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Guide The Festival of the Bonfire 2024 Guide

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by RiderTest101, Aug 25, 2024.

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  1. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Alright, I'm a day late. I know...

    I'm just not feeling it like the past festivals lately. Am I having Wynn Burnout?

    Bonfire Keeper
    [1/6] Bonfire Keeper: Hail, traveler! It has been quite some time since we last saw each other, has it not?
    [2/6] Bonfire Keeper: Another year has passed... and the fires still burn on in this province's heart, despite its endless struggle.
    [3/6] Bonfire Keeper: And that's something to celebrate, wouldn't you agree? A festival for those who live on! And a festival to remember those lost.
    [4/6] Bonfire Keeper: ...Ah, but I'm rambling. It truly is good to see you again, friend. If you'd like someone to celebrate with, you know where to find me.
    [5/6] Bonfire Keeper: As it so happens, there is something I could use your help with... But, I will not force your hand. Speak to me again if you wish to know more.
    [6/6] Bonfire Keeper: I'll keep this bonfire burning for as long as it needs to. That's my role to play in this story of ours, traveler. I trust you will be able to find your own.

    Just like he said, you will have to speak with him again if you want to do The Hearthflame Hunt.
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: Ah, hello again! How can I help you, friend?
    [1/6] Bonfire Keeper: Hm... What to do, what to do indeed... You're always welcome to speak to the other visitors in town. Some may be quite... familiar, yes.
    [2/6] Bonfire Keeper: Someone I would suggest you seek out is my brother- he has found himself a spot in the northwest corner of this city. He may have something of interest for you.
    [3/6] Bonfire Keeper: Ah- but there is, of course, a task at hand. The hearthflame is weak, here. It must be spread across the land for it to thrive.
    [4/6] Bonfire Keeper: There's a reward in it for you, if you choose to help. Tell me when you'd like to work towards this goal.
    [5/6] Bonfire Keeper: Otherwise... Yes, there is one more adventure you could pursue. The Event Airship Pilot- he has somewhere he could take you, at my request.
    [6/6] Bonfire Keeper: Bring some friends- or enemies- and travel to the Sunset Valley. If you meet me there, I could tell you more of the game we could play.
    [1/8] Bonfire Keeper: I suppose I did say that, yes. It is, as always, a task I would like to perform myself... but the threads of our tale are everpresent.
    [2/8] Bonfire Keeper: This festival... it is one of remembrance. The bonfires must be lit across the cities of the land for the lost to reach my brother's power.
    [3/8] Bonfire Keeper: And, so, it would be your task to hold the hearthflames, and bring them to their rightful homes.
    [4/8] Bonfire Keeper: I will grant you an artifact to carry their protection... and to seek their rightful place in this world.

    [+1 Hearthkeeper's Staff]

    [5/8] Bonfire Keeper: However- there is a catch. The magic of transportation, that which is used by Teleportation Scrolls - it cannot handle the hearthflame's light.
    [6/8] Bonfire Keeper: While you are carrying a hearthflame, you will not be able to use Teleportation scrolls. Any other means of transport will still be available.
    [7/8] Bonfire Keeper: You will be rewarded, of course, for what other incentive would suffice? Other magical items may become available, should you light enough of the bonfires.
    [8/8] Bonfire Keeper: Shall we begin?
    [7/8] Bonfire Keeper: I understand. Take your time. I will be here when you have prepared.
    [1/4] Bonfire Keeper: You are? You are. Very well. Let us begin.
    [2/4] Bonfire Keeper: ...It is done. You now hold a hearthflame. Use the staff to find its resting place. Remember, you cannot use Teleportation Scrolls.
    [3/4] Bonfire Keeper: The bonfires you seek will only be located in cities and towns, as to better serve their purpose.
    [4/4] Bonfire Keeper: Should you need guidance, return and speak to me once more. Good luck.
    [1/4] Bonfire Keeper: Oh- of course. You now hold a hearthflame. It must be brought to its resting place, somewhere in this land.
    [2/4] Bonfire Keeper: The bonfires will only ever be within cities or towns, for that is where they must be to serve their purpose.
    [3/4] Bonfire Keeper: Use the Hearthkeeper's Staff to guide the way. You will be unable to use Teleportation Scrolls, so you may need to find alternative paths.
    [4/4] Bonfire Keeper: Once you place the hearthflame and light the bonfire, return to me. I will offer further guidance then.
    [1/5] Bonfire Keeper: You have! This is a good first step. One bonfire closer to our goal. And, perhaps, one closer to his..?
    [2/5] Bonfire Keeper: In anycase, you understand the basics. You'll be able to pick up more than one hearthflame at once, if you'd like.
    [3/5] Bonfire Keeper: One new flame will be created every day, and with it, another bonfire to be lit. Light them all, and I will reward you.
    [4/5] Bonfire Keeper: For now- a gift. An emblem to mark the occasion. The start of this tale of ours.

