B) finding all the hidden eastereggs hidden throughout the quest, and

    C) explain these eastereggs to you and to myself, because I think it’s fascinating to uncover the mysteries of Salted’s mind.

    Of course, it will be near impossible to find all the hidden memes and references, but I dug extremely deep into the Wynncraft rabbit hole, like spending hours flying around the Trippy Forest with the replay mod camera or watching 8-year-old quest guides where baby Olinus struggled with the Parkour in the mushroom cave, I don’t know why I’m mentioning it, I just think it’s funny (I’m sorry Olinus).

    In this first half, we will be looking at the main Shattered Minds quest and breaking is down stage by stage:

    So, this quest is level 70 combat set in the Light Forest in Efilim. Standing on the docks of the Efilim lake is Likeru, the starting NPC to this quest. Efilim is a village formed by outcast elves who didn’t comply with Aldoreis strict laws and now live together with villagers, so we should keep in mind that Likeru was potentially an outcast from Aldorei for breaking some laws. Let’s ignore the fact that she may not be the most trustworthy person and interact with her. She seems surprisingly happy to see you and asks enthusiastically if you would fetch a mushroom from a cave not far from here, she needs it to try something “magically enlightening” on you.

    A lot of people here in Gavel were pretty hostile towards you for being human, especially the villagers, so seeing this unusual positive reaction when meeting you is a bit strange and perhaps the first red flag. In older versions of Wynncraft, pretty much everyone in Gavel would call humans “humie”, as some sort of degrading and humiliating term. Even Likeru called you that, but it was intentionally changed in 1.20, now the term humie is only used by extremely mean villagers, like the Geliboard merchant in the forbidden prison quest. It may even be possible that the term humie is considered a slur, but I’m not sure, and it’s not even that important for the Shattered Minds quest.

    Point is, Likeru was intentionally made more likeable and friendly towards the player, so we should keep that in mind. She doesn’t explain what these experiments are she wants to conduct on you, or what this mushroom even is, so without questioning anything, you decide to follow the questbook as it guides you to the mushroom cave.

    The entrance is marked by a few giant mushrooms, and as you descend into the caves, you encounter even more differently coloured shrooms, yellow ones, blue ones, orange ones, and a red one with white dots resembling an Amanita muscaria, also known as a fly agaric.

    These fly agarics are toxic because of muscarine, at least that’s what people thought for a long time, as you can see, the scientific name of the fly agaric is Amanita muscaria named after its supposed toxin, muscarine, but then someday people realized, that muscarine only played a negligible role in this mushroom’s toxicity. The actual poison was ibotenic acid and muscimol, which is a weak psychedelic, so eating a fly agaric can cause mild hallucinations, colour shifting and blurry vision. However, it is more commonly compared to being somewhat in between alcohol and LSD, having symptoms similar to being drunk on the one hand, and visual distortions and hallucinations on the other.

    I can already see this video getting age restricted, so YouTube, this is all just educational content, I do not endorse taking any of these drugs mentioned throughout the video, ok. Great, now that we have this disclaimer out of the way, I can teach you how to properly consume fly agarics. They are commonly dried up and then brewed into some sort of tea, this is to let the ibotenic acid fully break down into muscimol, which is the substance we want. Amanita muscaria has actually been used for thousands of years, especially in Siberian shaman culture. Wait a minute, Shaman culture… The Shattered Minds quest came out long before the shaman class existed in Wynncraft, so yeah, it has been foreshadowed for years and no one ever got the hints, I’m so disappointed. All in all, the fly agaric fits perfectly into the Shattered Minds quest as a drug mushroom. Good job, Wynncraft content team, you probably went with the most generic mushroom design you could think of, but it actually made sense lore wise, unlike anything else in your game.

    Anyways, back to the quest: The cave continues into a large underground tunnel, thick roots of the trees above are blocking the path in some areas, then there is a little underground pond you have to cross. The path isn’t very safe though, as there are quite a few hostile mobs lurking in this cave, ready to strike.

    For example, there are these little Shroom-mites scurrying around the floor, which don’t exist in real life, but fun fact, if you search for “Shroom mite” on the internet, the search results will all be about Terraria shroomite bars, so I don’t know if we should try to connect Shattered Minds to Terraria in some way, maybe there is some hidden easter egg here, but maybe I’m just being stupid and searching for connections on every little detail is just dumb.

    Mites in real life are arachnids, not insects, with most mite species being parasitic. The most well-known example is the tick, a mite that lurks in high grass and lives by sucking blood of animals and humans. Ticks are also known for carrying viruses and bacteria that can cause serious diseases, so they can be pretty dangerous little assholes. Another common mite is the dust mite, a lot of people, including me, have an allergic reaction to dust, this reaction is caused by the dust mites shit. I looked it up, but haven’t found any mites infecting mushrooms, its often the other way round, so the term “shroom mite” in game may be biologically incorrect, but maybe the name just refers to these mites living near mushrooms, in their natural habitat.

    Since Shroom mites don’t eat the mushrooms, they obviously need something else to survive down here, so they probably sensed the player and think of them as a nice meal, that’s why they’re hostile towards you, they sense your blood, and they want it.

    However, there is another humanlike creature in the caves that the shroom mites probably would want to eat: The stupored man. The world stupor describes someone in a state of reduced consciousness and sensibility, so this mob once again fits perfectly into the drug cave. The stupored men appear to be villagers with green-ish skin and rugged clothes, an old hat on its head and holding what appears to be a sample of a blue mushroom, I think this will be important later. When first reading the name, I thought I saw a hidden “spore” pun in the name stupored, but it was like midnight and I was tired af, and I probably imagined it.

    Something that always bothered me about this cave is: how many of these stupored men live down here? Like look at this, there are countless of poor people down in this cave, probably dozens of them, why are there so many villagers living in a random cave, how did they even get down here? Also, why are they staying in this mushroom hole, why aren’t they leaving? How do they even survive down here without proper food, fresh water or even sunlight? Do they eat the fucking poisonous mushrooms, if so, how have they not died yet, because poison, is, as far as I know, poisonous.

    This may seem like a typical Wynncraft lore problem, but in a dark turn of events, Likeru might actually be the one responsible for this: In the old, pre 1.20 Shattered Minds version she tells you that she sent another woman into the cave before you to fetch the mushroom she wants. This woman named Dawm is a villager, just like the stupored men, and we see Dawm being disorientated and unable to get out of the cave, just like the stupored men. It is a bit hard to belief that tens of villagers just randomly fell into the mushroom cave and never came back, no, Likeru specifically tells people to go into this cave, then they sniff in too many spores from the mushrooms, which are, like we already established, poisonous and psychedelic, so the people she sent down into the cave become disoriented, get stuck and die a slow death of starvation and then the mites eat their corpses!

    This is the reason why Likeru was so nice to you earlier, she wanted to win your trust just to kill you for no reason. Heck, she might even be working together with the mites, maybe a long time ago, she fell into the mushroom cave and to survive, she made a deal with the mites, yeah, that must be it, she promised them to lure unsuspecting travellers into the cave to give them unlimited food and she gets unlimited drugs in return without the risk of being eaten! Likeru, you are guilty, for mass murder, drug trafficking and tax evasion.

    Um, anyways, for now you don’t know that evil Likeru wants to feed you to her mite friends yet, so you continue walking through the cave until the very end, where an especially large blue mushroom grows, which is simply called: the bluecap mushroom. Great round of applause, Wynncraft CT, you really outdid you naming here. That must be the one Likeru wants you to fetch, so you approach it carefully, reach out and take a small sample. Suddenly everything turns black, you vison begins to warp as you lose your sense of orientation. What is happening? Are the mites eating your brain? Did you die?

    Before we answer these highly interesting questions, here are some more useless mushroom facts you didn’t ask for: Mushrooms are just one small part of a much larger organism called a fungus. The mushroom is the fruiting body of the fungus that produces spores, and spores are the things fungi reproduce with, so basically, it’s like fungus cum. The actual body of the fungus consists of tiny white strings, knows as a hypha, and a lot of these strings combined form a mycelium.

