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"The warmth of a bonfire.. It is comfortable. Care to join?"

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by Luminary, Aug 25, 2024.

  1. Luminary

    Luminary "Fallen Knight of the Wynn Province" VIP+

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    Alyo! It's a pleasure to be here!
    How have you been? I hope it's been nice! ^^

    Hallo! My name is Luminary, but I can be called Lumi!
    Uhm.. I'm quite unsure what to say here, I don't exactly
    wish to be redundant as I've already mentioned quite a
    few details in my biography.. or rather, the "information"
    tab within my profile! So I suppose- hmm..

    I am a writer! Heh-
    gosh, that sounds so lame. I apologise!

    Okie, okie. Let me shake off my nerves and be truthful..
    This would be my first time interacting in an online forum!
    So I suppose I'm quite unsure what to say or how to say
    anything here.. perhaps a conversation or two will suffice!

    I hope so.. but either way- I'm open to any!

    Thank you for reading my little introduction!
    Remember to take care of yourself! >v<

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2024
  2. Anárion

    Anárion Screw Maex #Dogovi4Ever CHAMPION

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    Welcome to the forums, Lumi!!! ❤️
    Flyfilo2 and Luminary like this.
  3. Luminary

    Luminary "Fallen Knight of the Wynn Province" VIP+

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    Thank you so much for the welcome! I sincerely appreciate it! >V<
    Flyfilo2 likes this.
  4. Flyfilo2

    Flyfilo2 Retired Ragni Soldier/Lone Wanderer CHAMPION

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    Welcome to the wynn forums!

    Il gladly join you around the bonfire. After all its very nice place to sit down, toasting marshmallows and playing a tune around while taking a break.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
    Luminary and TrapinchO like this.
  5. Galaxias

    Galaxias wybel collector VIP

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    Welcome, soldier! Great to see you here!

    Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Galaxias. I was previously stationed in the Silent Expanse but was relieved to come here.

    I see you've done quite the traveling. Mind telling me about it? @TrapinchO should be here any moment, and I'm sure he'd love to hear them.
    Flyfilo2 and Luminary like this.
  6. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Welcome to the LLevigar docks, warrior! Been a while since we had someone like you come here. I suppose it is because most succumb to the plague before they get here. Or the captains kill them and burn their corpses, no one wants to risk Corruption getting to Gavel, it has its fair share of problems. Maybe they would actually start caring about them, then... Anyways, pay no attention to the locals and sit next to me, I will not run away. I had seen a fair share of strangeness and abominations throughout the many decades I have been fighting the Corruption and frankly, you are not even close to what passed the Nivla a few decades ago. The birds... the birds... no Trap, no!

    Your introduction is quite extensive, so let me introduce myself as well. My name is TrapinchO and I am a retired archer. I have fought the Corruption all my life, seen the undead flood the plains like an ocean of blood, fought in sieges so long the corpses filled the trenches and made a path for their comrades right up to the battlements. I have seen unimaginable creations of mad mages swayed by the plague's allure and destroyed them. Note that this was in the calmer era of the province, it was nothing compared to what was there a century ago. Luckily it got even better recently, so it probably will not happen to you. I have also seen Bob, I was a witness to his incredible prowess on the battlefield. It was a beacon of hope, immovable pillar we could count on... I was also there when the news of his death spread. It was worse than anything that cursed Corruption ever threw at us, the morale was lower than the gates of hell. I probably do not have to add that we lost way too many battles the following weeks, fights we should have won easily. Bob, what happened to you? Why did you have to leave us? Why like that?

    But alas, over the years the body has grown weak and my strength is not what it used to be. Still one of the best shots in Ragni though, mind you. A new generation is rising, stronger, much more versed in the ways of magic. I decided to retire and moved to scholarship, trying to fight the wretched plague with my knowledge, if not with my muscles. There are so many secrets in this world, things hidden away, just waiting for us to discover them. Did you know that there is a in grave in the mountains between the plains and mesa? Is it such a serene place... or the ones in Sky Islands near the sky pirates' base. There used to be a mysterious dungeon under some ruins near the bridge beyond the Nivla forest, though it had caved in some time ago. There is a tower in its place now.