    [+1 Emblem of the Bonfire]

    [5/5] Bonfire Keeper: Each bonfire lit will reward you a sum of emeralds, and every 7 will reward you a magical trinket. Happy hunting, friend!
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: Alright, we can do that. What would you like to speak about?
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: Very well, Would you like a single hearthflame, or would you like as many as you can carry?
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: ...It is done. Bring it to its proper resting place.
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: ...It is done. Bring them to their proper resting places.
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: ...Alright. You know where to go when you're ready.
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: ...There are no more hearthflames waiting here. Another will form in xx hours.
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: ...There are no more bonfires waiting to be lit, and no hearthflames waiting to be carried. You have done it all.
    [1/4] Bonfire Keeper: Oh- of course. You must take the hearthflames from this bonfire, and return them to their resting places, somewhere in this land.
    [2/4] Bonfire Keeper: The bonfires will only ever be within cities or towns, for that is where they must be to serve their purpose.
    [3/4] Bonfire Keeper: Use the Hearthkeeper's Staff to guide the way. You will be unable to use Teleportation Scrolls, so you may need to find alternative paths.
    [4/4] Bonfire Keeper: Place the hearthflames, and light the bonfires. You will be rewarded.
    [1/2] Bonfire Keeper: Rewards... right. You've lit x bonfires since you last asked.
    [2/2] Bonfire Keeper: As thanks for your work, I offer you this sum of emeralds.

    For every bonfire you light, the Bonfire Keeper will give you 9EB.
    [1/2] Bonfire Keeper: ...Oh, you've lit seven bonfires! That's a good amount of progress to have made.
    [2/2] Bonfire Keeper: As a reward, you may have this Bonfire Lily. May its warmth protect you from harm.

    [+1 Bonfire Lily]
    [1/2] Bonfire Keeper: Fourteen hearthflames brought to their resting places... This is good. It shouldn't be much longer.
    [2/2] Bonfire Keeper: As thanks for your aid, take this Guiding Flare. As you have lended me your aid, may it draw others to lend you theirs.

    [+1 Guiding Flare]
    [1/2] Bonfire Keeper: All twenty one bonfires have been lit... I can't thank you enough. I can only hope it'll be enough...
    [2/2] Bonfire Keeper: ...Oh, right. I promised a reward. I'll grant you... this Hearthflame Memory. It means quite a lot to me. I hope you'll take care of it.

    [+1 Hearthflame Memory]
    [1/6] Bonfire Keeper: ...In a sense, it's a way for me to offer aid to my brother- the Envoy.
    [2/6] Bonfire Keeper: They've been experiencing some... complications with their work. And it doesn't seem like these complications will stop anytime soon.
    [3/6] Bonfire Keeper: You'll see for yourself soon. Or, perhaps, you already have? I don't know for sure.
    [4/6] Bonfire Keeper: Either way- the bonfires are an attempt to make their job easier. They'll hopefully gather a majority of the loose roaming spirits...
    [5/6] Bonfire Keeper: ...and, at the same time, offer protection for the living under their magic. It won't be much, but it's something.
    [6/6] Bonfire Keeper: Perhaps there's another reason. There are stories that must be told out there... and if I can help with that, then I'll certainly do my best.
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: Very well, you know where to find me if you need any information.
    [1/2] Bonfire Keeper: Oh? Well, if you think it's interesting, I'm sure it's interesting too.
    [2/2] Bonfire Keeper: What did you find?
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: Ah, no worries. It's still always nice to have a conversation with a friend.
    [1/1] Bonfire Keeper: Well, it's always nice to talk to someone. Sit by the bonfire as long as you'd like, friend. You're always welcome here.

    The Hearthflame Hunt

    The Hearthflame Hunt is a daily task that requires you to bring the hearthflame provided by the Bonfire Keeper to any of one city or town in the whole game.