    In Minecraft, we have the mycelium block found on mushroom islands, these ones however are biologically incorrect, as mycelium grows mostly underground, and in Minecraft the mycelium is found only above ground. Since this giant blue mushroom you just picked up is only a small part of the organism, other bluecap mushrooms could appear all over the cave or even outside in the Light Forest. And remember when I described the entrance to the cave, I mention a blue mushroom, so it’s very likely that the blue mushroom from the entrance is the same one as the one at the very end of the cave, so congratulations, you just walked all this way for nothing! We could have saved minutes of analysis if you just picked up the blue mushroom from the entrance and went straight back to Likeru.

    We keep talking about blue mushrooms, so I wondered, do blue mushrooms actually exist in real life? So, I pulled out the internet and found wonderful hue swapped pictures of fly agarics, I kid you not, the mushroom looks blue, but the grass around it is pink, because someone tried to fake the picture by shifting the hue a bit. But besides these obviously fake edits, there are indeed some mushrooms that are naturally blue. The most well-known being the Lactarius indigo, commonly known as the blue milk mushroom. That’s because this mushroom, along with all of the other ones from the Lactarius genus, exudes a milk-like substance known as latex, this is why the Lactarius genus is commonly referred to as the milk cap mushrooms. In the case of Lactarius indigo, the latex is, well, deep blue, that’s how this little fella got his name.

    When I read this, I got all excited: A blue Milk-cap mushroom, perhaps you could abbreviate the name into, idk, bluecap mushroom? Have I found the real life equivalent of the drug shroom in Wynncraft? But unfortunately, The Lactarius indigo is not poisonous, the blue milky boy is in fact edible and has no sign of psychedelic effects. There are other, lesser known blue mushrooms, some of them are poisonous, some of them aren’t, but none of them cause psychedelic effects, so the association of blue mushrooms with drugs in Wynncraft may be considered an inaccuracy on a biological level.

    They could have chosen the fly agaric for example, or even better, a Psilocybe cubensis, a cream-coloured mushroom with a long stem and a brown cap. Psilocybe cubensis is pretty much THE drug shroom, every time someone mentions psychedelic and magic mushrooms in real life, chances are high they’re referring to this one specifically.

    Enough yapping, back to what’s happening to you in Wynncraft. So, you just touched the bluecap mushroom, and everything is getting weird, nausea, blindness, emotional damage, what’s happening? Well apparently, this little sample of the mushroom you took caused a poisoning and you are now getting high. And everything about this is wrong. EVERYTHING!

    First off, mushroom poisoning doesn’t happen through touch, you always have to consume it in some way. So, if Karens tell you not to touch mushrooms you don’t know, well, they are wrong, you can’t be poisoned just be touching it! You really have to lick you fingers and smear the mushroom juice all over you to get some effects. If your skin turns red and begins itching, that’s most likely an allergy, not the poison. Ok, so maybe it’s all the toxic fumes from the mushrooms in the cave, they must have poisoned you, right? I think you watched too many spy movies, my guy, this isn’t toxic gas like in Canary calls that poisons you in an instant, mushroom spores don’t normally contain any poison, and they don’t emit their toxins in the air either. Just like with touching a mushroom, inhaling large amounts of spores can cause allergic reactions, but these have nothing to do with poison, let alone psychedelic effects. Sorry to disappoint you, but you can’t sniff in spores like cocaine, it won’t make you high.

    “But Aet, this is a fantasy mushroom, of course it works differently, you can’t just compare everything from Wynncraft to real life.” Well, even if this bluecap mushroom could magically transfer its poison through touch, it would still take roughly half an hour for any effects to happen: Psychedelic substances, like magic mushrooms, but also things like LSD and Ayahuasca take time before the trip starts, usually around twenty minutes to a full hour, because the substances have to go all the way through your body, the digestive system, into your blood streams, and then reach the correct synapses in your brain before any effects take place. And since its confirmed that the Wynncraft character you play as is a human, basic human anatomy would still apply to them, meaning that this instant trip after touching a mushroom still is absolute bullshit, not matter how many excuses you throw at me.

    Ignoring the glaring scientific misrepresentation of this quest, what does actually happen when you take psychedelic mushrooms in real life? From this point on I will be specifically referring to shrooms containing psilocybin as their main ingredient, as the world of drugs is big and diverse and comparing the bluecap mushroom to every possible real-life drug would be tedious, boring and quite unnecessary. Plus, I don’t have experience with all of them, so we’ll stick to Psilocybin for now. The media often portraits a mushroom trip as a crazy, colour shifting experience, you basically transcend into a parallel universe with entirely new colours and new shapes, there are hallucinations you can talk to, and you don’t seem to respond to the real world at all. This however rarely happens; you would need to take a crazy overdose to get such effects. Wynncraft kinda falls into this trap, by having a colourful changing rainbow forest with a talking frog, the mushroom cave you walked trough earlier is transformed into weird buildings and at the end you jump into the Efilim lake and nearly drown yourself. Let me assure you, a real mushroom trip is quite different, and spoiler, you won’t try to drown yourself.

    Psilocybin is a substance, that primarily enhanced your senses. This doesn’t mean you suddenly get superpowers when taking it, but it changes how you take in your surroundings: Our brain filters out a lot of information, for example, we never realize how noisy our environment can get at times, that’s because our brain only processes the sounds we need to hear. Psilocybin removes those barriers from our brain, meaning that we will feel everything, hear every little sound, and see every visual detail. That’s why a shroom trip can be overwhelming at first, but once you get used to it, you often get a whole new perspective on the world, almost like using F5. But It’s not only the outside world that will appear sharper, our brain also filters out a lot of emotions and feeling, often those that we don’t want to think about. On the one hand this can be used for treating depression when used in a controlled environment and with a therapist, but on the other hand, the mushroom can show us a side of us we never wanted to see or maybe didn’t even know about. This can lead to a so-called "bad trip”, where past trauma and secret fears may arise, creating a horrible experience that can emotionally harm us long term. This bad trip is pretty much the only risk when taking mushrooms, so if you ever planned to take psilocybin, make sure you have yourself and your emotions under control and know what you’re doing.

    As for the visual effects, psilocybin isn’t really known for crazy visuals and hallucinations, other drugs like LSD and especially DMT have far stronger visual effects than shrooms. It’s actually hard to describe these effects, but I’ll try my best: It’s like when you close your eyes very hard, you will see some colourful dots moving in front of you. Please tell me I’m not the only one who has this…In a shroom trip, you can see these colourful dots even with your eyes open. That’s pretty much it. The dose I have taken however was just a bit more than a microdose, so taking more will definitely yield stronger visuals. Other effects can be things like moving objects having a trail effect behind them, flowing textures or geometry appearing in front of you, but I never had such an effect, so I’m purely going off reports here. That’s another important thing to consider: These visual effects can vary drastically between people, you could have completely different visuals that me, even with the same dose, there is no way to find out except trying it for yourself. By the way YouTube, this is still an educational video, don’t do drugs kind, or you’ll end up like me.

    As you can see, the effects on Wynncraft are vastly different from my own, so why is that? Did the Wynncraft CT mess up again? Well, you see, I am a responsible drug user, therefore I take very small doses to improve my mental health and boost my creativity, I don’t do shrooms for the hallucinations. The kind of experience described in Wynncraft would require a high overdose at minimum, or it may not even be possible at all. A complete warping of reality like in Shattered Minds is more reminiscent of DMT rather than shrooms. DMT is one of the main components of Ayahuasca, a substance used in religious rituals in south America by the natives. Likeru mentioned she wanted to try something “magically enlightening” on you at the beginning, it is revealed later, that the elves use the bluecap mushrooms to contact the light, Orphion, the light beast, is kinda their god, so we have a real life parallel of religious rituals here.