    I got carried away again, didn't I? My apologies, it has always been a problem and it did not improve with age, @Galaxias can tell you, if you meet him. Anyways, I am also a story teller, you can find a few of my works around here. How about you? Are you willing to share some of yours? I am traveling to the Molten Heights to visit Arzul again, but I can stay a while and exchange stories. We can compete who has seen a stranger thing, hehe.

    Does a hero need to be tragic? Is a hero who did not have to sacrifice their life not a hero? After so many years of war, do we need more sacrifices, more pain? Not that we will ever not get them...
    By the way, have you heard of Frostpunk? I am sure it would be the perfect canvas for you, apocalyptic landscape when men have to sacrifice everything to make sure humanity survives. Or at least that humans survives...

    PS: I see you have yet to do ???, please hit me up when you want to complete it! I need to stretch my bones again. You can also ask me if you need help with anything else, I will glady help.
    PPS: You should try the path of the bow as well. There is something in destroying you enemies before they even realize you are here. And you do not have to smell the horrible stench of the undead...

    Damnit, I have been typing this so long you got here before me.
    Flyfilo2 and Luminary like this.
  7. Luminary

    Luminary "Fallen Knight of the Wynn Province" VIP+

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    Alyooo! Thank you so much for joining me around the bonfire!
    How I bet that it has been one tedious day, so please, make yourself comfortable!
    Also! Also! Thank you so much for providing us here some relaxing tunes,
    it helps to calm down the nerves and any would-be tension, I appreciate your gesture. ^^
    Hello there, Galaxias! Thank you too for sitting down with us, how is it there in the Silence Expanse?
    The first time I went there was quite horrific, if I do say so myself. I hope it doesn't get much worse but..

    Anyway..! I've done much adventuring and serving the war-torn Province of Wynn to my utmost best.
    Served the Fortress City of Ragni at first, then served the Trade Town of Detlas, and will soon find
    myself serving other towns such as the Fortress City of Troms and perhaps even Llevigar. Exploring,
    discovering, and serving these great cities that had fought a common enemy for a thousand years..
    I believe this is truly an honor to grant any warrior.
    Flyfilo2 and TrapinchO like this.
  8. Luminary

    Luminary "Fallen Knight of the Wynn Province" VIP+

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    I appreciate the welcome, Sir! And before I begin, I'd like to stretch my gratitude for your service
    in your battles against the Corruption. It is indeed true that the influence of the undead and its
    wretched spawns have ceased in activity, but the Portal is far from dormant, now that a new threat
    comes from it that terrorises the Province of Wynn once more. It is no Bak'al, but it is still a concern
    for us who serve on the frontlines. With Annihilation and other sites of Corruption becoming more
    active lately, in advent to this, quite a bunch of us travellers, soldiers, and adventurers have been doing
    our best to quell these hotspots. From the rubble and debris of Ancient Nemract to sites where Corruption
    has found itself plaguing the Earth, even.. scarecrows.. for some reason.

    Worry not, however, our efforts in quelling these new menaces and even up to the colossal being that has
    been nicknamed 'Annie' are being dealt with accordingly, with successes reaching as far as the Roots of
    Corruption, from the plains of Ragni and in the suburbs of Detlas.

    In response to your story, if ever I should take up the path of the bow and arrow, I'd like for you to be my
    in my attempts to become familiar with a profession I've long since strayed from! I admit, I am
    not very well-versed in archery in the slightest, only the basics. So to learn from the best of the best in
    Ragni will be one helluva delight to indulge myself in! Especially in something unfamiliar as archery,
    perhaps it is time that I stretch my field of expertise to more than just the path of the blade.