    Ragni (-856, 68, -1526)
    War's grasp over the citadel has weakened over the years... Ragni finds itself more defended than it has ever been.
    ...Accidents still happen, or course. A corrupted slips through... a loss which can never be forgotten.
    Elkurn (-9, 75, -1168)
    Living in a hotspot of magical activity has its benefits. Easy access for the sake of research.
    ...It holds its own dangers, of course. Those who remain remember the lost, then press onward.
    Bremminglar (679, 77, -2004)
    Bandits lie in wait along the twisting roads of the savannah. Encounters are rarely deadly...
    But rarely is not ever. For the victims... or the bandits.
    Lusuco (-200, 25, -362)
    A deep chill settles in the air, as day turns to night.
    The cold has long lost its sway over the inhabitants... but the hearthflame remembers those who could not adapt.
    Olux (-1807, 54, -5450)
    Loved ones, gone missing in the night. They search, and they search, and yet... find nothing.
    In the absence of resolution, they turn to certainty. A bonfire glows faintly with their sorrow.
    Almuj (862, 68, -1958)
    The desert heat is dangerous... but manageable. Travelers come prepared when passing through the sands. Fewer come prepared for the sandstorms.
    When the wind picks up and the air is filled with sand, finding a way to safety becomes impossible. Few survive the exposure.
    Gelibord (-1019, 54, -5237)
    There is no time to mourn the dead, here. Only the everpresent certainty of their return.
    Later, in the quiet evenings, they will remember. They will grieve. For now, though, they can only take action.
    Nemract (52, 39, -2223)
    There are many dangers in a sailor's line of work. The seas are cruel and uncaring, and the waves as deadly as they are beautiful.
    Those who do not return from their voyages are remembered by those who knew them, through stories told at late nights in the tavern.
    Bucie (-1515, 45, -4758)
    The Villager-Orc conflict has taken too many lives over its course. When the dust settles, and battles end for a time, both sides are left to mourn their losses.
    Lives lost in the pursuit of a needless conflict... what sense is there in such a thing? But they are remembered nonetheless.
    Corkus City (-1536, 69, -2901)
    With the rogue intelligence destroyed, and Corkus saved from rogue mechs, the people pay no mind to the loss of something already thought destroyed.
    All except for one. He does not mourn its loss as he would another person... but he feels it nonetheless.
    A loss of potential, perhaps. This is what he will choose to tell himself. He will not truly believe it.
    Thesead (737, 77, -5074)
    The miners pushed ever deeper into the mountain, in search of the ores buried in the stone. The bird falls still. They know what this means.
    They rush for escape, for the fresh air outside. Most of them make it alive. The others join the canary in its rest.
    Maltic (-506, 53, -1883)
    Though they deemed her an outcast - someone who would not be missed... the village seemed just a little emptier without her presence.
    None would say it aloud, though all were thinking it... perhaps they had made a mistake. Too little, too late.
    Pirate Town (-680, 77, -3121)
    A pirate's life is never easy. Death is always just around the corner, no matter how one tries to avoid it.
    And so, why fear it? They sail the sea without a care in the world, plundering as they go.
    And when a pirate finally falls, they are not mourned, but celebrated. Remembered for their acts in life, and not in death.
    Ternaves (744, 68, -1564)
    Life is quiet in the town. Though, it was built off of the framework of mining operations of years past, little of that culture still remains.
    ...There are, however, ghosts still buried in its roots. Death came for the miners, as the mineshafts crumbled. Never mourned, never honored.
    Ahmsord (1017, 117, -4488)
    The skyraiders have long been familiar with death, from the moment the land fractured. From the abyss below and in the clouds above, one's life is always at risk.
    The loss of a queen turned from a travesty into a regular occurrence as the years went on. Mourned briefly, before moving on.
    Llevigar (-1998, 78, -4486)
    The fateful voyage of discovery was not the first attempt to cross the raging oceans. Many people over thousands of years set off to seek a better future... and yet, all fell to the waves.
    The final voyage is remembered, yet the others are not.
    Thanos (176, 7, -5274)
    When the sky split open and the ground cracked and splintered a thousand years ago, dwarven rule over the canyon came to an end. The strongholds of the south were crushed and buried, leaving only the northernmost one standing.
    The countless lives lost were remembered and honored, for a time. But soon, the dwarves traveled eastward, and replaced their history with the new heroes and conquests of the Heights.
    Alekin (-165, 72, -1582)
    Over a hundred years ago, great burning fires engulfed the woods. The village was evacuated, but many remained to hold off the encroaching forces, and to buy others time.
    As the rain fell, and the flames extinguished, all that remained of the village was a greatly burned, but still standing tree. A symbol for the survivors.
    Efilim (-1092, 44, -4961)
    In the chaos following the Equinox, many dissenting voices were exiled from Aldorei. Some found refuge in the forests, guided by fairies to their new home.
    Not all were so lucky. As winter fell, and the gates remained closed, those outside the forest refuge fell to the elements. Only later, when the bodies were found, would Aldorei regret their decision.
    Rodoroc (1074, 14, -5191)
    The death of a dogun was rarely a surprise before the war. One's flame can never burn forever, but death is not the end when parts of one's self still burn on in others.
    And yet, as the dwarves arrived, they brought with them a truer form of loss. To be frozen and shattered was worse than an extinguished flame to the doguns.
    Isles of Fiction (-277, 37, -4017)
    Where once stood four, now remains but one. A loss which could not be forgotten
    This tale must be put to rest. Three have gone and three returned, deeply changed yet still the same.
    A story comes to a close, so a new one may finally begin.

    [This guide will be updated frequently, so check back every now and then]
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2024
  2. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    i think you mixed up days 1 and 2
  3. mrdragonboi

    mrdragonboi Dead weight since 2005 CHAMPION

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    Very great guide!
  4. Smellbo

    Smellbo Skilled Adventurer

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    I guess It's kinda fitting if you're not feeling it this time around, seeing how the Bonfire is a close analog to like Memorial Day, I swear all the lore for lighting the bonfires makes me so depressed, especially the one for Olux...
  5. lesbiansuwu

    lesbiansuwu Travelled Adventurer

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    Nice guide! Thanks :D
  6. Demondew

    Demondew Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    you know you can have multiple hearthflames right?
  7. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Yes, I do.
    AndriX3S likes this.
  8. AndriX3S

    AndriX3S \\☢☣ Jägermeister ☣☢// VIP

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    Lets bump this up, not over yet :) Thx btw for this guide.
  9. Sirburr

    Sirburr Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Next Bonfire is at -1090 43 -4964 in Efilim. Thank you for the guide! Been so helpful!
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