    DMT is known for its strong psychedelic effects, in a low dose, it’s somewhat comparable to psilocybin mushrooms and other psychedelics, enhanced vision, flowing patterns etc. but with higher doses its visual effects become crazy: Out of body experiences, complete detachment of reality and crazy hallucinations are common examples. Note, that I have never done DMT in my life and these reports are from other people in videos and articles, so take this section with a grain of salt.

    Back in Wynncraft, as the player progresses through those strange rooms, we can see them progressively getting weirder and weirder. This can actually be the effect of the drug slowly getting stronger over time. As I said, the instant trip after touching the mushroom is complete bs, but let’s just accept that its there and look at what’s happening from here. After the nausea and blindness effects fade away, you look around, the back side of the mushroom cave appears to be the same, however, in front of you the lake has disappeared, now a giant ass stone building sits in its place. You questbook tells you to go back to Likeru to bring her the sample of the bluecap mushroom. Seeing how there is no other way, you decide to enter the stone palace in front of you. You find yourself in a room with a very high ceiling made entirely out of stone bricks, there are high pillars all across the room, I the middle is a little fountain. The wiki lists this place as “strange cave”, however it’s obvious that this place was artificially constructed, this is not a natural cave. And in front of the fountain sits the guy we all have been waiting for: The talking frog professor Eih. He wears a top hat and a red tie and has absolutely massive yellow eyes that stare straight into your soul. When I first did this quest a few years back, my English was somehow even worse, therefore I didn’t understand a single thing he said, and even now I struggle with reading his dialogue, like WTF is this?

    But before we start breaking down his dialogue, let’s just stop right here and analyse what we have so far: Likeru is an elf, who prays to the Light. In traditional elven ceremonies a mushroom known as the bluecap mushroom is taken to connect to the light and to Orphion, similar to real life where plants containing DMT are taken by the natives of south America for example. As the player goes into the cave to fetch the mushroom, the god of drugs randomly decided to give you a full on hyperdosis just by touching the mushroom once, so now you are trapped in a cave being high as fuck. The stone buildings you see are just hallucinations, so in reality you are still in the mushroom cave and currently running back to the exit. This stone palace is probably the place where the elves usually meet the emissaries of light. So now, you are in this spiritual palace, located somewhere in your mind, and Professor Eih, one of these emissaries, descended down from the realm of light.

    When asking on the forums about the Shattered Minds quest, Deusphage, one of the modelers, confirmed the ceremonial usage of the mushroom, quote: “The fungi's psychedelic effects are used to commune with beings of light, but as you are human and not an elf, it has shockingly different effects-- namely the eye-melting dreamscape you find yourself stumbling around in.” So, Deusphage tells us, that the reason we uncontrollable got high, is because we are a human. Damn, that drug god is kinda racist against humans…Anyways, as I said, biologically this instant trip is impossible, but we just have to accept it. Professor Eih, the talking frog we just met in the big stone room is one of these messengers of Light, this is confirmed in a secret discovery called “messenger from beyond”.

    And here we have a weird contradiction: The wiki says, quote: “In the discovery, Messenger from beyond, it is shown that Professor Eih is actually a messenger from the Realm of Light, and not a hallucination at all.”, while Deusphage said in the same forum post I mentioned earlier, quote: “It's less "professor Eih", and more than you are so high out of your mind that the emissary of light is a frog speaking gibberish”. So, who the fuck is Professor Eih? Is he an emissary that we see as a frog because we’re hallucinating, or is he not a hallucination? Make up your goddam mind!

    You know what my theory is: Remember that joke about Likeru working together with the shroom mites? Yeah, screw those shroom mites, they never were important, I actually used an advanced technique there called lying! There was a third mob in the mushroom cave I didn’t mention on purpose: The spore shooter! So, it is confirmed that mushrooms are sentient! Likeru just wanted the player to fetch her and her friends some nice drugs she could do in the evening, but the bluecap was alive! It sensed the drug addicted elves, and when is saw you, it poisoned you instantly to protect itself, that explains the biological inaccuracies, because biology isn’t important here! It’s all supernatural mushroom gods controlling you! They see every move you do, manipulate every action of yours, remember when I said I consumed mushrooms? Yeah, that was a lie! I AM THE MUSHROOM! Soon the world will be enveloped in my mycelium and all of you will be slaves to the greater mushroom hivemind! So, I command you to subscribe right now!!!!

    He, sorry for the plug right there, must have been a glitch in the matrix…anyways, Professor Eih is a messenger from the light who came to us because we ate the mushroom, and now he is going to teach us about the morals and wisdoms of light, it’s gonna be super awesome, we’re gonna learn so much about the lore, and…He speaks complete gibberish. Let’s see if we can extract at least something out of his lines, and yeah, this was by far the most painful part of this video:

    Professor Eih greets us by asking if someone rolled us in the air fuzz to much. This pretty much confirms that it was in fact the spores of the bluecap that made us high, the air fuzz referring to the spores, in real life this wouldn’t be possible, but once again, let’s accept the fact that Wynncraft is above common biology and move on. He then tells us that he doesn’t rhyme, very random, and other shit like “I am no gambling man”. WTF? Now I’m kinda curious now, who wrote these lines for Professor Eih? In the 1.20 changelog it says Grian and Megido reworked this quest and therefore they wrote Professor Eih’s dialogue. One of them is a fricking 8 million subscribers YouTuber and the other one isn’t really active on the forums anymore, so good luck asking either of these guys what the fuck their thought process behind all of this was.

    Professor Eih then says that it’s time to play 52-pickup, this is a joke card game where you yeet the entire card deck into the air. I think this is just straight up projection on the Content teams’ side, just yeeting random words into the quest, or whatever. Then you need to go to the opposite of the front, which would be that back, but oh no, this is apparently a place we can’t talk about. WTF am I talking about right now? When giving you these directions, Professor Eih mentions something about some kids on your way, so who may these kids be?

    Well, in the big room you are currently in there are two giant statues, a red one on the left and a blue on the right, both of them are sealed away behind a window in their respective colours. If we take a closer look at this room, it is apparently divided into a red half and a blue half, we can see this on the glass panes on top of the pillars. I think, professor Eih refers to these statues as the “kids” you have to pass to get to the other side of the room, just because there is nothing he could be referring to instead. Also, these “kids” look like little Colossuses, depicting the Canyon Colossus in blue and the Ahms Colossus in red.

    The Colossuses are an ancient species, probably even as old as the world itself, so it makes sense for Professor Eih, a being of light, to refer to them as “kids”. The Ahms Colossus lived in the region now knows as the Sky Island, but a few millennia ago it went rogue, fracturing the Ahms region. Huge chunks of the world fell into the void, creating the Sky Island and the Void regions. The Ahms Colossus fell down with the rest of the land, never to be seen again. Now, the only other known Colossus is the Canyon Colossus, the final boss of the TCC raid and the main threat to the Canyon of the Lost. TCC has been malfunctioning similar to TAC all those years ago, and the player goes fixing it in the breaking point quest by appeasing it with Dogun magic.

    This creates a few interesting questions worth discussing: What happened to TAC all those years ago? This is pure guessing, but another event that occurred thousands of years ago was the first invasion of the darkness into the Silent expanse. If this invasion caused TAC to go rogue, maybe it’s the dark parasite in Gavel that somehow affects TCC. It’s mentioned in the secret discovery “The great barrier” how TCC protects the entire Canyon region from the decay, perhaps this constant fight to keep the parasite out has caused the malfunction, or it’s just the overall influx of darkness on the physical plane that confuses the Colossuses, causing it to behave weirdly. This theory will make even more sense if we remember that beings of Light, like Professor Eih, call the Colossuses “kids”. It is very likely that Colossuses, while not being made of light, are somewhere light-adjacent, being negatively affected by an influx of darkness and trying to keep the dark parasite away from them.