    And I do agree that many secrets are yet to be discovered and explored, with how vast this world is, it is
    highly plausible to overlook many of its ancient locations and ruins! Perhaps, good Sir, shall we explore
    these locations together? Of course, should your journey be accomplished. Until then, I'll be around Detlas
    and Ragni fighting off the Corruption to the best of my capabilities.

    To answer your questions about the necessity for tragedy to be considered as a hero over those who did not...

    I believe that it is not, to be quite frank, it may sound that I am a hypocrite though it should not be seen as a
    necessity nor a requirement, but instead something to appreciate the hero by. Their sacrifices should be found
    and appreciated instead of blindly putting anyone on a pedestal, but of course, their accomplishments should
    not be ignored or dismissed. What I wish for others to know is that the majority of heroes have sacrificed

    something—whether trivial or major, that led to their success. It just so happens that tragedy has plagued and
    become a commodity. There is one more I wish to add... simply serving, showing their courage in the field of
    this awful war, to even drawing their weapon against the enemy, is already a sacrifice many of us have taken.

    And I believe that this is enough for us to be appreciated when so many simply could not. We've become the
    weapon so many could not possibly see themselves as, just so that they may continue their lives.
    Flyfilo2 likes this.
  9. Flyfilo2

    Flyfilo2 Retired Ragni Soldier/Lone Wanderer CHAMPION

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    Perhaps the arcane arts could be of interest to you? I used to be a lightbender mage until i retired because playing the medic is stressful. But perhaps it could be of use to you or the other two branches. One of them happens to involve bombarding enemies and the other does more damage the more time goes by, usually combined with lightbending.
    Luminary likes this.
  10. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I heard of that new threat. Though I do not underestimate its strength, luckily it seems to be a "mere" demon, or a large corrupted to be precise, as opposed to an intelligent one such as Bak'al. With the new generation coming in, I am sure you will be able to take care of it, even if it comes back again and again. The other hotspots on the other hand... this is a worrying sign. It is no secret that the plague spreads through underground roots. What is called the "Roots of Corruption" is naught but a small visible part of it. If they have spread so far... we might have the era of "peace" behind us. Was in interesting though is that it is visible _now_, suddenly, not through a gradual change. I wonder what triggered it. Was it Annihilation emerging? Did the Hero do something that changed the scales of the War? I will have to investigate it.

    Corruption can twist _anything_, from our loved ones to constructs and even regular things. A scarecrow is the least of your worries. They are weak and can be disposed of easily from distance. Compare that to a corrupted golem, immune to arrows and blades. What do you do now, hm? You throw a giant rock from the sky at them, that is what you do. If you are a mage. Good luck otherwise. Bombs and traps do little more than a scratch, by the way, I tried.

    If you ever decide to become an archer, I will gladly guide you through the path. You are already a skilled combatant, you know what are things like timing, spacing, movement efficiency, so you will not be learning from the complete beginning. I have a wide array of bows in the closet, so choosing the right weapon will not be a problem either.

    Saying I am the best of the best is flattering for sure, but I am afraid it is not exactly true. Sure, I am good, no, very good, let's be honest here, but hardly a prodigy. Many have surpassed me, be it in speed, accuracy or technique. It was a different time back then. Men forged in the fires of destruction, forced to improve and reach the peak of possible and beyond. Do you know the quick-reloading crossbows some use? My comrades used to be faster without losing much precision. It was literally matter of life and death. And after the years, only a few who could compare to me remain, and many of those cannot wield the bow anymore or at least nowhere near as well. How am I still able to do so? Dumb luck, that simple. The great bovine decided some will be spared. This is not just us archers by the way, everyone who was there some thirty forty years ago. It is sad, but if you ask them, they will all say it was worthy.