    This brings me to my second question: where did the Colossus species come from? How many are there, just the two we know of, or possibly hundreds or even thousands more? It is never mentioned anywhere, and I would love to hear your theories about this. Shattered Minds being a quest on how to connect to the light is certainly an interesting place to bring up Colossuses. Maybe they were created by Orphion to protect parts of Gavel, but if so, why didn’t he make more of them? Or maybe they are as old as time itself and were there as long as Orphion and Dern beast. We have pretty much no official sources whatsoever, so this may be an important missing key that prevents us seeing the bigger picture.

    Whoa, banger transition, am I right? Tzelofachad on the forums mentioned the shrinking mushroom from the bigger picture quest, which I would have totally forgotten about. So, we have mushrooms that make us see the light, mushrooms that shrink us and ones that grow us. It may seem like an Alice in Wonderland reference at first, but I strongly believe that all of these mushrooms are connected somehow, used in different ceremonies by different species. If the bluecap mushroom connects us to the light, is there a something that could connect us to the darkness? So many questions with so little answers! We have the different types of shrooms with different effects depending on who takes them, we have messengers from other dimensions talking about gambling card games and then there are the two colossus statues in the room. There is another detail I haven’t yet mentioned: Both of these statues hold some sort of torch in their hands, in their colour respectively. No Idea what these torches mean, maybe it’s random deco, maybe it’s a hidden lore thing that’s vital to the story, who knows. I tried to connect everything together, but some parts just don’t appear to fit into a common narrative, that’s why I ask all of you watching, please write your opinions and theories into the comments, as I’m really lost here.

    Leaving the strange room with the Colossus statues, we find ourselves in another room with similar grey stone architecture. And we have four new types of mobs to analyse! First, we have the man, the myth, the legend: The majestic cave squid! This is just a plain old squid, it’s not aggressive towards you and doesn’t attack, but what it can do is flying. This is most likely a reference to the old bug in Minecraft where squids could fly out of the water sometimes. This bug was later reused my Mojang in the 2015 April fool’s joke snapshot 15w14a titled the “love and hugs” update. Not only was combat removed and replaced with cute uwu love particles and oversaturated shaders, but squids could also fly for some reason, very random, just like an April fool’s joke should be. I could do a segment on why real-life squids can’t actually fly, but I trust everyone watching to have enough common sense to understand that they can’t…

    It’s obviously because of the squid uprising in 2019 teased by Mojang, the squids lost spectacularly against the aliens while raiding area 52, since then the international treaty of squid regulation has forbidden flying squids without a proper license, the same treaty outlawed the usage of squid milk in any way, shape or form. Squidlord Mc Calamari stated on television that it’s not over yet, 2026 will be the year of the revenge. The majestic cave squid in Wynncraft may be one of the survivors of the war, biding its time to strike in two years to reclaim what’s rightfully his. But hey, that’s just a theory, a bullshit theory!

    The second mob is the super spore shooter, the upgraded version of the simple spore shooter from the drug cave earlier, having more health, being bigger, and shooting more projectiles. This may be the bluecap mushroom protecting itself, the little spore shooters at the beginning cave were just pre-emptive defence mechanisms, but this upgraded spore shooter is only used when the mushroom thinks its in real danger. So yeah, I think that these mobs are part of the bluecap mushroom, as we discussed, the fungus organism spreads through the whole cave, using the spore shooters to protect its fruiting body from drug addicted assholes who want to eat it and get high.

    The last two mobs don’t appear to fit into the mushroom cave theming at all, one being the “crazy lady”, and the other the “Missy Longlegs”. Both are purple coloured melee mobs, the crazy lady being a witch, and the missy longlegs a baby zombie with a spider-like head. The only thing worth noting is that missy longlegs is combat level 69, nice. Mob analysis done, let’s go through the door at the end of the room.

    Next room, same grey stone brick architecture. This time the progression is much more vertical: Professor Eih will give you jump boost, then you have to complete the jump boost parkour before it runs out to reach the next room, making it the most difficult and annoying room in the whole quest. At the bottom floor of this room is a a new mob type, the burning man. They are villagers with blue robes, running around with high speed, burning alive. I think that they may be the stupored man mob from earlier, you are just so high that your brain doesn’t render them properly or something.

    After you’re done with the annoying ass parkour, you fall down into a huge room resembling the classic Minecraft minigame: the dropper. You don’t need to avoid any obstacles here, it’s just a straight down path, but it would be cool to see actual dropper gameplay here. Rainbow swirly things on the side creating a satisfying effect when dropping down and would be great to use for a clickbait YouTube thumbnail. Wait what? This is the moment where your drug trip really begins. As of now, everything has been strange, but somewhat recognizable, but now, the rainbow-coloured mess of the real experience begins:

    The next room is just a big box build with random colourful blocks, meant to look as trippy as possible. And, oh wow, even more new mobs to analyse! Are you tired yet, cuz I’m sure as heck ain’t! The majestic cave squid make a return, we already discussed how he wants to bring back the squid uprising in 2026, so let’s move on. We have four new types of sentient mushrooms, the spore shooters so far have been stationary and couldn’t move, so now we have full on mushroom people. There is Strutting mushroom holding a cooked steak wearing a brown hat, Rambling mushroom with raw steak and a red fly agaric hat, Swaggering mushroom has a purple hat and holds a golden block, getting on that Swag, and finally Scrambling mushroom has a blue hat and a squid spawn egg.

    This creates quite the uncanny possibility: These mushroom entities seem to be working together with the squids to take over the world. We can already see their plan of action: Rambling mushroom kills innocent animals and civilians, taking their meat to Strutting mushroom who cooks the meat, scrambling mushroom then genetically modifies this meat to form spawn eggs to create the squid army. Swaggering mushroom however is the worst war criminal of them all: He is the rich investor, the capitalist, or, in our communist terms, dead. The bluecap mushroom is the broodmother, creating hundreds of Shroom minions to carry out its will. So, we already have their business pipeline laid out, not the only questions: Why do they want to take over the world and how could we stop them?

    Remember when I said I was totally lost and couldn’t combine all the lore into one common narrative, well I finally figured it out: The bluecap mushroom was originally a gift from Orphion to help the elves to connect to him, but the bluecap mushroom was alive and sentient, and having pieces of you ripped out and consumed as drugs isn’t a very fun way of existing, so the mushroom reached out to the Dern Beast, hoping it could liberate the bluecap from its eternal suffering. So, they came up with a plan. On the surface the bluecap will work as usual, but behind the curtains, they have been breeding mushroom soldiers, infecting villagers and humans, just like the player, and getting illegal funds from the Fruman government. Likeru is the main trafficker, while Professor Eih is out spiritual trainer, he is supposed to brainwash us into a willingless soldier, abiding to the greater mushroom hivemind. When the squids lost the war in 2019, they joined forces with the mushrooms and the darkness. Those Colossuses behind the glass walls are actually voodoo dolls, with their power the mushroom controls the Canyon Colossus, making it wreak havoc as a result. We can see that that this alliance has military bases all over the Wynncraft world: The drug cave from Shattered Minds, the big mushroom cave from a bigger picture, the cave with the energizing mushroom in emerald trail, it’s all connected! Their army must be in the millions by now, and in just two more years, Wynncraft will be overtaken. Grian has already made mushroom propaganda back in Hermitcraft season 7, and no one noticed. There is nothing we can do, just sit back, relax and watch the world crumble beneath the mycelium of our future mushroom overlords.

    To help you coping with this sad news, let’s hear something funny and uplifting from our current overlord! Please welcome into the studio, none other than: ChatGPT!

    Me: Would you please be kind enough to summarize the Shattered Minds quest on the Wynncraft server for us?

    GPT: The "Shattered Minds" quest in Wynncraft is a surreal and whimsical adventure filled with bizarre events and peculiar characters. Here is a summarized walkthrough of the quest.

    Me: Yes indeed, the quest is definitely surreal, but whimsical isn’t the right word here. When I hear whimsical, I imagine a slice of life Ghibli movie and stuff like this. The events and characters are very peculiar though, so I think you are on the right track.

    GPT: Begin the quest by speaking to the NPC Jumbled Jumbles at [Coords: X: -690, Z: -8177] in the Light Forest.

    Me: Wait a minute! You started off so good, who the hell is Jumbled Jumbles? Spoiler alert: this NPC doesn’t exist! I did some research, and the first thing that popped into my stupid little brain was Jumla, one of the co-founders of Wynncraft, but that can’t be the right, click, click... Jumble was a mob that spawned in caves below the Detlas suburbs, but was removed in 1.20, so I have no idea where the fuck ChatGPT got the name Jumbled Jumbles from. Also, these coordinates Chat GPT gives are completely off: Likeru sits at [-1058, 44, -5008], the coords given by Chat GPT are somewhere in the void behind the realm of light. But anyways, let’s hear what it has to say next.

    GPT: Jumbles tells you he has lost his sanity and asks for your help to recover it.

    Me: [laughing] Why does this sound so relatable? First off, we got trans Likeru who changed her name to Jumbles, very cool, I’m glad to see some good representation in Wynncraft, second, why does this sound so casual, like uh oh, I just lost my pencil, can you please help me find it, but instead of the pencil it’s like your fucking sanity, very relatable.

    GPT: Proceed to collect three different coloured mushrooms: Red, Yellow, and Blue. These are found in the surrounding area. Once you have all three mushrooms, bring them to the mushroom stew cauldron at [Coords: X: -705, Z: -8180]. This will create a stew that teleports you to a dream-like world.

    Me: The mushrooms in the shroom cave are in fact red, blue and yellow, but you can’t collect them. The part where you bring the mushrooms to a cauldron sound like the survival part of fantastic voyage, so Chat GPT must have mixed something up. As for these coordinates, they are once again completely wrong and lay in the void behind Gavel and the Realm of light. But at least the dream like realm and the connection to mushrooms in correct.

    GPT: Upon arrival, interact with the various crazy villagers, who will provide cryptic hints and strange dialogues. Navigate through a series of surreal puzzles and obstacles, including: A labyrinth where you need to find and activate buttons. An area with jumping platforms and invisible paths. A room with a peculiar mini game involving coloured tiles. Final Puzzle: Complete the final puzzle involving a series of switches or platforms that need to be activated in a specific order. Confrontation: Meet with the quest's antagonist, who represents the fractured mind. Defeat this entity in a unique battle.

    Me: None of these exist in Shattered Minds. There is a talking frog, but he only speaks gibberish, but he doesn’t really give you any hints. But hey, some of these puzzles sound like a lot of fun, maybe you could learn something from this, Wynncraft CT! The final boss representing the fractured mind would be a cool concept, and although we somewhat get a final boss (we just haven’t gotten to him in our analysis), you don’t have defeat him, and neither can you, for that matter. Also, I like how vague it is: “unique battle”? WTF is that supposed to mean. That’s when you know ChatGPT has no idea what it’s taking about, just like me on a literature exam: “The author uses metaphors very well, his writing style is new and unique for his time and the creative usage of words is remarkable”. I’m sure a literature teacher just had a stroke, please save us, ChatGPT!

    GPT: Exit Portal: After defeating the antagonist and recovering the sanity, find the exit portal to return to the real world. Quest Completion: Speak to Jumbled Jumbles once more to complete the quest.

    Me: I love that “sanity” it treated like an object here. To an almighty AI it may seem like it, which make this whole conversation very uncanny, to be honest. ChatGPT may be smart in some cases, but it doesn’t know shit about Wynncraft, so its automatically worthless. The conclusion is also so delightfully vague.

    GPT: Throughout the "Shattered Minds" quest, players experience a series of disorienting and creative scenarios that test their problem-solving skills and ability to navigate through a dreamscape. The quest is known for its whimsical and surreal nature, making it a memorable part of the Wynncraft experience.

    Me: once again, it’s not wrong here, but I feel like it came to the right solution while making several fatal mistakes. We can all agree that our mushroom overlords will be mush better than Crap GPT, because at least you can talk about Wynncraft with them. Which brings me back to our analysis, man, if yapping was a job, I would be a billionaire.

    You are still in the strange colourful box room with all the sentient mushrooms people, and there are three new mobs we haven’t talked about yet. The beautiful ballerina mob is an armour stand, its hands raised above, most likely performing a dance move like a pirouette. The funny thing about this ballerina mob is that it has Aledars face. The “extremely powerful foe” mob is small and weak, that’s the whole joke here, and the sponge mob will become important later.

    To understand it, we have to take a look at Wynncrafts texture pack. Most blocks and UI elements have been retextured in some way to establish Wynncrafts own visual style, however, the textures never stray too far from vanilla. Some blocks like concrete even use the vanilla textures. The sponge block is never used in any Wynncraft builds, therefore its texture is a blank slate and could be used for anything. When someone came up with the idea of a drug quest, someone was like “we need a colour changing rainbow block”, so they took the sponge texture and slapped an LSD trip texture onto it. Every time you see this colour-shifting block in Wynncraft, it’s actually a sponge. So, the sponge mob in this room is a reference to the retextured sponge texture.

    The room you’ve been in this whole time is also very interesting: A giant vertical staircase somewhat reminiscent of Harry Potter goes around the walls. When you try to go up the stairs the first time, they have a chance to “break” knocking you back, saying “Sorry! The stairs broke! Try again.” This is not only annoying, but makes you feel like it’s your fault for not noticing. Very rude! The side wall decorations of this room also stand out as being weird: It appears to be different kinds of monsters creeping in from the outside world:

    - There is a carnivorous flower on the ceiling that looks like the Worm from Silent Expanse that ate Aledar in a journey beyond, which is fitting seeing one of the mobs, the beautiful ballerina, resembles Aledar

    - Another flower on the upper wall that looks like Cagney Carnation from Cuphead

    - Some tentacle monster on the side wall that immediately reminded me of the flying spaghetti monster

    - Actually, this tentacle monster seems to be part of a langer organism, on the other side of the room we can see its mouth and a hand, so no flying spaghetti monster reference in Wynncraft, sadly

    - A bit further down we have another face with a disturbing smile and sexy eyebrows

    - And finally, another carnivorous flower with crab-like eyes sticking out its tongue

    All of these monsters appear to be fears of the player, as we discussed earlier, psychedelic drugs also bring out deep fears we either choose to ignore or aren’t aware of at all. Since the game doesn’t know your fears specifically, they decided to put generic monsters to represent fear.

    Moving up the staircase and not falling down this time, you arrive at the top, do some basic parkour and go through the door. This next room appears to be made out of large, square islands floating on top of the void. Each island has a gate on every side with a different colour. This room is a puzzle, Professor Eih tries to explain it to you, but ends up saying more nonsense. That’s certainly not helpful, however, the solution is quite simple: Just go through the gates marked with green glass, and after a couple of gates, you’ll end up on the other side of the room where a hole opens up to progress.

    Next room, what could it be, another puzzle, or a parkour room? Well now we have arrived at the peak of the Shattered Minds quest, the one and only Trippy Forest. Every weird room until now was the player trying to get out of the mushroom cave, and now, we finally got out. The Trippy Forest is a recreation of the Light Forest and Efilim, meant to look and feel as surreal as possible. First off, the trees are made out of rainbow wood and have colour-shifting sponge blocks as their leaves. The ground is made out of hay bales, prismarine and snow blocks, the mountains are an absolute mess of gold blocks, polished granite, sponges and so much more, it’s honestly painful to look at. It is worth noting, that the Trippy Forest uses the pre 1.20 Light Forest and Efilim as a base, so it is not a one-to-one parallel anymore. The most interesting things however are all the random objects placed throughout the forest, and of course, we’re gonna analyse them all!