    I certainly hope you will make me stretch my bones in the future, the little trip to Ahmsord was a welcome change after the years and you proved to be a good company. There are many places I have not been to in years, and with the world changing so fast recently it might be a good idea to check whether they are still there. But try to find some of them by yourself, for example the ones I mentioned. It will be more rewarding then being simply brought to them.

    About the heroes... In that case I fully agree. As I said before, countless have died to protect Ragni and other cities. And I truly mean countless, despite my and others' attempts to remember at least their names. They are barely a tally mark on the wall, if they are luckly... When we are not considered mindless barbars, we are regarded as brave heroes. Yet I have hardly seen someone mention the thousands who fell so that the could live. We are praised for dead men's work. Isn't it sad? Though on the other hand, this is what we all bear in mind when we go to the battlements, weapons in hand. We do not do it to be remembered, but in hope one day someone will give the ones after us a better future. Or at least a future, looking at the present state of the province.

    To fight the Corruption even when one is corrupted in an incredible feat, many, so many succumb within days and barely anyone is able to channel its power. I wonder, is it the hope, the possibility that despite being doomed one can still fight back is what makes the fallen able to continue to resist? I know people hate your kind, they are scared that you will leash out any moment. But there are those who appreciate it and will help you, do not forget this. You will be remembered, not as monsters but brave soldiers and friends after your time comes.

    Fight on. For those who cannot fight anymore.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
    Luminary and Flyfilo2 like this.
  11. Flyfilo2

    Flyfilo2 Retired Ragni Soldier/Lone Wanderer CHAMPION

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    Yeah, Ahmsord and gavel seem to not have corruption but suffers decay instead. The ocean inbetween seems safer though.
    And yes the corruption seems to not influence the fallen warriors as much as the corrupter of worlds for example to the point they can control it to their advantage. Maybe we should ask Orikal more about this and if this can work with other soldiers since being able to control the corruption like the fallen warriors somehow is very useful. Besides as far as i know the fallen are the only corruption specimen who is friendly toward us and the only other way to slow down corruption was with Theoricks ice magic (as shown with Nesaak). Whats also interesting about the fallen warriors is that lightbenders purifying healing magic doesn't work on them while in their corrupted state but it heals them in their non corrupted state. Infact they cannot heal at all by any source when in their corrupted state. And also the magic lightbenders use never harms them like what it does to other corrupted but also doesn't cleanse their corruption. Its fascinating stuff thats for sure.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
    Luminary and TrapinchO like this.
  12. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Comparing the fallen to the Corrupter is like saying recruits are not as skilled as generals. That beast is one of a kind, worse than most things you will ever see. It is absolutely pointless. Also, to my understanding the fallen cannot control it, merely channel it. They are already doomed souls, fighting for every second of sanity, just like Lumi says, knowing it is purely a matter of time.

    But it is certainly an interesting matter. Why does it happen? How far does it go? Exploring it might give hope to some, perhaps even allow us to push back at times, but I would rather call it a desperate measure than a solution. I will certainly ask Orikal about it, I mean to visit him anyways.
    Luminary and Flyfilo2 like this.
  13. Galaxias

    Galaxias wybel collector VIP

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    How is Orikal? I haven't spoken to him in a while.
    Luminary and Flyfilo2 like this.
  14. Flyfilo2

    Flyfilo2 Retired Ragni Soldier/Lone Wanderer CHAMPION

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    True, the corrupter is just one if not the most known corrupted entites out there so apologies. I guess we could also look to theorick who held it off but sealed himself in ice because it was a losing fight.
    But yes if orphions light does not work and theoricks ice simply holds it off for a while and will power wont hold long then what can we really do against it?
    The only way id see a ending is if the portal was never uncovered in the first place but using the temple of time or any time traveling to take out the issue will likely result in a paradox whereby we never had the problem and never went back.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
    Luminary likes this.
  15. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    It is curious Orphion's Light even works, considering it is one of the two forces that caused it. As for the question... who knows?
    Neither have I. But he is doing well from what I heard.
    Luminary, Galaxias and Flyfilo2 like this.
  16. Luminary

    Luminary "Fallen Knight of the Wynn Province" VIP+

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    We "Fallens" are.. an enigma.. Much is unknown about how we're even able to manipulate the Corruption in our veins and our minds. The points that have been raised here are quite valid ones! And intriguing ones at that as well.. To be compared to the Corrupter of Worlds is one of the wilder ones, though a comparison that is given and reasonable.