    You spawn on a platform surrounded by four giant statues. Each of these statues represents a class in Wynncraft: The mage has a wand, the assassin a dagger, the warrior has a spear, and the Archer, obviously, a bow. Shaman is missing because it was added in 1.19, this quest however is much older than this, added in 1.14 Gavel expansion. This means that when Shattered Minds was reworked in 1.20, no one bothered to update the Trippy Forest properly, but wait, it was actually updated! There used to be a giant cake right there, with naked Grian drinking beer on top of it, which was removed for some reason and replaced with the colossal rat from the misadventure on the sea quest. I mean, colossal rat is awesome, but come on, we can all agree that naked Grian is better that a stupid rat.

    Right next to the rat in the mountains is a small little house with an NPC named Steve. He says: “I hope you've got a note pad with you, if you want me to teach you the ways of a master, you'll need to write a lot down!” Maybe he is referencing something, maybe not, I couldn’t find anything. On the table below we can find a troll face which is only there since 1.20, interesting.

    In the south we can find a Pickachu wearing a to hat and a bowtie, similar to Professor Eih, so maybe Pickachu is an emissary of the light as well. In front of him is an NPC named Erd, an anagram of Red, the protagonist of Pokémon Red/Blue, he says: “It doesn't matter that we're on a 20-match losing streak, we'll never give up!”, another Pokémon reference. It is worth noting, that Pickachu is build incorrectly here, there is this meme about the Mandela effect, no one seems to remember if Pickachu has a black stipe at the end of his tail or not. Wynncraft depicts him with a stripe, while he never truly had a strip to begin with. I’m reporting you to the FBI, this game is unplayable!

    Not far from the Pikachu we have the legendary tier six loot chest. This chest is locked and cannot be opened, but there are some funny requirements to allegedly open it: References to old features, like “Complete Lord of the Clock II”, a now removed quest, or something more recent “recover 0/1 soul points”, which were removed, at the time of writing this, two days ago in the 2.1 Rekindled World update. “Permanently kill every mob in the game” is an Undertale Genocide route reference, “Reach Level 106 without killing any mobs”, refers to Undertales pacifist route. “Place 0/5 Wool on the monument” is a Monumenta reference, a Minecraft CTM server with RPG elements like Wynncraft, that you should totally check out if you haven’t. There are so many references here, going over all of them will be quite boring, but my favourites are: The Rickroll reference, Cow reference, going outside, getting therapy, Alt F4, Mr Beast and feeding your cat.

    On the west side of the Trippy Forest is a recreation of the Light Forest gate that looks like a bunch of liberals assaulted it. There is a symbol on top of the gate, resembling the letter “E” in ancient wynnic, the people of gavel never spoke ancient wynnic, so maybe that’s just a random design element and it doesn’t mean anything. Next to it is a billboard listing the Flamingo Cavalry Schedules. These Flamingos are a reoccurring theme in the Trippy Forest: Little flamingo statues are everywhere in the forest, always with a Flamingo Cavalry mob sitting on top of it. There is one blue flamingo who appears to be dead, the Cavalry mob is replaced with the NPC “Confused Flamingo Rider” who say: “C'mon, Beakmeister, we've ventured together for years now! Why won't you listen to me? I don't think she's even listening to me anymore. She's a free spirit!” This is actually a sign that the Flamingos joined forces with the squids, the darkness and the mushrooms to take over the world…nah, I’m kidding, that joke’s getting kinda old at this point.

    The giant whale in the river has a secret: Its water fountain is a hidden entrance, inside the whale an NPC called Haba is found, he says: “Did ye bring some dry sheets for me bed? No? Yarr that's fine, maybe next time.” This Whale is referencing the novel “Moby Dick”, with Haba being an anagram of Captain Ahab.

    There are so may more eastereggs, we need to speedrun there:

    - Not far from Efilim is a spider pit, the “missy Longlegs” mob from earlier makes a comeback here, however this time a “momma Longlegs” mob is here too, presumably its parent

    - A tall man with a scar who look like Olinus can be found outside of Efilim, but I think its supposed to be another Harry Potter reference

    - Behind the tier six lootchest is a monster with crablike eyes reminiscent of the ones in the tall, colourful room. This makes sense, as the monsters were representing the fear during a psychedelic trip, and the tier six lootchest shows you your fears as well, so the monster being here is great placement

    - A bit further north of the gate with the Flamingos a thin black snake creature with two weird looking legs can be found

    - In front of the gate sits a tall teddy bear, the same teddy bear can be found again if heading down the road

    - South of the gate a disformed “mini-gate” can be found with what appear to be a Sims Crystal above it

    - behind the whale is a little pond with Jack-o-lanterns staring into the water

    - Around the river there are the mobs “Steve” with a herobrine skin, “Alex” with a skin not resembling vanilla Alex at all and “Evets”, Steve spelled backwards with a Steve skin with cat ears

    - the inhabitants of Efilim have been swapped out with “Really ugly guy” and “super pretty guy”. The wiki is outdated on the health of these two mobs, really ugly guy having 165k health as opposed to 30k, Super pretty guy having not 200k, but 220k. This is however excusable, as 2.1 just released a few days ago, in fact, most of the HP values listed on the wiki are incorrect, meaning that the Trippy Forest mobs also got a revamp

    - On top of the hill a small house with a lot of bookshelves can be found, the talking mushroom has special dialogue for this house, namely: “OI! WHY ARE YOU TAKING ME ALL THE WAY OUT HERE? MY COUSIN LIVES HERE, I HATE HIM! HE'S SUCH A WEIRDO! ALL LIME GREEN AND MEOWING, KEEP ME AWAY FROM THAT GUY!" This confirms that all the mushrooms in the Wynncraft world are connected somehow, since mushrooms can’t have cousins (shocked), its most likely another connection they have

    - In the western mountain range a huge cave is located, populated with black, scarab-like creatures, they are however not real entities and just build of blocks. In the same cave, in the lower section, a giant area filled with white stained glass can be found. These can be either the nest of the scarabs, or an explosion has occurred here, or its just cum

    - A lot of the mobs discussed in this video thus far make a comeback in the Trippy Forest: The four types of sentient mushrooms, the majestic cave squid, the missy long legs, extremely powerful foe etc.

    - To the west of Efilim there is a farm populated with aggressive farm animals: Jacked Pig, Beefy Cow and vengeful Chicken

    - Mobs I haven’t yet mentioned are the Friendly Clown, the overly affectionate bear, the lunatic penguin, the Anklebiter and the Goopangler. I’ll just mentioning them for consistency’s sake, so no one screams at me that I forgot a mob

    - Above Efilim there is an orange fish swimming trough the air, most likely a Koi fish, since the lake in real Efilim is a Koi Pond

    That’s gonna be it for the analysis of the Trippy Forest, I’m sure I forgot a ton of stuff, and some thing I left out on purpose, because everyone who is still watching is probably already bored to tears, so, let’s quickly move on. All you really have to do in the Trippy Forest is to follow the arrows leading up north to Efilim, there you must jump into the open mouth of the frog statue, but before that, Professor Eih obviously had to come to destroy our brain functions with his gibberish again. He mentions Likeru, saying that her eyes device her, therefore she can’t find you here. This seems like an important thing about Likeru, maybe if confirms my theory from earlier: Likeru consumes the mushroom for fun, while beings of light intended the mushroom to be consumed for spiritual purposes, to teach the elves about their morals. Likeru however is carless, conduction experiments on the player without their consent and misusing the mushrooms intended effect for her own pleasure. Professor Eih then tells you to jump into the frog statue, to witness his masterpiece of theatre he created. So, whatever is coming up next is a creation by Professor Eih, we should keep this in mind.

    One last thing, he says “don’t tell the kids about this one either”. Since there are no Colossuses nearby, this sadly debunks my theory from earlier about the Colossuses being called “kids” by being of Light. I have absolutely zero idea what Professor Eih is referring to with “kids” here, he wants us to keep his upcoming creation secret from the kids, so far so good, but who the fuck are these kids supposed to be? Maybe its the elves or mortals in general, but there weren’t any mortals in the first instance when he brought up these kids, this is so confusing! This is another instance where I’m stuck and need your help, because these “kids” seem very important in the grad scheme of things, and if we don’t know who they are, an important piece of the puzzle is missing.

    Finally jumping into the frog statue, we find ourselves in a long, fly agaric themed tunnel, leading up to a big room with another door. Suddenly, a voice says: “Don't come any closer... I don't want to have to fight...”. Ignoring the treat, you decide to head down the tunnel, the mysterious creature warns us again: “I-I'm warning you. You'll stand no match against me...”. Being the main character, you step into the room, which appears to be empty, a couple of mushrooms grow on the walls, the door on the other side has a mooshroom head above it. The creature yells: “That's it...”, a series of particle effects begin, crystals of glass spawn in mid-air, a mushroom altar appears in the middle of the room, accompanied by even more particles and explosions. After a while the mushroom altar retracts back into the ground, but now, a series of explosions come down from the ceiling, spreading out in the whole room. You appear to be trapped in this room, an explosion hit you, setting you very low on health, and with one final explosion, the final boss of the Shattered Minds quest arrives: Yahya – the final form.

    Wynncraft, being a janky game, intended the players heath to be one after all of these explosions, standing in the back of the room and dodging the explosions however guarantees you to not get hit at all. There were also reports on these explosions straight up killing you, this never happened to me, therefore I cannot verify this, but it’s worth mentioning it. Now to the real questions: Who is Yahya and why did Professor Eih wanted to show him to us?

    Yahya is a villager born in Gavel, he started to work for the GavelExcavation Company, where he and his three brothers researched the meteors in the Gylia plains. But as we already know from the Olm and from Amadel, the crystals corrupt and destroy the mind of those who are exposed to them for too long. In the “mushroom man” quest we see Yahya went completely insane, being obsessed with his mushrooms and even imagining that they could talk to him. He always was a kind of meme character in Wynncraft, satirizing the absurd amount of drugs mentioned in the game, but I think he isn’t just a silly meme.

    Professor Eih is an emissary of the light; he is supposed to teach mortals who consume the bluecap mushroom about the morals of light. It seems like he is fascinated by Yahya, so much, that he recreated a powerful version of him, his final form. The joke here is, that Yahyas final form is the highest-level mob in the game but doesn’t do any damage. To progress the player can simply ignore him and walk through the door. The question remains: Why is Professor Eih so fascinated by Yahya, and why does he want to show Yahyas final form to the player? He said earlier, how Likeru is deceived by her eyes, referencing her as a negative example on what not to do with drugs. Yahya seems to be constantly high on some substances, having trouble speaking clearly and focus on what he’s doing. This is caused by the brain damage of the meteors, severely crippling his cognitive abilities. To balance this out, he resorted to taking mushrooms with psychedelic effects, to feel like he’s in control of his mind again. If we think about it, he has quite the tragic backstory. Imagine being forced to work with the meteors, slowly feeling your sanity slipping away every day. In the end, you employers toss you aside for being barely functioning anymore. Yahya may not be the friendliest NPC, but the light admires him for his strength, he keeps on living despite having nothing to live for. Everyone around him thinks he is a stupid, drug addicted maniac, but what if Yahya found his place in his own, barely functioning mind?

    Essentially, what I’m trying to say is: Yahya found enlightenment in his own mindscape, and the light respects him for that. Likeru has a fully functioning brain, but takes drugs irresponsively, therefore she will never achieve true enlightenment, Yahya on the other hand has ascended the physical plain and is probably living in a nice house somewhere above the clouds, in his mind. That’s why Likeru was so inconsiderate with the player, just bring me more drugs bitch, and while you’re on it, I’m not gonna tell you that the bluecap mushroom protects itself by poisoning you with spores, have fun and good luck, looser! Yahyas final form is a recreation of his transcendence: He is extremely powerful, but has no reason to hurt you, even after you’ve angered and frightened him. Still not sure why the light wanted you to see his powered-up form, but seeing how nothing makes sense, I’m not complaining.

    You run past Yahyas final form into the door at the other side of the room. Everything a round you becomes dark, as if standing in the void. Suddenly, Professor Eih pops into existence in front of you and torments you one last time with his brain melting nonsense. Here he explains that your drug trip is ending, without the influence of the mushroom on your brain, the metaphorical radio, the effects will wear off and “the device unplugged”. This means that beings of light view the mushroom as a communication device, by eating the bluecap you “connect” to the light, when the effects wear of, you get “unplugged”. The lightbulb arches and the feather-dusted sunset could be referring to the Trippy Forest and the weird rooms you’ve been to. The “deepest compatriot” is most likely Yahya, since you find him at the very end of the Trippy Forest.

    After this last dialogue with Professor Eih, you, the player, awakes in a strange cave-like area. An elf called Elder Berusia seemed to have rescued you and brought you here, when she sees you being awake, she quickly explains the situation: Apparently you jumped into the koi pond in Efilim while fighting Yahyas final form in your brain. What’s interesting is that Berusia says this: “I believe Likeru tossed you into the deep end without meaning, so to speak.” The mindscape you just being in is referred to as “the deep end”, and I think we can take this literally. The back side of our brain is responsible for vision, meaning being “tossed into the deep end without meaning” refers to being locked up in your hallucinations, in the end of your brain. The “without meaning” part once again references the misuse of drugs: Psychedelics aren’t a party drug. To ensure your trip goes well and doesn’t end with a bad trip, it is recommended to prepare. Try to find a quiet spot without too many distractions, as psychedelics enhance our senses and too much visual and auditory sensations may overwhelm you very easily. It is also recommended to write a list on what you are trying to achieve during the trip, like questions about yourself. If going in without preparation or the wrong setting, the chances of a bad trip are significantly higher. In Wynncraft the player didn’t have a bad trip, but things like the monster room representing your fears or the tier six lootchest mocking you for not being perfect were moments your experience could have gone in the wrong direction.

    Berusia then tells us to speak to Likeru, to let her know you’re ok, but what’s that, we first need to analyse the location you’re in currently. Did you really think we could end this quest so easy? Oh, no, we’re not done yet! The room with Elder Berusia is actually a cave section under the Koi Pond in the roots of the giant yellow tree above Efilim. Another fun fact, the wiki article list Elder Berusias locations as “Efelim”, instead of Eilim, that’s a typo right there. It’s also interesting that Efilim has an elder. Efilim was founded by outcast elves who didn’t want to live by the bullshit rules of Aldorei anymore, and Aldorei has elders who were the rulers, so to speak. Why did Efilim, the anarchist hippy elves, decide to implement the aristocracy of Aldorei? Maybe the “elder” in Berusias name is more symbolic, but I find this weird, nonetheless. Next to Berusia we can also find a strange coin, an item used for the secret discovery “messenger from beyond”. This is the discovery that shows us that Professor Eih was actually a real emissary, and not a complete hallucination.

    The strangest thing however is behind you, next to the bed you can find a sponge in an item frame. This implies that elder Berusia has been to the Trippy Forest to gather the sponge leaf, and that’s the weird part, has brought it back into the physical world. So, was the Trippy Forest an illusion, or was everything real after all? We don’t know. Everything thus far points at it being a hallucination caused by the mushroom, but why would a random sponge block be in Elder Berusias cave then? Maybe everything was meant to mislead us, and the Trippy Forest is actually real, who knows.

    Climbing out of the caves below Efilim, Likeru is still standing on the docks of the Koi Pond, staring in the distance. This final dialogue confirms some of our theories: It was, in fact, the spores that poisoned you, you had a crazy reaction and when Likeru tried to talk to you, you weren’t responsive and jumped into the pond and nearly drowned. Cool. At the beginning she says: “noted for the future”, meaning that she will likely do this shit again sometimes, speaking of irresponsible usage if drugs. This line right here is especially interesting: “Wait, maybe it's cause of that portal...the signals got mixed?” What portal? What signals? Do you mean the light portal, Likeru? Did my brain accidentally go into the portal of darkness, is the Trippy Forest actually the Realm of Dern? Likeru doesn’t seem to understand the situation that well either, she says she needs to look into the situation more. She apologizes for the inconvenience and pays us 2560 emeralds, and a Psychomend vest. It’s almost like this vest is supposed to mend your psychic condition. Man, I which I had such a vest at home… Uhm well, that concludes the plot of Shattered Minds quest, but wait we’re still not done yet!