    Not being able to be replenished while within our Corrupted state yet able to be so when it ends, not only that but when it does end, a great majority though not every wound that has been sustained during that state will be restored. It is indeed interesting, isn't it?

    However, instead of looking at it as being able to "control" or even "tame" the Corruption, it is more so having the mental fortitude and willpower to cling to our sanity much longer, though our demise and "fall" are inevitable. The Corruption, a poison that we inhale the fumes of every time we use in battle to gain a boost in strength, is only waiting for the right moment of weakness to begin taking over. It is what I fear most, to unwillingly turn my blade against my kin, and should it ever come to that.. I hope that I don't find myself roaming among the Undead, may I be allowed an honorable death instead.
    Indeed! That trip of ours over to Ahmsord, the beautiful lands of the sky, was quite a great trip! It was a welcoming change of pace for me too, having only known combat and death for the duration of time in Wynn. Never once have I dove into the few rare peaceful sides of Gavel at all. You have my greatest gratitude. And thank you for the Corkian Amplifier as well! I will put such a great thing to good use! Perhaps we should travel together more in the future?

    As for the other points discussed here..?

    By all means, my words aren't just for merely flattering, as I believe that skills of old are still skills to be recognised and respected, for all veterans who have chosen to throw away their lives headfirst into the lethality that is the Corruption.. their sacrifices do not end, it is only continued by the new soldiers that come after. Yes, there will be a time when a new age will come in sin, but lessons from those who lived through such hell will be worthwhile and appreciated.

    You say that you've been surpassed, you say that your skills may be subpar compared to the new ones that have been coming up, though you acknowledge that you are still deadly in your field. Like they say, why fix something that's not broken? Yours falls into the same! It is not simply 'dumb luck' or 'spared' by some entity. It only shows your resilience and inner strength found deep within.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2024
    Flyfilo2 likes this.
  17. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    "Peaceful", heh. But somehow, it is true. Sourrounded by the mourning Heights and collapsing Canyon, the Sky Islands are... calm... only wild animals and the occasional "angels" (whatever they are) pester you. One could almost forget the war... no, that is nonsense, of course, no one could ever forget it... Oh well, still a nice place of respite. Hope to see you soon, there are a few places I could show you.

    I am not saying my skills are inadequate or "broken" as you say, I merely point out that I am not as exceptional as you may believe. Not in the past, not in the present. As for the "dumb luck", is it not a chance that made a stray shrapnel miss me by less than an inch and bore into my friend's chest? Or that a falling rock crushes my comrade's arm, but a wall falling a moment later leaves me with just a scar? I beg to differ.

    But besides all that, I really am thankful for your kind words, they warm my old heart :) When one is old, it is easy to grow bitter, thinking the world does not need us anymore. It is recruits like you who chase it off.
    Flyfilo2 likes this.
  18. Galaxias

    Galaxias wybel collector VIP

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    I mean, we always need people in the Silent Expanse...
    Flyfilo2 and TrapinchO like this.
  19. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Says the person who told me about how horribble it is but refused to provide any detail despite repeated questions and just kept saying "Better not know... better not know... some things are simply too much even for you.".
    Flyfilo2 likes this.
  20. Flyfilo2

    Flyfilo2 Retired Ragni Soldier/Lone Wanderer CHAMPION

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    He might be right on that though. The silent expanse is horrifying…


    Well im going to go drown those memories in nemract whiskey.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2024
    TrapinchO likes this.