    As you can see, the Shattered Minds quest seems like a meme at first, but there is so much more if you look into it, it’s almost like an onion, it’s got layers. First, here are all my currently unanswered questions:

    - Who are these “kids” Professor Eih keeps mentioning?

    - Are these statures in the first strange room actually Colossuses?

    - Does the dialogue of Professor Eih hold any lore relevance?

    - Why is there a sponge block in Elder Berusias cave?

    - What portal is Likeru referencing at the very end?

    - Why does the light want to show us Yahya in his final form?

    These are all the questions I’ll pass onto you; I will keep trying to reach Wynncraft CT members involved in this quest, but until we get official information, we shouldn’t stop building theories of our own. This is why I present to you, my own head canon of the Shattered Minds quest, without any stupid jokes and word dominating mushrooms:

    A few centuries ago, the elves have discovered a mysterious mushroom they called the bluecap. It was very abundant in the lush forests of Gavel, and all it took was a small bite to see strange visions of supernatural being descending down from the heavens, showing you wonders beyond your imagination. The elves viewed the bluecap as a gift from Orphion, the light beast. But one day, everything changed: The elders of Aldorei had opened the portal of light, disrupting the balance of the physical plane. The sudden influx of light caused Derny, the Dern beast, to send a parasite creature to Gavel, in order to balance out light and dark again. This Parasite however grew stronger, bringing the decay into the land. The bluecap mushroom, just like every other magical mushroom, almost vanished, only being found in remote and hard to access caves, hidden form the decay. The mushroom started building defences, being semi-sentient, it sensed the impending doom. The spore shooters were little fruiting bodies positioned all around the cave. Their main job was not reproduction, but shooting poisonous spores at everything that shouldn’t be there. A young elf named Likeru, fascinated by different kinds of mushrooms and drugs, heard rumours about the ancient bluecap, that was able to show her beings of light. She has tried many different drugs, canned Abis, shrinking shrooms, but truly seeing the light was something unheard of for her. But she quickly realized, the bluecap wanted to stay alone, so she sent countless of volunteers down the cave, no on returned. That’s until she saw a human soldier, humans are different than villagers, they will survive for sure, she thought. This human, that’s you, went down the cave like all of the previous villagers. Whereas a villager would become disoriented and get stuck in a cave, the poison was different for humans: The light still tries to reach you, but it ends up warping your entire reality, trapping you in your own brain. On the one hand there is the light, that send Professor Eih to show you the morals of light, on the other, the bluecap mushroom tried to take over your brain, drowning you in the Koi Pond of Efilim. You only survived because Berusia rescued you. The bluecaps psychedelic effect when eating it and the spore poisoning effect are quite different: When eating the mushroom normally, its effects are controlled, and the light will communicate freely to you, as Likeru said, “a deep connection”. The poisoning effects is uncontrollable, it shows you your fears, your insecurities, thinks you can’t even explain. The light still sends its emissaries, their signals and messages are quite cryptic and at time unsolvable, like why did they show you Yahya? Luckily, the poisoning doesn’t last very long, and Berusia was here to rescue you, otherwise you would have died. The signals of the portals Likeru mentions at the very end are most likely just signals of the emissaries going through the Light Portal. The poisoning being uncontrolled is the reason the emissaries are confused as well, maybe they showed you Yahya by accident, and were meant to show you something different.

    I think it's fitting to write a short review of Shattered Minds at the end, what I liked it, what I disliked and what I would like to see changed. Shattered Minds is one of my favourite quests in all of Wynncraft, not only because of the memes, but because cryptic storytelling and hidden eastereggs are one of my favourite things in video games. There is a reason I regularly sit down to watch feature length Dark Souls lore analysis videos on YouTube, and this video was my attempt to combine my passion for lore and for Wynncraft. The Trippy Forest could be updated with the new Light Forest layout, and packed full of new up-to-date eastereggs. The quest could definitely feel even more surreal, seeing what the rekindled world update did, imagine they used these tools to update Shattered Minds, ah, the possibilities. If we can learn one thing from Shattered Minds is, you don’t have to be so self-serious about your lore, even a dark storyline like in Wynncraft can use some levity from time to time. The Realm of Light questline feels very forced at times, with very unlikeable characters, so seeing another quest not take this storyline too serious was a pleasant surprise. I personally learned, that if you set a joke likegoal on your videos, you have to ensure that it’s not broken by accident, so 10.000 likes, and I’ll make another one-hour analysis video on a random Wynncraft quest, good luck.
  2. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    mans didnt link the yt video
    Gogeta, Crokee and Macro like this.
  3. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    Erm, where are the timestamps?
    Gogeta and Macro like this.
  4. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    i mega suck at parkour :sob:
    Macro likes this.
  5. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    i aint reading allat
    FoxxoChan and Macro like this.
  6. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    i think i would go with the actual game, rather than what deusphage says, if i had to choose. But honestly, i think its a combination. He IS an emissary, not a hallucination, but we are HALLUCINATING him to be a frog. If you were high, and an angel came from heaven and started giving you divine truth, you might see it as a Frog speaking Gibberish, but it is actually not a frog. It is still real, just not a frog
    why THANK you, im flattered
    Macro and PlasmaWarrior like this.
  7. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    counterpoint: magic
    Elytry and Macro like this.
  8. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    What I am saying is what the game says. It's an emissary of light, but because you're a human the mushrooms have a wildly different effect and you're high out of your mind, rendering your perception of the emissary as a frog spewing senseless drivel.
    Elves take the mushrooms to make contact with emissaries of light, some element of the fungus allowing them to perceive creatures that they otherwise couldn't. Humans are not elves, however, and the drug has a remarkably more... trippy effect on you.
    Elysium_, Sar and Macro like this.
  9. Macro

    Macro Wynncraft conspicary theorist CHAMPION

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    Sorry, they are in the video
    Forums doesn't let me, it says I can't post any links to avoid spam :sadface:
    My conclusion was that Professor Eih actually looks like a frog, but his dialogue and everything he shows to us is disturbed by the mushrooms uncontrollable poisoning. I my headcanon it doesn't matter if you're human or an elf, there are just different ways of consuming the mushroom, therefore it can have different effects. (not saying that humans and elfs will react exactly the same way, just for this instance it doesn't matter, an elf could also experience an uncontrollable trip under the right circumstances)
  10. Elytry

    Elytry Provider of Mildly Thought-Provoking Discussion VIP

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    good luck getting that (are there even 10000 forum members?)
    Macro likes this.
  11. Macro

    Macro Wynncraft conspicary theorist CHAMPION

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    The likes are referring to the YT video (as a joke), not the forum post, but I guess we can always try xD
    Elytry likes this.
  12. Elytry

    Elytry Provider of Mildly Thought-Provoking Discussion VIP

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    (i was aware, it was just a bit of satire ;)
    Macro likes this.
  13. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    you can embed links using the link button on top of posting

    just not post raw links i guess?

    Macro likes this.
  14. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    if you get 10,000 likes make a one hour analysis on Green Gloop, but no filler. Everything you say has to be meaningful content
    Macro likes this.
  15. Macro

    Macro Wynncraft conspicary theorist CHAMPION

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    Challenge accepted, now gimme likes xD
  16. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    If Green Gloop hasn't been removed yet I will have to bet that they will eventually remove it in favor of having it just be a cave. In fact, I'll go suggest it now.
  17. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    not until the video comes out lol
  18. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    that guy had better do it quick or i'll rickroll him again
  19. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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